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2011-12-12 00:57:07 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env moon
-- concatenate a collection of lua modules into one
require "lfs"
require "alt_getopt"
2011-12-12 00:57:07 +00:00
import insert, concat from table
import dump, split from require "moonscript.util"
2011-12-12 00:57:07 +00:00
opts, ind = alt_getopt.get_opts arg, "l:", {
load: "l"
if not arg[ind]
print "usage: splat [-l module_names] directory [directories...]"
2011-12-12 00:57:07 +00:00
dirs = [a for a in *arg[ind,]]
2011-12-12 00:57:07 +00:00
normalize = (path) ->
scan_directory = (root, patt, collected={}) ->
root = normalize root
for fname in lfs.dir root
if not fname\match "^%."
full_path = root..fname
if lfs.attributes(full_path, "mode") == "directory"
scan_directory full_path, patt, collected
if full_path\match patt
insert collected, full_path
path_to_module_name = (path) ->
(path\match("(.-)%.lua")\gsub("/", "."))
each_line = (text) ->
import yield from coroutine
coroutine.wrap ->
start = 1
while true
pos, after = text\find "\n", start, true
break if not pos
yield text\sub start, pos - 1
start = after + 1
yield text\sub start, #text
write_module = (name, text) ->
print "package.preload['""'] = function()"
for line in each_line text
print " "..line
print "end"
modules = {}
2011-12-12 01:12:17 +00:00
for dir in *dirs
files = scan_directory dir, "%.lua$"
chunks = for path in *files
module_name = path_to_module_name path
content =\read"*a"
modules[module_name] = true
{module_name, content}
for chunk in *chunks
name, content = unpack chunk
base = name\match"(.-)%.init"
if base and not modules[base] then
modules[base] = true
name = base
write_module name, content
if opts.l
for module_name in *split opts.l, ","
if modules[module_name]
print ([[package.preload["%s"]()]])\format module_name
2011-12-12 00:57:07 +00:00