Added __classDict in order to make the super() function work.

made has been renamed to instanceOf and made an external function
subclassOf has been made an external function
This commit is contained in:
kikito 2009-11-06 16:09:35 +00:00
parent e81eed41c9
commit 27841298d6

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@ -4,91 +4,95 @@
-- Based on YaciCode, from Julien Patte and LuaObject, from Sébastien Rocca-Serra
local classes = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"}) -- weak table storing references to all declared classes
-- The 'Object' class
Object = {
name = "Object",
superclass = nil,
subclassOf = function(class, other) return false end, -- Object inherits from nothing
__tostring = function(instance) return ("instance of ".. end,
-- Inverse of instance.instanceOf(class). This never fails - class.made(1) will return false,
-- but 1.instanceOf(class) will return an error
made = function(class, obj)
if type(obj)~="table" or type(obj.class)~="table" then return false end
local c = obj.class
if c==class then return true end
if type(c)~="table" or type(c.subclassOf)~="function" then return false end
return c:subclassOf(class)
-- create a new instance
new = function (class, ...)
local instance = setmetatable({ class = class }, class) -- the class is the instance's metatable
Object = { name = "Object",
-- creates a new instance
new = function(class, ...)
assert(classes[class]~=nil, "Use class:new instead of")
--FIXME add events here
local instance = setmetatable({ class = class }, class.__classDict) -- the class dictionary is the instance's metatable
return instance
-- creates a subclass
subclass = function(superclass, name)
function Object.subclass(superclass, name)
assert(classes[superclass]~=nil, "Use class:subclass instead of class.subclass")
if type(name)~="string" then name = "Unnamed" end
local theClass = {
name = name,
superclass = superclass,
subclassOf = function(class, other) return (superclass==other or superclass:subclassOf(other)) end
-- This may sound weird. Since:
-- a) the class is the instances' metatable (so it must have an __index for looking up the methods) and
-- b) The instance methods are in theClass, then ...
theClass.__index = theClass
local theClass = { name = name, superclass = superclass, __classDict = {} }
local classDict = theClass.__classDict
-- additionally, set the metatable for theClass
-- This one is weird. Since:
-- a) the class dict is the instances' metatable (so it must have an __index for looking up the methods) and
-- b) The instance methods are in the class dict itself, then ...
classDict.__index = classDict
-- if a method isn't found on the class dict, look on its super class
setmetatable(classDict, {__index = superclass.__classDict} )
-- theClass also needs some metamethods
setmetatable(theClass, {
__index = superclass, -- classes look up methods on their superclass
__newindex = function(class, methodName, method) -- when adding new methods, include a "super" function
__index = classDict, -- this allows using classDic as a class method AND instance method dict
__newindex = function(_, methodName, method) -- when adding new methods, include a "super" function
if type(method) == 'function' then
print('adding super to ' .. .. '.' .. methodName)
local superFunc = function(self, ...)
print( .. '.' ..methodName)
return superclass[methodName](self, ...)
local fenv = getfenv(method)
local newenv = setmetatable({super = superFunc}, {__index = fenv, __newindex = fenv})
method = setfenv(method, newenv)
local super = function(instance, ...) return superclass[methodName](instance, ...) end --super function
local fenv = getfenv(method) -- the method's environment
local newenv = setmetatable( {super = super}, {__index=fenv, __newindex=fenv} ) -- the new method's env, with super
setfenv(method, newenv)
rawset(class, methodName, method)
rawset(classDict, methodName, method)
__tostring = function() return ("class ".. name) end,
__call =
-- instance methods go after the setmetatable, so we can use "super"
theClass.init = function(instance,...) super(self) end
theClass.instanceOf = function(instance, class) return class:made(instance) end
theClass.init = function(instance,...) super(instance) end
classes[theClass]=theClass --registers the new class on the list of classes
return theClass
-- Mixin extension function - simulates very basically ruby's include(module)
-- module is a lua table of functions. The functions will be copied to the class
-- if present in the module, the included() method will be called
includes = function(self, module)
includes = function(class, module)
assert(classes[class]~=nil, "Use class:includes instead of class.includes")
for methodName,method in pairs(module) do
if methodName ~="included" then self[methodName] = method end
if methodName ~="included" then class[methodName] = method end
if type(module.included)=="function" then module:included(self) end
if type(module.included)=="function" then module:included(class) end
-- end of the init() call chain
init = function(instance, ...) end
classes[Object]=Object -- adds Object to the list of classes
Object.__classDict = {
init = function(instance, ...) end, -- end of the init() call chain
instanceOf = function(instance, class) return class:made(instance) end, --instanceOf definition (less secure than class:made)
__tostring = function(instance) return ("instance of ".. end
setmetatable(Object, {
__index = Object.__classDict,
__newindex = Object.__classDict,
__tostring = function() return ("class Object") end,
__call = newInstance
__call =
-- Returns true if class is a subclass of other, false otherwise
function subclassOf(other, class)
if class.superclass==nil then return false end --class is Object, or a non-class
return class.superclass == other or class.superclass:subclassOf(other)
-- Returns true if obj is an instance of class (or one of its subclasses) false otherwise
function instanceOf(class, obj)
if obj==nil or classes[class]==nil or classes[obj.class]==nil then return false end
if obj.class==class then return true end
return subclassOf(class, obj.class)
function class(name, baseClass)
baseClass = baseClass or Object