target: reference/index template: reference title: MoonScript v0.2.1 - Language Guide short_name: lang -- MoonScript is a programming language that compiles to [Lua]( This guide expects the reader to have basic familiarity with Lua. For each code snippet below, the MoonScript is on the left and the compiled Lua is on right right. This is the offical language reference manual, installation directions and the homepage are located at .
# The Language ## Assignment Unlike Lua, there is no `local` keyword. All assignments to names that are not already defined will be declared as local to the scope of that declaration. If you wish to create a global variable it must be done using the `export` keyword. ```moon hello = "world" a,b,c = 1, 2, 3 ``` ## Update Assignment `+=`, `-=`, `/=`, `*=`, `%=`, `..=` operators have been added for updating a value by a certain amount. They are aliases for their expanded equivalents. ```moon x = 0 x += 10 s = "hello " s ..= "world" ``` ## Comments Like Lua, comments start with `--` and continue to the end of the line. Comments are not written to the output. ```moon -- I am a comment ``` ## Literals & Operators MoonScript supports all the same primitive literals as Lua and uses the same syntax. This applies to numbers, strings, booleans, and `nil`. MoonScript also supports all the same binary and unary operators. Additionally `!=` is as an alias for `~=`. ## Function Literals All functions are created using a function expression. A simple function is denoted using the arrow: `->` ```moon my_function = -> my_function() -- call the empty function ``` The body of the function can either be one statement placed directly after the arrow, or it can be a series of statements indented on the following lines: ```moon func_a = -> print "hello world" func_b = -> value = 100 print "The value:", value ``` If a function has no arguments, it can be called using the `!` operator, instead of empty parentheses. The `!` invocation is the preferred way to call functions with no arguments. ```moon func_a! func_b() ``` Functions with arguments can be created by preceding the arrow with a list of argument names in parentheses: ```moon sum = (x, y) -> print "sum", x + y ``` Functions can be called by listing the values of the arguments after the name of the variable where the function is stored. When chaining together function calls, the arguments are applied to the closest function to the left. ```moon sum 10, 20 print sum 10, 20 a b c "a", "b", "c" ``` In order to avoid ambiguity in when calling functions, parentheses can also be used to surround the arguments. This is required here in order to make sure the right arguments get sent to the right functions. ```moon print "x:", sum(10, 20), "y:", sum(30, 40) ``` Functions will coerce the last statement in their body into a return statement, this is called implicit return: ```moon sum = (x, y) -> x + y print "The sum is ", sum 10, 20 ``` And if you need to explicitly return, you can use the `return` keyword: ```moon sum = (x, y) -> return x + y ``` Just like in Lua, functions can return multiple values. The last statement must be a list of values separated by commas: ```moon mystery = (x, y) -> x + y, x - y a,b = mystery 10, 20 ``` ### Fat Arrows Because it is an idiom in Lua to send an object as the first argument when calling a method, a special syntax is provided for creating functions which automatically includes a `self` argument. ```moon func = (num) => self.value + num ``` ### Argument Defaults It is possible to provide default values for the arguments of a function. An argument is determined to be empty if it's value is `nil`. Any `nil` arguments that have a default value will be replace before the body of the function is run. ```moon my_function = (name="something", height=100) -> print "Hello I am", name print "My height is", height ``` An argument default value expression is evaluated in the body of the function in the order of the argument declarations. For this reason default values have access to previously declared arguments. ```moon some_args = (x=100, y=x+1000) -> print x + y ``` ### Considerations Because of the expressive parentheses-less way of calling functions, some restrictions must be put in place to avoid parsing ambiguity involving whitespace. The minus sign plays two roles, a unary negation operator and a binary subtraction operator. In order to force subtraction a space must be placed after the `-` operator. In order to force a negation, no space must follow the `-`. Consider the examples below. ```moon a = x - 10 b = x-10 c = x -y ``` The precedence of the first argument of a function call can also be controlled using whitespace if the argument is a literal string.In Lua, it is common to leave off parentheses when calling a function with a single string literal. When there is no space between a variable and a string literal, the function call takes precedence over any following expressions. No other arguments can be passed to the function when it is called this way. Where there is a space following a variable and a string literal, the function call acts as show above. The string literal belongs to any following expressions (if they exist), which serves as the argument list. ```moon x = func"hello" + 100 y = func "hello" + 100 ``` ### Multi-line arguments When calling functions that take a large number of arguments, it is convenient to split the argument list over multiple lines. Because of the white-space sensitive nature of the language, care must be taken when splitting up the argument list. If an argument list is to be continued onto the next line, the current line must end in a comma. And the following line must be indented more than the current indentation. Once indented, all other argument lines must be at the same level of indentation to be part of the argument list ```moon my_func 5,4,3, 8,9,10 cool_func 1,2, 3,4, 5,6, 7,8 ``` This type of invocation can be nested. The level of indentation is used to determine to which function the arguments belong to. ```moon my_func 5,6,7, 6, another_func 6,7,8, 9,1,2, 5,4 ``` Because [tables](#table_literals) also use the comma as a delimiter, this indentation syntax is helpful for letting values be part of the argument list instead of being part of the table. ```moon x = { 1,2,3,4, a_func 4,5, 5,6, 8,9,10 } ``` Although uncommon, notice how we can give a deeper indentation for function arguments if we know we will be using a lower indentation futher on. ```moon y = { my_func 1,2,3, 4,5, 5,6,7 } ``` The same thing can be done with other block level statements like [conditionals](#conditionals). We can use indentation level to determine what statement a value belongs to: ```moon if func 1,2,3, "hello", "world" print "hello" print "I am inside if" if func 1,2,3, "hello", "world" print "hello" print "I am inside if" ``` ## Table Literals Like in Lua, tables are delimited in curly braces. ```moon some_values = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } ``` Unlike Lua, assigning a value to a key in a table is done with `:` (instead of `=`). ```moon some_values = { name: "Bill", age: 200, ["favorite food"]: "rice" } ``` The curly braces can be left off if a single table of key value pairs is being assigned. ```moon profile = height: "4 feet", shoe_size: 13, favorite_foods: {"ice cream", "donuts"} ``` Newlines can be used to delimit values instead of a comma (or both): ```moon values = { 1,2,3,4 5,6,7,8 name: "superman" occupation: "crime fighting" } ``` When creating a single line table literal, the curly braces can also be left off: ```moon my_function dance: "Tango", partner: "none" y = type: "dog", legs: 4, tails: 1 ``` The keys of a table literal can be language keywords without being escaped: ```moon tbl = { do: "something" end: "hunger" } ``` If you are constructing a table out of variables and wish the keys to be the same as the variable names, then the `:` prefix operator can be used: ```moon hair = "golden" height = 200 person = { :hair, :height, shoe_size: 40 } print_table :hair, :height ``` If you want the key of a field in the table to to be result of an expression, then you can wrap it in `[` `]`, just like in Lua. You can also use a string literal directly as a key, leaving out the square brackets. This is useful if your key has any special chacters. ```moon t = { [1 + 2]: "hello" "hello world": true } ``` ## Comprehensions Compiling provide a convenient syntax for constructing a new table by iterating over some existing object and applying an expression to its values. There are two kinds of comprehensions: list comprehensions and table comprehensions. They both produce Lua tables; _list comprehensions_ accumulate values into an array-like table, and _table comprehensions_ let you set both the key and the value on each iteration. ### List Comprehensions The following creates a copy of the `items` table but with all the values doubled. ```moon items = { 1, 2, 3, 4 } doubled = [item * 2 for i, item in ipairs items] ``` The items included in the new table can be restricted with a `when` clause: ```moon iter = ipairs items slice = [item for i, item in iter when i > 1 and i < 3] ``` Because it is common to iterate over the values of a numerically indexed table, an `*` operator is introduced. The doubled example can be rewritten as: ```moon doubled = [item * 2 for item in *items] ``` The `for` and `when` clauses can be chained as much as desired. The only requirement is that a comprehension has at least one `for` clause. Using multiple `for` clauses is the same as using nested loops: ```moon x_coords = {4, 5, 6, 7} y_coords = {9, 2, 3} points = [{x,y} for x in *x_coords for y in *y_coords] ``` ### Table Comprehensions The syntax for table comprehensions is very similar, differing by using `{` and `}` and taking two values from each iteration. This example copies the key-value table `thing`: ```moon thing = { color: "red" name: "fast" width: 123 } thing_copy = {k,v for k,v in pairs thing} ``` Table comprehensions, like list comprehensions, also support multiple `for` and `when` clauses. In this example we use a `when` clause to prevent the value associated with the `color` key from being copied. ```moon no_color = {k,v for k,v in pairs thing when k != "color"} ``` The `*` operator is also supported. Here we create a square root look up table for a few numbers. ```moon numbers = {1,2,3,4} sqrts = {i, math.sqrt i for i in *numbers} ``` The key-value tuple in a table comprehension can also come from a single expression, in which case the expression should return two values. The first is used as the key and the second is used as the value: In this example we convert an array of pairs to a table where the first item in the pair is the key and the second is the value. ```moon tuples = {{"hello", "world"}, {"foo", "bar"}} tbl = {unpack tuple for tuple in *tuples} ``` ### Slicing A special syntax is provided to restrict the items that are iterated over when using the `*` operator. This is equivalent to setting the iteration bounds and a step size in a `for` loop. Here we can set the minimum and maximum bounds, taking all items with indexes between 1 and 5 inclusive: ```moon slice = [item for item in *items[1,5]] ``` Any of the slice arguments can be left off to use a sensible default. In this example, if the max index is left off it defaults to the length of the table. This will take everything but the first element: ```moon slice = [item for item in *items[2,]] ``` If the minimum bound is left out, it defaults to 1. Here we only provide a step size and leave the other bounds blank. This takes all odd indexed items: (1, 3, 5, ...) ```moon slice = [item for item in *items[,,2]] ``` ## For Loop There are two for loop forms, just like in Lua. A numeric one and a generic one: ```moon for i = 10, 20 print i for k = 1,15,2 -- an optional step provided print k for key, value in pairs object print key, value ``` The slicing and `*` operators can be used, just like with comprehensions: ```moon for item in *items[2,4] print item ``` A shorter syntax is also available for all variations when the body is only a single line: ```moon for item in *items do print item for j = 1,10,3 do print j ``` A for loop can also be used an expression. The last statement in the body of the for loop is coerced into an expression and appended to an accumulating table if the value of that expression is not nil. Doubling every even number: ```moon doubled_evens = for i=1,20 if i % 2 == 0 i * 2 else i ``` Filtering out odd numbers: ```moon my_numbers = {1,2,3,4,5,6} odds = for x in *my_numbers if x % 2 == 1 then x ``` For loops at the end of a function body are not accumulated into a table for a return value (Instead the function will return `nil`). Either an explicit `return` statement can be used, or the loop can be converted into a list comprehension. ```moon func_a = -> for i=1,10 do i func_b = -> return for i=1,10 do i print func_a! -- prints nil print func_b! -- prints table object ``` This is done to avoid the needless creation of tables for functions that don't need to return the results of the loop. ## While Loop The while loop also comes in two variations: ```moon i = 10 while i > 0 print i i -= 1 while running == true do my_function! ``` Like for loops, the while loop can also be used an expression. Additionally, for a function to return the accumulated value of a while loop, the statement must be explicitly returned. ## Conditionals ```moon have_coins = false if have_coins print "Got coins" else print "No coins" ``` A short syntax for single statements can also be used: ```moon have_coins = false if have_coins then print "Got coins" else print "No coins" ``` Because if statements can be used as expressions, this can able be written as: ```moon have_coins = false print if have_coins then "Got coins" else "No coins" ``` Conditionals can also be used in return statements and assignments: ```moon is_tall = (name) -> if name == "Rob" true else false message = if is_tall "Rob" "I am very tall" else "I am not so tall" print message -- prints: I am very tall ``` `if` and `elseif` blocks can take an assignment in place of a conditional expression. Upon evaluating the conditional, the assignment will take place and the value that was assigned to will be used as the conditional expression. The assigned variable is only in scope for the body of the conditional, meaning it is never available if the value is not truthy. ```moon if user = database\find_user "moon" print ``` ## Line Decorators For convenience, the for loop and if statement can be applied to single statements at the end of the line: ```moon print "hello world" if name == "Rob" ``` And with basic loops: ```moon print "item: ", item for item in *items ``` ## Switch The switch statement is shorthand for writing a series of if statements that check against the same value. Note that the value is only evaluated once. Like if statements, switches can have an else block to handle no matches. Comparison is done with the `==` operator. ```moon name = "Dan" switch name when "Robert" print "You are robert" when "Dan" print "Your name, it's Dan" else print "I don't know about your name" ``` Switches can be used as expressions as well, here we can assign the result of the switch to a variable: ```moon b = 1 next_number = switch b when 1 2 when 2 3 else error "can't count that high!" ``` We can use the `then` keyword to write a switch's `when` block on a single line. No extra keyword is needed to write the else block on a single line. ```moon msg = switch math.random(1, 5) when 1 then "you are lucky" when 2 then "you are almost lucky" else "not so lucky" ``` It is worth noting the order of the case comparison expression. The case's expression is on the left hand side. This can be useful if the case's expression wants to overwrite how the comparison is done by defining an `eq` metamethod. ## Object Oriented Programming In these examples, the generated Lua code may appear overwhelming. It is best to focus on the meaning of the MoonScript code at first, then look into the Lua code if you wish to know the implementation details. A simple class: ```moon class Inventory new: => @items = {} add_item: (name) => if @items[name] @items[name] += 1 else @items[name] = 1 ``` A class is declared with a `class` statement followed by a table-like declaration where all of the methods and properties are listed. The `new` property is special in that it will become the constructor. Notice how all the methods in the class use the fat arrow function syntax. When calling methods on a instance, the instance itself is sent in as the first argument. The fat arrow handles the creation of a `self` argument. The `@` prefix on a variable name is shorthand for `self.`. `@items` becomes `self.items`. Creating an instance of the class is done by calling the name of the class as a function. ```moon inv = Inventory! inv\add_item "t-shirt" inv\add_item "pants" ``` Because the instance of the class needs to be sent to the methods when they are called, the \\ operator is used. All properties of a class are shared among the instances. This is fine for functions, but for other types of objects, undesired results may occur. Consider the example below, the `clothes` property is shared amongst all instances, so modifications to it in one instance will show up in another: ```moon class Person clothes: {} give_item: (name) => table.insert @clothes, name a = Person! b = Person! a\give_item "pants" b\give_item "shirt" -- will print both pants and shirt print item for item in *a.clothes ``` The proper way to avoid this problem is to create the mutable state of the object in the constructor: ```moon class Person new: => @clothes = {} ``` ### Inheritance The `extends` keyword can be used in a class declaration to inherit the properties and methods from another class. ```moon class BackPack extends Inventory size: 10 add_item: (name) => if #@items > size then error "backpack is full" super name ``` Here we extend our Inventory class, and limit the amount of items it can carry. Whenever a class inherits from another, it sends a message to the parent class by calling the method `__inherited` on the parent class if it exists. The function recieves two arguments, the class that is being inherited and the child class. ```moon class Shelf @__inherited: (child) => print @__name, "was inherited by", child.__name -- will print: Shelf was inherited by Cupboard class Cupboard extends Shelf nil ``` ### Super `super` is a special keyword that can be used in two different ways: It can be treated as an object, or it can be called like a function. It only has special functionality when inside a class. When called as a function, it will call the function of the same name in the parent class. The current `self` will automatically be passed as the first argument. (As seen in the [inheritance](#inheritance) example above) When `super` is used as a normal value, it is a reference to the parent class object. It can be accessed like any of object in order to retrieve values in the parent class that might have been shadowed by the child class. When the \\ calling operator is used with `super`, `self` is inserted as the first argument instead of the value of `super` itself. When using `.` to retrieve a function, the raw function is returned. A few examples of using `super` in different ways: ```moon class MyClass extends ParentClass a_method: => -- the following have the same effect: super "hello", "world" super\a_method "hello", "world" super.a_method self, "hello", "world" -- super as a value is equal to the parent class: assert super == ParentClass ``` `super` can also be used on left side of a [Function Stub](#function_stubs). The only major difference is that instead of the resulting function being bound to the value of `super`, it is bound to `self`. ### Types Every instance of a class carries its type with it. This is stored in the special `__class` property. This property holds the class object. The class object is what we call to build a new instance. We can also index the class object to retrieve class methods and properties. ```moon b = BackPack! assert b.__class == BackPack print BackPack.size -- prints 10 ``` ### Class Objects The class object is what we create when we use a `class` statement. The class object is stored in a variable of the same name of the class. The class object can be called like a function in order to create new instances. That's how we created instances of classes in the examples above. A class is made up of two tables. The class table itself, and the *base* table. The *base* is used as the metatable for all the instances. All properties listed in the class declaration are placed in the *base*. The class object's metatable reads properties from the base if they don't exist in the class object. This means we can access functions and properties directly from the class. It is important to note that assigning to the class object does not assign into the *base*, so it's not a valid way to add new methods to instances. Instead the *base* must explicitly be changed. See the `__base` field below. The class object has a couple special properties: The name of the class as when it was declared is stored as a string in the `__name` field of the class object. ```moon print BackPack.__name -- prints Backpack ``` The *base* object is stored in `__base`. We can modify this table to add functionality to instances that have already been created and ones that are yet to be created. If the class extends from anything, the parent class object is stored in `__parent`. ### Class Variables We can create variables directly in the class object instead of in the *base* by using `@` in the front of the property name in a class declaration. ```moon class Things @some_func: => print "Hello from", @__name Things\some_func! -- class variables not visible in instances assert Things().some_func == nil ``` In expressions, we can use `@@` to access a value that is stored in the `__class` of `self`. Thus, `@@hello` is shorthand for `self.__class.hello`. ```moon class Counter @count: 0 new: => @@count += 1 Counter! Counter! print Counter.count -- prints 2 ``` The calling semantics of `@@` are similar to `@`. Calling a `@@` name will pass the class in as the first argument using Lua's colon syntax. ```moon @@hello 1,2,3,4 ``` ### Class Declaration Statements In the body of a class declaration, we can have normal expressions in addition to key/value pairs. In this context, `self` is equal to the class object. Here is an alternative way to create a class variable compared to what's described above: ```moon class Things @class_var = "hello world" ``` These expressions are executed after all the properties have been added to the *base*. ### `@` and `@@` Values When `@` and `@@` are prefixed in front of a name they represent, respectively, that name accessed in `self` and `self.__class`. If they are used all by themselves, they are aliases for `self` and `self.__class`. assert @ == self assert @@ == self.__class For example, a quick way to create a new instance of the same class from an instance method using `@@`: some_instance_method = (...) => @@ ... ## Export Statement Because, by default, all assignments to variables that are not lexically visible will be declared as local, special syntax is required to declare a variable globally. The export keyword makes it so any following assignments to the specified names will not be assigned locally. ```moon export var_name, var_name2 var_name, var_name3 = "hello", "world" ``` This is especially useful when declaring what will be externally visible in a module: ```moon -- my_module.moon module "my_module", package.seeall export print_result length = (x, y) -> math.sqrt x*x + y*y print_result = (x, y) -> print "Length is ", length x, y -- main.moon require "my_module" my_module.print_result 4, 5 -- prints the result print my_module.length 6, 7 -- errors, `length` not visible ``` Assignment can be combined with the export keyword to assign to global variables directly: ```moon export some_number, message_str = 100, "hello world" ``` Additionally, a class declaration can be prefixed with the export keyword in order to export it. ### Export All & Export Proper The `export` statement can also take special symbols `*` and `^`. `export *` will cause any name declared after the statement to be exported in the current scope. `export ^` will export all proper names, names that begin with a capital letter. ## Import Statement Often you want to bring some values from a table into the current scope as local variables by their name. The import statement lets us accomplish this: ```moon import insert from table ``` The multiple names can be given, each separated by a comma: ```moon import C, Ct, Cmt from lpeg ``` Sometimes a function requires that the table be sent in as the first argument (when using the \\ syntax). As a shortcut, we can prefix the name with a \\ to bind it to that table: ```moon -- some object my_module = state: 100 add: (value) => self.state + value import \add from my_module print add 22 -- equivalent to calling my_module\get 22 ``` ## With Statement A common pattern involving the creation of an object is calling a series of functions and setting a series of properties immediately after creating it. This results in repeating the name of the object multiple times in code, adding unnecessary noise. A common solution to this is to pass a table in as an argument which contains a collection of keys and values to overwrite. The downside to this is that the constructor of this object must support this form. The `with` block helps to alleviate this. Within a `with` block we can use a special statements that begin with either `.` or \\ which represent those operations applied to the object we are using `with` on. For example, we work with a newly created object: ```moon with Person! .name = "Oswald" \add_relative my_dad \save! print .name ``` The `with` statement can also be used as an expression which returns the value it has been giving access to. ```moon file = with File "favorite_foods.txt" \set_encoding "utf8" ``` Or... ```moon create_person = (name, relatives) -> with Person! .name = name \add_relative relative for relative in *relatives me = create_person "Leaf", {dad, mother, sister} ``` ## Function Stubs It is common to pass a function from an object around as a value, for example, passing an instance method into a function as a callback. If the function expects the object it is operating on as the first argument then you must somehow bundle that object with the function so it can be called properly. The function stub syntax is a shorthand for creating a new closure function that bundles both the object and function. This new function calls the wrapped function in the correct context of the object. Its syntax is the same as calling an instance method with the \\ operator but with no argument list provided. ```moon my_object = { value: 1000 write: => print "the value:", @value } run_callback (func) -> print "running callback..." func! -- this will not work: -- the function has to no reference to my_object run_callback my_object.write -- function stub syntax -- lets us bundle the object into a new function run_callback my_object\write ``` ## The Using Clause; Controlling Destructive Assignment While lexical scoping can be a great help in reducing the complexity of the code we write, things can get unwieldy as the code size increases. Consider the following snippet: ```moon i = 100 -- many lines of code... my_func = -> i = 10 while i > 0 print i i -= 1 my_func! print i -- will print 0 ``` In `my_func`, we've overwritten the value of `i` mistakenly. In this example it is quite obvious, but consider a large, or foreign code base where it isn't clear what names have already been declared. It would be helpful to say which variables from the enclosing scope we intend on change, in order to prevent us from changing others by accident. The `using` keyword lets us do that. `using nil` makes sure that no closed variables are overwritten in assignment. The `using` clause is placed after the argument list in a function, or in place of it if there are no arguments. ```moon i = 100 my_func = (using nil) -> i = "hello" -- a new local variable is created here my_func! print i -- prints 100, i is unaffected ``` Multiple names can be separated by commas. Closure values can still be accessed, they just cant be modified: ```moon tmp = 1213 i, k = 100, 50 my_func = (add using k,i) -> tmp = tmp + add -- a new local tmp is created i += tmp k += tmp my_func(22) print i,k -- these have been updated ``` # MoonScript API ## `moonscript` Module Upon installing MoonScript, a `moonscript` module is made available. The best use of this module is making your Lua's require function MoonScript aware. ```moon require "moonscript" ``` After `moonscript` is required, Lua's package loader is updated to search for `.moon` files on any subsequent calls to `require`. The search path for `.moon` files is based on the current `package.path` value in Lua when `moonscript` is required. Any search paths in `package.path` ending in `.lua` are copied, rewritten to end in `.moon`, and then inserted in `package.moonpath`. The `moonloader` is the function that is responsible for searching `package.moonpath` for a file available to be included. It is inserted in the second position of the `package.loaders` table. This means that a matching `.moon` file will be loaded over a matching `.lua` file that has the same base name. For more information on Lua's `package.loaders` see [Lua Reference Manual — package.loaders]( The `moonloader`, when finding a valid path to a `.moon` file, will parse and compile the file in memory. The code is then turned into a function using the built in `load` function, which is run as the module. ## Error Rewriting Runtime errors are given special attention when using the `moonloader`. Because we start off as MoonScript, but run code as Lua, errors that happen during runtime report their line numbers as they are in the compiled file. This can make debugging particularly difficult. Consider the following file with a bug: ```moon add_numbers = (x,y) -> x + z print add_numbers 10,0 ``` The following error is generated: moon:err.moon:1: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'z' (a nil value) stack traceback: err.moon:1: in function 'add_numbers' err.moon:2: in main chunk Instead of the error being reported on line number 3, where it appears in the Lua file, it is reported on line 1, where the faulty line originated. The entire stack trace is rewritten in addition to the error. ## Programmatically Compiling The MoonScript module also contains methods for parsing MoonScript text into an abstract syntax tree, and compiling an instance of a tree into Lua source code. Knowledge of this API may be useful for creating tools to aid the generation of Lua code from MoonScript code. Here is a quick example of how you would compile a MoonScript string to a Lua String: ```moon require "moonscript.parse" require "moonscript.compile" import parse, compile from moonscript moon_code = [[(-> print "hello world")!]] tree, err = parse.string moon_code if not tree error "Parse error: " .. err lua_code, err, pos = compile.tree tree if not lua_code error compile.format_error err, pos, moon_code -- our code is ready print lua_code ``` # Command Line Use Two tools are installed with MoonScript, `moon` and `moonc`. `moonc` is for compiling MoonScript code to Lua. `moon` is for running MoonsScript code directly. ## `moon` `moon` can be used to run MoonsScript files directly from the command line, without needing a separate compile step. All MoonsScript files are compiled in memory as they are run. ```bash $ moon my_script.moon ``` Any MoonScript files that are required will also be compiled and run automatically. When an error occurs during runtime, the stack trace is rewritten to give line numbers from the original `.moon` file. If you want to disable [error rewriting](#error_rewriting), you can pass the `-d` flag. A full list of flags can be seen by passing the `-h` or `--help` flag. ## `moonc` `moonc` is used for transforming MoonsScript files into Lua files. It takes a list of files, compiles them all, and creates the associated `.lua` files in the same directories. ```bash $ moonc my_script1.moon my_script2.moon ... ``` You can control where the compiled files are put using the `-t` flag, followed by a directory. `moonc` can also take a directory as an argument, and it will recursively scan for all MoonScript files and compile them. `moonc` can write to standard out by passing the `-p` flag. Combined with `linotify` on linux, the `-w` flag can be used to watch all files that match the given search path for changes, and then compile them only when required. A full list of flags can be seen by passing the `-h` or `--help` flag. # License (MIT) Copyright (C) 2011 by Leaf Corcoran Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.