-- Example: Complex Example require "lib/postshader" require "lib/light" function initScene() -- physic world physicWorld = love.physics.newWorld(0, 9.81 * 64, true) wall1 = {} wall1.body = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, 400, 605, "static") wall1.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 800, 10) wall1.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(wall1.body, wall1.shape) wall2 = {} wall2.body = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, -5, 300, "static") wall2.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 10, 600) wall2.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(wall2.body, wall2.shape) wall3 = {} wall3.body = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, 805, 300, "static") wall3.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 10, 600) wall3.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(wall3.body, wall3.shape) wall4 = {} wall4.body = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, 400, -5, "static") wall4.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 800, 10) wall4.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(wall4.body, wall4.shape) phyCnt = 0 phyLight = {} phyBody = {} phyShape = {} phyFixture = {} end function love.load() love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0) love.graphics.setDefaultFilter("nearest", "nearest") -- load image font font = love.graphics.newImageFont("gfx/font.png", " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.,!?-+/():;%&`'*#=[]\"") love.graphics.setFont(font) -- set background quadScreen = love.graphics.newQuad(0, 0, love.window.getWidth() + 32, love.window.getHeight() + 24, 32, 24) imgFloor = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/floor.png") imgFloor:setWrap("repeat", "repeat") -- load image examples circle = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/circle.png") circle_normal = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/circle_normal.png") cone = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/cone.png") cone_large = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/cone_large.png") cone_large_normal = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/cone_large_normal.png") cone_normal = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/cone_normal.png") chest = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/chest.png") chest_normal = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/chest_normal.png") machine = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/machine.png") machine_normal = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/machine_normal.png") machine_glow = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/machine_glow.png") machine2 = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/machine2.png") machine2_normal = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/machine2_normal.png") machine2_glow = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/machine2_glow.png") blopp = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/blopp.png") tile = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/tile.png") tile_normal = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/tile_normal.png") tile_glow = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/tile_glow.png") refraction_normal = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/refraction_normal.png") water = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/water.png") led = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/led.png") led2 = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/led2.png") led3 = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/led3.png") led_normal = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/led_normal.png") led_glow = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/led_glow.png") led_glow2 = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/led_glow2.png") led_glow3 = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/led_glow3.png") ape = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/ape.png") ape_normal = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/ape_normal.png") ape_glow = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/ape_glow.png") imgLight = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/light.png") -- materials material = {} local files = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems("gfx/sphere") for i, file in ipairs(files) do material[i] = love.graphics.newImage("gfx/sphere/" .. file) end -- light world lightRange = 400 lightSmooth = 1.0 lightWorld = love.light.newWorld() lightWorld.setAmbientColor(15, 15, 31) lightWorld.setRefractionStrength(16.0) lightWorld.setReflectionVisibility(0.75) mouseLight = lightWorld.newLight(0, 0, 255, 191, 127, lightRange) mouseLight.setGlowStrength(0.3) mouseLight.setSmooth(lightSmooth) mouseLight.z = 63 lightDirection = 0.0 colorAberration = 0.0 -- init physic world initScene() helpOn = false physicOn = false lightOn = true gravityOn = 1 shadowBlur = 2.0 bloomOn = 0.25 textureOn = true normalOn = false glowBlur = 1.0 effectOn = 0.0 offsetX = 0.0 offsetY = 0.0 offsetOldX = 0.0 offsetOldY = 0.0 offsetChanged = false tileX = 0 tileY = 0 end function love.update(dt) love.window.setTitle("Light vs. Shadow Engine (FPS:" .. love.timer.getFPS() .. ")") mouseLight.setPosition(love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY(), 16.0 + (math.sin(lightDirection) + 1.0) * 64.0) mx = love.mouse.getX() my = love.mouse.getY() lightDirection = lightDirection + dt colorAberration = math.max(0.0, colorAberration - dt * 10.0) if love.keyboard.isDown("w") then for i = 1, phyCnt do if phyBody[i] then phyBody[i]:applyForce(0, -2000) end end elseif love.keyboard.isDown("s") then for i = 1, phyCnt do if phyBody[i] then phyBody[i]:applyForce(0, 2000) end end end if love.keyboard.isDown("a") then for i = 1, phyCnt do if phyBody[i] then phyBody[i]:applyForce(-2000, 0) end end elseif love.keyboard.isDown("d") then for i = 1, phyCnt do if phyBody[i] then phyBody[i]:applyForce(2000, 0) end end end if love.keyboard.isDown("up") then offsetY = offsetY + dt * 200 elseif love.keyboard.isDown("down") then offsetY = offsetY - dt * 200 end if love.keyboard.isDown("left") then offsetX = offsetX + dt * 200 elseif love.keyboard.isDown("right") then offsetX = offsetX - dt * 200 end if offsetX ~= offsetOldX or offsetY ~= offsetOldY then offsetChanged = true for i = 2, lightWorld.getLightCount() do lightWorld.setLightPosition(i, lightWorld.getLightX(i) + (offsetX - offsetOldX), lightWorld.getLightY(i) + (offsetY - offsetOldY)) end else offsetChanged = false end for i = 1, lightWorld.getLightCount() do lightWorld.setLightDirection(i, lightDirection) end tileX = tileX + dt * 32.0 tileY = tileY + dt * 8.0 for i = 1, phyCnt do if phyBody[i] and (phyBody[i]:isAwake() or offsetChanged) then if offsetChanged then phyBody[i]:setX(phyBody[i]:getX() + (offsetX - offsetOldX)) phyBody[i]:setY(phyBody[i]:getY() + (offsetY - offsetOldY)) end if phyLight[i].getType() == "polygon" then phyLight[i].setPoints(phyBody[i]:getWorldPoints(phyShape[i]:getPoints())) elseif phyLight[i].getType() == "circle" then phyLight[i].setPosition(phyBody[i]:getX(), phyBody[i]:getY()) elseif phyLight[i].getType() == "image" then phyLight[i].setPosition(phyBody[i]:getX(), phyBody[i]:getY()) elseif phyLight[i].getType() == "refraction" then --phyLight[i].setPosition(phyBody[i]:getX(), phyBody[i]:getY()) end end if phyLight[i].getType() == "refraction" then --if math.mod(i, 2) == 0 then phyLight[i].setNormalTileOffset(tileX, tileY) --end if offsetChanged then phyLight[i].setPosition(phyLight[i].getX() + (offsetX - offsetOldX), phyLight[i].getY() + (offsetY - offsetOldY)) end end end if physicOn then physicWorld:update(dt) end offsetOldX = offsetX offsetOldY = offsetY end function love.draw() -- update lightmap (don't need deltatime) if lightOn then lightWorld.update() end -- set shader buffer if bloomOn then love.postshader.setBuffer("render") end love.graphics.setBlendMode("alpha") if normalOn then love.graphics.setColor(127, 127, 255) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, love.graphics.getWidth(), love.graphics.getHeight()) else love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) if textureOn then love.graphics.draw(imgFloor, quadScreen, offsetX % 32 - 32, offsetY % 24 - 24) else love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, love.graphics.getWidth(), love.graphics.getHeight()) end end for i = 1, phyCnt do if phyLight[i].getType() == "refraction" then if not normalOn then --if math.mod(i, 2) == 0 then love.graphics.setBlendMode("alpha") love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 191) love.graphics.draw(water, phyLight[i].x - phyLight[i].ox, phyLight[i].y - phyLight[i].oy) --else --love.graphics.setBlendMode("multiplicative") --math.randomseed(i) --love.graphics.setColor(math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255)) --love.graphics.rectangle("fill", phyLight[i].x - phyLight[i].ox, phyLight[i].y - phyLight[i].oy, 128, 128) --end end end end -- draw lightmap shadows if lightOn and not normalOn then lightWorld.drawShadow() end for i = 1, phyCnt do math.randomseed(i) love.graphics.setColor(math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255)) if phyLight[i].getType() == "polygon" then love.graphics.polygon("fill", phyLight[i].getPoints()) elseif phyLight[i].getType() == "circle" then love.graphics.circle("fill", phyLight[i].getX(), phyLight[i].getY(), phyLight[i].getRadius()) end end -- draw lightmap shine if lightOn and not normalOn then lightWorld.drawShine() end love.graphics.setBlendMode("alpha") for i = 1, phyCnt do if phyLight[i].getType() == "image" then if normalOn and phyLight[i].normal then love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255) love.graphics.draw(phyLight[i].normal, phyLight[i].x - phyLight[i].nx, phyLight[i].y - phyLight[i].ny) elseif not phyLight[i].material then math.randomseed(i) love.graphics.setColor(math.random(127, 255), math.random(127, 255), math.random(127, 255)) love.graphics.draw(phyLight[i].img, phyLight[i].x - phyLight[i].ix, phyLight[i].y - phyLight[i].iy) end end end if not normalOn then lightWorld.drawMaterial() end -- draw pixel shadow if lightOn and not normalOn then lightWorld.drawPixelShadow() end -- draw glow if lightOn and not normalOn then lightWorld.drawGlow() end -- draw reflection lightWorld.drawReflection() -- draw refraction lightWorld.drawRefraction() love.graphics.draw(imgLight, mx - 5, (my - 5) - (16.0 + (math.sin(lightDirection) + 1.0) * 64.0)) -- draw help if helpOn then love.graphics.setBlendMode("alpha") love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 191) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, 0, love.graphics.getWidth(), 44) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 0, love.graphics.getHeight() - 68, 240, 68) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", love.graphics.getWidth() - 244, love.graphics.getHeight() - 84, 244, 84) love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0) love.graphics.print("F1: Help (on)", 4 + 152 * 0, 4) if physicOn then love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0) love.graphics.print("F2: Physic (on)", 4 + 152 * 1, 4) else love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0) love.graphics.print("F2: Physic (off)", 4 + 152 * 1, 4) end if lightOn then love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0) love.graphics.print("F3: Light (on)", 4 + 152 * 2, 4) else love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0) love.graphics.print("F3: Light (off)", 4 + 152 * 2, 4) end if gravityOn == 1.0 then love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0) love.graphics.print("F4: Gravity (on)", 4 + 152 * 3, 4) else love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0) love.graphics.print("F4: Gravity (off)", 4 + 152 * 3, 4) end if shadowBlur >= 1.0 then love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0) love.graphics.print("F5: Shadowblur (" .. shadowBlur .. ")", 4 + 152 * 4, 4) else love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0) love.graphics.print("F5: Shadowblur (off)", 4 + 152 * 4, 4) end if bloomOn > 0.0 then love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0) love.graphics.print("F6: Bloom (" .. (bloomOn * 4) .. ")", 4 + 152 * 0, 4 + 20 * 1) else love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0) love.graphics.print("F6: Bloom (off)", 4 + 152 * 0, 4 + 20 * 1) end if textureOn then love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0) love.graphics.print("F7: Texture (on)", 4 + 152 * 1, 4 + 20 * 1) else love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0) love.graphics.print("F7: Texture (off)", 4 + 152 * 1, 4 + 20 * 1) end if normalOn then love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0) love.graphics.print("F8: Normal (on)", 4 + 152 * 2, 4 + 20 * 1) else love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0) love.graphics.print("F8: Normal (off)", 4 + 152 * 2, 4 + 20 * 1) end if glowBlur >= 1.0 then love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0) love.graphics.print("F9: Glow Blur (" .. glowBlur .. ")", 4 + 152 * 3, 4 + 20 * 1) else love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0) love.graphics.print("F9: Glow Blur (off)", 4 + 152 * 3, 4 + 20 * 1) end if effectOn >= 1.0 then love.graphics.setColor(0, 255, 0) love.graphics.print("F10: Effects (" .. effectOn .. ")", 4 + 152 * 4, 4 + 20 * 1) else love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0) love.graphics.print("F10: Effects (off)", 4 + 152 * 4, 4 + 20 * 1) end love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 255) love.graphics.print("F11: Clear obj.", 4 + 152 * 4, 4 + 20 * 2) love.graphics.print("F12: Clear lights", 4 + 152 * 4, 4 + 20 * 3) love.graphics.setColor(0, 127, 255) love.graphics.print("WASD Keys: Move objects", 4, love.graphics.getHeight() - 20 * 3) love.graphics.print("Arrow Keys: Move map", 4, love.graphics.getHeight() - 20 * 2) love.graphics.print("0-9 Keys: Add object", 4, love.graphics.getHeight() - 20 * 1) love.graphics.setColor(255, 127, 0) love.graphics.print("M.left: Add cube", love.graphics.getWidth() - 240, love.graphics.getHeight() - 20 * 4) love.graphics.print("M.middle: Add light", love.graphics.getWidth() - 240, love.graphics.getHeight() - 20 * 3) love.graphics.print("M.right: Add circle", love.graphics.getWidth() - 240, love.graphics.getHeight() - 20 * 2) love.graphics.print("M.scroll: Change smooth", love.graphics.getWidth() - 240, love.graphics.getHeight() - 20 * 1) love.graphics.setColor(255, 127, 0) else love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 191) love.graphics.print("F1: Help", 4, 4) end -- draw shader if colorAberration > 0.0 then -- vert / horz blur love.postshader.addEffect("blur", 2.0, 2.0) love.postshader.addEffect("chromatic", math.sin(lightDirection * 10.0) * colorAberration, math.cos(lightDirection * 10.0) * colorAberration, math.cos(lightDirection * 10.0) * colorAberration, math.sin(lightDirection * 10.0) * -colorAberration, math.sin(lightDirection * 10.0) * colorAberration, math.cos(lightDirection * 10.0) * -colorAberration) end if bloomOn > 0.0 then -- blur, strength love.postshader.addEffect("bloom", 2.0, bloomOn) end if effectOn == 1.0 then love.postshader.addEffect("4colors", {15, 56, 15}, {48, 98, 48}, {139, 172, 15}, {155, 188, 15}) --love.postshader.addEffect("4colors", {108, 108, 78}, {142, 139, 87}, {195, 196, 165}, {227, 230, 201}) elseif effectOn == 2.0 then love.postshader.addEffect("monochrom") elseif effectOn == 3.0 then love.postshader.addEffect("scanlines") elseif effectOn == 4.0 then love.postshader.addEffect("tiltshift", 4.0) end love.postshader.draw() end function love.mousepressed(x, y, c) if c == "m" then -- add light local r = lightWorld.getLightCount() % 3 local light if r == 0 then light = lightWorld.newLight(x, y, 31, 127, 63, lightRange) elseif r == 1 then light = lightWorld.newLight(x, y, 127, 63, 31, lightRange) else light = lightWorld.newLight(x, y, 31, 63, 127, lightRange) end light.setSmooth(lightSmooth) light.setGlowStrength(0.3) elseif c == "l" then -- add rectangle math.randomseed(love.timer.getTime()) phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newPolygon() phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, x, y, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, math.random(32, 64), math.random(32, 64)) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) elseif c == "r" then -- add circle math.randomseed(love.timer.getTime()) cRadius = math.random(8, 32) phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newCircle(x, y, cRadius) phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, x, y, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newCircleShape(0, 0, cRadius) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) elseif c == "wu" then if lightSmooth < 4.0 then lightSmooth = lightSmooth * 1.1 mouseLight.setSmooth(lightSmooth) end elseif c == "wd" then if lightSmooth > 0.5 then lightSmooth = lightSmooth / 1.1 mouseLight.setSmooth(lightSmooth) end end end function love.keypressed(k, u) -- debug options if k == "f1" then helpOn = not helpOn elseif k == "f2" then physicOn = not physicOn elseif k == "f3" then lightOn = not lightOn elseif k == "f4" then gravityOn = 1 - gravityOn physicWorld:setGravity(0, gravityOn * 9.81 * 64) elseif k == "f5" then shadowBlur = math.max(1, shadowBlur * 2.0) if shadowBlur > 8.0 then shadowBlur = 0.0 end lightWorld.setBlur(shadowBlur) elseif k == "f6" or k == "b" then bloomOn = math.max(0.25, bloomOn * 2.0) if bloomOn > 1.0 then bloomOn = 0.0 end elseif k == "f7" then textureOn = not textureOn elseif k == "f8" then normalOn = not normalOn elseif k == "f9" then glowBlur = glowBlur + 1.0 if glowBlur > 8.0 then glowBlur = 0.0 end lightWorld.setGlowStrength(glowBlur) elseif k == "f10" then effectOn = effectOn + 1.0 if effectOn > 4.0 then effectOn = 0.0 end elseif k == "f11" then physicWorld:destroy() lightWorld.clearBodys() initScene() elseif k == "f12" then lightWorld.clearLights() mouseLight = lightWorld.newLight(0, 0, 255, 191, 127, lightRange) mouseLight.setGlowStrength(0.3) mouseLight.setSmooth(lightSmooth) elseif k == "1" then -- add image phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newImage(circle, mx, my) phyLight[phyCnt].setNormalMap(circle_normal) phyLight[phyCnt].setShadowType("circle", 16) phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, mx, my, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 32, 32) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) elseif k == "2" then local r = lightWorld.getBodyCount() % 2 if r == 0 then -- add image phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newImage(cone, mx, my, 24, 12, 12, 16) phyLight[phyCnt].setNormalMap(cone_normal) phyLight[phyCnt].setShadowType("circle", 12, 0, -8) phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, mx, my, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 24, 32) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) elseif r == 1 then -- add image phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newImage(chest, mx, my, 32, 24, 16, 0) phyLight[phyCnt].setNormalMap(chest_normal) phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, mx, my, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 32, 24) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) end elseif k == "3" then -- add image local r = lightWorld.getBodyCount() % #material phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newImage(ape, mx, my, 160, 128, 80, 64) phyLight[phyCnt].setNormalMap(ape_normal) if r == 3 then phyLight[phyCnt].setGlowMap(ape_glow) end phyLight[phyCnt].setMaterial(material[r + 1]) phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, mx, my, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 32, 24) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) phyLight[phyCnt].setShadowType("image", 0, -16, 0.0) elseif k == "4" then -- add glow image local r = lightWorld.getBodyCount() % 5 if r == 0 then phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newImage(machine, mx, my, 32, 24, 16, 0) phyLight[phyCnt].setNormalMap(machine_normal) phyLight[phyCnt].setGlowMap(machine_glow) phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, mx, my, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 32, 24) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) elseif r == 1 then phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newImage(machine2, mx, my, 24, 12, 12, -4) phyLight[phyCnt].setNormalMap(machine2_normal) phyLight[phyCnt].setGlowMap(machine2_glow) phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, mx, my, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 24, 32) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) elseif r == 2 then phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newImage(led, mx, my, 32, 6, 16, -8) phyLight[phyCnt].setNormalMap(led_normal) phyLight[phyCnt].setGlowMap(led_glow) phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, mx, my, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 32, 6) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) elseif r == 3 then phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newImage(led2, mx, my, 32, 6, 16, -8) phyLight[phyCnt].setNormalMap(led_normal) phyLight[phyCnt].setGlowMap(led_glow2) phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, mx, my, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 32, 6) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) elseif r == 4 then phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newImage(led3, mx, my, 32, 6, 16, -8) phyLight[phyCnt].setNormalMap(led_normal) phyLight[phyCnt].setGlowMap(led_glow3) phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, mx, my, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 32, 6) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) end elseif k == "5" then -- add image phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newImage(cone_large, mx, my, 24, 128, 12, 64) phyLight[phyCnt].setNormalMap(cone_large_normal) phyLight[phyCnt].setShadowType("image", 0, -6, 0.0) phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, mx, my, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 24, 32) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) elseif k == "6" then -- add image phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newImage(blopp, mx, my, 42, 16, 21, 0) phyLight[phyCnt].generateNormalMapGradient("gradient", "gradient") phyLight[phyCnt].setAlpha(0.5) phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, mx, my, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 42, 29) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) elseif k == "7" then -- add image phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newImage(tile, mx, my) phyLight[phyCnt].setHeightMap(tile_normal, 2.0) phyLight[phyCnt].setGlowMap(tile_glow) phyLight[phyCnt].setShadow(false) phyLight[phyCnt].reflective = false phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, mx, my, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 64, 64) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) elseif k == "8" then -- add rectangle phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newPolygon() phyLight[phyCnt].setAlpha(0.5) phyLight[phyCnt].setGlowStrength(1.0) phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, mx, my, "dynamic") math.randomseed(love.timer.getTime()) phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, math.random(32, 64), math.random(32, 64)) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) math.randomseed(phyCnt) phyLight[phyCnt].setGlowColor(math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255)) math.randomseed(phyCnt) phyLight[phyCnt].setColor(math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255)) elseif k == "9" then -- add circle math.randomseed(love.timer.getTime()) cRadius = math.random(8, 32) phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newCircle(mx, my, cRadius) phyLight[phyCnt].setAlpha(0.5) phyLight[phyCnt].setGlowStrength(1.0) math.randomseed(phyCnt) phyLight[phyCnt].setGlowColor(math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255)) math.randomseed(phyCnt) phyLight[phyCnt].setColor(math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255), math.random(0, 255)) phyBody[phyCnt] = love.physics.newBody(physicWorld, mx, my, "dynamic") phyShape[phyCnt] = love.physics.newCircleShape(0, 0, cRadius) phyFixture[phyCnt] = love.physics.newFixture(phyBody[phyCnt], phyShape[phyCnt]) phyFixture[phyCnt]:setRestitution(0.5) elseif k == "0" then phyCnt = phyCnt + 1 phyLight[phyCnt] = lightWorld.newRefraction(refraction_normal, mx, my) phyLight[phyCnt].setReflection(true) elseif k == "l" then -- add light local r = lightWorld.getLightCount() % 3 local light if r == 0 then light = lightWorld.newLight(mx, my, 31, 127, 63, lightRange) elseif r == 1 then light = lightWorld.newLight(mx, my, 127, 63, 31, lightRange) else light = lightWorld.newLight(mx, my, 31, 63, 127, lightRange) end light.setSmooth(lightSmooth) light.setGlowStrength(0.3) math.randomseed(love.timer.getTime()) light.setAngle(math.random(1, 5) * 0.1 * math.pi) elseif k == "c" then if colorAberration == 0.0 then colorAberration = 3.0 end end end