require('MiddleClass') context( 'class', function() context( 'When creating a class', function() context( 'using class("name")', function() local TheClass = class('TheClass') test( 'it should have the correct name', function() assert_equal(, 'TheClass') end) test( 'it should have Object as their superclass', function() assert_equal(TheClass.superclass, Object) end) end) context( 'using class("name", AClass)', function() local TheSuperClass = class('TheSuperClass') local TheSubClass = class('TheSubClass', TheSuperClass) test( 'it should have the correct superclass', function() assert_equal(TheSubClass.superclass, TheSuperClass) end) end) context( 'using no name', function() test( 'class() should throw an error', function() assert_error(class) end) end) end) end)