require('MiddleClass') context( 'Object', function() context( 'When creating a direct subclass of Object', function() context( 'using Object:subclass("name")', function() local MyClass = Object:subclass('MyClass') test( 'should have its name correctly set up', function() assert_equal(, 'MyClass') end) test( 'should have Object as its superclass', function() assert_equal(MyClass.superclass, Object) end) end) context( 'When no name is given', function() test( 'should throw an error', function() assert_false( pcall(Object.subclass, Object) ) end) end) end) context( 'An instance attribute', function() local Person = class('Person') function Person:initialize(name) super.initialize(self) = name end local AgedPerson = class('AgedPerson', Person) function AgedPerson:initialize(name, age) super.initialize(self, name) self.age = age end test('should be available after being initialized', function() local bob = Person:new('bob') assert_equal(, 'bob') end) test('should be available after being initialized by a superclass', function() local pete = AgedPerson:new('pete', 31) assert_equal(, 'pete') assert_equal(pete.age, 31) end) end) context( 'An instance method', function() local A = class('A') function A:foo() return 'foo' end function A:bar() return 'bar' end local B = class('B', A) function B:foo() return 'baz' end local a = A:new() local b = B:new() test('should be available for any instance', function() assert_equal(a:foo(), 'foo') end) test('should be inheritable', function() assert_equal(b:bar(), 'bar') end) test('should be overridable', function() assert_equal(b:foo(), 'baz') end) end) context( 'A super call', function() local Level0 = Object:subclass('Level0') function Level0:initialize() self.type = self:getType() end function Level0:getType() return 'level0' end function Level0:getNumber() return 10 end local Level1 = Level0:subclass('Level1') function Level1:initialize() super.initialize(self) end function Level1:getType() return 'level1' end local Level2 = Level1:subclass('Level2') function Level2:initialize() super.initialize(self) end function Level2:getType() return 'level2' end -- Calling super.getNumber(self) on a Level2 object skips Level1 -- (since it's not overriden here) and calls Level0:getNumber() function Level2:getNumber() return super.getNumber(self) + 1 end local level0 = Level0:new() local level1 = Level1:new() local level2 = Level2:new() test('should jump accross classes when not defined on the middle one', function() assert_equal(level2:getNumber(), 11) end) test('should use the appropiate versions of each method on every level', function() assert_equal(level0.type, 'level0') assert_equal(level1.type, 'level1') assert_equal(level2.type, 'level2') end) end) context( 'A class attribute', function() local A = class('A') = 'foo' local B = class('B', A) test('should be available after being initialized', function() assert_equal(, 'foo') end) test('should be available for subclasses', function() assert_equal(, 'foo') end) test('should be overridable by subclasses, without affecting the superclasses', function() = 'chunky bacon' assert_equal(, 'chunky bacon') assert_equal(, 'foo') end) end) context( 'A class method', function() local A = class('A') function return 'foo' end local B = class('B', A) test('should be available after being initialized', function() assert_equal(A:foo(), 'foo') end) test('should be available for subclasses', function() assert_equal(B:foo(), 'foo') end) test('should be overridable by subclasses, without affecting the superclasses', function() function return 'chunky bacon' end assert_equal(B:foo(), 'chunky bacon') assert_equal(A:foo(), 'foo') end) end) context( 'A Mixin', function() local Class1 = class('Class1') local Mixin = {} function Mixin:included(theClass) theClass.includesMixin = true end function Mixin:foo() return 'foo' end function Mixin:bar() return 'bar' end Class1:include(Mixin) Class2 = class('Class2', Class1) function Class2:foo() return 'baz' end test('should invoke the "included" method when included', function() assert_true(Class1.includesMixin) end) test('should have all its functions (except "included") copied to its target class', function() assert_equal(Class1:foo(), 'foo') assert_equal(Class1.included, nil) end) test('should make its functions available to subclasses', function() assert_equal(Class2:bar(), 'bar') end) test('should allow overriding of methods on subclasses', function() assert_equal(Class2:foo(), 'baz') end) end) context( 'Metamethods', function() context('Custom Metamethods', function() -- Tests all metamethods. Note that __len is missing (lua makes table length unoverridable) -- I'll use a() to note the length of vector "a" (I would have preferred to use #a, but it's not possible) -- I'll be using 'a' instead of 'self' on this example since it is shorter local Vector= class('Vector') function Vector.initialize(a,x,y,z) a.x, a.y, a.z = x,y,z end function Vector.__tostring(a) return .. '[' .. a.x .. ',' .. a.y .. ',' .. a.z .. ']' end function Vector.__eq(a,b) return a.x==b.x and a.y==b.y and a.z==b.z end function Vector.__lt(a,b) return a() < b() end function Vector.__le(a,b) return a() <= b() end function Vector.__add(a,b) return Vector:new(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y ,a.z+b.z) end function Vector.__sub(a,b) return Vector:new(a.x-b.x, a.y-b.y, a.z-b.z) end function Vector.__div(a,s) return Vector:new(a.x/s, a.y/s, a.z/s) end function Vector.__unm(a) return Vector:new(-a.x, -a.y, -a.z) end function Vector.__concat(a,b) return a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y+a.z*b.z end function Vector.__call(a) return math.sqrt(a.x*a.x+a.y*a.y+a.z*a.z) end function Vector.__pow(a,b) return Vector:new(a.y*b.z-a.z*b.y,a.z*b.x-a.x*b.z,a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x) end function Vector.__mul(a,b) if type(b)=="number" then return Vector:new(a.x*b, a.y*b, a.z*b) end if type(a)=="number" then return Vector:new(a*b.x, a*b.y, a*b.z) end end function Vector.length(a) return math.sqrt(a.x*a.x+a.y*a.y+a.z*a.z) end local a = Vector:new(1,2,3) local b = Vector:new(2,4,6) for metamethod,values in pairs({ __tostring = { tostring(a), "Vector[1,2,3]" }, __eq = { a, a}, __lt = { a