2016-04-13 19:47:37 -07:00

49 lines
1.1 KiB

-- remove front indentation from a multiline string, making it suitable to be
-- parsed
unindent = (str) ->
indent = str\match "^%s+"
return str unless indent
(str\gsub("\n#{indent}", "\n")\gsub("%s+$", "")\gsub "^%s+", "")
in_dev = false
-- this will ensure any moonscript modules included come from the local
-- directory
with_dev = (fn) ->
error "already in dev mode" if in_dev
-- a package loader that only looks in currect directory
import make_loader from require "loadkit"
loader = make_loader "lua", nil, "./?.lua"
import setup, teardown from require "busted"
old_require = _G.require
dev_cache = {}
setup ->
_G.require = (mod) ->
return dev_cache[mod] if dev_cache[mod]
testable = mod\match("moonscript%.") or mod == "moonscript" or
mod\match("moon%.") or mod == "moon"
if testable
fname = assert loader(mod), "failed to find module: #{mod}"
dev_cache[mod] = assert(loadfile fname)!
return dev_cache[mod]
old_require mod
if fn
teardown ->
_G.require = old_require
in_dev = false
{ :unindent, :with_dev }