var path = require('path'); module.exports = function (grunt) { // -- Config ------------------------------------------------------------------- grunt.initConfig({ pkg : grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), bower: grunt.file.readJSON('bower.json'), // -- Clean Config --------------------------------------------------------- clean: { build : ['build/'], build_res: ['build/*-r.css'], release : ['release/<%= pkg.version %>/'] }, // -- Copy Config ---------------------------------------------------------- copy: { build: { expand : true, flatten: true, dest : 'build/', src: [ 'bower_components/normalize-css/normalize.css', 'src/**/css/*.css' ], rename: function (dest, src) { // normalize -> base if (src === 'normalize.css') { src = 'base.css'; } return path.join(dest, src); } } }, // -- Concat Config -------------------------------------------------------- concat: { build: { files: [ {'build/buttons.css': [ 'build/buttons-core.css', 'build/buttons.css' ]}, {'build/forms-nr.css': [ 'build/forms.css' ]}, {'build/forms.css': [ 'build/forms-nr.css', 'build/forms-r.css' ]}, {'build/grids-nr.css': [ 'build/grids-core.css', 'build/grids-units.css' ]}, {'build/grids.css': [ 'build/grids-nr.css', 'build/grids-r.css' ]}, {'build/menus-nr.css': [ 'build/menus-core.css', 'build/menus.css', 'build/menus-paginator.css' ]}, {'build/menus.css': [ 'build/menus-nr.css', 'build/menus-r.css' ]}, // Rollups {'build/<%= %>.css': [ 'build/base.css', 'build/buttons.css', 'build/forms.css', 'build/grids.css', 'build/menus.css', 'build/tables.css' ]}, {'build/<%= %>-nr.css': [ 'build/base.css', 'build/buttons.css', 'build/forms-nr.css', 'build/grids-nr.css', 'build/menus-nr.css', 'build/tables.css' ]} ] } }, // -- CSSLint Config ------------------------------------------------------- csslint: { options: { csslintrc: '.csslintrc' }, src: { src: 'src/**/css/*.css' } }, // -- CSSMin Config -------------------------------------------------------- cssmin: { options: { // report: 'gzip' }, files: { expand: true, src : 'build/*.css', ext : '-min.css' } }, // -- Compress Config ------------------------------------------------------ compress: { release: { options: { archive: 'release/<%= pkg.version %>/<%= %>-<%= pkg.version %>.zip' }, expand : true, flatten: true, dest : '<%= %>/<%= pkg.version %>/', src: [ '{bower.json,,,}', 'build/*.css' ] } }, // -- License Config ------------------------------------------------------- license: { normalize: { options: { banner: [ '/*!', 'normalize.css v<%= bower.devDependencies["normalize-css"] %> | MIT License |', 'Copyright (c) Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal', '*/\n' ].join('\n') }, expand: true, cwd : 'build/', src : ['base*.css', '<%= %>*.css'] }, yahoo: { options: { banner: [ '/*!', 'Pure v<%= pkg.version %>', 'Copyright 2013 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.', 'Licensed under the BSD License.', '', '*/\n' ].join('\n') }, expand: true, src : ['build/*.css'] } }, // -- Contextualize Config ------------------------------------------------- contextualize: { normalize: { src : 'bower_components/normalize-css/normalize.css', dest: 'build/base-context.css', options: { prefix: '.pure' } } }, // -- Watch/Observe Config ------------------------------------------------- observe: { src: { files: 'src/**/css/*.css', tasks: ['test', 'suppress', 'build'], options: { interrupt: true } } } }); // -- Main Tasks --------------------------------------------------------------- grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-copy'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-concat'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-csslint'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-cssmin'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-compress'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.registerTask('default', ['import', 'test', 'build']); grunt.registerTask('import', ['bower-install']); grunt.registerTask('test', ['csslint']); grunt.registerTask('build', [ 'clean:build', 'copy:build', 'contextualize:normalize', 'concat:build', 'clean:build_res', 'cssmin', 'license' ]); // Makes the `watch` task run a build first. grunt.renameTask('watch', 'observe'); grunt.registerTask('watch', ['default', 'observe']); grunt.registerTask('release', [ 'default', 'clean:release', 'compress:release' ]); // -- Suppress Task ------------------------------------------------------------ grunt.registerTask('suppress', function () { var allowed = ['success', 'fail', 'warn', 'error']; grunt.util.hooker.hook(grunt.log, { passName: true, pre: function (name) { if (allowed.indexOf(name) === -1) { grunt.log.muted = true; } }, post: function () { grunt.log.muted = false; } }); }); // -- Bower Tasks -------------------------------------------------------------- grunt.registerTask('bower-install', 'Installs Bower dependencies.', function () { var bower = require('bower'), done = this.async(); bower.commands.install() .on('log', function (data) { if ( !== 'install') { return; } grunt.log.writeln('bower ' + + ' ' + data.message); }) .on('end', function (results) { if (!Object.keys(results).length) { grunt.log.writeln('No bower packages to install.'); } done(); }); }); // -- License Task ------------------------------------------------------------- grunt.registerMultiTask('license', 'Stamps license banners on files.', function () { var options = this.options({banner: ''}), banner = grunt.template.process(options.banner), tally = 0; this.files.forEach(function (filePair) { filePair.src.forEach(function (file) { grunt.file.write(file, banner +; tally += 1; }); }); grunt.log.writeln('Stamped license on ' + String(tally).cyan + ' files.'); }); // -- Contextualize Task ------------------------------------------------------- grunt.registerMultiTask('contextualize', 'Makes Contextualized CSS files.', function () { var Parser = require('parserlib').css.Parser, done = this.async(), options = this.options({banner: ''}), banner = grunt.template.process(options.banner), processing = 0; function oneDone() { if (!(processing -= 1)) { done(); } } this.files.forEach(function (filePair) { if (!filePair.src.length) { processing += 1; return oneDone(); } filePair.src.forEach(function (file) { var src =, contextual = banner, parser = new Parser(); parser.addListener('endstylesheet', function () { grunt.file.write(filePair.dest, contextual); grunt.log.writeln('File "' + filePair.dest + '" created.'); oneDone(); }); // Fired right before CSS properties are parsed for a certain rule. // Go through and add all the selectors to the `css` string. parser.addListener('startrule', function (event) { var prefix = options.prefix; event.selectors.forEach(function (selector, i) { var nextSelector = event.selectors[i + 1]; // If the selector does not contain the html selector, we // can go ahead and prepend `prefix` in front of it. if (selector.text.indexOf('html') === -1) { contextual += prefix + ' ' + selector.text; } else if (selector.text.indexOf('html') !== -1) { // If it contains `html`, replace the `html` with the // `prefix`. Replace multiple spaces with a single // space. This is for the case where // `html input[type='button']` comes through as // `html input[type='button']`. contextual += selector.text.replace('html', prefix).replace(/ +/g, ' '); } // If theres another selector, add a comma. if (nextSelector) { contextual += ',\n'; } else { // Otherwise, add an opening bracket for properties contextual += ' {\n'; } }); }); // Fired right after CSS properties are parsed for a certain rule. // Add the closing bracket to end the CSS Rule. parser.addListener('endrule', function (event) { contextual += '}\n'; }); // Fired for each property that the parser encounters. Add these // properties to the `css` string with 4 spaces. parser.addListener('property', function (event) { // Add 4 spaces tab. contextual += ' ' + + ': ' + event.value + ';\n'; }); // Do the parsing. processing += 1; parser.parse(src); }); }); }); };