(function (window, document) { // Expose as `Pure.trackDownload()` (window.Pure || (window.Pure = {})).trackDownload = trackDownload; var HAS_DOWNLOAD_ATTR = 'download' in document.createElement('a'); function trackDownload(category, name) { var ga = window.ga, link = this; // Quit early if Google Analytics isn't on the page. if (!ga) { return; } // Fire off the GA ping to track the download event. ga('send', 'event', category, 'download', name); // If the browser does not support the HTML5 `download` attribute give // the GA ping some time to complete before starting the download. if (!HAS_DOWNLOAD_ATTR) { setTimeout(function () { window.location.href = link.href; }, 100); // Prevent default. return false; } } }(this, this.document));