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/*! Parser: weekday - updated 11/2/2015 (v2.24.1) */
2015-10-31 15:08:21 +00:00
/* Demo: */
/*jshint jquery:true */
!function(a){"use strict";var b=a.tablesorter;b.dates=a.extend(!0,{},{
// See
// for details on how to use CLDR data for a locale to add data for this parser
// CLDR returns { sun: "Sun", mon: "Mon", tue: "Tue", wed: "Wed", thu: "Thu", ... }
// set table.config.weekStarts to change weekday start date for your locale
// cross-reference of a date on which the week starts on a...
weekStartList:{sun:"1995",// Sun 1/1/1995
mon:"1996",// Mon 1/1/1996
fri:"1999",// Friday 1/1/1999
// do not modify this array; it is used for cross referencing
weekdaysXref:["sun","mon","tue","wed","thu","fri","sat"]},b.dates),b.addParser({id:"weekday",is:function(){return!1},format:function(c,d,e,f){if(c){var g,h,i,j=d.config,
// add options to 'config.globalize' for all columns --> globalize : { lang: 'en' }
// or per column by using the column index --> globalize : { 0 : { lang: 'fr' } }
k=j.globalize&&(j.globalize[f]||j.globalize)||{},l=b.dates.weekdays[k.lang||"en"],m=b.dates.weekdaysXref;j.ignoreCase&&(c=c.toLowerCase());for(h in l)if("string"==typeof h&&(g=l[h],j.ignoreCase&&(g=g.toLowerCase()),c.match(g)))return i=a.inArray(h,m),i>-1?i:c}return c},type:"numeric"}),
// useful when a group widget date column is set to "group-date-week"
// and you want to only sort on the day of the week ignore the actual date, month and year
b.addParser({id:"weekday-index",is:function(){return!1},format:function(a,c){if(a){var d=c.config,e=new Date(a);if(e instanceof Date&&isFinite(e))
// use a specific date that started with that weekday so sorting is only going to be
// based on the day of the week and not the date, month or year
return new Date("1/"+(e.getDay()+1)+"/"+b.dates.weekStartList[d.weekStarts||"sun"])}return a},type:"numeric"})}(jQuery);