Commit: 121c08273b
The change caused problems with `body` background color no longer
bubbling up the the `html` element.
It also prevented you from setting `color` or `background` styles on
`html` before the normalize.css styles.
It might not be possibly to safely address – within normalize.css –
the problem that it was trying to avoid.
Fix gh-188
System color schemes (in particular, custom themes in Windows and Linux
distros) affect Firefox, IE, and Opera. Normalizing the web site/app's
root background and text color prevents these unwanted settings from
being used. Chrome doesn't apply system-level schemes to websites.
Fix gh-170
Make the font size for `small` not quite so small. The default value of
`smaller` doesn't scale the base font size down by the same proportion
whatever the base size. IE 6/7/8 end up rendering small text larger than
most modern browsers. Opera can render it slightly smaller than Chrome
and Firefox when the base font size is relatively large.
The previous size of `75%` was a bit too small.