mirror of
synced 2025-01-09 00:04:22 +00:00
574 lines
15 KiB
574 lines
15 KiB
module("moonscript.parse", package.seeall)
local util = require"moonscript.util"
local debug_grammar = false
local data = require"moonscript.data"
local types = require"moonscript.types"
local ntype = types.ntype
local dump = util.dump
local trim = util.trim
local Stack = data.Stack
local function count_indent(str)
local sum = 0
for v in str:gmatch("[\t ]") do
if v == ' ' then sum = sum + 1 end
if v == '\t' then sum = sum + 4 end
return sum
local R, S, V, P = lpeg.R, lpeg.S, lpeg.V, lpeg.P
local C, Ct, Cmt, Cg, Cb, Cc = lpeg.C, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cmt, lpeg.Cg, lpeg.Cb, lpeg.Cc
local White = S" \t\r\n"^0
local _Space = S" \t"^0
local Break = P"\r"^-1 * P"\n"
local Stop = Break + -1
local Indent = C(S"\t "^0) / count_indent
local Comment = P"--" * (1 - S"\r\n")^0 * #Stop
local Space = _Space * Comment^-1
local SomeSpace = S" \t"^1 * Comment^-1
local SpaceBreak = Space * Break
local EmptyLine = SpaceBreak
local AlphaNum = R("az", "AZ", "09", "__")
local _Name = C(R("az", "AZ", "__") * AlphaNum^0)
local Name = Space * _Name
local Num = P"0x" * R("09", "af", "AF")^1 +
R"09"^1 * (P"." * R"09"^1)^-1 * (S"eE" * P"-"^-1 * R"09"^1)^-1
Num = Space * (Num / function(value) return {"number", value} end)
local FactorOp = Space * C(S"+-")
local TermOp = Space * C(S"*/%^")
local Shebang = P"#!" * P(1 - Stop)^0
-- can't have P(false) because it causes preceding patterns not to run
local Cut = P(function() return false end)
local function ensure(patt, finally)
return patt * finally + finally * Cut
-- auto declare Proper variables with lpeg.V
local function wrap_env(fn)
local env = getfenv(fn)
local wrap_name = V
if debug_grammar then
local indent = 0
local indent_char = " "
local function iprint(...)
local args = {...}
for i=1,#args do
args[i] = tostring(args[i])
io.stdout:write(indent_char:rep(indent) .. table.concat(args, ", ") .. "\n")
wrap_name = function(name)
local v = V(name)
v = Cmt("", function()
iprint("* " .. name)
indent = indent + 1
return true
end) * Cmt(v, function()
iprint(name, true)
indent = indent - 1
return true
end) + Cmt("", function()
iprint(name, false)
indent = indent - 1
return false
return v
return setfenv(fn, setmetatable({}, {
__index = function(self, name)
local value = env[name]
if value ~= nil then return value end
if name:match"^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*$" then
local v = wrap_name(name)
rawset(self, name, v)
return v
error("unknown variable referenced: "..name)
function extract_line(str, start_pos)
str = str:sub(start_pos)
m = str:match"^(.-)\n"
if m then return m end
return str:match"^.-$"
local function mark(name)
return function(...)
return {name, ...}
local function insert_pos(pos, value)
if type(value) == "table" then
value[-1] = pos
return value
local function pos(patt)
return (lpeg.Cp() * patt) / insert_pos
local function got(what)
return Cmt("", function(str, pos, ...)
local cap = {...}
print("++ got "..what, "["..extract_line(str, pos).."]")
return true
local function flatten(tbl)
if #tbl == 1 then
return tbl[1]
return tbl
local function flatten_or_mark(name)
return function(tbl)
if #tbl == 1 then return tbl[1] end
table.insert(tbl, 1, name)
return tbl
-- makes sure the last item in a chain is an index
local _assignable = { index = true, dot = true, slice = true }
local function check_assignable(str, pos, value)
if ntype(value) == "chain" and _assignable[ntype(value[#value])]
or type(value) == "string"
return true, value
return false
local function sym(chars)
return Space * chars
local function symx(chars)
return chars
local function simple_string(delim, allow_interpolation)
local inner = P('\\'..delim) + "\\\\" + (1 - S('\r\n'..delim))
if allow_interpolation then
inter = symx"#{" * V"Exp" * sym"}"
inner = (C((inner - inter)^1) + inter / mark"interpolate")^0
inner = C(inner^0)
return C(symx(delim)) *
inner * sym(delim) / mark"string"
local function wrap_func_arg(value)
return {"call", {value}}
local function flatten_func(callee, args)
if #args == 0 then return callee end
args = {"call", args}
if ntype(callee) == "chain" then
-- check for colon stub that needs arguments
if ntype(callee[#callee]) == "colon_stub" then
local stub = callee[#callee]
stub[1] = "colon"
table.insert(stub, args)
table.insert(callee, args)
return callee
return {"chain", callee, args}
local function flatten_string_chain(str, chain, args)
if not chain then return str end
return flatten_func({"chain", str, unpack(chain)}, args)
-- transforms a statement that has a line decorator
local function wrap_decorator(stm, dec)
if not dec then return stm end
local arg = {stm, dec}
if dec[1] == "if" then
local _, cond, fail = unpack(dec)
if fail then fail = {"else", {fail}} end
stm = {"if", cond, {stm}, fail}
elseif dec[1] == "unless" then
stm = {
{"not", {"parens", dec[2]}},
elseif dec[1] == "comprehension" then
local _, clauses = unpack(dec)
stm = {"comprehension", stm, clauses}
return stm
-- wrap if statement if there is a conditional decorator
local function wrap_if(stm, cond)
if cond then
local pass, fail = unpack(cond)
if fail then fail = {"else", {fail}} end
return {"if", cond[2], {stm}, fail}
return stm
local function check_lua_string(str, pos, right, left)
return #left == #right
-- :name in table literal
local function self_assign(name)
return {{"key_literal", name}, name}
local err_msg = "Failed to parse:\n [%d] >> %s (%d)"
local build_grammar = wrap_env(function()
local _indent = Stack(0) -- current indent
local last_pos = 0 -- used to know where to report error
local function check_indent(str, pos, indent)
last_pos = pos
return _indent:top() == indent
local function advance_indent(str, pos, indent)
local top = _indent:top()
if top ~= -1 and indent > _indent:top() then
return true
local function push_indent(str, pos, indent)
return true
local function pop_indent(str, pos)
if not _indent:pop() then error("unexpected outdent") end
return true
local keywords = {}
local function key(chars)
keywords[chars] = true
return Space * chars * -AlphaNum
local function op(word)
local patt = Space * C(word)
if word:match("^%w*$") then
keywords[word] = true
patt = patt * -AlphaNum
return patt
-- make sure name is not a keyword
local Name = Cmt(Name, function(str, pos, name)
if keywords[name] then return false end
return true
end) / trim
local SelfName = Space * "@" * (
"@" * (_Name / mark"self_class" + Cc"self.__class") +
_Name / mark"self" + Cc"self")
local KeyName = SelfName + Space * _Name / mark"key_literal"
local Name = SelfName + Name + Space * "..." / trim
local g = lpeg.P{
File = Shebang^-1 * (Block + Ct""),
Block = Ct(Line * (Break^1 * Line)^0),
CheckIndent = Cmt(Indent, check_indent), -- validates line is in correct indent
Line = (CheckIndent * Statement + Space * #Stop),
Statement = (
Import + While + With + For + ForEach + Switch + Return + ClassDecl + Local +
Export + BreakLoop + Assign + Update +
Ct(ExpList) / flatten_or_mark"explist"
) * Space * ((
-- statement decorators
key"if" * Exp * (key"else" * Exp)^-1 * Space / mark"if" +
key"unless" * Exp / mark"unless" +
CompInner / mark"comprehension"
) * Space)^-1 / wrap_decorator,
Body = Space^-1 * Break * EmptyLine^0 * InBlock + Ct(Statement), -- either a statement, or an indented block
Advance = #Cmt(Indent, advance_indent), -- Advances the indent, gives back whitespace for CheckIndent
PushIndent = Cmt(Indent, push_indent),
PreventIndent = Cmt(Cc(-1), push_indent),
PopIndent = Cmt("", pop_indent),
InBlock = Advance * Block * PopIndent,
Local = key"local" * Ct(NameList) / mark"declare",
Import = key"import" * Ct(ImportNameList) * key"from" * Exp / mark"import",
ImportName = (sym"\\" * Ct(Cc"colon_stub" * Name) + Name),
ImportNameList = ImportName * (sym"," * ImportName)^0,
NameList = Name * (sym"," * Name)^0,
BreakLoop = Ct(key"break"/trim),
Return = key"return" * (ExpListLow/mark"explist" + C"") / mark"return",
With = key"with" * Exp * key"do"^-1 * Body / mark"with",
Switch = key"switch" * Exp * key"do"^-1 * Space^-1 * Break * SwitchBlock / mark"switch",
SwitchBlock = EmptyLine^0 * Advance * Ct(SwitchCase * (Break^1 * SwitchCase)^0 * (Break^1 * SwitchElse)^-1) * PopIndent,
SwitchCase = key"when" * Exp * key"then"^-1 * Body / mark"case",
SwitchElse = key"else" * Body / mark"else",
If = key"if" * Exp * key"then"^-1 * Body *
((Break * CheckIndent)^-1 * EmptyLine^0 * key"elseif" * Exp * key"then"^-1 * Body / mark"elseif")^0 *
((Break * CheckIndent)^-1 * EmptyLine^0 * key"else" * Body / mark"else")^-1 / mark"if",
While = key"while" * Exp * key"do"^-1 * Body / mark"while",
For = key"for" * (Name * sym"=" * Ct(Exp * sym"," * Exp * (sym"," * Exp)^-1)) *
key"do"^-1 * Body / mark"for",
ForEach = key"for" * Ct(NameList) * key"in" * Ct(sym"*" * Exp / mark"unpack" + ExpList) * key"do"^-1 * Body / mark"foreach",
Comprehension = sym"[" * Exp * CompInner * sym"]" / mark"comprehension",
TblComprehension = sym"{" * Exp * (sym"," * Exp)^-1 * CompInner * sym"}" / mark"tblcomprehension",
CompInner = Ct(CompFor * CompClause^0),
CompFor = key"for" * Ct(NameList) * key"in" * (sym"*" * Exp / mark"unpack" + Exp) / mark"for",
CompClause = CompFor + key"when" * Exp / mark"when",
Assign = Ct(AssignableList) * sym"=" * (Ct(With + If + Switch) + Ct(TableBlock + ExpListLow)) / mark"assign",
Update = Assignable * ((sym"..=" + sym"+=" + sym"-=" + sym"*=" + sym"/=" + sym"%=")/trim) * Exp / mark"update",
-- we can ignore precedence for now
OtherOps = op"or" + op"and" + op"<=" + op">=" + op"~=" + op"!=" + op"==" + op".." + op"<" + op">",
Assignable = Cmt(DotChain + Chain, check_assignable) + Name,
AssignableList = Assignable * (sym"," * Assignable)^0,
Exp = Ct(Value * ((OtherOps + FactorOp + TermOp) * Value)^0) / flatten_or_mark"exp",
-- Exp = Ct(Factor * (OtherOps * Factor)^0) / flatten_or_mark"exp",
-- Factor = Ct(Term * (FactorOp * Term)^0) / flatten_or_mark"exp",
-- Term = Ct(Value * (TermOp * Value)^0) / flatten_or_mark"exp",
SimpleValue =
If +
Switch +
With +
ForEach + For + While +
sym"-" * -SomeSpace * Exp / mark"minus" +
sym"#" * Exp / mark"length" +
key"not" * Exp / mark"not" +
TblComprehension +
TableLit +
Comprehension +
FunLit +
ChainValue = -- a function call or an object access
StringChain +
((Chain + DotChain + Callable) * Ct(InvokeArgs^-1)) / flatten_func,
Value = pos(
SimpleValue +
Ct(KeyValueList) / mark"table" +
SliceValue = SimpleValue + ChainValue,
StringChain = String *
(Ct((ColonCall + ColonSuffix) * ChainTail^-1) * Ct(InvokeArgs^-1))^-1 / flatten_string_chain,
String = Space * DoubleString + Space * SingleString + LuaString,
SingleString = simple_string("'"),
DoubleString = simple_string('"', true),
LuaString = Cg(LuaStringOpen, "string_open") * Cb"string_open" * Break^-1 *
C((1 - Cmt(C(LuaStringClose) * Cb"string_open", check_lua_string))^0) *
LuaStringClose / mark"string",
LuaStringOpen = sym"[" * P"="^0 * "[" / trim,
LuaStringClose = "]" * P"="^0 * "]",
Callable = Name + Parens / mark"parens",
Parens = sym"(" * Exp * sym")",
FnArgs = symx"(" * Ct(ExpList^-1) * sym")" + sym"!" * -P"=" * Ct"",
ChainTail = ChainItem^1 * ColonSuffix^-1 + ColonSuffix,
-- a list of funcalls and indexes on a callable
Chain = Callable * ChainTail / mark"chain",
-- shorthand dot call for use in with statement
DotChain =
(sym"." * Cc(-1) * (_Name / mark"dot") * ChainTail^-1) / mark"chain" +
(sym"\\" * Cc(-1) * (
(_Name * Invoke / mark"colon") * ChainTail^-1 +
(_Name / mark"colon_stub")
)) / mark"chain",
ChainItem =
Invoke +
Slice +
symx"[" * Exp/mark"index" * sym"]" +
symx"." * _Name/mark"dot" +
Slice = symx"[" * (SliceValue + Cc(1)) * sym"," * (SliceValue + Cc"") *
(sym"," * SliceValue)^-1 *sym"]" / mark"slice",
ColonCall = symx"\\" * (_Name * Invoke) / mark"colon",
ColonSuffix = symx"\\" * _Name / mark"colon_stub",
Invoke = FnArgs/mark"call" +
SingleString / wrap_func_arg +
DoubleString / wrap_func_arg,
TableValue = KeyValue + Ct(Exp),
TableLit = sym"{" * Ct(
TableValueList^-1 * sym","^-1 *
(SpaceBreak * TableLitLine * (sym","^-1 * SpaceBreak * TableLitLine)^0 * sym","^-1)^-1
) * White * sym"}" / mark"table",
TableValueList = TableValue * (sym"," * TableValue)^0,
TableLitLine = PushIndent * ((TableValueList * PopIndent) + (PopIndent * Cut)) + Space,
-- the unbounded table
TableBlockInner = Ct(KeyValueLine * (SpaceBreak^1 * KeyValueLine)^0),
TableBlock = SpaceBreak^1 * Advance * ensure(TableBlockInner, PopIndent) / mark"table",
ClassDecl = key"class" * Name * (key"extends" * PreventIndent * ensure(Exp, PopIndent) + C"")^-1 * ClassBlock / mark"class",
ClassBlock = SpaceBreak^1 * Advance *
Ct(ClassLine * (SpaceBreak^1 * ClassLine)^0) * PopIndent,
ClassLine = CheckIndent * ((
KeyValueList / mark"props" +
(Assign + Update) / mark"stm" +
Exp / mark"stm"
) * sym","^-1),
Export = key"export" * (
Cc"class" * ClassDecl +
op"*" + op"^" +
Ct(NameList) * (sym"=" * Ct(ExpListLow))^-1) / mark"export",
KeyValue = (sym":" * Name) / self_assign + Ct((KeyName + sym"[" * Exp * sym"]" + DoubleString + SingleString) * symx":" * (Exp + TableBlock)),
KeyValueList = KeyValue * (sym"," * KeyValue)^0,
KeyValueLine = CheckIndent * KeyValueList * sym","^-1,
FnArgsDef = sym"(" * Ct(FnArgDefList^-1) *
(key"using" * Ct(NameList + Space * "nil") + Ct"") *
sym")" + Ct"" * Ct"",
FnArgDefList = FnArgDef * (sym"," * FnArgDef)^0,
FnArgDef = Ct(Name * (sym"=" * Exp)^-1),
FunLit = FnArgsDef *
(sym"->" * Cc"slim" + sym"=>" * Cc"fat") *
(Body + Ct"") / mark"fndef",
NameList = Name * (sym"," * Name)^0,
ExpList = Exp * (sym"," * Exp)^0,
ExpListLow = Exp * ((sym"," + sym";") * Exp)^0,
InvokeArgs = ExpList * (sym"," * (TableBlock + SpaceBreak * Advance * ArgBlock * TableBlock^-1) + TableBlock)^-1 + TableBlock,
ArgBlock = ArgLine * (sym"," * SpaceBreak * ArgLine)^0 * PopIndent,
ArgLine = CheckIndent * ExpList
return {
_g = White * g * White * -1,
match = function(self, str, ...)
local pos_to_line = function(pos)
return util.pos_to_line(str, pos)
local get_line = function(num)
return util.get_line(str, num)
local tree
local args = {...}
local pass, err = assert(pcall(function()
tree = self._g:match(str, unpack(args))
if not tree then
local line_no = pos_to_line(last_pos)
local line_str = get_line(line_no) or ""
return nil, err_msg:format(line_no, trim(line_str), _indent:top())
return tree
-- parse a string
-- returns tree, or nil and error message
function string(str)
local g = build_grammar()
return g:match(str)