<li>This widget will <strong>only work</strong> in tablesorter version 2.8+ and jQuery version 1.7+.</li>
<li>The user can print all, visible or filtered rows. And, choose to print all or selected columns (using the columnSelector widget).</li>
<li>By default, the widget is set to only print filtered rows & visible columns.</li>
<h3>Print widget default options (added inside of tablesorter <code>widgetOptions</code>)</h3>
<spanclass="label label-info">TIP!</span> Click on the link in the option column to reveal full details (or <ahref="#"class="toggleAll">toggle</a>|<ahref="#"class="showAll">show</a>|<ahref="#"class="hideAll">hide</a> all) or double click to update the browser location.
This option contains the data-attribute name which contains the modified table header content.
In this demo, the column selector widget is set up to also use the "data-name" attribute so the column selector popup and print header will display this alternate text.<preclass="prettyprint lang-html"><th data-name="First">First Name</th></pre>
Set this option to designate which rows are printed.
This option has three settings (only the first letter is necessary):
<li><code>'all'</code> or <code>'a'</code> - always print all rows (this will not work if the pager has `removeRows` set to `true`).</li>
<li><code>'filtered'</code> or <code>'f'</code> - only filtered rows are printed (even if the pager is applied).</li>
<li><code>'visible'</code> or <code>'v'</code> - only visible rows are printed (the current pager page).</li>
<spanclass="label label-info">Note</span> only rows contained within the table are printed; i.e. if ajax is being used to populate the table, only the currently loaded rows will print.
Set this option to designate which columns are printed.
This option has three settings (only the first letter is necessary):
<li><code>'all'</code> or <code>'a'</code> - always print all columns; including any intentionally hidden table cells.</li>
<li><code>'selected'</code> or <code>'s'</code> - only selected (visible) columns are printed (as set by the columnSelector widget).</li>
<li><code>'visible'</code> or <code>'v'</code> - set this option to print the table columns as is... no extra css is added to force table cells to be visible.</li>
When this callback is executed, three parameters are provided:
<li><code>config</code> - The table config settings.</li>
<li><code>$table</code> - The table wrapped in a div, as a jQuery object. It contains all the rows & cells of the original table, but the content of cells will be replaced by the contents of the associated <code>data-name</code> attribute.</li>
<li><code>printStyle</code> - This is the print style associated with the table. It contains styles to show or hide selected rows & columns, including the columnSelector style to hide specific columns.</li>
When any processing within this callback is complete, you must manually call the print function to continue printing as follows:
<preclass="prettyprint lang-js">// print callback example