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2012-12-19 17:00:47 +00:00
tablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes.
tablesorter can successfully parse and sort many types of data including linked data in a cell.
### [Documentation](
* See the [full documentation](
* All of the [original document pages]( have been included.
* Information from my blog post on [undocumented options]( and lots of new demos have also been included.
* Change log moved from included text file into the [wiki documentation](
### Demos
* [Basic alpha-numeric sort Demo](
* Links to demo pages can be found within the main [documentation](
* More demos & playgrounds - updated in the [wiki pages](
### Features
* Multi-column alphanumeric sorting.
* Multi-tbody sorting - see the [options]( table on the main document page.
* Parsers for sorting text, alphanumeric text, URIs, integers, currency, floats, IP addresses, dates (ISO, long and short formats) & time. [Add your own easily](
* Support for ROWSPAN and COLSPAN on TH elements.
* Support secondary "hidden" sorting (e.g., maintain alphabetical sort when sorting on other criteria).
* Extensibility via [widget system](
* Cross-browser: IE 6.0+, FF 2+, Safari 2.0+, Opera 9.0+.
* Small code size.
* Works with jQuery 1.2.6+ (jQuery 1.4.1+ needed with some widgets).
### Licensing
* Copyright (c) 2007 Christian Bach.
* Original examples and docs at: [](
* Dual licensed under the [MIT]( and [GPL]( licenses.
### Change Log
View the [complete listing here](
2013-01-31 13:08:47 +00:00
#### Version 2.7.5 (1/31/2013)
* Added pager `pageSize` method to the docs.
* Added chili syntax highlighting script files back to the repo as some other external demos were still linking to it.
2013-01-29 22:42:23 +00:00
#### Version 2.7.4 (1/29/2013)
* Fixed an problem with the pager not pointing to a tbody, and breaking on an empty tbody. See [issue #223](
* Modified core to always add a `<colgroup>` to the table. Only when the `widthFixed` option is `true` will it add percentage based widths.
* Modified the parsers code to no longer require an `is` function; or if the function is missing, no error will be thrown.
* Modified the isoDate and usLongDate parsers:
* isoDate parser will now auto-detect dates with times
* usLongDate parser will now auto-detect dates in this format: "DD MMMMMMMMM YYYY" (25 Jan 2013)
* Added manifest files:
* `component.json` for bower package manager. Thanks to [appleboy](; also see [issue #190](
* `tablesorter.jquery.json` for the jquery plugin registry.
* Added `"updateRows"` method which is the exact same as `"update"`, but needed due to issues with Prototype. See [issue #217](
* Added `pageSize` method to change the pager page size more easily. See [issue #218](
* Added [filter widget change log]( to the wiki pages.
* Added a config variable `config.columns`:
* This variable indicates the number of columns in the table.
* Previously, `config.parsers.length` or `config.$headers.length` were used. Neither of which were accurate if the table was empty or multiple rows in the header existed.
* This value may still be inaccurate if a rowspan is used in the header.
* Updated index page to use jQuery 1.9.
* jQuery 2.0 is has a [bug adding rows to the table](, so I didn't upgrade the demos to use it.
* Changed syntax highlighting script from chilli to google's prettify.
#### Version 2.7.3 (1/10/2013)
2013-01-10 15:41:54 +00:00
* Fixed a serious bug in the filter widget that was breaking the widget completely if `filter_functions` was not defined (introduced in v2.7.2). Fixes [issue #213](
#### Version 2.7.2 (1/8/2013)
* Updated filter widget to update the filter-select when an update event is triggered. See [this StackOverflow question](
* Replaced `background-image: url();` with `background-image: none;` in all applicable theme files.
2013-01-07 15:57:36 +00:00
#### Version 2.7.1b (1/7/2013)
* Updated bootstrap demo
* It now properly removes the "table-striped" class when the zebra widget is enabled.
* The demo now uses the [`refreshWidgets` method]( (added in v2.4) to completely remove the zebra widget.
* Thanks to [potsky]( for notifying me of this problem!
#### Version 2.7.1 (1/4/2013)
* Added two internal parameters to always make sure we're targeting the correct elements.
* Added `table.config.$table` which is a jQuery object of the table.
* Added `table.config.$tbodies` which is a jQuery object of sortable tbodies; the ones without the class name in the `cssInfoBlock` option.
* Fixed removal methods:
* Tablesorter destroy will now properly restore the header and remove all bindings.
* Widgets should now again be removed properly.
* Updated the storage utility to allow setting a property to an empty string, previously it was just ignored.
* Fixed pager issues:
* Pager status will now update properly while filtering rows.
* Pager status will also update properly after sorting filtered rows.
* The above issues were fixes for [issue #207](
* Fixed the pager's `fixedHeight` option to again properly pad the table to maintain the height.
2012-12-26 08:06:26 +00:00
#### Version 2.7 (12/26/2012)
* Added `headerTemplate` option:
* `headerTemplate` is a template string which allows adding additional content to the header while it is being built.
* This template string has two default tags: `{content}` and `{icon}`.
* `{content}` will be replaced by the current header HTML content.
* `{icon}` will be replaced by `<i class="tablesorter-icon"></i>`, but only if a class name is defined in the `cssIcon` option.
* Everything within this template string will be wrapped in a div with class `tablesorter-header-inner`.
* The default template is `{content}`.
* The following themes DO NEED the icon (`{icon}`) included in the template: Bootstrap, jQuery UI, Grey and Dropbox.
* Added `onRenderTemplate` option:
* This is a function that is called after the template string has been built, but before the template string is applied to the header and before the onRenderHeader function is called.
* The onRenderTemplate function receives a column index and template string parameters. The template string, from the headerTemplate option, will already have the {icon} and {content} tags replaced; it's just a string of formatted HTML. When done manipulating this string, return it.
* Check out the [demo here](
* Updated `uitheme` widget
* The `uitheme` setting is no longer required, use the `theme` option instead.
* When using the `bootstrap` or `jui` theme, just add the name to the `theme` option: e.g. `theme: "bootstrap"`.
* The `uitheme` widget option will still work, but if the theme name exists within `$.tablesorter.themes` it will override the `uitheme` option.
* Look at the [theme demo]( source for a better example.
* Fixed `sortReset` bug - see [issue #167](
* Fixed an issue with the pager resetting to the first page after every sort.
* Fixed javascript errors popping up when initializing the plugin on an empty table. Fixes [issue #206](
2012-12-20 19:46:50 +00:00
#### Version 2.6.2 (12/20/2012)
* Fixed sort breaking when `tfoot` contained a table. Fixes problem mentioned in [issue #196](
* Fixed javascript error due to using `hasOwnProperty` inside of the formatFloat function in IE8. Fixes [issue #200](
* Fixed the reformatted minified widget file. Fixes [issue #201](
* Fixed pager ajax. It no longer load the initial page twice. Fixes [issue #202](
2012-12-19 17:00:47 +00:00
#### Version 2.6.1 (12/19/2012)
* Updated the pager
* Added an event named `pagerBeforeInitialized` which is triggered after all of the controls have been set up, but before rendering of the table or ajax data is obtained.
* Cleaned up pager code.
* Modifed the `formatFloat` function
* Previously you had to call the formatFloat function with a table so it could get the number format configuration
$.tablesorter.formatFloat('1,234,567.89', table); // result if usNumberFormat true = 1234567.89
* Now you can either pass the table or a boolean to indicate the format:
var usNumberFormat = true;
$.tablesorter.formatFloat('1,234', usNumberFormat); // result = 1234
$.tablesorter.formatFloat('1,234', false); // non-U.S. format result = 1.234
* Fixed pager size result incorrect with nested tables. Fixes [issue #196](
* Fixed parser javascript error when clearing tr's from table. Fixes [issue #199](
* Fixed themes so that the `sorter-false` class now restores the header padding. Mentioned in [issue #](188).
#### Version 2.6 (12/18/2012)
* Added `sortResetKey`:
* By default, holding down the ctrl key while clicking on a header cell will reset that column's sort.
* When sorting multiple columns, holding shift+ctrl will maintain the previous sorts and reset the selected column.
* Thanks to [emmerich]( for sharing [this code](!
* Added basic unit testing:
* JSHint checks of core, widgets and pager addon.
* Checks of various public functions, parsers and methods.
* This is a work-in-progress, so many more tests still need to be added.
* See the [basic test results here](
* Sorting arrows no longer show when a header column is disabled. Fixes [issue #188](
* Improved pager AJAX support:
* Added `serverSideSorting` option (default is `false`) to the plugin core which when `true` will disable client-side sorting.
* Added `filter_serversideFiltering` filter widget option (default is `false`) which when `true` will disable client-side filter widget processing.
* Added a `filterList` (`{filterList:fcol}`) ajax parameter to the pager's `ajaxUrl` option.
* Added `cssErrorRow` option to the pager options, allowing you to style the ajax error row which only appears with ajax errors.
* This update also fixes an issue with page size changing. See [issue #198](
* Thanks to [dhamma]( for [this enhancement](!
* Added `footerRow` and `footerCells` to the tablesorter themes (`$.tablesorter.themes`):
* This allows styling of the footer in the bootstrap and jQuery UI themes.
* Used by the `uitheme` widget.