-- -- lovebird -- -- Copyright (c) 2017 rxi -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it -- under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details. -- local socket = require "socket" local lovebird = { _version = "0.4.2" } lovebird.loadstring = loadstring or load lovebird.inited = false lovebird.host = "*" lovebird.buffer = "" lovebird.lines = {} lovebird.connections = {} lovebird.pages = {} lovebird.wrapprint = true lovebird.timestamp = true lovebird.allowhtml = false lovebird.echoinput = true lovebird.port = 8000 lovebird.whitelist = { "" } lovebird.maxlines = 200 lovebird.updateinterval = .5 lovebird.pages["index"] = [[ lovebird
]] lovebird.pages["buffer"] = [[ ]] lovebird.pages["env.json"] = [[ { "valid": true, "path": "", "vars": [ { "key": "", "value": , "type": "", }, ] } ]] function lovebird.init() -- Init server lovebird.server = assert(socket.bind(lovebird.host, lovebird.port)) lovebird.addr, lovebird.port = lovebird.server:getsockname() lovebird.server:settimeout(0) -- Wrap print lovebird.origprint = print if lovebird.wrapprint then local oldprint = print print = function(...) oldprint(...) lovebird.print(...) end end -- Compile page templates for k, page in pairs(lovebird.pages) do lovebird.pages[k] = lovebird.template(page, "lovebird, req", "pages." .. k) end lovebird.inited = true end function lovebird.template(str, params, chunkname) params = params and ("," .. params) or "" local f = function(x) return string.format(" echo(%q)", x) end str = ("?>"..str.."(.-)<%?lua", f) str = "local echo " .. params .. " = ..." .. str local fn = assert(lovebird.loadstring(str, chunkname)) return function(...) local output = {} local echo = function(str) table.insert(output, str) end fn(echo, ...) return table.concat(lovebird.map(output, tostring)) end end function lovebird.map(t, fn) local res = {} for k, v in pairs(t) do res[k] = fn(v) end return res end function lovebird.trace(...) local str = "[lovebird] " .. table.concat(lovebird.map({...}, tostring), " ") print(str) if not lovebird.wrapprint then lovebird.print(str) end end function lovebird.unescape(str) local f = function(x) return string.char(tonumber("0x"..x)) end return (str:gsub("%+", " "):gsub("%%(..)", f)) end function lovebird.parseurl(url) local res = {} res.path, res.search = url:match("/([^%?]*)%??(.*)") res.query = {} for k, v in res.search:gmatch("([^&^?]-)=([^&^#]*)") do res.query[k] = lovebird.unescape(v) end return res end function lovebird.htmlescape(str) return ( str:gsub("<", "<") ) end function lovebird.truncate(str, len) if #str <= len then return str end return str:sub(1, len - 3) .. "..." end function lovebird.compare(a, b) local na, nb = tonumber(a), tonumber(b) if na then if nb then return na < nb end return false elseif nb then return true end return tostring(a) < tostring(b) end function lovebird.checkwhitelist(addr) if lovebird.whitelist == nil then return true end for _, a in pairs(lovebird.whitelist) do local ptn = "^" .. a:gsub("%.", "%%."):gsub("%*", "%%d*") .. "$" if addr:match(ptn) then return true end end return false end function lovebird.clear() lovebird.lines = {} lovebird.buffer = "" end function lovebird.pushline(line) line.time = os.time() line.count = 1 table.insert(lovebird.lines, line) if #lovebird.lines > lovebird.maxlines then table.remove(lovebird.lines, 1) end lovebird.recalcbuffer() end function lovebird.recalcbuffer() local function doline(line) local str = line.str if not lovebird.allowhtml then str = lovebird.htmlescape(line.str):gsub("\n", "
") end if line.type == "input" then str = '' .. str .. '' else if line.type == "error" then str = '! ' .. str str = '' .. str .. '' end if line.count > 1 then str = '' .. line.count .. ' ' .. str end if lovebird.timestamp then str = os.date('%H:%M:%S ', line.time) .. str end end return str end lovebird.buffer = table.concat(lovebird.map(lovebird.lines, doline), "
") end function lovebird.print(...) local t = {} for i = 1, select("#", ...) do table.insert(t, tostring(select(i, ...))) end local str = table.concat(t, " ") local last = lovebird.lines[#lovebird.lines] if last and str == last.str then -- Update last line if this line is a duplicate of it last.time = os.time() last.count = last.count + 1 lovebird.recalcbuffer() else -- Create new line lovebird.pushline({ type = "output", str = str }) end end function lovebird.onerror(err) lovebird.pushline({ type = "error", str = err }) if lovebird.wrapprint then lovebird.origprint("[lovebird] ERROR: " .. err) end end function lovebird.onrequest(req, client) local page = req.parsedurl.path page = page ~= "" and page or "index" -- Handle "page not found" if not lovebird.pages[page] then return "HTTP/1.1 404\r\nContent-Length: 8\r\n\r\nBad page" end -- Handle page local str xpcall(function() local data = lovebird.pages[page](lovebird, req) str = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" .. "Content-Length: " .. #data .. "\r\n" .. "\r\n" .. data end, lovebird.onerror) return str end function lovebird.receive(client, pattern) while 1 do local data, msg = client:receive(pattern) if not data then if msg == "timeout" then -- Wait for more data coroutine.yield(true) else -- Disconnected -- yielding nil means we're done coroutine.yield(nil) end else return data end end end function lovebird.send(client, data) local idx = 1 while idx < #data do local res, msg = client:send(data, idx) if not res and msg == "closed" then -- Handle disconnect coroutine.yield(nil) else idx = idx + res coroutine.yield(true) end end end function lovebird.onconnect(client) -- Create request table local requestptn = "(%S*)%s*(%S*)%s*(%S*)" local req = {} req.socket = client req.addr, req.port = client:getsockname() req.request = lovebird.receive(client, "*l") req.method, req.url, req.proto = req.request:match(requestptn) req.headers = {} while 1 do local line, msg = lovebird.receive(client, "*l") if not line or #line == 0 then break end local k, v = line:match("(.-):%s*(.*)$") req.headers[k] = v end if req.headers["Content-Length"] then req.body = lovebird.receive(client, req.headers["Content-Length"]) end -- Parse body req.parsedbody = {} if req.body then for k, v in req.body:gmatch("([^&]-)=([^&^#]*)") do req.parsedbody[k] = lovebird.unescape(v) end end -- Parse request line's url req.parsedurl = lovebird.parseurl(req.url) -- Handle request; get data to send and send local data = lovebird.onrequest(req) lovebird.send(client, data) -- Clear up client:close() end function lovebird.update() if not lovebird.inited then lovebird.init() end -- Handle new connections while 1 do -- Accept new connections local client = lovebird.server:accept() if not client then break end client:settimeout(0) local addr = client:getsockname() if lovebird.checkwhitelist(addr) then -- Connection okay -- create and add coroutine to set local conn = coroutine.wrap(function() xpcall(function() lovebird.onconnect(client) end, function() end) end) lovebird.connections[conn] = true else -- Reject connection not on whitelist lovebird.trace("got non-whitelisted connection attempt: ", addr) client:close() end end -- Handle existing connections for conn in pairs(lovebird.connections) do -- Resume coroutine, remove if it has finished local status = conn() if status == nil then lovebird.connections[conn] = nil end end end return lovebird