diff --git a/src/htmlparser.lua b/src/htmlparser.lua
index c029eb5..c43cd6b 100644
--- a/src/htmlparser.lua
+++ b/src/htmlparser.lua
@@ -1,163 +1,255 @@
-- vim: ft=lua ts=2 sw=2
+-- Syntactic Sugar {{{
+local function rine(val) -- Return (val) If it's Not Empty (non-zero-length)
+ return (val and #val>0) and val
+local function rit(a) -- Return (a) If it's Table
+ return (type(a) == "table") and a
+local noop = function() end
local esc = function(s) return string.gsub(s, "([%^%$%(%)%%%.%[%]%*%+%-%?])", "%%" .. "%1") end
local str = tostring
local char = string.char
-local err = function(s) io.stderr:write(s) end
-local out = function(s) io.stdout:write(s) end
-local ElementNode = require("htmlparser.ElementNode")
-local voidelements = require("htmlparser.voidelements")
+local opts = rit(htmlparser_opts) or {} -- needed for silent/noerr/noout/nonl directives, also needed to be defined before `require` in such case
+local prn = opts.silent and noop or function(l,f,...)
+ local fd = (l=="i") and "stdout" or "stderr"
+ local t = (" [%s] "):format(l:upper())
+ io[fd]
+ :write('[HTMLParser]'..t..f:format(...)
+ ..(opts.nonl or "\n")
+ )
+local err = opts.noerr and noop or function(f,...) prn("e",f,...) end
+local out = opts.noout and noop or function(f,...) prn("i",f,...) end
+local line = debug and function(lvl) return debug.getinfo(lvl or 2).currentline end or noop
+local dbg = opts.debug and function(f,...) prn("d",f:gsub("#LINE#",str(line(3))),...) end or noop
+-- }}}
+-- Requires {{{
+local ElementNode = require"htmlparser.ElementNode"
+local voidelements = require"htmlparser.voidelements"
local HtmlParser = {}
+local function parse(text,limit) -- {{{
+ local opts = rine(opts) -- use top-level opts-table (the one, defined before requiring the module), if exists
+ or rit(htmlparser_opts) -- or defined after requiring (but before calling `parse`)
+ or {} -- fallback otherwise
+ opts.looplimit = opts.looplimit or htmlparser_looplimit
-local tpr = {
- -- Here we're replacing confusing sequences
- -- (things looking like tags, but appearing where tags can't)
- -- with definitelly invalid utf sequence, and later we'll replace them back
- ["<"] = char(208,209,208,209),
- [">"] = char(209,208,209,208),
-local function parse(text,limit)
- local text=str(text)
- local limit = limit or htmlparser_looplimit or 1000
+ local text = str(text)
+ local limit = limit or opts.looplimit or 1000
local tpl = false
- local function g(id,...)
- local arg={...}
- arg[id]=tpr[arg[id]]
- tpl=true
- return table.concat(arg)
- end
+ if not opts.keep_comments then -- Strip (or not) comments {{{
+ text = text:gsub("","") -- Many chances commented code will have syntax errors, that'll lead to parser failures
+ end -- }}}
- text = text
- :gsub(
- "(<)"..
- "([^>]-)"..
- "(<)",
- function(...)return g(3,...)end
- ):gsub(
- "("..tpr["<"]..")"..
- "([^%w%s])"..
- "([^%2]-)"..
- "(%2)"..
- "(>)"..
- "([^>]-)"..
- "(>)",
- function(...)return g(5,...)end
- ):gsub(
- [=[(['"])]=]..
- [=[([^'">%s]-)]=]..
- "(>)"..
- [=[([^'">%s]-)]=]..
- [=[(['"])]=],
- function(...)return g(3,...)end
- )
+ local tpr={}
+ if not opts.keep_danger_placeholders then -- {{{ little speedup by cost of potential parsing breakages
+ -- search unused "invalid" bytes {{{
+ local busy,i={},0;
+ repeat -- {{{
+ local cc = char(i)
+ if not(text:match(cc)) then -- {{{
+ if not(tpr["<"]) or not(tpr[">"]) then -- {{{
+ if not(busy[i]) then -- {{{
+ if not(tpr["<"]) then -- {{{
+ tpr["<"] = cc;
+ elseif not(tpr[">"]) then
+ tpr[">"] = cc;
+ end -- }}}
+ busy[i] = true
+ dbg("c:{%s}||cc:{%d}||tpr[c]:{%s}",str(c),cc:byte(),str(tpr[c]))
+ dbg("busy[i]:{%s},i:{%d}",str(busy[i]),i)
+ dbg("[FindPH]:#LINE# Success! || i=%d",i)
+ else -- if !busy
+ dbg("[FindPH]:#LINE# Busy! || i=%d",i)
+ end -- if !busy -- }}}
+ dbg("c:{%s}||cc:{%d}||tpr[c]:{%s}",c,cc:byte(),str(tpr[c]))
+ dbg("%s",str(busy[i]))
+ else -- if < or >
+ dbg("[FindPH]:#LINE# Done!",i)
+ break
+ end -- if < or > -- }}}
+ else -- text!match(cc)
+ dbg("[FindPH]:#LINE# Text contains this byte! || i=%d",i)
+ end -- text!match(cc) -- }}}
+ local skip=1
+ if i==31 then
+ skip=96 -- ASCII
+ end
+ i=i+skip
+ until (i==255) -- }}}
+ i=nil
+ --- }}}
+ if not(tpr["<"]) or not(tpr[">"]) then
+ err("Impossible to find at least two unused byte codes in this HTML-code. We need it to escape bracket-contained placeholders inside tags.")
+ err("Consider enabling 'keep_danger_placeholders' option (to silence this error, if parser wasn't failed with current HTML-code) or manually replace few random bytes, to free up the codes.")
+ else
+ dbg("[FindPH]:#LINE# Found! || '<'=%d, '>'=%d",tpr["<"]:byte(),tpr[">"]:byte())
+ end
+-- dbg("tpr[>] || tpr[] || #busy%d")
+ -- g {{{
+ local function g(id,...)
+ local arg={...}
+ local orig=arg[id]
+ arg[id]=arg[id]:gsub("(.)",tpr)
+ if arg[id] ~= orig then
+ tpl=true
+ dbg("[g]:#LINE# orig: %s", str(orig))
+ dbg("[g]:#LINE# replaced: %s",str(arg[id]))
+ end
+ dbg("[g]:#LINE# called, id: %s, arg[id]: %s, args { "..(("{%s}, "):rep(#arg):gsub(", $","")).." }",id,arg[id],...)
+ dbg("[g]:#LINE# concat(arg): %s",table.concat(arg))
+ return table.concat(arg)
+ end
+ -- g }}}
+ -- templaters {{{
+ text=text:gsub(
+ [=[(=[%s]-)(['"])]=].. -- only match attr.values, and not random strings between two random quoting marks
+ [=[([^%2<>]+)]=]..
+ [=[([^%2>]-)]=]..
+ [=[(%2)]=],
+ function(...)return g(4,...)end
+ ) -- Escape "<" inside attr.values (see issue #50)
+ text=text:gsub(
+ [=[(=[%s]-)(['"])]=].. -- only match attr.values, and not random strings between two random quoting marks
+ [=[([^%2<>]+)]=]..
+ [=[([^%2<]-)]=]..
+ [=[(%2)]=],
+ function(...)return g(4,...)end
+ ) -- Escape ">" inside attr.values (see issue #50)
+ text = text:gsub(
+ "(<[^!])".. -- Comments aren't templaters placeholders
+ "([^>]-)"..
+ "(>)",
+ function(...)return g(2,...)end
+ ) -- scan for a second "<", inside "<>" (if it shows before ">"), until it inside the comment or CDATA
+ text=text:gsub(
+ "("..tpr["<"]..")"..
+ "([^%w%s])"..
+ "([^%2]-)"..
+ "(%2)"..
+ "(>)"..
+ "([^>]-)"..
+ "(>)", -- Comments and CDATA aren't templaters placeholders
+ function(...)return g(5,...)end
+ ) -- try to find matching ">" for previous replace
+ -- templaters }}}
+ end -- }}}
local index = 0
local root = ElementNode:new(index, str(text))
local node, descend, tpos, opentags = root, true, 1, {}
- while true do
- if index == limit then
- err("[HTMLParser] [ERR] Main loop reached loop limit ("..limit.."). Please, consider increasing it or check the code for errors")
- break
- end
+ while true do -- MainLoop {{{
+ if index == limit then -- {{{
+ err("Main loop reached loop limit (%d). Consider either increasing it or checking HTML-code for syntax errors", limit)
+ break
+ end -- }}}
+ -- openstart/tpos Definitions {{{
local openstart, name
openstart, tpos, name = root._text:find(
"<" .. -- an uncaptured starting "<"
"([%w-]+)" .. -- name = the first word, directly following the "<"
"[^>]*>", -- include, but not capture everything up to the next ">"
+ dbg("[MainLoop]:#LINE# openstart=%s || tpos=%s || name=%s",str(openstart),str(tpos),str(name))
+ -- }}}
if not name then break end
+ -- Some more vars {{{
index = index + 1
- local tag = ElementNode:new(index, str(name), node, descend, openstart, tpos)
+ local tag = ElementNode:new(index, str(name), (node or {}), descend, openstart, tpos)
node = tag
local tagloop
local tagst, apos = tag:gettext(), 1
- while true do
- if tagloop == limit then
- err("[HTMLParser] [ERR] tag parsing loop reached loop limit ("..limit.."). Please, consider increasing it or check the code for errors")
+ -- }}}
+ while true do -- TagLoop {{{
+ if tagloop == limit then -- {{{
+ err("Tag parsing loop reached loop limit (%d). Consider either increasing it or checking HTML-code for syntax errors", limit)
- end
- local start, k, eq, quote, v
- start, apos, k, eq, quote = tagst:find(
+ end -- }}}
+ -- Attrs {{{
+ local start, k, eq, quote, v, zsp
+ start, apos, k, zsp, eq, zsp, quote = tagst:find(
"%s+" .. -- some uncaptured space
"([^%s=/>]+)" .. -- k = an unspaced string up to an optional "=" or the "/" or ">"
+ "([%s]-)".. -- zero or more spaces
"(=?)" .. -- eq = the optional; "=", else ""
- "(['\"]?)", -- quote = an optional "'" or '"' following the "=", or ""
+ "([%s]-)".. -- zero or more spaces
+ [=[(['"]?)]=], -- quote = an optional "'" or '"' following the "=", or ""
+ dbg("[TagLoop]:#LINE# start=%s || apos=%s || k=%s || zsp='%s' || eq='%s', quote=[%s]",str(start),str(apos),str(k),str(zsp),str(eq),str(quote))
+ -- }}}
if not k or k == "/>" or k == ">" then break end
+ -- Pattern {{{
if eq == "=" then
- pattern = "=([^%s>]*)"
+ local pattern = "=([^%s>]*)"
if quote ~= "" then
pattern = quote .. "([^" .. quote .. "]*)" .. quote
start, apos, v = tagst:find(pattern, apos)
+ dbg("[TagLoop]:#LINE# start=%s || apos=%s || v=%s || pattern=%s",str(start),str(apos),str(v),str(pattern))
+ -- }}}
v=v or ""
- if tpl then
+ if tpl then -- {{{
for rk,rv in pairs(tpr) do
- v = v:gsub(rv,rk)
+ v = v:gsub(rv,rk)
+ dbg("[TagLoop]:#LINE# rv=%s || rk=%s",str(rv),str(rk))
- end
+ end -- }}}
+ dbg("[TagLoop]:#LINE# k=%s || v=%s",str(k),str(v))
tag:addattribute(k, v)
tagloop = (tagloop or 0) + 1
- if voidelements[tag.name:lower()] then
+ -- }}}
+ if voidelements[tag.name:lower()] then -- {{{
descend = false
opentags[tag.name] = opentags[tag.name] or {}
table.insert(opentags[tag.name], tag)
+ -- }}}
local closeend = tpos
local closingloop
- while true do
+ while true do -- TagCloseLoop {{{
if closingloop == limit then
- err("[HTMLParser] [ERR] tag closing loop reached loop limit ("..limit.."). Please, consider increasing it or check the code for errors")
+ err("Tag closing loop reached loop limit (%d). Consider either increasing it or checking HTML-code for syntax errors", limit)
local closestart, closing, closename
closestart, closeend, closing, closename = root._text:find("[^<]*<(/?)([%w-]+)", closeend)
+ dbg("[TagCloseLoop]:#LINE# closestart=%s || closeend=%s || closing=%s || closename=%s",str(closestart),str(closeend),str(closing),str(closename))
if not closing or closing == "" then break end
tag = table.remove(opentags[closename] or {}) or tag -- kludges for the cases of closing void or non-opened tags
closestart = root._text:find("<", closestart)
+ dbg("[TagCloseLoop]:#LINE# closestart=%s",str(closestart))
tag:close(closestart, closeend + 1)
node = tag.parent
descend = true
closingloop = (closingloop or 0) + 1
- end
- end
- if tpl then
+ end -- }}}
+ end -- }}}
+ if tpl then -- {{{
+ dbg("tpl")
for k,v in pairs(tpr) do
root._text = root._text:gsub(v,k)
- end
+ end -- }}}
return root
+end -- }}}
HtmlParser.parse = parse
return HtmlParser
diff --git a/src/htmlparser/ElementNode.lua b/src/htmlparser/ElementNode.lua
index 381fb90..0c39901 100644
--- a/src/htmlparser/ElementNode.lua
+++ b/src/htmlparser/ElementNode.lua
@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ function ElementNode:new(index, nameortext, node, descend, openstart, openend)
table.insert(node.nodes, instance)
instance.root = node.root
- instance.parent = node.parent
+ instance.parent = node.parent or node --XXX: adds some safety but needs more testing for heisenbugs in corner cases
instance.level = node.level
- table.insert(node.parent.nodes, instance)
+ table.insert((node.parent and node.parent.nodes or node.nodes), instance) --XXX: see above about heisenbugs
return setmetatable(instance, ElementNode.mt)