diff --git a/docs/example-widget-scroller.html b/docs/example-widget-scroller.html index c3094184..437dd885 100644 --- a/docs/example-widget-scroller.html +++ b/docs/example-widget-scroller.html @@ -479,6 +479,26 @@ $(function() { + +
must be added to the table
+ <table class="ts-scroller-rtl">...</table>+ the reason for the weird naming
instead of tablesorter
is because with a class name of tablesorter-scroller-rtl
, the code will think you're trying to add a theme named scroller-rtl
+ If you want to change this class name, use the following code before the document ready function:
+$.tablesorter.css.scrollerRtl = "ts-scroller-rtl";+
. So if your entire page (body
is set, that will work just fine. If you only want the table to be set as rtl, then set this css on the scroller's wrapper:
+ .tablesorter-scroller { direction: rtl; }+