/* =============================================================================== Chili is the jQuery code highlighter plugin ............................................................................... LICENSE: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php WEBSITE: http://noteslog.com/chili/ Copyright 2008 / Andrea Ercolino =============================================================================== */ ( function($) { ChiliBook = { //implied global version: "2.2" // 2008-07-06 // options -------------------------------------------------------------------- , automatic: true , automaticSelector: "code" , lineNumbers: !true , codeLanguage: function( el ) { var recipeName = $( el ).attr( "class" ); return recipeName ? recipeName : ''; } , recipeLoading: true , recipeFolder: "" // used like: recipeFolder + recipeName + '.js' // IE and FF convert   to " ", Safari and Opera do not , replaceSpace: " " , replaceTab: "    " , replaceNewLine: " 
" , selectionStyle: [ "position:absolute; z-index:3000; overflow:scroll;" , "width:16em;" , "height:9em;" , "border:1px solid gray;" , "padding:15px;" , "background-color:yellow;" ].join( ' ' ) // ------------------------------------------------------------- end of options , defaultReplacement: '$$' // TODO: make this an option again , recipes: {} //repository , queue: {} //registry , unique: function() { return (new Date()).valueOf(); } }; $.fn.chili = function( options ) { var book = $.extend( {}, ChiliBook, options || {} ); function cook( ingredients, recipe, blockName ) { function prepareBlock( recipe, blockName ) { var steps = []; for( var stepName in recipe[ blockName ] ) { steps.push( prepareStep( recipe, blockName, stepName ) ); } return steps; } // prepareBlock function prepareStep( recipe, blockName, stepName ) { var step = recipe[ blockName ][ stepName ]; var exp = ( typeof step._match == "string" ) ? step._match : step._match.source; return { recipe: recipe , blockName: blockName , stepName: stepName , exp: "(" + exp + ")" , length: 1 // add 1 to account for the newly added parentheses + (exp // count number of submatches in here .replace( /\\./g, "%" ) // disable any escaped character .replace( /\[.*?\]/g, "%" ) // disable any character class .match( /\((?!\?)/g ) // match any open parenthesis, not followed by a ? || [] // make sure it is an empty array if there are no matches ).length // get the number of matches , replacement: step._replace ? step._replace : book.defaultReplacement }; } // prepareStep function knowHow( steps ) { var prevLength = 1; var exps = []; for (var i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) { var exp = steps[ i ].exp; // adjust backreferences exp = exp.replace( /\\\\|\\(\d+)/g, function( m, aNum ) { return !aNum ? m : "\\" + ( prevLength + 1 + parseInt( aNum, 10 ) ); } ); exps.push( exp ); prevLength += steps[ i ].length; } var prolog = '((?:\\s|\\S)*?)'; var epilog = '((?:\\s|\\S)+)'; var source = '(?:' + exps.join( "|" ) + ')'; source = prolog + source + '|' + epilog; return new RegExp( source, recipe._case ? "g" : "gi" ); } // knowHow function escapeHTML( str ) { return str.replace( /&/g, "&" ).replace( /' + filter( subject ) + ''; } return filter( subject ); } else { return filter( subject ); } } } // applyModule function addPrefix( prefix, replacement ) { var aux = replacement.replace( /()/ig, "$1" + prefix + "__$3" ); return aux; } // addPrefix function chef() { if (! arguments[ 0 ]) { return ''; } var steps = this.steps; var i = 0; // iterate steps var j = 2; // iterate chef's arguments var prolog = arguments[ 1 ]; var epilog = arguments[ arguments.length - 3 ]; if (! epilog) { var step; while( step = steps[ i++ ] ) { var aux = arguments; // this unmasks chef's arguments inside the next function if( aux[ j ] ) { var replacement = ''; if( $.isFunction( step.replacement ) ) { var matches = []; //Array.slice.call( aux, j, step.length ); for (var k = 0, kTop = step.length; k < kTop; k++) { matches.push( aux[ j + k ] ); } matches.push( aux[ aux.length - 2 ] ); matches.push( aux[ aux.length - 1 ] ); replacement = step.replacement .apply( { x: function() { var subject = arguments[0]; var module = arguments[1]; var context = { recipe: step.recipe , blockName: step.blockName }; return applyModule( subject, module, context ); } }, matches ); } else { //we expect step.replacement to be a string replacement = step.replacement .replace( /(\\\$)|(?:\$\$)|(?:\$(\d+))/g, function( m, escaped, K ) { if( escaped ) { /* \$ */ return "$"; } else if( !K ) { /* $$ */ return filter( aux[ j ] ); } else if( K == "0" ) { /* $0 */ return step.stepName; } else { /* $K */ return filter( aux[ j + parseInt( K, 10 ) ] ); } } ); } replacement = addPrefix( step.recipe._name, replacement ); return filter( prolog ) + replacement; } else { j+= step.length; } } } else { return filter( epilog ); } } // chef if( ! blockName ) { blockName = '_main'; checkSpices( recipe ); } if( ! (blockName in recipe) ) { return filter( ingredients ); } var replaceSpace = book.replaceSpace; var steps = prepareBlock( recipe, blockName ); var kh = knowHow( steps ); var perfect = ingredients.replace( kh, function() { return chef.apply( { steps: steps }, arguments ); } ); return perfect; } // cook function loadStylesheetInline( sourceCode ) { if( document.createElement ) { var e = document.createElement( "style" ); e.type = "text/css"; if( e.styleSheet ) { // IE e.styleSheet.cssText = sourceCode; } else { var t = document.createTextNode( sourceCode ); e.appendChild( t ); } document.getElementsByTagName( "head" )[0].appendChild( e ); } } // loadStylesheetInline function checkSpices( recipe ) { var name = recipe._name; if( ! book.queue[ name ] ) { var content = ['/* Chili -- ' + name + ' */']; for (var blockName in recipe) { if( blockName.search( /^_(?!main\b)/ ) < 0 ) { for (var stepName in recipe[ blockName ]) { var step = recipe[ blockName ][ stepName ]; if( '_style' in step ) { if( step[ '_style' ].constructor == String ) { content.push( '.' + name + '__' + stepName + ' { ' + step[ '_style' ] + ' }' ); } else { for (var className in step[ '_style' ]) { content.push( '.' + name + '__' + className + ' { ' + step[ '_style' ][ className ] + ' }' ); } } } } } } content = content.join('\n'); loadStylesheetInline( content ); book.queue[ name ] = true; } } // checkSpices function askDish( el ) { var recipeName = book.codeLanguage( el ); if( '' != recipeName ) { var path = getPath( recipeName ); if( book.recipeLoading ) { /* dynamic setups come here */ if( ! book.queue[ path ] ) { /* this is a new recipe to download */ try { book.queue[ path ] = [ el ]; $.getJSON( path, function( recipeLoaded ) { book.recipes[ path ] = recipeLoaded; var q = book.queue[ path ]; for( var i = 0, iTop = q.length; i < iTop; i++ ) { makeDish( q[ i ], path ); } } ); } catch( recipeNotAvailable ) { alert( "the recipe for '" + recipeName + "' was not found in '" + path + "'" ); } } else { /* not a new recipe, so just enqueue this element */ book.queue[ path ].push( el ); } /* a recipe could have been already downloaded */ makeDish( el, path ); } else { /* static setups come here */ makeDish( el, path ); } } } // askDish function makeDish( el, recipePath ) { var recipe = book.recipes[ recipePath ]; if( ! recipe ) { return; } var $el = $( el ); var ingredients = $el.text(); if( ! ingredients ) { return; } //fix for msie: \r (13) is used instead of \n (10) //fix for opera: \r\n is used instead of \n ingredients = ingredients.replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"); //reverse fix for safari: msie, mozilla and opera render the initial \n if( $el.parent().is('pre') ) { if( ! $.browser.safari ) { ingredients = ingredients.replace(/^\n/g, ""); } } var dish = cook( ingredients, recipe ); // all happens here if( book.replaceTab ) { dish = dish.replace( /\t/g, book.replaceTab ); } if( book.replaceNewLine ) { dish = dish.replace( /\n/g, book.replaceNewLine ); } el.innerHTML = dish; //much faster than $el.html( dish ); //tried also the function replaceHtml from http://blog.stevenlevithan.com/archives/faster-than-innerhtml //but it was not faster nor without sideffects (it was not possible to count spans into el) //opera and safari select PRE text correctly if( $.browser.msie || $.browser.mozilla ) { enableSelectionHelper( el ); } var $that = $el.parent(); var classes = $that.attr( 'class' ); var ln = /ln-(\d+)-([\w][\w\-]*)|ln-(\d+)|ln-/.exec( classes ); if( ln ) { addLineNumbers( el ); var start = 0; if( ln[1] ) { start = parseInt( ln[1], 10 ); var $pieces = $( '.ln-' + ln[1] + '-' + ln[2] ); var pos = $pieces.index( $that[0] ); $pieces.slice( 0, pos ).each( function() { start += $( this ).find( 'li' ).length; } ); } else if( ln[3] ) { start = parseInt( ln[3], 10 ); } else { start = 1; } $el.find( 'ol' )[0].start = start; $('body').width( $('body').width() - 1 ).width( $('body').width() + 1 ); } else if( book.lineNumbers ) { addLineNumbers( el ); } } // makeDish function enableSelectionHelper( el ) { var element = null; $( el ) .parents() .filter( "pre" ) .bind( "mousedown", function() { element = this; if( $.browser.msie ) { document.selection.empty(); } else { window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); } } ) .bind( "mouseup", function( event ) { if( element && (element == this) ) { element = null; var selected = ''; if( $.browser.msie ) { selected = document.selection.createRange().htmlText; if( '' == selected ) { return; } selected = preserveNewLines( selected ); var container_tag = '