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2011-08-07 22:07:02 +00:00
-- middleclass.lua - v2.0 (2011-08)
-- Enrique Garcia Cota - enrique.garcia.cota [AT] gmail [DOT] com
-- Based on YaciCode, from Julien Patte and LuaObject, from Sebastien Rocca-Serra
local _nilf = function() end -- empty function
local _classes = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"})
function checkClass(theClass, methodName)
assert(_classes[theClass], "Make sure that you are using 'Class:" .. methodName .. "' instead of 'Class." .. methodName .. "')")
Object = {
name = "Object", __mixins = {}, __classDict = {}, __instanceDict = {},
__metamethods = { '__add', '__call', '__concat', '__div', '__le', '__lt',
'__mod', '__mul', '__pow', '__sub', '__tostring', '__unm' }
setmetatable(Object, {
__tostring = function() return "class Object" end
function Object:allocate()
checkClass(self, 'allocate')
return setmetatable({ class = self }, self.__instanceDict)
-- register Object on the list of classes.
-- creates the instance based of the class, but doesn't initialize it
function Object.allocate(theClass)
return setmetatable({ class = theClass }, theClass.__classDict)
-- both creates and initializes an instance
function Object.new(theClass, ...)
local instance = theClass:allocate()
return instance
_classes[Object] = true
function Object:subclass(name)
local theSubClass = { name = name, superclass = self, __classDict = {}, __mixins={} }
return theSubClass
-- creates a subclass
function Object.subclass(theClass, name)
assert(_classes[theClass], "Use Class:subclass instead of Class.subclass")
assert( type(name)=="string", "You must provide a name(string) for your class")
local theSubClass = { name = name, superclass = theClass, __classDict = {}, __mixins={} }
local dict = theSubClass.__classDict -- classDict contains all the [meta]methods of the class
dict.__index = dict -- It "points to itself" so instances can use it as a metatable.
local superDict = theClass.__classDict -- The superclass' classDict
setmetatable(dict, superDict) -- when a method isn't found on classDict, 'escalate upwards'.
setmetatable(theSubClass, {
__index = dict, -- look for stuff on the dict
__newindex = function(_, methodName, method) -- ensure that __index isn't modified by mistake
assert(methodName ~= '__index', "Can't modify __index. Include middleclass-extras.Indexable and use 'index' instead")
rawset(dict, methodName , method)
__tostring = function() return ("class ".. name) end, -- allows tostring(MyClass)
__call = function(_, ...) return theSubClass:new(...) end -- allows MyClass(...) instead of MyClass:new(...)
for _,mmName in ipairs(theClass.__metamethods) do -- Creates the initial metamethods
dict[mmName]= function(...) -- by default, they just 'look up' for an implememtation
local method = superDict[mmName] -- and if none found, they throw an error
assert( type(method)=='function', tostring(theSubClass) .. " doesn't implement metamethod '" .. mmName .. "'" )
return method(...)
theSubClass.initialize = function(instance,...) theClass.initialize(instance, ...) end
_classes[theSubClass]= true -- registers the new class on the list of _classes
theClass:subclassed(theSubClass) -- hook method. By default it does nothing
return theSubClass
-- Mixin extension function - simulates very basically ruby's include. Receives a table table, probably with functions.
-- Its contents are copied to theClass, with one exception: the included() method will be called instead of copied
function Object.include(theClass, mixin, ... )
assert(_classes[theClass], "Use class:include instead of class.include")
assert(type(mixin)=='table', "mixin must be a table")
for methodName,method in pairs(mixin) do
if methodName ~="included" then theClass[methodName] = method end
if type(mixin.included)=="function" then mixin:included(theClass, ... ) end
theClass.__mixins[mixin] = mixin
return theClass
-- Returns true if aClass is a subclass of other, false otherwise
function subclassOf(other, aClass)
if not _classes[aClass] or not _classes[other] then return false end
if aClass.superclass==nil then return false end -- aClass is Object, or a non-class
return aClass.superclass == other or subclassOf(other, aClass.superclass)
-- Returns true if obj is an instance of aClass (or one of its subclasses) false otherwise
function instanceOf(aClass, obj)
if not _classes[aClass] or type(obj)~='table' or not _classes[obj.class] then return false end
if obj.class==aClass then return true end
return subclassOf(aClass, obj.class)
-- Returns true if the mixin has already been included on a class (or a superclass)
function includes(mixin, aClass)
if not _classes[aClass] then return false end
if aClass.__mixins[mixin]==mixin then return true end
return includes(mixin, aClass.superclass)
-- Creates a new class named 'name'. Uses Object if no baseClass is specified.
function class(name, baseClass, ...)
baseClass = baseClass or Object
return baseClass:subclass(name, ...)