-- Copyright 2006-2011 Mitchell mitchellcaladbolg.net. See LICENSE. -- Moonscript lexer by leaf corcoran local l = lexer local token, word_match = l.token, l.word_match local P, S, R = l.lpeg.P, l.lpeg.S, l.lpeg.R module(...) -- Whitespace. local ws = token(l.WHITESPACE, l.space^1) local longstring = #('[[' + ('[' * P('=')^0 * '[')) local longstring = longstring * P(function(input, index) local level = input:match('^%[(=*)%[', index) if level then local _, stop = input:find(']'..level..']', index, true) return stop and stop + 1 or #input + 1 end end) -- Comments. local line_comment = '--' * l.nonnewline^0 local block_comment = '--' * longstring local comment = token(l.COMMENT, block_comment + line_comment) -- Strings. local sq_str = l.delimited_range("'", '\\', true) local dq_str = l.delimited_range('"', '\\', true) local regex_str = l.delimited_range('/', '\\', nil, nil, '\n') * S('igm')^0 local string = token(l.STRING, sq_str + dq_str) + P(function(input, index) if index == 1 then return index end local i = index while input:sub(i - 1, i - 1):match('[ \t\r\n\f]') do i = i - 1 end return input:sub(i - 1, i - 1):match('[+%-*%%^!=&|?:;,()%[%]{}]') and index end) * token('regex', regex_str) + token('longstring', longstring) -- Numbers. local number = token(l.NUMBER, l.float + l.integer) -- Keywords. local keyword = token(l.KEYWORD, word_match { 'return', 'break', 'for', 'while', 'if', 'else', 'elseif', 'then', 'export', 'import', 'from', 'with', 'in', 'and', 'or', 'not', 'class', 'extends', 'super', 'do', 'true', 'false', 'nil', 'using', 'switch', 'when', }) -- Functions. local func = token(l.FUNCTION, word_match { 'assert', 'collectgarbage', 'dofile', 'error', 'getfenv', 'getmetatable', 'ipairs', 'load', 'loadfile', 'loadstring', 'module', 'next', 'pairs', 'pcall', 'print', 'rawequal', 'rawget', 'rawset', 'require', 'setfenv', 'setmetatable', 'tonumber', 'tostring', 'type', 'unpack', 'xpcall' }) -- Identifiers. local identifier = token(l.IDENTIFIER, l.word) -- Operators. local operator = token(l.OPERATOR, '~=' + S('+-*!\\/%^#=<>;:,.{}[]()')) -- self ref local self_var = token('self_ref', "@" * l.word + "self") local proper_ident = token('proper_ident', R("AZ") * l.word) _rules = { { 'whitespace', ws }, { 'self', self_var }, { 'keyword', keyword }, { 'function', func }, { 'identifier', proper_ident + identifier }, { 'comment', comment }, { 'number', number }, { 'string', string }, { 'operator', operator }, { 'any_char', l.any_char }, } local pink = l.color("ED", "4E", "78") _tokenstyles = { { 'regex', l.style_string..{ back = l.color('44', '44', '44')} }, { 'longstring', l.style_string }, { 'self_ref', { fore = l.colors.purple } }, { 'proper_ident', { fore = pink, bold = true } }, { l.OPERATOR, { fore = l.colors.red, bold = true } }, { l.FUNCTION, { fore = l.colors.orange } }, }