-- test moon library moon = require "moon" describe "moon", -> it "should determine correct type", -> class Test things = { Test, Test!, 1, true, nil, "hello" } types = [moon.type t for t in *things] assert.same types, { Test, Test, "number", "boolean", "nil", "string" } it "should get upvalue", -> fn = do hello = "world" -> hello assert.same moon.debug.upvalue(fn, "hello"), "world" it "should set upvalue", -> fn = do hello = "world" -> hello moon.debug.upvalue fn, "hello", "foobar" assert.same fn!, "foobar" it "should run with scope", -> scope = hello: -> spy.on scope, "hello" moon.run_with_scope (-> hello!), scope assert.spy(scope.hello).was.called! it "should have access to old environment", -> scope = {} res = moon.run_with_scope (-> math), scope assert.same res, math it "should created bound proxy", -> class Hello state: 10 method: (val) => "the state: #{@state}, the val: #{val}" hello = Hello! bound = moon.bind_methods hello assert.same bound.method("xxx"), "the state: 10, the val: xxx" it "should create defaulted table", -> fib = moon.defaultbl {[0]: 0, [1]: 1}, (i) => self[i - 1] + self[i - 2] fib[7] assert.same fib, { [0]: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 } it "should extend", -> t1 = { hello: "world's", cool: "shortest" } t2 = { cool: "boots", cowboy: "hat" } out = moon.extend t1, t2 assert.same { out.hello, out.cool, out.cowboy }, { "world's", "shortest", "hat"} it "should make a copy", -> x = { "hello", yeah: "man" } y = moon.copy x x[1] = "yikes" x.yeah = "woman" assert.same y, { "hello", yeah: "man" } it "should mixin", -> class TestModule new: (@var) => show_var: => "var is: #{@var}" class Second new: => moon.mixin self, TestModule, "hi" obj = Second! assert.same obj\show_var!, "var is: hi" it "should mixin object", -> class First val: 10 get_val: => "the val: #{@val}" class Second val: 20 new: => moon.mixin_object @, First!, { "get_val" } obj = Second! assert.same obj\get_val!, "the val: 10" it "should mixin table", -> a = { hello: "world", cat: "dog" } b = { cat: "mouse", foo: "bar" } moon.mixin_table a, b assert.same a, { hello: "world", cat: "mouse", foo: "bar"} it "should fold", -> numbers = {4,3,5,6,7,2,3} sum = moon.fold numbers, (a,b) -> a + b assert.same sum, 30