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-- MindState.lua
-- Enrique García ( enrique.garcia.cota [AT] gmail [DOT] com ) - 19 Oct 2009
-- Based on Unrealscript's stateful objects
assert(Object~=nil and class~=nil, 'MiddleClass not detected. Please require it before using MindState')
--[[ StatefulObject declaration
* Stateful classes have a list of states (accesible through class.states).
* When a method is invoked on an instance of such classes, it is first looked up on the class current state (accesible through class.currentState)
* If a method is not found on the current state, or if current state is nil, the method is looked up on the class itself
* It is possible to change states by doing class:gotoState(stateName)
StatefulObject = class('StatefulObject')
StatefulObject.states = {} -- the root state list
local _private = setmetatable({}, {__mode = "k"}) -- weak table storing private references
-- helper function used to call state callbacks (enterState, exitState, etc)
local _invokeCallback = function(self, state, callbackName, ... )
if state==nil then return end
local callback = state[callbackName]
if(type(callback)=='function') then callback(self, ...) end
local _getStack=function(self)
local stack = _private[self].stateStack
assert(stack~=nil, "Could not find the stack for the object. Make sure you invoked super.initialize(self) on the constructor.")
return stack
-- These methods will not be overriden by the states.
local _ignoredMethods = {
states=1, initialize=1,
gotoState=1, pushState=1, popState=1, popAllStates=1, getCurrentState=1, isInState=1,
enterState=1, exitState=1, pushedState=1, poppedState=1, pausedState=1, continuedState=1,
addState=1, subclass=1, includes=1, destroy=1
local _prevSubclass = StatefulObject.subclass -- previous way of creating subclasses (used to redefine subclass itself)
-- The State class; is the father of all State objects
local State = class('State', Object)
function State.subclass(theClass, name, theStatefulClass)
local theSubClass = Object.subclass(theClass, name)
local superDict = (theClass==State and theClass.__classDict or theStatefulClass.superclass.__classDict)
theSubClass.subclass = State.subclass
local mt = getmetatable(theSubClass)
mt.__newindex = function(_, methodName, method)
if type(method) == 'function' then
local fenv = getfenv(method)
local newenv = setmetatable( {super = superDict}, {__index = fenv, __newindex = fenv} )
setfenv( method, newenv )
rawset(theSubClass.__classDict, methodName, method)
return theSubClass
--[[ constructor
If your states need initialization, they can receive parameters via the initParameters parameter
initParameters is a table with parameters used for initializing the states. These are needed mostly if
your states have a custom superclass that needs parameters on their initialize() function.
function StatefulObject:initialize(initParameters)
initParameters = initParameters or {} --initialize to empty table if nil
_private[self] = {
states = {},
stateStack = {}
for stateName,stateClass in pairs(self.class.states) do
local state = stateClass:new(unpack(initParameters[stateName] or {}))
state.name = stateName
_private[self].states[stateName] = state
--[[ Changes the current state.
If the current state has a method called onExitState, it will be called, with the instance as a parameter.
If the "next" state exists and has a method called onExitState, it will be called, with the instance as a parameter.
use gotoState(nil) for setting states to nothing
This method invokes the exitState and enterState functions if they exist on the current state
Second parameter is optional. If true, the stack will be conserved. Otherwise, it will be popped.
function StatefulObject:gotoState(newStateName, keepStack)
assert(_private[self].states~=nil, "Attribute 'states' not detected. check that you called instance:gotoState and not instance.gotoState, and that you invoked super.initialize(self) in the constructor.")
local prevState = self:getCurrentState()
-- If we're trying to go to a state in which we already are, return (do nothing)
if(prevState~=nil and prevState.name == newStateName) then return end
local nextState
if(newStateName~=nil) then
nextState = _private[self].states[newStateName]
assert(nextState~=nil, "State '" .. newStateName .. "' not found")
-- Either empty completely the stack, or just call the exitstate callback on current state
if(keepStack~=true) then
_invokeCallback(self, prevState, 'exitState', newStateName )
-- replace the top of the stack with the new state
local stack = _getStack(self)
stack[math.max(#stack,1)] = nextState
-- Invoke enterState on the new state. 2nd parameter is the name of the previous state, or nil
_invokeCallback(self, nextState, 'enterState', prevState~=nil and prevState.name or nil)
--[[ Changes the current state, by pushing a new state on the stack.
If the pushed state is already on the stack, this function does nothing.
Invokes 'pausedState' on the previous state, if existing
The new state is pushed on the top of the stack and then
Invokes 'pushedState' and 'enterState' on the new state, if existing
function StatefulObject:pushState(newStateName)
assert(type(newStateName)=='string', "newStateName must be a string.")
assert(_private[self].states~=nil, "Attribute 'states' not detected. check that you called instance:pushState and not instance.pushState, and that you invoked super.initialize(self) in the constructor.")
local nextState = _private[self].states[newStateName]
assert(nextState~=nil, "State '" .. newStateName .. "' not found")
-- If we attempt to push a state and the state is already on return (do nothing)
local stack = _getStack(self)
for _,state in ipairs(stack) do
if(state.name == newStateName) then return end
-- Invoke pausedState on the previous state
_invokeCallback(self, self:getCurrentState(), 'pausedState')
-- Do the push
table.insert(stack, nextState)
-- Invoke pushedState & enterState on the next state
_invokeCallback(self, nextState, 'pushedState')
_invokeCallback(self, nextState, 'enterState')
return nextState
--[[ Removes a state from the state stack
If a state name is given, it will attempt to remove it from the stack. If not found on the stack it will do nothing.
If no state name is give, this pops the top state from the stack, if any. Otherwise it does nothing.
Callbacks will be called when needed.
function StatefulObject:popState(stateName)
assert(_private[self].states~=nil, "Attribute 'states' not detected. check that you called instance:popState and not instance.popState, and that you invoked super.initialize(self) in the constructor.")
-- Invoke exitstate & poppedState on the state being popped out
local prevState = self:getCurrentState()
_invokeCallback(self, prevState, 'exitState')
_invokeCallback(self, prevState, 'poppedState')
-- Do the pop
local stack = _getStack(self)
table.remove(stack, #stack)
-- Invoke continuedState on the new state
local newState = self:getCurrentState()
_invokeCallback(self, newState, 'continuedState')
return newState
--[[ Empties the state stack
This function will invoke all the popState, exitState callbacks on all the states as they pop out.
function StatefulObject:popAllStates()
local state = self:popState()
while(state~=nil) do state = self:popState() end
--[[ Returns the current state (top of the stack only)
The current state's name can be obtained doing object:getCurrentState().name
function StatefulObject:getCurrentState()
local stack = _getStack(self)
if #stack == 0 then return nil end
Returns true if the object is in the state named 'stateName'
If second(optional) parameter is true, this method returns true if the state is on the stack instead
function StatefulObject:isInState(stateName, testStateStack)
local stack = _getStack(self)
if(testStateStack==true) then
for _,state in ipairs(stack) do
if(state.name == stateName) then return true end
else --testStateStack==false
local state = stack[#stack]
if(state~=nil and state.name == stateName) then return true end
return false
--[[ Adds a new state to the "states" class member.
superState is optional. If nil, State will be the parent class of the new state
returns the newly created state
function StatefulObject.addState(theClass, stateName, superState)
superState = superState or State
--print(theClass.name, stateName, superState.name)
assert(subclassOf(StatefulObject, theClass), "Use class:addState instead of class.addState")
assert(theClass.states[stateName]==nil, "The class " .. theClass.name .. " already has a state called '" .. stateName)
assert(type(stateName)=="string", "stateName must be a string")
-- states are just regular classes. If superState is nil, this uses Object as superClass
local state = superState:subclass(stateName, theClass)
theClass.states[stateName] = state
return state
--[[ Redefinition of Object:subclass
Subclasses inherit all the states of their superclases, in a special way:
If class A has a state called Sleeping and B = A.subClass('B'), then B.states.Sleeping is a subclass of A.states.Sleeping
returns the newly created stateful class
function StatefulObject.subclass(theClass, name)
assert(theClass==StatefulObject or subclassOf(StatefulObject, theClass), "Use class:subclass instead of class.subclass")
local theSubClass = _prevSubclass(theClass, name) --for now, theClass is just a regular subclass
--the states of the subclass are subclasses of the superclass' states
theSubClass.states = {}
for stateName,state in pairs(theClass.states) do
theSubClass:addState(stateName, state)
--look for instance methods on the state stack before looking them up on the class' dictionary
local classDict = theSubClass.__classDict
classDict.__index = function(instance, methodName)
-- If the method isn't on the 'ignoredMethods' list, look through the stack to see if it is defined
if(_ignoredMethods[methodName]~=1) then
local stack = _private[instance].stateStack
local method
for i = #stack,1,-1 do -- reversal loop
method = stack[i][methodName]
if(method~=nil) then return method end
--if ignored or not found, look on the class method
return classDict[methodName]
return theSubClass
--[[ Include override for stateful classes.
This is exactly like MiddleClass' include function, except that it module has a property called "states"
then each member of that module.states is included on the StatefulObject class.
If module.states has a state that doesn't exist on StatefulObject, a new state will be created.
function StatefulObject.includes(theClass, module, ...)
assert(subclassOf(StatefulObject, theClass), "Use class:includes instead of class.includes")
for methodName,method in pairs(module) do
if methodName ~="included" and methodName ~= "states" then
theClass[methodName] = method
if type(module.included)=="function" then module.included(theClass, ...) end
if type(module.states)=="table" then
for stateName,moduleState in pairs(module.states) do
local state = theClass.states[stateName]
if(state==nil) then state = theClass:addState(stateName) end
state:includes(moduleState, ...)