local LightWorld = require "lib" local sti = require 'examples.vendor.sti' local lightWorld, map, image_normal, lightMouse local function load() -- create light world lightWorld = LightWorld({ambient = {0.49, 0.49, 0.49}}) map = sti.new("examples/img/sti/map.lua") image_normal = love.graphics.newImage("examples/img/sti/border_NRM.png") -- create light lightMouse = lightWorld:newLight(0, 0, 1, 0.49, 0.24, 300) lightMouse:setGlowStrength(0.3) -- create light blocking bodies for sections of the map -- create walls lightWorld:newRectangle(400, 32, 800, 64):setNormalMap(image_normal, 800, 64) lightWorld:newRectangle(32, 272, 64, 416):setNormalMap(image_normal, 64, 416) lightWorld:newRectangle(400, 464, 800, 32):setNormalMap(image_normal, 800, 32) lightWorld:newRectangle(784, 272, 32, 416):setNormalMap(image_normal, 32, 416) -- create blocks lightWorld:newRectangle(224, 256, 128, 124):setNormalMap(image_normal, 128, 124) lightWorld:newRectangle(592, 224, 224, 64):setNormalMap(image_normal, 224, 64) end local function update(dt) love.window.setTitle("Light vs. Shadow Engine (FPS:" .. love.timer.getFPS() .. ")") map:update(dt) lightWorld:update(dt) lightMouse:setPosition(love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY()) end local function draw() love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(1, 1, 1) lightWorld:draw(function() map:draw() end) end return { load = load, mousepressed = mousepressed, update = update, draw = draw, }