require "lfs" require "busted" parse = require "moonscript.parse" compile = require "moonscript.compile" util = require "moonscript.util" pattern = ... import unpack from util options = { in_dir: "tests/inputs", out_dir: "tests/outputs", input_pattern: "(.*)%.moon$", output_ext: ".lua" show_timings: os.getenv "TIME" diff: { tool: "git diff --no-index --color" --color-words" filter: (str) -> -- strip the first four lines table.concat [line for line in *util.split(str, "\n")[5,]], "\n" } } timings = {} gettime = nil pcall -> require "socket" gettime = socket.gettime gettime or= os.clock benchmark = (fn) -> if gettime start = gettime! res = {fn!} gettime! - start, unpack res else nil, fn! read_all = (fname) -> if f =, "r") with f\read "*a" f\close! diff_file = (a_fname, b_fname) -> out = io.popen(options.diff.tool .. " ".. a_fname .. " " .. b_fname, "r")\read "*a" if options.diff.filter out = options.diff.filter out out diff_str = (expected, got) -> a_tmp = os.tmpname! .. ".expected" b_tmp = os.tmpname! .. ".got" with, "w") \write expected \close! with, "w") \write got \close! with diff_file a_tmp, b_tmp os.remove a_tmp os.remove b_tmp string_assert = (expected, got) -> if expected != got diff = diff_str expected, got error "string equality assert failed:\n" .. diff input_fname = (base) -> options.in_dir .. "/" .. base .. ".moon" output_fname = (base) -> options.out_dir .. "/" .. base .. options.output_ext describe "input tests", -> inputs = for file in lfs.dir options.in_dir with match = file\match options.input_pattern continue unless match table.sort inputs for name in *inputs input = input_fname name fn = if pattern and not input\match pattern pending else it fn input .. " #input", -> file_str = read_all input_fname name parse_time, tree, err = benchmark -> parse.string file_str error err if err compile_time, code, err, pos = benchmark -> compile.tree tree error compile.format_error err, pos, file_str unless code table.insert timings, {name, parse_time, compile_time} if os.getenv "BUILD" with output_fname(name), "w" \write code \close! else expected_str = read_all output_fname name error "Test not built: " .. input_fname(name) unless expected_str string_assert expected_str, code nil busted.options = { output: require'busted.output.utf_terminal'! suppress_pending: true } print busted! if options.show_timings format_time = (sec) -> ("%.3fms")\format(sec*1000) col_width = math.max unpack [#t[1] for t in *timings] print "\nTimings:" total_parse, total_compile = 0, 0 for tuple in *timings name, parse_time, compile_time = unpack tuple name = name .. (" ")\rep col_width - #name total_parse += parse_time total_compile += compile_time print " * " .. name, "p: " .. format_time(parse_time), "c: " .. format_time(compile_time) print "\nTotal:" print " parse:", format_time total_parse print " compile:", format_time total_compile