tablesorter (FORK) is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes. tablesorter can successfully parse and sort many types of data including linked data in a cell. This forked version adds lots of new enhancements including: alphanumeric sorting, pager callback functons, multiple widgets providing column styling, ui theme application, sticky headers, column filters and resizer, as well as extended documentation with a lot more demos.
* Because of the change to the internal cache, the tablesorter v2.16+ core, filter widget and pager (both plugin & widget) will only work with the same version or newer files.
* See the [full documentation](
* All of the [original document pages]( have been included.
* Information from my blog post on [undocumented options]( and lots of new demos have also been included.
* Change log moved from included text file into the [wiki documentation](
* Multi-tbody sorting - see the [options]( table on the main document page.
* Supports [Bootstrap v2 and 3](
* Parsers for sorting text, alphanumeric text, URIs, integers, currency, floats, IP addresses, dates (ISO, long and short formats) & time. [Add your own easily](
* Inline editing - see [demo](
* Get all files: [zip]( or [tar.gz](
* Use [bower]( `bower install jquery.tablesorter`.
* Use [node.js]( `npm install tablesorter`.
* [Plugin for Rails]( Maintained by [themilkman](
* [UserFrosting]( (A secure, modern user management system for PHP that uses tablesorter) by [alexweissman](
* Big shout-out to [Nick Craver]( for getting rid of the `eval()` function that was previously needed for multi-column sorting.
* Big thanks to [thezoggy]( for helping with code, themes and providing valuable feedback.
* Big thanks to [ThsSin-]( for taking over for a while and also providing valuable feedback.
* Check the [FAQ]( page.
* Search the [main documentation]( (click the menu button in the upper left corner).
* Search the [issues]( to see if the question or problem has been brought up before, and hopefully resolved.
* Ask your question at [Stackoverflow]( using a tablesorter tag.
* Please don't open a [new issue]( unless it really is an issue with the plugin, or a feature request. Thanks!
* Docs: Correct usage of Sugar v2.0+ `sortCollage`.
* Filter: Add any match search by column text - see [updated demo](