/*! Widget: output - updated 5/17/2015 (v2.22.0) *//* * Requires tablesorter v2.8+ and jQuery 1.7+ * Modified from: * HTML Table to CSV: http://www.kunalbabre.com/projects/table2CSV.php (License unknown?) * Download-File-JS: https://github.com/PixelsCommander/Download-File-JS (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) */ /*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */ /*global jQuery: false */ ;(function($){ "use strict"; var ts = $.tablesorter, output = ts.output = { event : 'outputTable', // wrap line breaks & tabs in quotes regexQuote : /([\n\t\x09\x0d\x0a]|<[^<]+>)/, // test if cell needs wrapping quotes regexBR : /(|\n)/g, // replace regexIMG : /]+alt\s*=\s*['"]([^'"]+)['"][^>]*>/i, // match regexHTML : /<[^<]+>/g, // replace replaceCR : '\x0d\x0a', replaceTab : '\x09', popupTitle : 'Output', popupStyle : 'width:100%;height:100%;', // for textarea message : 'Your device does not support downloading. Please try again in desktop browser.', init : function(c) { c.$table .off(output.event) .on(output.event, function(){ // explicitly use table.config.widgetOptions because we want // the most up-to-date values; not the "wo" from initialization output.process(c, c.widgetOptions); }); }, processRow: function(c, $rows, isHeader, isJSON) { var $cell, $cells, cellsLen, rowIndex, row, col, indx, rowspanLen, colspanLen, txt, wo = c.widgetOptions, tmpRow = [], dupe = wo.output_duplicateSpans, addSpanIndex = isHeader && isJSON && wo.output_headerRows && $.isFunction(wo.output_callbackJSON), cellIndex = 0, rowsLength = $rows.length; for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowsLength; rowIndex++ ) { if (!tmpRow[rowIndex]) { tmpRow[rowIndex] = []; } cellIndex = 0; $cells = $rows.eq( rowIndex ).children(); cellsLen = $cells.length; for ( indx = 0; indx < cellsLen; indx++ ) { $cell = $cells.eq( indx ); // process rowspans if ($cell.filter('[rowspan]').length) { rowspanLen = parseInt( $cell.attr('rowspan'), 10) - 1; txt = output.formatData( wo, $cell, isHeader ); for (row = 1; row <= rowspanLen; row++) { if (!tmpRow[rowIndex + row]) { tmpRow[rowIndex + row] = []; } tmpRow[rowIndex + row][cellIndex] = isHeader ? txt : dupe ? txt : ''; } } // process colspans if ($cell.filter('[colspan]').length) { colspanLen = parseInt( $cell.attr('colspan'), 10) - 1; // allow data-attribute to be an empty string txt = output.formatData( wo, $cell, isHeader ); for (col = 1; col <= colspanLen; col++) { // if we're processing the header & making JSON, the header names need to be unique if ($cell.filter('[rowspan]').length) { rowspanLen = parseInt( $cell.attr('rowspan'), 10); for (row = 0; row < rowspanLen; row++) { if (!tmpRow[rowIndex + row]) { tmpRow[rowIndex + row] = []; } tmpRow[rowIndex + row][cellIndex + col] = addSpanIndex ? wo.output_callbackJSON($cell, txt, cellIndex + col) || txt + '(' + (cellIndex + col) + ')' : isHeader ? txt : dupe ? txt : ''; } } else { tmpRow[rowIndex][cellIndex + col] = addSpanIndex ? wo.output_callbackJSON($cell, txt, cellIndex + col) || txt + '(' + (cellIndex + col) + ')' : isHeader ? txt : dupe ? txt : ''; } } } // skip column if already defined while (typeof tmpRow[rowIndex][cellIndex] !== 'undefined') { cellIndex++; } tmpRow[rowIndex][cellIndex] = tmpRow[rowIndex][cellIndex] || output.formatData( wo, $cell, isHeader ); cellIndex++; } } return ts.output.removeColumns( c, wo, tmpRow ); }, // remove hidden/ignored columns removeColumns : function( c, wo, arry ) { var rowIndex, row, colIndex, data = [], len = arry.length; for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < len; rowIndex++ ) { row = arry[ rowIndex ]; data[ rowIndex ] = []; for ( colIndex = 0; colIndex < c.columns; colIndex++ ) { if ( !wo.output_hiddenColumnArray[ colIndex ] ) { data[ rowIndex ].push( row[ colIndex ] ); } } } return data; }, process : function(c, wo) { var mydata, $this, $rows, headers, csvData, len, rowsLen, tmp, hasStringify = window.JSON && JSON.hasOwnProperty('stringify'), indx = 0, tmpData = (wo.output_separator || ',').toLowerCase(), outputJSON = tmpData === 'json', outputArray = tmpData === 'array', separator = outputJSON || outputArray ? ',' : wo.output_separator, saveRows = wo.output_saveRows, $el = c.$table; // regex to look for the set separator or HTML wo.output_regex = new RegExp('(' + (/\\/.test(separator) ? '\\' : '' ) + separator + ')' ); // make a list of hidden columns wo.output_hiddenColumnArray = []; for ( indx = 0; indx < c.columns; indx++ ) { wo.output_hiddenColumnArray[ indx ] = $.inArray( indx, wo.output_ignoreColumns ) > -1 || c.$headerIndexed[ indx ].css( 'display' ) === 'none'; } // get header cells $this = $el.find('thead tr:visible').not('.' + (ts.css.filterRow || 'tablesorter-filter-row') ); headers = output.processRow(c, $this, true, outputJSON); // all tbody rows $rows = $el.children('tbody').children('tr'); // get (f)iltered, (v)isible, all rows (look for the first letter only), or jQuery filter selector $rows = /^f/.test(saveRows) ? $rows.not('.' + (wo.filter_filteredRow || 'filtered') ) : /^v/.test(saveRows) ? $rows.filter(':visible') : // look for '.' (class selector), '#' (id selector), // ':' (basic filters, e.g. ':not()') or '[' (attribute selector start) /^[.#:\[]/.test(saveRows) ? $rows.filter(saveRows) : // default to all rows $rows; // process to array of arrays csvData = output.processRow(c, $rows); if (wo.output_includeFooter) { // clone, to force the tfoot rows to the end of this selection of rows // otherwise they appear after the thead (the order in the HTML) csvData = csvData.concat( output.processRow( c, $el.children('tfoot').children('tr:visible') ) ); } len = headers.length; if (outputJSON) { tmpData = []; rowsLen = csvData.length; for ( indx = 0; indx < rowsLen; indx++ ) { // multiple header rows & output_headerRows = true, pick the last row... tmp = headers[ ( len > 1 && wo.output_headerRows ) ? indx % len : len - 1 ]; tmpData.push( output.row2Hash( tmp, csvData[ indx ] ) ); } // requires JSON stringify; if it doesn't exist, the output will show [object Object],... in the output window mydata = hasStringify ? JSON.stringify(tmpData) : tmpData; } else { tmp = [ headers[ ( len > 1 && wo.output_headerRows ) ? indx % len : len - 1 ] ]; tmpData = output.row2CSV(wo, wo.output_headerRows ? headers : tmp, outputArray) .concat( output.row2CSV(wo, csvData, outputArray) ); // stringify the array; if stringify doesn't exist the array will be flattened mydata = outputArray && hasStringify ? JSON.stringify(tmpData) : tmpData.join('\n'); } // callback; if true returned, continue processing if ($.isFunction(wo.output_callback) && !wo.output_callback(c, mydata)) { return; } if ( /p/i.test( wo.output_delivery || '' ) ) { output.popup(mydata, wo.output_popupStyle, outputJSON || outputArray); } else { output.download(wo, mydata); } }, // end process row2CSV : function(wo, tmpRow, outputArray) { var tmp, rowIndex, csvData = [], rowLen = tmpRow.length; for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < rowLen; rowIndex++) { // remove any blank rows tmp = ( tmpRow[rowIndex] || [] ).join('').replace(/\"/g,''); if ( ( tmpRow[rowIndex] || [] ).length > 0 && tmp !== '' ) { csvData[csvData.length] = outputArray ? tmpRow[rowIndex] : tmpRow[rowIndex].join(wo.output_separator); } } return csvData; }, row2Hash : function( keys, values ) { var indx, json = {}, len = values.length; for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) { if ( indx < keys.length ) { json[ keys[ indx ] ] = values[ indx ]; } } return json; }, formatData : function(wo, $el, isHeader) { var attr = $el.attr(wo.output_dataAttrib), txt = typeof attr !== 'undefined' ? attr : $el.html(), quotes = (wo.output_separator || ',').toLowerCase(), separator = quotes === 'json' || quotes === 'array', // replace " with “ if undefined result = txt.replace(/\"/g, wo.output_replaceQuote || '\u201c'); // replace line breaks with \\n & tabs with \\t if (!wo.output_trimSpaces) { result = result.replace(output.regexBR, output.replaceCR).replace(/\t/g, output.replaceTab); } else { result = result.replace(output.regexBR, ''); } // extract img alt text txt = result.match(output.regexIMG); if (!wo.output_includeHTML && txt !== null) { result = txt[1]; } // replace/remove html result = wo.output_includeHTML && !isHeader ? result : result.replace(output.regexHTML, ''); result = wo.output_trimSpaces || isHeader ? $.trim(result) : result; // JSON & array outputs don't need quotes quotes = separator ? false : wo.output_wrapQuotes || wo.output_regex.test(result) || output.regexQuote.test(result); return quotes ? '"' + result + '"' : result; }, popup : function(data, style, wrap) { var generator = window.open('', output.popupTitle, style); generator.document.write( '' + output.popupTitle + '' + '' + '' ); generator.document.close(); generator.focus(); // select all text and focus within the textarea in the popup // $(generator.document).find('textarea').select().focus(); return true; }, // modified from https://github.com/PixelsCommander/Download-File-JS // & http://html5-demos.appspot.com/static/a.download.html download : function (wo, data){ var e, blob, gotBlob, nav = window.navigator, link = document.createElement('a'); // iOS devices do not support downloading. We have to inform user about this. if (/(iP)/g.test(nav.userAgent)) { alert(output.message); return false; } // test for blob support try { gotBlob = !!new Blob(); } catch (err) { gotBlob = false; } // Use HTML5 Blob if browser supports it if ( gotBlob ) { window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; // prepend BOM for utf-8 encoding - see https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/blob/master/FileSaver.js#L140 blob = new Blob( [ '\ufeff', data ], { type: wo.output_encoding } ); if (nav.msSaveBlob) { // IE 10+ nav.msSaveBlob(blob, wo.output_saveFileName); } else { // all other browsers link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); link.download = wo.output_saveFileName; // Dispatching click event; using $(link).trigger() won't work if (document.createEvent) { e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); // event.initMouseEvent(type, canBubble, cancelable, view, detail, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, // ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, relatedTarget); e.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); link.dispatchEvent(e); } } return false; } // fallback to force file download (whether supported by server). // not sure if this actually works in IE9 and older... window.open( wo.output_encoding + encodeURIComponent(data) + '?download' , '_self'); return true; }, remove : function(c) { c.$table.off(output.event); } }; ts.addWidget({ id: "output", options: { output_separator : ',', // set to "json", "array" or any separator output_ignoreColumns : [], // columns to ignore [0, 1,... ] (zero-based index) output_hiddenColumns : false, // include hidden columns in the output output_includeFooter : false, // include footer rows in the output output_dataAttrib : 'data-name', // header attrib containing modified header name output_headerRows : false, // if true, include multiple header rows (JSON only) output_delivery : 'popup', // popup, download output_saveRows : 'filtered', // (a)ll, (v)isible, (f)iltered or jQuery filter selector output_duplicateSpans: true, // duplicate output data in tbody colspan/rowspan output_replaceQuote : '\u201c;', // left double quote output_includeHTML : false, output_trimSpaces : true, output_wrapQuotes : false, output_popupStyle : 'width=500,height=300', output_saveFileName : 'mytable.csv', // callback executed when processing completes // return true to continue download/output // return false to stop delivery & do something else with the data output_callback : function(config, data){ return true; }, // JSON callback executed when a colspan is encountered in the header output_callbackJSON : function($cell, txt, cellIndex) { return txt + '(' + (cellIndex) + ')'; }, // the need to modify this for Excel no longer exists output_encoding : 'data:application/octet-stream;charset=utf8,' }, init: function(table, thisWidget, c) { output.init(c); }, remove: function(table, c){ output.remove(c); } }); })(jQuery);