/* Widget: chart (beta) - updated 2/7/2015 (v2.19.0) *//* * Requires tablesorter v2.8+ and jQuery 1.7+ */ /*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */ /*global jQuery: false */ ;(function($){ 'use strict'; var ts = $.tablesorter, // temp variables chart_cols = [], chart_headers = [], // google charts chart_rows = [], chart_data = [], // highcharts chart_categories = [], chart_series = [], // fusioncharts chart_category = [], chart_dataset = [], chart = ts.chart = { // regex used to strip out non-digit values before sending // the string to the $.tablesorter.formatFloat function nonDigit : /[^\d,.\-()]/g, init: function(c, wo) { c.$table .off(wo.chart_event) .on(wo.chart_event, function() { if (this.hasInitialized) { // refresh 'c' variable in case options are updated dynamically var c = this.config; chart.getCols(c, c.widgetOptions); chart.getData(c, c.widgetOptions); } }); }, getCols: function(c, wo) { var i; chart_cols = []; chart_series = []; chart_dataset = []; for ( i = 0; i < c.columns; i++ ) { if ( wo.chart_useSelector && ts.hasWidget( c.table, 'columnSelector' ) && !c.selector.auto ) { if ( ( c.selector.states[i] && $.inArray(i, wo.chart_ignoreColumns) < 0 ) || i === wo.chart_labelCol || i === wo.chart_sort[0][0] ) { chart_cols.push(i); } } else { if ( $.inArray(i, wo.chart_ignoreColumns) < 0 || i === wo.chart_labelCol || i === wo.chart_sort[0][0] ) { chart_cols.push(i); } } } }, getData: function(c, wo) { chart.getHeaders(c, wo); chart.getRows(c, wo); /* == Google data == array of arrays (Google charts) [ [ "Year", "Sales", "Expenses" ], [ "2004", 1000, 400 ], [ "2005", 1170, 460 ], [ "2006", 660, 1120 ], [ "2007", 1030, 540 ] ] == Highcharts == categories -> [ '2004', '2005', '2006', '2007' ] series -> [{ name: 'Sales', data: [ 1000, 1170, 660, 1030 ] }, { name: 'Expenses', data: [ 400, 460, 1120, 540 ] }] == Fusioncharts "categories": [{ "category": [ {"label": "2004"}, {"label": "2005"}, {"label": "2006"}, {"label": "2007"} ] }], "dataset": [ { "seriesname": "Sales", "data": [ {"value": "1000"}, {"value": "1170"}, {"value": "660"}, {"value": "1030"} ] },{ "seriesname": "Expenses", "data": [ {"value": "400"}, {"value": "600"}, {"value": "1120"}, {"value": "540"} ] } ] */ chart_data = [ chart_headers ]; $.each(chart_rows, function(k, row) { chart_data.push(row); }); c.chart = { // google data: chart_data, // highcharts categories: chart_categories, series: chart_series, // FusionCharts category: chart_category, dataset: chart_dataset }; }, getHeaders: function(c, wo) { var text; chart_headers = []; chart_series = []; chart_dataset = []; chart_headers.push( c.headerContent[wo.chart_labelCol] ); $.each(chart_cols, function(k, col) { if (col === wo.chart_labelCol) { return true; } text = c.headerContent[col]; chart_headers.push( text ); chart_series.push( { name: text, data: [] } ); chart_dataset.push( { seriesname: text, data: [] } ); }); }, getRows: function(c, wo) { var norm_rows = c.cache[0].normalized, rows = []; chart_rows = []; chart_categories = []; chart_category = []; $.each(norm_rows, function(indx, rowVal) { var i, txt, $tr = rowVal[c.columns].$row, $cells = $tr.children('th,td'), row = []; if ( (/v/i.test(wo.chart_incRows) && $tr.is(':visible')) || (/f/i.test(wo.chart_incRows) && !$tr.hasClass(wo.filter_filteredRow || 'filtered')) || (!/(v|f)/i.test(wo.chart_incRows)) ) { // Add all cols (don't mess up indx for sorting) for (i = 0; i < c.columns; i++) { if ( $.inArray(indx, wo.chart_parsed) >= 0 ) { row.push( rowVal[i] ); } else { txt = $cells[i].getAttribute( c.textAttribute ) || $cells[i].textContent || $cells.eq(i).text(); row.push( $.trim( txt ) ); } } rows.push(row); } }); // sort based on chart_sort rows.sort(function(a, b) { if ( wo.chart_sort[0][1] === 1 ) { return ts.sortNatural( b[wo.chart_sort[0][0]], a[wo.chart_sort[0][0]] ); } return ts.sortNatural( a[wo.chart_sort[0][0]], b[wo.chart_sort[0][0]] ); }); $.each(rows, function(i, rowVal) { var value, objIndex = 0, row = [], label = rowVal[wo.chart_labelCol]; row.push( '' + label ); $.each(rowVal, function(indx, cellValue) { var tempVal; if (indx === wo.chart_labelCol) { chart_categories.push( cellValue ); chart_category.push({ 'label': cellValue }); return true; } value = false; if ( wo.chart_useSelector && ts.hasWidget( c.table, 'columnSelector' ) && !c.selector.auto ) { if ( c.selector.states[indx] && $.inArray(indx, wo.chart_ignoreColumns) < 0 ) { value = '' + cellValue; } } else { if ($.inArray(indx, wo.chart_ignoreColumns) < 0) { value = '' + cellValue; } } if (value !== false) { if ( /s/i.test( '' + wo.chart_layout[indx] ) ) { row.push( value ); chart_series[objIndex].data.push( value ); chart_dataset[objIndex].data.push( value ); } else { // using format float, after stripping out all non-digit values tempVal = ts.formatFloat( value.replace( chart.nonDigit, '' ), c.table ); tempVal = isNaN(tempVal) ? value : tempVal; // if tempVal ends up being an empty string, fall back to value row.push( tempVal ); chart_series[objIndex].data.push( tempVal ); chart_dataset[objIndex].data.push( { value : tempVal } ); } objIndex++; } }); chart_rows.push(row); }); }, remove: function(c, wo) { c.$table.off(wo.chart_event); } }; ts.addWidget({ id: 'chart', options: { // (a)ll, (v)isible or (f)iltered - only the first letter is needed chart_incRows: 'filtered', // prefer columnSelector for ignoreColumns chart_useSelector: false, // columns to ignore [0, 1,... ] (zero-based index) chart_ignoreColumns: [], // Use parsed data instead of cell.text() chart_parsed: [], // data output layout, float is default chart_layout: { // first element is a string, all others will be float 0: 'string' }, // Set the label column chart_labelCol: 0, // data sort, should always be first row, might want [[0,1]] chart_sort: [ [ 0, 0 ] ], // event to trigger get updated data chart_event: 'chartData' }, init: function(table, thisWidget, c, wo) { chart.init(c, wo); }, remove: function(table, c, wo) { chart.remove(c, wo); } }); })(jQuery);