leaf corcoran caa724d098 more spec
2015-12-06 12:03:19 -08:00

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describe "class", ->
it "should make a class with constructor", ->
class Thing
new: =>
@color = "blue"
instance = Thing!
assert.same instance, { color: "blue" }
it "should have instance methods", ->
class Thing
get_color: => @color
new: =>
@color = "blue"
instance = Thing!
assert.same instance\get_color!, "blue"
it "should have base properies from class", ->
class Thing
color: "blue"
get_color: => @color
instance = Thing!
assert.same instance\get_color!, "blue"
assert.same Thing.color, "blue"
it "should inherit another class", ->
class Base
get_property: => @[@property]
new: (@property) =>
class Thing extends Base
color: "green"
instance = Thing "color"
assert.same instance\get_property!, "green"
it "should have class properties", ->
class Base
class Thing extends Base
instance = Thing!
assert.same Base.__name, "Base"
assert.same Thing.__name, "Thing"
assert.is_true Thing.__parent == Base
assert.is_true instance.__class == Thing
it "should have name when assigned", ->
Thing = class
assert.same Thing.__name, "Thing"
it "should not expose class properties on instance", ->
class Thing
@height: 10
Thing.color = "blue"
instance = Thing!
assert.same instance.color, nil
assert.same instance.height, nil
it "should expose new things added to __base", ->
class Thing
instance = Thing!
Thing.__base.color = "green"
assert.same instance.color, "green"
it "should call with correct receiver", ->
local instance
class Thing
is_class: => assert.is_true @ == Thing
is_instance: => assert.is_true @ == instance
go: =>
instance = Thing!
it "should have class properies take precedence over base properties", ->
class Thing
@prop: "hello"
prop: "world"
assert.same "hello", Thing.prop
describe "super", ->
it "should call super constructor", ->
class Base
new: (@property) =>
class Thing extends Base
new: (@name) =>
super "name"
instance = Thing "the_thing"
assert.same, "name"
assert.same, "the_thing"
it "should call super method", ->
class Base
_count: 111
counter: => @_count
class Thing extends Base
counter: => "%08d"\format super!
instance = Thing!
assert.same instance\counter!, "00000111"
it "should call other method from super", ->
class Base
_count: 111
counter: =>
class Thing extends Base
other_method: => super\counter!
instance = Thing!
assert.same instance\other_method!, 111
it "should get super class", ->
class Base
class Thing extends Base
get_super: => super
instance = Thing!
assert.is_true instance\get_super! == Base
it "should get a bound method from super", ->
class Base
count: 1
get_count: => @count
class Thing extends Base
get_count: => "this is wrong"
get_method: => super\get_count
instance = Thing!
assert.same instance\get_method!!, 1
it "class properties take precedence in super class over base", ->
class Thing
@prop: "hello"
prop: "world"
class OtherThing extends Thing
assert.same "hello", OtherThing.prop
it "gets value from base in super class", ->
class Thing
prop: "world"
class OtherThing extends Thing
assert.same "world", OtherThing.prop
it "should let parent be replaced on class", ->
class A
@prop: "yeah"
cool: => 1234
plain: => "a"
class B
@prop: "okay"
cool: => 9999
plain: => "b"
class Thing extends A
cool: =>
super! + 1
get_super: =>
instance = Thing!
assert.same "a", instance\plain!
assert.same 1235, instance\cool!
assert A == instance\get_super!, "expected super to be B"
Thing.__parent = B
setmetatable Thing.__base, B.__base
assert.same "b", instance\plain!
assert.same 10000, instance\cool!
assert B == instance\get_super!, "expected super to be B"
it "should resolve many levels of super", ->
class One
a: =>
class Two extends One
a: =>
super! + 2
class Three extends Two
a: =>
super! + 3
i = Three!
assert.same 6, i\a!
it "should resolve many levels of super with a gap", ->
class One
a: =>
class Two extends One
class Three extends Two
a: =>
super! + 3
class Four extends Three
a: =>
super! + 4
i = Four!
assert.same 8, i\a!
it "should call correct class/instance super methods", ->
class Base
doit: =>
@doit: =>
class One extends Base
doit: => super!
@doit: => super!
assert.same "instance", One!\doit!
assert.same "class", One\doit!
it "should resolve many levels of super on class methods", ->
class One
@a: =>
class Two extends One
class Three extends Two
@a: =>
super! + 3
class Four extends Three
@a: =>
super! + 4
assert.same 8, Four\a!
it "super should still work when method wrapped", ->
add_some = (opts) ->
=> opts.amount + opts[1] @
class Base
value: => 1
class Sub extends Base
value: add_some {
amount: 12
super! + 100
class OtherSub extends Base
value: if true
=> 5 + super!
=> 2 + super!
assert.same 1 + 100 + 12, Sub!\value!
assert.same 6, OtherSub!\value!