- [ ]**Review pure-site in target environments with [Pure served locally](https://github.com/pure-css/pure-site/blob/master/README.md#running-with-pure-served-locally)**
It should have already been determined whether this is a minor or patch version release. Update Pure's version number to the new version in the following places. You'll likely be dropping a "-pre" suffix which was in place during the last development cycle. Do not use a "v" in the version (e.g., 1.0.0):
**Note:** If the build fails it's for a good reason, most likely because there's code which is not passing CSSLint. We should always fix these issues and never force a release.
- [ ]**Draft a new release on [GitHub](https://github.com/pure-css/pure/releases) for all three repos,** using "v" in the version number (e.g., v1.0.0). Drafts are invisible to the public. Once these are published, the repos will be visible, and they will be tagged. **Don't publish them just yet.**
From the [pure repo](https://github.com/pure-css/pure/releases), publish the release. This will tag the repo and signal to the public that the new Pure release is complete.
- [ ] We should mark the version number of the project (in package.json) as 0.6.1-pre for clarity, so there's no mistaking the leading edge of the project from the last release. Commit those changes and push to master.