* tablesorter pager plugin
* updated 5/27/2013
/*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */
;(function($) {
"use strict";
/*jshint supernew:true */
$.extend({ tablesorterPager: new function() {
this.defaults = {
// target the pager markup
container: null,
// use this format: "http://mydatabase.com?page={page}&size={size}&{sortList:col}&{filterList:fcol}"
// where {page} is replaced by the page number, {size} is replaced by the number of records to show,
// {sortList:col} adds the sortList to the url into a "col" array, and {filterList:fcol} adds
// the filterList to the url into an "fcol" array.
// So a sortList = [[2,0],[3,0]] becomes "&col[2]=0&col[3]=0" in the url
// and a filterList = [[2,Blue],[3,13]] becomes "&fcol[2]=Blue&fcol[3]=13" in the url
ajaxUrl: null,
// modify the url after all processing has been applied
customAjaxUrl: function(table, url) { return url; },
// modify the $.ajax object to allow complete control over your ajax requests
ajaxObject: {
dataType: 'json'
// process ajax so that the following information is returned:
// [ total_rows (number), rows (array of arrays), headers (array; optional) ]
// example:
// [
// 100, // total rows
// [
// [ "row1cell1", "row1cell2", ... "row1cellN" ],
// [ "row2cell1", "row2cell2", ... "row2cellN" ],
// ...
// [ "rowNcell1", "rowNcell2", ... "rowNcellN" ]
// ],
// [ "header1", "header2", ... "headerN" ] // optional
// ]
ajaxProcessing: function(ajax){ return [ 0, [], null ]; },
// output default: '{page}/{totalPages}'
// possible variables: {page}, {totalPages}, {filteredPages}, {startRow}, {endRow}, {filteredRows} and {totalRows}
output: '{startRow} to {endRow} of {totalRows} rows', // '{page}/{totalPages}'
// apply disabled classname to the pager arrows when the rows at either extreme is visible
updateArrows: true,
// starting page of the pager (zero based index)
page: 0,
// Number of visible rows
size: 10,
// if true, the table will remain the same height no matter how many records are displayed. The space is made up by an empty
// table row set to a height to compensate; default is false
fixedHeight: false,
// remove rows from the table to speed up the sort of large tables.
// setting this to false, only hides the non-visible rows; needed if you plan to add/remove rows with the pager enabled.
removeRows: false, // removing rows in larger tables speeds up the sort
// css class names of pager arrows
cssFirst: '.first', // go to first page arrow
cssPrev: '.prev', // previous page arrow
cssNext: '.next', // next page arrow
cssLast: '.last', // go to last page arrow
cssGoto: '.gotoPage', // go to page selector - select dropdown that sets the current page
cssPageDisplay: '.pagedisplay', // location of where the "output" is displayed
cssPageSize: '.pagesize', // page size selector - select dropdown that sets the "size" option
cssErrorRow: 'tablesorter-errorRow', // error information row
// class added to arrows when at the extremes (i.e. prev/first arrows are "disabled" when on the first page)
cssDisabled: 'disabled', // Note there is no period "." in front of this class name
// stuff not set by the user
totalRows: 0,
totalPages: 0,
filteredRows: 0,
filteredPages: 0
var $this = this,
// hide arrows at extremes
pagerArrows = function(p, disable) {
var a = 'addClass',
r = 'removeClass',
d = p.cssDisabled,
dis = !!disable,
tp = Math.min( p.totalPages, p.filteredPages );
if ( p.updateArrows ) {
p.$container.find(p.cssFirst + ',' + p.cssPrev)[ ( dis || p.page === 0 ) ? a : r ](d);
p.$container.find(p.cssNext + ',' + p.cssLast)[ ( dis || p.page === tp - 1 ) ? a : r ](d);
updatePageDisplay = function(table, p, flag) {
var i, pg, s, t, out,
c = table.config,
f = c.$table.hasClass('hasFilters') && !p.ajaxUrl;
p.totalPages = Math.ceil( p.totalRows / p.size ); // needed for "pageSize" method
p.filteredRows = (f) ? c.$tbodies.eq(0).children('tr:not(.' + (c.widgetOptions && c.widgetOptions.filter_filteredRow || 'filtered') + ',' + c.selectorRemove + ')').length : p.totalRows;
p.filteredPages = (f) ? Math.ceil( p.filteredRows / p.size ) || 1 : p.totalPages;
if ( Math.min( p.totalPages, p.filteredPages ) >= 0 ) {
t = (p.size * p.page > p.filteredRows);
p.startRow = (t) ? 1 : (p.filteredRows === 0 ? 0 : p.size * p.page + 1);
p.page = (t) ? 0 : p.page;
p.endRow = Math.min( p.filteredRows, p.totalRows, p.size * ( p.page + 1 ) );
out = p.$container.find(p.cssPageDisplay);
// form the output string
s = p.output.replace(/\{(page|filteredRows|filteredPages|totalPages|startRow|endRow|totalRows)\}/gi, function(m){
return {
'{page}' : p.page + 1,
'{filteredRows}' : p.filteredRows,
'{filteredPages}' : p.filteredPages,
'{totalPages}' : p.totalPages,
'{startRow}' : p.startRow,
'{endRow}' : p.endRow,
'{totalRows}' : p.totalRows
if (out.length) {
out[ (out[0].tagName === 'INPUT') ? 'val' : 'html' ](s);
if ( p.$goto.length ) {
t = '';
pg = Math.min( p.totalPages, p.filteredPages );
for ( i = 1; i <= pg; i++ ) {
t += '';
p.$goto.html(t).val( p.page + 1 );
if (p.initialized && flag !== false) { c.$table.trigger('pagerComplete', p); }
fixHeight = function(table, p) {
var d, h,
c = table.config,
$b = c.$tbodies.eq(0);
if (p.fixedHeight) {
h = $.data(table, 'pagerSavedHeight');
if (h) {
d = h - $b.height();
if ( d > 5 && $.data(table, 'pagerLastSize') === p.size && $b.children('tr:visible').length < p.size ) {
changeHeight = function(table, p) {
var $b = table.config.$tbodies.eq(0);
$.data(table, 'pagerSavedHeight', $b.height());
fixHeight(table, p);
$.data(table, 'pagerLastSize', p.size);
hideRows = function(table, p){
if (!p.ajaxUrl) {
var i,
c = table.config,
rows = c.$tbodies.eq(0).children('tr:not(.' + c.cssChildRow + ')'),
l = rows.length,
s = ( p.page * p.size ),
e = s + p.size,
f = c.widgetOptions && c.widgetOptions.filter_filteredRow || 'filtered',
j = 0; // size counter
for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ ){
if ( !rows[i].className.match(f) ) {
rows[i].style.display = ( j >= s && j < e ) ? '' : 'none';
hideRowsSetup = function(table, p){
p.size = parseInt( p.$size.val(), 10 ) || p.size;
$.data(table, 'pagerLastSize', p.size);
if ( !p.removeRows ) {
hideRows(table, p);
$(table).bind('sortEnd.pager filterEnd.pager', function(){
hideRows(table, p);
renderAjax = function(data, table, p, xhr, exception){
// process data
if ( typeof(p.ajaxProcessing) === "function" ) {
// ajaxProcessing result: [ total, rows, headers ]
var i, j, hsh, $f, $sh, th, d, l, $err, rr_count,
c = table.config,
$t = c.$table,
tds = '',
result = p.ajaxProcessing(data, table) || [ 0, [] ],
hl = $t.find('thead th').length,
// allow [ total, rows, headers ] or [ rows, total, headers ]
t = isNaN(result[0]) && !isNaN(result[1]);
$t.find('thead tr.' + p.cssErrorRow).remove(); // Clean up any previous error.
if ( exception ) {
$err = $('
// add error row to thead instead of tbody, or clicking on the header will result in a parser error
.appendTo( $t.find('thead:first') );
} else {
//ensure a zero returned row count doesn't fail the logical ||
rr_count = result[t ? 1 : 0];
p.totalRows = isNaN(rr_count) ? p.totalRows || 0 : rr_count;
d = result[t ? 0 : 1] || []; // row data
l = d.length;
th = result[2]; // headers
if (d instanceof jQuery) {
// append jQuery object
} else if (d.length) {
// build table from array
if ( l > 0 ) {
for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) {
tds += '