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2015-11-05 02:15:37 +00:00
/*! Widget: resizable - updated 11/4/2015 (v2.24.3) */
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */
;(function ($, window) {
'use strict';
var ts = $.tablesorter || {};
$.extend(ts.css, {
resizableContainer : 'tablesorter-resizable-container',
resizableHandle : 'tablesorter-resizable-handle',
resizableNoSelect : 'tablesorter-disableSelection',
resizableStorage : 'tablesorter-resizable'
// Add extra scroller css
var s = '<style>' +
'body.' + ts.css.resizableNoSelect + ' { -ms-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: -moz-none;' +
'-khtml-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; }' +
'.' + ts.css.resizableContainer + ' { position: relative; height: 1px; }' +
// make handle z-index > than stickyHeader z-index, so the handle stays above sticky header
'.' + ts.css.resizableHandle + ' { position: absolute; display: inline-block; width: 8px;' +
'top: 1px; cursor: ew-resize; z-index: 3; user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; }' +
ts.resizable = {
init : function( c, wo ) {
if ( c.$table.hasClass( 'hasResizable' ) ) { return; }
c.$table.addClass( 'hasResizable' );
var noResize, $header, column, storedSizes, tmp,
$table = c.$table,
$parent = $table.parent(),
marginTop = parseInt( $table.css( 'margin-top' ), 10 ),
// internal variables
vars = wo.resizable_vars = {
useStorage : && wo.resizable !== false,
$wrap : $parent,
mouseXPosition : 0,
$target : null,
$next : null,
overflow : $parent.css('overflow') === 'auto' ||
$parent.css('overflow') === 'scroll' ||
$parent.css('overflow-x') === 'auto' ||
$parent.css('overflow-x') === 'scroll',
storedSizes : []
// set default widths
ts.resizableReset( c.table, true );
// now get measurements!
vars.tableWidth = $table.width();
// attempt to autodetect
vars.fullWidth = Math.abs( $parent.width() - vars.tableWidth ) < 20;
// Hacky method to determine if table width is set to 'auto'
if ( !vars.fullWidth ) {
tmp = $table.width();
$header = $table.wrap('<span>').parent(); // temp variable
storedSizes = parseInt( $table.css( 'margin-left' ), 10 ) || 0;
$table.css( 'margin-left', storedSizes + 50 );
vars.tableWidth = $header.width() > tmp ? 'auto' : tmp;
$table.css( 'margin-left', storedSizes ? storedSizes : '' );
$header = null;
if ( vars.useStorage && vars.overflow ) {
// save table width c.table, 'tablesorter-table-original-css-width', vars.tableWidth );
tmp = c.table, 'tablesorter-table-resized-width' ) || 'auto';
ts.resizable.setWidth( $table, tmp, true );
wo.resizable_vars.storedSizes = storedSizes = ( vars.useStorage ? c.table, ts.css.resizableStorage ) :
[] ) || [];
ts.resizable.setWidths( c, wo, storedSizes );
ts.resizable.updateStoredSizes( c, wo );
wo.$resizable_container = $( '<div class="' + ts.css.resizableContainer + '">' )
.css({ top : marginTop })
.insertBefore( $table );
// add container
for ( column = 0; column < c.columns; column++ ) {
$header = c.$headerIndexed[ column ];
tmp = ts.getColumnData( c.table, c.headers, column );
noResize = ts.getData( $header, tmp, 'resizable' ) === 'false';
if ( !noResize ) {
$( '<div class="' + ts.css.resizableHandle + '">' )
.appendTo( wo.$resizable_container )
'data-column' : column,
'unselectable' : 'on'
.data( 'header', $header )
.bind( 'selectstart', false );
ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo );
ts.resizable.bindings( c, wo );
updateStoredSizes : function( c, wo ) {
var column, $header,
len = c.columns,
vars = wo.resizable_vars;
vars.storedSizes = [];
for ( column = 0; column < len; column++ ) {
$header = c.$headerIndexed[ column ];
vars.storedSizes[ column ] = $':visible') ? $header.width() : 0;
setWidth : function( $el, width, overflow ) {
// overflow tables need min & max width set as well
'width' : width,
'min-width' : overflow ? width : '',
'max-width' : overflow ? width : ''
setWidths : function( c, wo, storedSizes ) {
var column, $temp,
vars = wo.resizable_vars,
$extra = $( c.namespace + '_extra_headers' ),
$col = c.$table.children( 'colgroup' ).children( 'col' );
storedSizes = storedSizes || vars.storedSizes || [];
// process only if table ID or url match
if ( storedSizes.length ) {
for ( column = 0; column < c.columns; column++ ) {
// set saved resizable widths
ts.resizable.setWidth( c.$headerIndexed[ column ], storedSizes[ column ], vars.overflow );
if ( $extra.length ) {
// stickyHeaders needs to modify min & max width as well
$temp = $extra.eq( column ).add( $col.eq( column ) );
ts.resizable.setWidth( $temp, storedSizes[ column ], vars.overflow );
$temp = $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' );
if ( $temp.length && !ts.hasWidget( c.table, 'scroller' ) ) {
ts.resizable.setWidth( $temp, c.$table.outerWidth(), vars.overflow );
setHandlePosition : function( c, wo ) {
var startPosition,
hasScroller = ts.hasWidget( c.table, 'scroller' ),
tableHeight = c.$table.height(),
$handles = wo.$resizable_container.children(),
handleCenter = Math.floor( $handles.width() / 2 );
if ( hasScroller ) {
tableHeight = 0;
c.$table.closest( '.' + ts.css.scrollerWrap ).children().each(function(){
var $this = $(this);
// center table has a max-height set
tableHeight += $this.filter('[style*="height"]').length ? $this.height() : $this.children('table').height();
// subtract out table left position from resizable handles. Fixes #864
startPosition = c.$table.position().left;
$handles.each( function() {
var $this = $(this),
column = parseInt( $this.attr( 'data-column' ), 10 ),
columns = c.columns - 1,
$header = $ 'header' );
if ( !$header ) { return; } // see #859
if ( !$':visible') ) {
} else if ( column < columns || column === columns && wo.resizable_addLastColumn ) {
display: 'inline-block',
height : tableHeight,
left : $header.position().left - startPosition + $header.outerWidth() - handleCenter
// prevent text selection while dragging resize bar
toggleTextSelection : function( c, wo, toggle ) {
var namespace = c.namespace + 'tsresize';
wo.resizable_vars.disabled = toggle;
$( 'body' ).toggleClass( ts.css.resizableNoSelect, toggle );
if ( toggle ) {
$( 'body' )
.attr( 'unselectable', 'on' )
.bind( 'selectstart' + namespace, false );
} else {
$( 'body' )
.removeAttr( 'unselectable' )
.unbind( 'selectstart' + namespace );
bindings : function( c, wo ) {
var namespace = c.namespace + 'tsresize';
wo.$resizable_container.children().bind( 'mousedown', function( event ) {
// save header cell and mouse position
var column,
vars = wo.resizable_vars,
$extras = $( c.namespace + '_extra_headers' ),
$header = $( ).data( 'header' );
column = parseInt( $header.attr( 'data-column' ), 10 );
vars.$target = $header = $header.add( $extras.filter('[data-column="' + column + '"]') ); = column;
// if table is not as wide as it's parent, then resize the table
vars.$next = event.shiftKey || wo.resizable_targetLast ?
$header.parent().children().not( '.resizable-false' ).filter( ':last' ) :
$header.nextAll( ':not(.resizable-false)' ).eq( 0 );
column = parseInt( vars.$next.attr( 'data-column' ), 10 );
vars.$next = vars.$next.add( $extras.filter('[data-column="' + column + '"]') ); = column;
vars.mouseXPosition = event.pageX;
ts.resizable.updateStoredSizes( c, wo );
ts.resizable.toggleTextSelection(c, wo, true );
$( document )
.bind( 'mousemove' + namespace, function( event ) {
var vars = wo.resizable_vars;
// ignore mousemove if no mousedown
if ( !vars.disabled || vars.mouseXPosition === 0 || !vars.$target ) { return; }
if ( wo.resizable_throttle ) {
clearTimeout( vars.timer );
vars.timer = setTimeout( function() {
ts.resizable.mouseMove( c, wo, event );
}, isNaN( wo.resizable_throttle ) ? 5 : wo.resizable_throttle );
} else {
ts.resizable.mouseMove( c, wo, event );
.bind( 'mouseup' + namespace, function() {
if (!wo.resizable_vars.disabled) { return; }
ts.resizable.toggleTextSelection( c, wo, false );
ts.resizable.stopResize( c, wo );
ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo );
// resizeEnd event triggered by scroller widget
$( window ).bind( 'resize' + namespace + ' resizeEnd' + namespace, function() {
ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo );
// right click to reset columns to default widths
.bind( 'columnUpdate' + namespace, function() {
ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo );
.find( 'thead:first' )
.add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' ).find( 'thead:first' ) )
.bind( 'contextmenu' + namespace, function() {
// $.isEmptyObject() needs jQuery 1.4+; allow right click if already reset
var allowClick = wo.resizable_vars.storedSizes.length === 0;
ts.resizableReset( c.table );
ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo );
wo.resizable_vars.storedSizes = [];
return allowClick;
mouseMove : function( c, wo, event ) {
if ( wo.resizable_vars.mouseXPosition === 0 || !wo.resizable_vars.$target ) { return; }
// resize columns
var column,
total = 0,
vars = wo.resizable_vars,
$next = vars.$next,
tar = vars.storedSizes[ ],
leftEdge = event.pageX - vars.mouseXPosition;
if ( vars.overflow ) {
if ( tar + leftEdge > 0 ) {
vars.storedSizes[ ] += leftEdge;
ts.resizable.setWidth( vars.$target, vars.storedSizes[ ], true );
// update the entire table width
for ( column = 0; column < c.columns; column++ ) {
total += vars.storedSizes[ column ];
ts.resizable.setWidth( c.$table.add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' ) ), total );
if ( !$next.length ) {
// if expanding right-most column, scroll the wrapper
vars.$wrap[0].scrollLeft = c.$table.width();
} else if ( vars.fullWidth ) {
vars.storedSizes[ ] += leftEdge;
vars.storedSizes[ ] -= leftEdge;
ts.resizable.setWidths( c, wo );
} else {
vars.storedSizes[ ] += leftEdge;
ts.resizable.setWidths( c, wo );
vars.mouseXPosition = event.pageX;
// dynamically update sticky header widths
stopResize : function( c, wo ) {
var vars = wo.resizable_vars;
ts.resizable.updateStoredSizes( c, wo );
if ( vars.useStorage ) {
// save all column widths c.table, ts.css.resizableStorage, vars.storedSizes ); c.table, 'tablesorter-table-resized-width', c.$table.width() );
vars.mouseXPosition = 0;
vars.$target = vars.$next = null;
// will update stickyHeaders, just in case, see #912
// this widget saves the column widths if
// $ function is included
// **************************
id: 'resizable',
priority: 40,
options: {
resizable : true, // save column widths to storage
resizable_addLastColumn : false,
resizable_widths : [],
resizable_throttle : false, // set to true (5ms) or any number 0-10 range
resizable_targetLast : false,
resizable_fullWidth : null
init: function(table, thisWidget, c, wo) {
ts.resizable.init( c, wo );
remove: function( table, c, wo, refreshing ) {
if (wo.$resizable_container) {
var namespace = c.namespace + 'tsresize';
c.$table.add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' ) )
.children( 'thead' )
.unbind( 'contextmenu' + namespace );
ts.resizable.toggleTextSelection( c, wo, false );
ts.resizableReset( table, refreshing );
$( document ).unbind( 'mousemove' + namespace + ' mouseup' + namespace );
ts.resizableReset = function( table, refreshing ) {
$( table ).each(function(){
var index, $t,
c = this.config,
wo = c && c.widgetOptions,
vars = wo.resizable_vars;
if ( table && c && c.$headerIndexed.length ) {
// restore the initial table width
if ( vars.overflow && vars.tableWidth ) {
ts.resizable.setWidth( c.$table, vars.tableWidth, true );
if ( vars.useStorage ) { table, 'tablesorter-table-resized-width', 'auto' );
for ( index = 0; index < c.columns; index++ ) {
$t = c.$headerIndexed[ index ];
if ( wo.resizable_widths && wo.resizable_widths[ index ] ) {
ts.resizable.setWidth( $t, wo.resizable_widths[ index ], vars.overflow );
} else if ( !$t.hasClass( 'resizable-false' ) ) {
// don't clear the width of any column that is not resizable
ts.resizable.setWidth( $t, '', vars.overflow );
// reset stickyHeader widths
c.$table.triggerHandler( 'stickyHeadersUpdate' );
if ( && !refreshing ) { this, ts.css.resizableStorage, {} );
})( jQuery, window );