require('MiddleClass') require('MindState') context( 'StatefulObject', function() context('A State', function() test('should require 3 parameters when subclassed', function() assert_error(function() State:subclass() end) assert_error(function() State:subclass('meh') end) end) test('Super calls should work correctly', function() local SuperClass = class('SuperClass', StatefulObject) function SuperClass:foo() return 'foo' end local RootClass = class('RootClass', SuperClass) local State1 = RootClass:addState('State1') function State1:foo() return( .. 'state1') end local State2 = RootClass:addState('State2', State1) function State2:foo() return( .. 'state2') end local obj = RootClass:new() obj:gotoState('State1') assert_equal(obj:foo(), 'foostate1') obj:gotoState('State2') assert_equal(obj:foo(), 'foostate1state2') end) end) context('A stateful class', function() local Warrior = class('Warrior', StatefulObject) local WarriorIddle, WarriorWalking context('When adding a new state', function() test('should not throw errors', function() assert_not_error(function() WarriorIddle = Warrior:addState('Iddle') end) function WarriorIddle:speak() return 'iddle' end end) test('should return the existing state if it already exists', function() assert_equal(Warrior:addState('Iddle'), WarriorIddle) assert_equal(Warrior:addState('Iddle'), Warrior.states.Iddle) end) test('should work with superstates', function() assert_not_error(function() WarriorWalking = Warrior:addState('Walking', WarriorIddle) end) function WarriorWalking:walk() return 'tap tap tap' end local novita = Warrior:new() novita:gotoState('Walking') assert_equal(novita:speak(), 'iddle') -- inherited from Warrioriddle assert_equal(novita:walk(), 'tap tap tap') assert_true(subclassOf(WarriorIddle, WarriorWalking)) end) end) context('When subclassing', function() local Vehicle = class('Vehicle', StatefulObject) Vehicle:addState('Parked') function Vehicle.states.Parked:getStatus() return 'stopped' end local Tank = class('Tank', Vehicle) test('The subclass should inherit the superclass states', function() assert_true(subclassOf(Vehicle.states.Parked, Tank.states.Parked)) panzer = Tank:new() panzer:gotoState('Parked') assert_equal(panzer:getStatus(), 'stopped') end) end) context('When including a mixin', function() local Class1 = class('Class1', StatefulObject) local State1 = Class1:addState('State1') function State1:foo() return 'state1' end local Mixin = { included = function(mixin, theClass) theClass.includesMixin = true end, foo = function() return 'mixin' end, states = { State1 = { bar = function() return 'bar' end }, State2 = { foo = function() return 'state2' end } } } Class1:include(Mixin) local obj = Class1:new() test('should invoke the "included" method when included', function() assert_true(Class1.includesMixin) end) test('should have all its functions (except "included") copied to its target class', function() assert_equal(Class1:foo(), 'mixin') assert_equal(Class1.included, nil) end) test('should have new states', function() assert_true(subclassOf(State, Class1.states.State2)) obj:gotoState('State2') assert_equal(obj:foo(), 'state2') end) test('existing states should be modified', function() assert_true(includes(Mixin.states.State1, Class1.states.State1)) obj:gotoState('State1') assert_equal(obj:foo(), 'state1') assert_equal(obj:bar(), 'bar') end) end) end) context('A stateful instance', function() local Enemy = class('Enemy', StatefulObject) function Enemy:getStatus() return 'none' end local EnemyIddle = Enemy:addState('Iddle') function EnemyIddle:enterState() self.enteredIddle = true end function EnemyIddle:getStatus() return 'iddling' end local Goblin = class('Goblin', Enemy) local GoblinIddle = Goblin:addState('Iddle') function GoblinIddle:getStatus() return 'me bored boss' end function GoblinIddle:exitState() self.exitedIddle = true end function GoblinIddle:pausedState() self.pausedIddle = true end function GoblinIddle:poppedState() self.poppedIddle = true end function GoblinIddle:continuedState() self.continuedIddle = true end local GoblinAttacking = Goblin:addState('Attacking') function GoblinAttacking:pushedState() self.pushedAttacking = true end function GoblinAttacking:enterState() self.enteredAttacking = true end function GoblinAttacking:shout() return 'gnaaa!' end function GoblinAttacking:poppedState() self.poppedAttacking = true end context('When it goes from one state to another', function() local albert = Enemy:new() albert:gotoState('Iddle') local chester = Goblin:new() chester:gotoState('Iddle') test('should not throw an error for a valid state name', function() assert_not_error(function() chester:gotoState('Attacking') end) assert_equal(chester:shout(), 'gnaaa!') end) test('should throw an error for an invalid state name', function() assert_error(function() albert:gotoState('Sleeping') end) end) test('should be able to go to the nil-state', function() assert_not_error(function() albert:gotoState(nil) end) assert_equal(albert:getStatus(), 'none') end) test('enterState callbacks should be called, if existing', function() assert_true(albert.enteredIddle) assert_true(chester.enteredIddle) end) test('exitState callbacks should be called, if existing', function() assert_nil(albert.exitedIddle) assert_true(chester.exitedIddle) end) end) context('When pushing states', function() local andrew = Enemy:new() local ian = Goblin:new() test('should error if the statename is invalid', function() assert_error(function() andrew:pushState(nil) end) assert_error(function() andrew:pushState('Sleeping') end) end) test('should correctly push valid states, without errors', function() assert_not_error(function() ian:pushState('Iddle') end) assert_not_error(function() ian:pushState('Attacking') end) assert_equal(ian:shout(), 'gnaaa!') assert_equal(ian:getStatus(), 'me bored boss') end) test('pushing the same state several times should not throw errors', function() assert_not_error(function() andrew:pushState('Iddle') end) assert_not_error(function() andrew:pushState('Iddle') end) end) test('enterState callbacks should be called, if existing', function() assert_true(andrew.enteredIddle) assert_true(ian.enteredIddle) end) test('pushedState callbacks should be called, if existing', function() assert_nil(andrew.pushedAttacking) assert_true(ian.pushedAttacking) end) test('pausedState callbacks should be called, if existing', function() assert_nil(andrew.pausedIddle) assert_true(ian.pausedIddle) end) end) context('When popping states', function() local renfield = Goblin:new() -- reset vlad and renfield before each test before(function() renfield = Goblin:new() end) test('should be able to pop states by name, calling callbacks', function() renfield:pushState('Iddle') renfield:pushState('Attacking') assert_not_error(function() renfield:popState('Iddle') end) assert_equal(renfield:getStatus(), 'none') assert_equal(renfield:shout(), 'gnaaa!') assert_true(renfield.poppedIddle) assert_true(renfield.exitedIddle) end) test('should be able to pop the top state, with appropiate callbacks', function() renfield:pushState('Iddle') renfield:pushState('Attacking') assert_not_error(function() renfield:popState() end) assert_equal(renfield:getStatus(), 'me bored boss') assert_error(function() renfield:shout() end) assert_true(renfield.poppedAttacking) assert_true(renfield.continuedIddle) end) test('popping the same state several times should not throw errors, and call no callbacks', function() renfield:pushState('Iddle') renfield:popState('Iddle') renfield.poppedIddle = nil assert_not_error(function() renfield:popState('Iddle') end) assert_nil(renfield.poppedIddle) end) test('popping inexistant states should not throw errors', function() assert_not_error(function() renfield:popState('Foo') end) end) test('popAllStates should work correctly and invoke all required callbacks', function() renfield:pushState('Iddle') renfield:pushState('Attacking') assert_not_error(function() renfield:popAllStates() end) assert_true(renfield.poppedAttacking) assert_true(renfield.continuedIddle) assert_true(renfield.poppedIddle) assert_true(renfield.exitedIddle) end) end) context('When testing whether it is on one state', function() local igor = Goblin:new() test('should return true if the state is on the top of the stack', function() igor:gotoState('Iddle') assert_true(igor:isInState('Iddle')) end) test('should return true if the state is on the stack and "testStateStack" is true', function() igor:pushState('Attacking') assert_true(igor:isInState('Attacking')) assert_true(igor:isInState('Iddle', true)) end) test('should return false otherwise', function() assert_false(igor:isInState(nil)) assert_false(igor:isInState('Foo', true)) end) end) context('When getting the current state name', function() local peppy = Goblin:new() test('should return nil when on nil-state', function() assert_nil(peppy:getCurrentStateName()) end) test('should return the top-of-the-stack statename otherwise', function() peppy:pushState('Iddle') assert_equal(peppy:getCurrentStateName(), 'Iddle') peppy:pushState('Attacking') assert_equal(peppy:getCurrentStateName(), 'Attacking') end) end) end) -- context 'An Instance' end)