local class = require 'middleclass' local function is_lua_5_2_compatible() return type(rawlen) == 'function' end local function is_lua_5_3_compatible() return type(string.unpack) == 'function' end if is_lua_5_2_compatible() then require 'spec/metamethods_lua_5_2' end if is_lua_5_3_compatible() then require 'spec.metamethods_lua_5_3' end describe('Metamethods', function() describe('Custom Metamethods', function() local Vector, v, w before_each(function() Vector= class('Vector') function Vector.initialize(a,x,y,z) a.x, a.y, a.z = x,y,z end function Vector.__tostring(a) return a.class.name .. '[' .. a.x .. ',' .. a.y .. ',' .. a.z .. ']' end function Vector.__eq(a,b) return a.x==b.x and a.y==b.y and a.z==b.z end function Vector.__lt(a,b) return a() < b() end function Vector.__le(a,b) return a() <= b() end function Vector.__add(a,b) return a.class:new(a.x+b.x, a.y+b.y ,a.z+b.z) end function Vector.__sub(a,b) return a.class:new(a.x-b.x, a.y-b.y, a.z-b.z) end function Vector.__div(a,s) return a.class:new(a.x/s, a.y/s, a.z/s) end function Vector.__unm(a) return a.class:new(-a.x, -a.y, -a.z) end function Vector.__concat(a,b) return a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y+a.z*b.z end function Vector.__call(a) return math.sqrt(a.x*a.x+a.y*a.y+a.z*a.z) end function Vector.__pow(a,b) return a.class:new(a.y*b.z-a.z*b.y,a.z*b.x-a.x*b.z,a.x*b.y-a.y*b.x) end function Vector.__mul(a,b) if type(b)=="number" then return a.class:new(a.x*b, a.y*b, a.z*b) end if type(a)=="number" then return b.class:new(a*b.x, a*b.y, a*b.z) end end Vector.__metatable = "metatable of a vector" Vector.__mode = "k" v = Vector:new(1,2,3) w = Vector:new(2,4,6) end) it('implements __tostring', function() assert.equal(tostring(v), "Vector[1,2,3]") end) it('implements __eq', function() assert.equal(v, v) end) it('implements __lt', function() assert.is_true(v < w) end) it('implements __le', function() assert.is_true(v <= w) end) it('implements __add', function() assert.equal(v+w, Vector(3,6,9)) end) it('implements __sub', function() assert.equal(w-v, Vector(1,2,3)) end) it('implements __div', function() assert.equal(w/2, Vector(1,2,3)) end) it('implements __concat', function() assert.equal(v..w, 28) end) it('implements __call', function() assert.equal(v(), math.sqrt(14)) end) it('implements __pow', function() assert.equal(v^w, Vector(0,0,0)) end) it('implements __mul', function() assert.equal(4*v, Vector(4,8,12)) end) it('implements __metatable', function() assert.equal("metatable of a vector", getmetatable(v)) end) it('implements __mode', function() v[{}] = true collectgarbage() for k in pairs(v) do assert.not_table(k) end end) it('instance should have a table __index if not overrided', function() assert.is_true(type(debug.getmetatable(v).__index) == 'table') end) --[[ it('implements __index', function() assert.equal(b[1], 3) end) --]] describe('Inherited Metamethods', function() local Vector2, v2, w2 before_each(function() Vector2= class('Vector2', Vector) function Vector2:initialize(x,y,z) Vector.initialize(self,x,y,z) end v2 = Vector2:new(1,2,3) w2 = Vector2:new(2,4,6) end) it('implements __tostring', function() assert.equal(tostring(v2), "Vector2[1,2,3]") end) it('implements __eq', function() assert.equal(v2, v2) end) it('implements __lt', function() assert.is_true(v2 < w2) end) it('implements __le', function() assert.is_true(v2 <= w2) end) it('implements __add', function() assert.equal(v2+w2, Vector2(3,6,9)) end) it('implements __sub', function() assert.equal(w2-v2, Vector2(1,2,3)) end) it('implements __div', function() assert.equal(w2/2, Vector2(1,2,3)) end) it('implements __concat', function() assert.equal(v2..w2, 28) end) it('implements __call', function() assert.equal(v2(), math.sqrt(14)) end) it('implements __pow', function() assert.equal(v2^w2, Vector2(0,0,0)) end) it('implements __mul', function() assert.equal(4*v2, Vector2(4,8,12)) end) it('implements __metatable', function() assert.equal("metatable of a vector", getmetatable(v2)) end) it('implements __mode', function() v2[{}] = true collectgarbage() for k in pairs(v2) do assert.not_table(k) end end) it('instance should also have a table __index if not overrided', function() assert.is_true(type(debug.getmetatable(v2).__index) == 'table') end) it('allows inheriting further', function() local Vector3 = class('Vector3', Vector2) local v3 = Vector3(1,2,3) local w3 = Vector3(3,4,5) assert.equal(v3+w3, Vector3(4,6,8)) end) describe('Updates', function() it('overrides __add', function() Vector2.__add = function(a, b) return Vector.__add(a, b)/2 end assert.equal(v2+w2, Vector2(1.5,3,4.5)) end) it('updates __add', function() Vector.__add = Vector.__sub assert.equal(v2+w2, Vector2(-1,-2,-3)) end) it('does not update __add after overriding', function() Vector2.__add = function(a, b) return Vector.__add(a, b)/2 end Vector.__add = Vector.__sub assert.equal(v2+w2, Vector2(-0.5,-1,-1.5)) end) it('reverts __add override', function() Vector2.__add = function(a, b) return Vector.__add(a, b)/2 end Vector2.__add = nil assert.equal(v2+w2, Vector2(3,6,9)) end) end) end) end) describe('Custom __index and __newindex', function() describe('Tables', function() local Proxy, fallback, p before_each(function() Proxy = class('Proxy') fallback = {foo = 'bar', common = 'fallback'} Proxy.__index = fallback Proxy.__newindex = fallback Proxy.common = 'class' p = Proxy() end) it('uses __index', function() assert.equal(p.foo, 'bar') end) it('does not use __index when field exists in class', function() assert.equal(p.common, 'class') end) it('uses __newindex', function() p.key = 'value' assert.equal(fallback.key, 'value') end) it('uses __newindex when field exists in class', function() p.common = 'value' assert.equal(p.common, 'class') assert.equal(Proxy.common, 'class') assert.equal(fallback.common, 'value') end) end) describe('Functions', function() local Namespace, Rectangle, r before_each(function() Namespace = class('Namespace') function Namespace:__index(name) local getter = self.class[name.."Getter"] if getter then return getter(self) end end function Namespace:__newindex(name, value) local setter = self.class[name.."Setter"] if setter then setter(self, value) else rawset(self, name, value) end end Rectangle = class('Rectangle', Namespace) function Rectangle:initialize(x, y, scale) self._scale, self.x, self.y = 1, x, y self.scale = scale end function Rectangle:scaleGetter() return self._scale end function Rectangle:scaleSetter(v) self.x = self.x*v/self._scale self.y = self.y*v/self._scale self._scale = v end function Rectangle:areaGetter() return self.x * self.y end r = Rectangle(3, 4, 2) end) it('uses setter', function() assert.equal(r.x, 6) assert.equal(r.y, 8) r.scale = 3 assert.equal(r.x, 9) assert.equal(r.y, 12) end) it('uses getters', function() assert.equal(r.scale, 2) assert.equal(r.area, 48) end) it('updates inherited __index', function() function Namespace.__index() return 42 end assert.equal(r.area, 42) function Rectangle.__index() return 24 end assert.equal(r.area, 24) function Namespace.__index() return 96 end assert.equal(r.area, 24) Rectangle.__index = nil assert.equal(r.area, 96) end) end) end) describe('Default Metamethods', function() local Peter, peter before_each(function() Peter = class('Peter') peter = Peter() end) describe('A Class', function() it('has a call metamethod properly set', function() assert.is_true(peter:isInstanceOf(Peter)) end) it('has a tostring metamethod properly set', function() assert.equal(tostring(Peter), 'class Peter') end) end) describe('An instance', function() it('has a tostring metamethod, returning a different result from Object.__tostring', function() assert.equal(tostring(peter), 'instance of class Peter') end) end) end) end)