refactor operators parsing

This commit is contained in:
leaf corcoran 2015-02-28 13:36:52 -08:00
parent 8ea934964a
commit 1982b565d8

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@ -59,9 +59,6 @@ local Num = P"0x" * R("09", "af", "AF")^1 * (S"uU"^-1 * S"lL"^2)^-1 +
Num = Space * (Num / function(value) return {"number", value} end)
local FactorOp = Space * C(S"+-")
local TermOp = Space * C(S"*/%^")
local Shebang = P"#!" * P(1 - Stop)^0
-- can't have P(false) because it causes preceding patterns not to run
@ -436,9 +433,9 @@ local build_grammar = wrap_env(function()
Assign = sym"=" * (Ct(With + If + Switch) + Ct(TableBlock + ExpListLow)) / mark"assign",
Update = ((sym"..=" + sym"+=" + sym"-=" + sym"*=" + sym"/=" + sym"%=" + sym"or=" + sym"and=") / trim) * Exp / mark"update",
-- we don't need to parse precedence, lua will handle it for us
OtherOps = op"or" + op"and" + op"<=" + op">=" + op"~=" + op"!=" + op"==" + op".." + op"<" + op">",
BinaryOperator = (OtherOps + FactorOp + TermOp) * SpaceBreak^0,
CharOperators = Space * C(S"+-*/%^><"),
WordOperators = op"or" + op"and" + op"<=" + op">=" + op"~=" + op"!=" + op"==" + op"..",
BinaryOperator = (WordOperators + CharOperators) * SpaceBreak^0,
Assignable = Cmt(DotChain + Chain, check_assignable) + Name + SelfName,
Exp = Ct(Value * (BinaryOperator * Value)^0) / flatten_or_mark"exp",