local class = require 'middleclass' local it = require('busted').it local describe = require('busted').describe local before_each = require('busted').before_each local assert = require('busted').assert describe('Lua 5.3 Metamethods', function() local Vector, a, b, last_gc before_each(function() Vector= class('Vector') function Vector.initialize(a,x,y,z) a.x, a.y, a.z = x,y,z end function Vector.__eq(a,b) return a.x==b.x and a.y==b.y and a.z==b.z end function Vector.__pairs(a) local t = {x=a.x,y=a.y,z=a.z} return coroutine.wrap(function() for k,v in pairs(t) do coroutine.yield(k,v) end end) end function Vector.__len(a) return 3 end function Vector.__gc(a) last_gc = {a.class.name, a.x, a.y, a.z} end function Vector.__band(a,n) return a.class:new(a.x & n, a.y & n, a.z & n) end function Vector.__bor(a,n) return a.class:new(a.x | n, a.y | n, a.z | n) end function Vector.__bxor(a,n) return a.class:new(a.x ~ n, a.y ~ n, a.z ~ n) end function Vector.__shl(a,n) return a.class:new(a.x << n, a.y << n, a.z << n) end function Vector.__shr(a,n) return a.class:new(a.x >> n, a.y >> n, a.z >> n) end function Vector.__bnot(a) return a.class:new(~a.x, ~a.y, ~a.z) end a = Vector:new(1,2,3) b = Vector:new(2,4,6) end) it('implements __gc', function() collectgarbage() a = nil collectgarbage() assert.are.same(last_gc, {"Vector",1,2,3}) end) it('implements __band', function() assert.equal(a & 1, Vector(1,0,1)) end) it('implements __bor', function() assert.equal(a | 0, Vector(1,2,3)) end) it('implements __bxor', function() assert.equal(a | 1, Vector(1,3,3)) end) it('implements __shl', function() assert.equal(a << 1, Vector(2,4,6)) end) it('implements __shr', function() assert.equal(a >> 1, Vector(0,1,1)) end) it('implements __bnot', function() assert.equal(~a, Vector(-2,-3,-4)) end) describe('Inherited Metamethods', function() local Vector2, c, d before_each(function() Vector2= class('Vector2', Vector) function Vector2:initialize(x,y,z) Vector.initialize(self,x,y,z) end c = Vector2:new(1,2,3) d = Vector2:new(2,4,6) end) it('implements __gc', function() collectgarbage() c = nil collectgarbage() assert.are.same(last_gc, {"Vector2",1,2,3}) end) it('implements __band', function() assert.equal(c & 1, Vector2(1,0,1)) end) it('implements __bor', function() assert.equal(c | 0, Vector2(1,2,3)) end) it('implements __bxor', function() assert.equal(c | 1, Vector2(1,3,3)) end) it('implements __shl', function() assert.equal(c << 1, Vector2(2,4,6)) end) it('implements __shr', function() assert.equal(c >> 1, Vector2(0,1,1)) end) it('implements __bnot', function() assert.equal(~c, Vector2(-2,-3,-4)) end) end) end)