x = -> print what -> -> -> -> go to the barn open -> the -> door open -> the door hello = -> my func h = -> hi eat ->, world a = 1 + 2* 3 / 6 a, bunch, go, here = another, world func arg1, arg2, another, arg3 here, we = () ->, yeah the, different = () -> approach, yeah dad() dad(lord) hello(one,two)() (5 + 5)(world) fun(a)(b) fun(a) b fun(a) b, bad hello hello world what are you doing here what(the)[3243] world, yeck heck hairy[hands][are](gross) okay okay[world] (get[something] + 5)[years] i,x = 200, 300 yeah = (1 + 5) * 3 yeah = ((1+5)*3)/2 yeah = ((1+5)*3)/2 + i % 100 whoa = (1+2) * (3+4) * (4+5) (->)() return 5 + () -> 4 + 2 return 5 + (() -> 4) + 2 print 5 + () -> 34 good nads something 'else', "ya" something'else' something"else" here(we)"go"[12123] -- this runs something = test: 12323 what: -> print "hello world" print something.test frick = hello: "world" argon = num: 100 world: (self) -> print self.num return { something: -> print "hi from something" } somethin: (self, str) -> print "string is", str return world: (a,b) -> print "sum", a + b something.what() argon:world().something() argon:somethin"200".world(1,2) x = -434 x = -hello world one two hi = -"herfef" x = -[x for x in x] print "hello" if cool print "nutjob" if hello then 343 print "what" if cool else whack arg = {...} x = (...) -> dump {...} x = not true y = not(5+5) y = #"hello" x = #{#{},#{1},#{1,2}}