/*! Widget: scroller - updated 4/1/2016 (v2.25.7) *//* Copyright (C) 2011 T. Connell & Associates, Inc. Dual-licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Resizable scroller widget for the jQuery tablesorter plugin Version 2.0 - modified by Rob Garrison 4/12/2013; updated 3/5/2015 (v2.22.2) with lots of help from TheSin- Requires jQuery v1.7+ Requires the tablesorter plugin, v2.8+, available at http://mottie.github.com/tablesorter/docs/ Usage: $(function() { $('table.tablesorter').tablesorter({ widgets: ['zebra', 'scroller'], widgetOptions : { scroller_height : 300, // height of scroll window scroller_jumpToHeader : true, // header snap to browser top when scrolling the tbody scroller_upAfterSort : true, // scroll tbody to top after sorting scroller_fixedColumns : 0 // set number of fixed columns } }); }); Website: www.tconnell.com */ /*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */ ;( function( $, window ) { 'use strict'; var ts = $.tablesorter, tscss = ts.css; $.extend( ts.css, { scrollerWrap : 'tablesorter-scroller', scrollerHeader : 'tablesorter-scroller-header', scrollerTable : 'tablesorter-scroller-table', scrollerFooter : 'tablesorter-scroller-footer', scrollerFixed : 'tablesorter-scroller-fixed', scrollerFixedPanel : 'tablesorter-scroller-fixed-panel', scrollerHasFix : 'tablesorter-scroller-has-fixed-columns', scrollerHideColumn : 'tablesorter-scroller-hidden-column', scrollerHideElement : 'tablesorter-scroller-hidden', scrollerSpacerRow : 'tablesorter-scroller-spacer', scrollerBarSpacer : 'tablesorter-scroller-bar-spacer', scrollerAddedHeight : 'tablesorter-scroller-added-height', scrollerHack : 'tablesorter-scroller-scrollbar-hack', // class name on table cannot start with 'tablesorter-' or the // suffix 'scroller-rtl' will match as a theme name scrollerRtl : 'ts-scroller-rtl' }); ts.addWidget({ id : 'scroller', priority : 60, // run after the filter widget options : { scroller_height : 300, // pop table header into view while scrolling up the page scroller_jumpToHeader : true, // scroll tbody to top after sorting scroller_upAfterSort : true, // set number of fixed columns scroller_fixedColumns : 0, // add hover highlighting to the fixed column (disable if it causes slowing) scroller_rowHighlight : 'hover', // add a fixed column overlay for styling scroller_addFixedOverlay : false, // In tablesorter v2.19.0 the scroll bar width is auto-detected // add a value here to override the auto-detected setting scroller_barWidth : null }, format : function( table, c, wo ) { if ( !c.isScrolling ) { // initialize here instead of in widget init to give the // filter widget time to finish building the filter row ts.scroller.setup( c, wo ); } }, remove : function( table, c, wo ) { ts.scroller.remove( c, wo ); } }); /* Add window resizeEnd event (also used by columnSelector widget) */ ts.window_resize = function() { if ( ts.timer_resize ) { clearTimeout( ts.timer_resize ); } ts.timer_resize = setTimeout( function() { $( window ).trigger( 'resizeEnd' ); }, 250 ); }; // Add extra scroller css $( function() { var style = ''; $( style ).appendTo( 'body' ); }); ts.scroller = { // Ugh.. Firefox misbehaves, so it needs to be detected isFirefox : navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'firefox' ) > -1, // old IE needs a wrap to hide the fixed column scrollbar; http://stackoverflow.com/a/24408672/145346 isOldIE : document.all && !window.atob, isIE : ( document.all && !window.atob ) || navigator.appVersion.indexOf( 'Trident/' ) > 0, // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7944460/detect-safari-browser - needed to position scrolling body // when the table is set up in RTL direction isSafari : navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'safari' ) > -1 && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf( 'chrome' ) === -1, hasScrollBar : function( $target, checkWidth ) { if ( checkWidth ) { return $target.get(0).scrollWidth > $target.width(); } else { return $target.get(0).scrollHeight > $target.height(); } }, setWidth : function( $el, width ) { $el.css({ 'width' : width, 'min-width' : width, 'max-width' : width }); }, // modified from http://davidwalsh.name/detect-scrollbar-width getBarWidth : function() { var $div = $( '
' ).css({ 'position' : 'absolute', 'top' : '-9999px', 'left' : 0, 'width' : '100px', 'height' : '100px', 'overflow' : 'scroll', 'visibility' : 'hidden' }).appendTo( 'body' ), div = $div[0], barWidth = div.offsetWidth - div.clientWidth; $div.remove(); return barWidth; }, setup : function( c, wo ) { var tbHt, $hdr, $t, $hCells, $fCells, $tableWrap, events, tmp, detectedWidth, $win = $( window ), tsScroller = ts.scroller, namespace = c.namespace + 'tsscroller', $foot = $(), // c.namespace contains a unique tablesorter ID, per table id = c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + 'tsscroller', $table = c.$table; // force config.widthFixed option - this helps maintain proper alignment across cloned tables c.widthFixed = true; wo.scroller_calcWidths = []; wo.scroller_saved = [ 0, 0 ]; wo.scroller_isBusy = true; // set scrollbar width to one of the following (1) explicitly set scroller_barWidth option, // (2) detected scrollbar width or (3) fallback of 15px if ( wo.scroller_barWidth !== null ) { wo.scroller_barSetWidth = wo.scroller_barWidth; } else { detectedWidth = tsScroller.getBarWidth(); wo.scroller_barSetWidth = detectedWidth !== null ? detectedWidth : 15; } tmp = $table.children( 'caption' ); $hdr = $( '' + ( tmp.length ? tmp[ 0 ].outerHTML : '' ) + $table.children( 'thead' )[ 0 ].outerHTML + '
' ); wo.scroller_$header = $hdr.addClass( c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + '_extra_table' ); $t = $table.children( 'tfoot' ); if ( $t.length ) { $foot = $( '
' ) .addClass( c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + '_extra_table' ) // maintain any bindings on the tfoot cells .append( $t.clone( true ) ) .wrap( '
' ); $fCells = $foot.children( 'tfoot' ).eq( 0 ).children( 'tr' ).children(); } wo.scroller_$footer = $foot; $table .wrap( '
' ) .before( $hdr ) // shrink filter row but don't completely hide it because the inputs/selectors may distort the columns .find( '.' + tscss.filterRow ) .addClass( tscss.filterRowHide ); wo.scroller_$container = $table.parent(); if ( $foot.length ) { // $foot.parent() to include
wrapper $table.after( $foot.parent() ); } $hCells = $hdr .wrap( '
' ) .find( '.' + tscss.header ); // if max-height is greater than 0 use max-height, so the height resizes dynamically while filtering // else let the table not have a vertical scroll $table.wrap( '
' : '">' ) ); $tableWrap = $table.parent(); // make scroller header sortable ts.bindEvents( c.table, $hCells ); // look for filter widget if ( $table.hasClass( 'hasFilters' ) ) { ts.filter.bindSearch( $table, $hdr.find( '.' + tscss.filter ) ); } $table .children( 'thead, caption' ) .addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement ); tbHt = $tableWrap.parent().height(); // The header will always jump into view if scrolling the table body $tableWrap .off( 'scroll' + namespace ) .on( 'scroll' + namespace, function() { if ( wo.scroller_jumpToHeader ) { var pos = $win.scrollTop() - $hdr.offset().top; if ( $( this ).scrollTop() !== 0 && pos < tbHt && pos > 0 ) { $win.scrollTop( $hdr.offset().top ); } } $hdr .parent() .add( $foot.parent() ) .scrollLeft( $( this ).scrollLeft() ); }); // resize/update events - filterEnd fires after "tablesorter-initialized" and "updateComplete" events = ( ( ts.hasWidget( c.table, 'filter' ) ? 'filterEnd' : 'tablesorter-initialized updateComplete' ) + ' sortEnd pagerComplete columnUpdate ' ).split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' ); $table .off( namespace ) .on( 'sortEnd filterEnd'.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' ), function( event ) { // Sorting, so scroll to top if ( event.type === 'sortEnd' && wo.scroller_upAfterSort ) { $tableWrap.animate({ scrollTop : 0 }, 'fast' ); } else if ( wo.scroller_fixedColumns ) { setTimeout( function() { // restore previous scroll position $tableWrap .scrollTop( wo.scroller_saved[1] ) .scrollLeft( wo.scroller_saved[0] ); tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo ); }, 0 ); } }) .on( 'setFixedColumnSize' + namespace, function( event, size ) { var $wrap = wo.scroller_$container; if ( typeof size !== 'undefined' && !isNaN( size ) ) { wo.scroller_fixedColumns = parseInt( size, 10 ); } // remove fixed columns tsScroller.removeFixed( c, wo ); size = wo.scroller_fixedColumns; if ( size > 0 && size < c.columns - 1 ) { tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo ); } else if ( $wrap.hasClass( tscss.scrollerHasFix ) ) { $wrap.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHasFix ); // resize needed to make tables full width tsScroller.resize( c, wo ); } }) .on( events, function( event ) { // Stop from running twice with pager if ( ts.hasWidget( 'pager' ) && event.type === 'updateComplete' ) { return; } if ( wo.scroller_fixedColumns > 0 ) { tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo ); } // adjust column sizes after an update tsScroller.resize( c, wo ); }); // Setup window.resizeEnd event $win .off( 'resize resizeEnd '.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' ) ) .on( 'resize' + namespace, ts.window_resize ) .on( 'resizeEnd' + namespace, function() { // IE calls resize when you modify content, so we have to unbind the resize event // so we don't end up with an infinite loop. we can rebind after we're done. $win.off( 'resize' + namespace, ts.window_resize ); tsScroller.resize( c, wo ); $win.on( 'resize' + namespace, ts.window_resize ); $tableWrap.trigger( 'scroll' + namespace ); }); // initialization flag c.isScrolling = true; tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo ); // updateAll called - need to give the browser time to adjust the layout // before calculating fix column widths if ( c.table.hasInitialized && c.isScrolling ) { setTimeout(function(){ ts.scroller.resize( c, wo ); }, 50); } }, resize : function( c, wo ) { if ( wo.scroller_isBusy ) { return; } var index, borderWidth, setWidth, $headers, $this, temp, tsScroller = ts.scroller, $container = wo.scroller_$container, $table = c.$table, $tableWrap = $table.parent(), $hdr = wo.scroller_$header, $foot = wo.scroller_$footer, id = c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + 'tsscroller', // Hide other scrollers so we can resize $div = $( 'div.' + tscss.scrollerWrap + '[id!="' + id + '"]' ) .addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement ), row = ''; wo.scroller_calcWidths = []; // Remove fixed so we get proper widths and heights tsScroller.removeFixed( c, wo ); $container.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerSpacerRow ).remove(); // remove ts added colgroups $container.find( '.' + ts.css.colgroup ).remove(); // show original table elements to get proper alignment $table .find( '.' + tscss.scrollerHideElement ) .removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement ); // include left & right border widths borderWidth = parseInt( $table.css( 'border-left-width' ), 10 ); $headers = c.$headerIndexed; for ( index = 0; index < c.columns; index++ ) { $this = $headers[ index ]; // code from https://github.com/jmosbech/StickyTableHeaders if ( $this.css( 'box-sizing' ) === 'border-box' ) { setWidth = $this.outerWidth(); } else { if ( $this.css( 'border-collapse' ) === 'collapse' ) { if ( $this.length && window.getComputedStyle ) { setWidth = parseFloat( window.getComputedStyle( $this[ 0 ], null ).width ); } else { // ie8 only setWidth = $this.outerWidth() - parseFloat( $this.css( 'padding-left' ) ) - parseFloat( $this.css( 'padding-right' ) ) - ( parseFloat( $this.css( 'border-width' ) ) || 0 ); } } else { setWidth = $this.width(); } } row += ''; // save current widths wo.scroller_calcWidths[ index ] = setWidth; } row += ''; c.$tbodies.eq(0).prepend( row ); // tbody $hdr.children( 'thead' ).append( row ); $foot.children( 'tfoot' ).append( row ); // include colgroup or alignment is off ts.fixColumnWidth( c.table ); row = c.$table.children( 'colgroup' )[0].outerHTML; $hdr.prepend( row ); $foot.prepend( row ); temp = $tableWrap.parent().innerWidth() - ( tsScroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap ) ? wo.scroller_barSetWidth : 0 ); $tableWrap.width( temp ); temp = ( tsScroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap ) ? wo.scroller_barSetWidth : 0 ) + borderWidth; setWidth = $tableWrap.innerWidth() - temp; $hdr .parent() .add( $foot.parent() ) .width( setWidth ); $tableWrap .width( setWidth + temp ); // hide original table thead $table.children( 'thead, caption' ).addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement ); // update fixed column sizes tsScroller.updateFixed( c, wo ); $div.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement ); // restore scrollTop - fixes #926 $tableWrap.scrollTop( wo.scroller_saved[1] ); wo.scroller_$container .find( '.' + tscss.scrollerFixed ) .find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable ) .scrollTop( wo.scroller_saved[1] ); // update resizable widget handles setTimeout( function() { c.$table.triggerHandler( 'resizableUpdate' ); }, 100 ); }, // Add fixed (frozen) columns (Do not call directly, use updateFixed) setupFixed : function( c, wo ) { var index, index2, $el, len, temp, $fixedColumn, $fixedTbody, $table = c.$table, $wrapper = wo.scroller_$container, fixedColumns = wo.scroller_fixedColumns; $fixedColumn = $wrapper .addClass( tscss.scrollerHasFix ) .clone() .addClass( tscss.scrollerFixed ) .removeClass( tscss.scrollerWrap ) .attr( 'id', '' ); $fixedColumn.find('caption').html(' '); if ( wo.scroller_addFixedOverlay ) { $fixedColumn.append( '
' ); } $fixedTbody = $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable ); $fixedTbody .children( 'table' ) .addClass( c.namespace.slice( 1 ) + '_extra_table' ) .attr( 'id', '' ) .children( 'thead, tfoot' ) .remove(); wo.scroller_$fixedColumns = $fixedColumn; // RTL support (fixes column on right) if ( $table.hasClass( tscss.scrollerRtl ) ) { $fixedColumn.addClass( tscss.scrollerRtl ); } $el = $fixedColumn.find( 'tr' ); len = $el.length; for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) { $el.eq( index ).children( ':gt(' + ( fixedColumns - 1 ) + ')' ).remove(); } $fixedColumn .addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement ) .prependTo( $wrapper ); // look for filter widget if ( c.$table.hasClass( 'hasFilters' ) ) { // make sure fixed column filters aren't disabled $el = $fixedColumn .find( '.' + tscss.filter ) .not( '.' + tscss.filterDisabled ) .prop( 'disabled', false ); ts.filter.bindSearch( $table, $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.filter ) ); // disable/enable filters behind fixed column $el = $wrapper .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerHeader ) .find( '.' + tscss.filter ); len = $el.length; for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) { // previously disabled filter; don't mess with it! filterDisabled class added by filter widget if ( !$el.eq( index ).hasClass( tscss.filterDisabled || 'disabled' ) ) { // disable filters behind fixed column; don't disable visible filters $el.eq( index ).prop( 'disabled', index < fixedColumns ); } } } // disable/enable tab indexes behind fixed column c.$table .add( '.' + tscss.scrollerFooter + ' table' ) .children( 'thead' ) .children( 'tr.' + tscss.headerRow ) .children() .attr( 'tabindex', -1 ); $el = wo.scroller_$header .add( $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable + ' table' ) ) .children( 'thead' ) .children( 'tr.' + tscss.headerRow ); len = $el.length; for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) { temp = $el.eq( index ).children(); for ( index2 = 0; index2 < temp.length; index2++ ) { temp.eq( index2 ).attr( 'tabindex', index2 < fixedColumns ? -1 : 0 ); } } ts.bindEvents( c.table, $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.header ) ); ts.scroller.bindFixedColumnEvents( c, wo ); /*** Scrollbar hack! Since we can't hide the scrollbar with css ***/ if ( ts.scroller.isFirefox || ts.scroller.isOldIE ) { $fixedTbody.wrap( '
' ); } }, // https://remysharp.com/2010/07/21/throttling-function-calls throttle : function(fn, threshhold, scope) { threshhold = threshhold || 50; var last, deferTimer; return function() { var context = scope || this, now = +(new Date()), args = arguments; if (last && now < last + threshhold) { // hold on to it clearTimeout(deferTimer); deferTimer = setTimeout(function() { last = now; fn.apply(context, args); }, threshhold); } else { last = now; fn.apply(context, args); } }; }, bindFixedColumnEvents : function( c, wo ) { // update thead & tbody in fixed column var tsScroller = ts.scroller, namespace = c.namespace + 'tsscrollerFixed', events = 'scroll' + namespace, $fixedTbody = wo.scroller_$fixedColumns.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable ), fixedScroll = true, tableScroll = true; c.$table .parent() // *** SCROLL *** scroll fixed column along with main .off( events ) .on( events, tsScroller.throttle(function() { // using flags to prevent firing the scroll event excessively leading to slow scrolling in Firefox if ( !wo.scroller_isBusy && fixedScroll ) { tableScroll = false; var $this = $( this ); $fixedTbody[0].scrollTop = wo.scroller_saved[1] = $this.scrollTop(); wo.scroller_saved[0] = $this.scrollLeft(); setTimeout( function() { tableScroll = true; }, 20 ); } })); // scroll main along with fixed column $fixedTbody .off( events ) .on( events, tsScroller.throttle(function() { // using flags to prevent firing the scroll event excessively leading to slow scrolling in Firefox if ( !wo.scroller_isBusy && tableScroll ) { fixedScroll = false; c.$table.parent()[0].scrollTop = wo.scroller_saved[1] = $( this ).scrollTop(); setTimeout( function() { fixedScroll = true; }, 20 ); } })) .scroll(); // *** ROW HIGHLIGHT *** if ( wo.scroller_rowHighlight !== '' ) { events = 'mouseover mouseleave '.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' ); // can't use c.$tbodies because it doesn't include info-only tbodies c.$table .off( events, 'tbody > tr' ) .on( events, 'tbody > tr', function( event ) { var indx = c.$table.children( 'tbody' ).children( 'tr' ).index( this ); $fixedTbody .children( 'table' ) .children( 'tbody' ) .children( 'tr' ) .eq( indx ) .add( this ) .toggleClass( wo.scroller_rowHighlight, event.type === 'mouseover' ); }); $fixedTbody .find( 'table' ) .off( events, 'tbody > tr' ) .on( events, 'tbody > tr', function( event ) { var $fixed = $fixedTbody.children( 'table' ).children( 'tbody' ).children( 'tr' ), indx = $fixed.index( this ); c.$table .children( 'tbody' ) .children( 'tr' ) .eq( indx ) .add( this ) .toggleClass( wo.scroller_rowHighlight, event.type === 'mouseover' ); }); } }, adjustWidth : function( c, wo, totalWidth, adj, dir ) { var $wrapper = wo.scroller_$container; // RTL support (fixes column on right) $wrapper .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable ) .css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', totalWidth ); $wrapper .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerHeader + ', .' + tscss.scrollerFooter ) // Safari needs a scrollbar width of extra adjusment to align the fixed & scrolling columns .css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', totalWidth + ( dir && ts.scroller.isSafari ? adj : 0 ) ); }, updateFixed : function( c, wo ) { var temp, adj, $wrapper = wo.scroller_$container, $hdr = wo.scroller_$header, $foot = wo.scroller_$footer, $table = c.$table, $tableWrap = $table.parent(), scrollBarWidth = wo.scroller_barSetWidth, dir = $table.hasClass( tscss.scrollerRtl ); if ( wo.scroller_fixedColumns === 0 ) { wo.scroller_isBusy = false; ts.scroller.removeFixed( c, wo ); temp = $wrapper.width(); $tableWrap.width( temp ); adj = ts.scroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap ) ? scrollBarWidth : 0; $hdr .parent() .add( $foot.parent() ) .width( temp - adj ); return; } if ( !c.isScrolling ) { return; } wo.scroller_isBusy = true; // Make sure the wo.scroller_$fixedColumns container exists, if not build it if ( !$wrapper.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerFixed ).length ) { ts.scroller.setupFixed( c, wo ); } // scroller_fixedColumns var index, tbodyIndex, rowIndex, $tbody, $adjCol, $fb, totalRows, // source cells for measurement $mainTbodies = wo.scroller_$container .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable ) .children( 'table' ) .children( 'tbody' ), // variable gets redefined $rows = wo.scroller_$header .children( 'thead' ) .children( '.' + tscss.headerRow ), // hide fixed column during resize, or we get a FOUC $fixedColumn = wo.scroller_$fixedColumns .addClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement ), // target cells $fixedTbodiesTable = $fixedColumn .find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable ) .children( 'table' ), $fixedTbodies = $fixedTbodiesTable .children( 'tbody' ), // variables tsScroller = ts.scroller, fixedColumns = wo.scroller_fixedColumns, // get dimensions $temp = $table.find( 'tbody td' ), borderRightWidth = parseInt( $temp.css( 'border-right-width' ), 10 ) || 1, borderSpacing = parseInt( ( $temp.css( 'border-spacing' ) || '' ).split( /\s/ )[ 0 ], 10 ) / 2 || 0, totalWidth = parseInt( $table.css( 'padding-left' ), 10 ) + parseInt( $table.css( 'padding-right' ), 10 ) - borderRightWidth, widths = wo.scroller_calcWidths; ts.scroller.removeFixed( c, wo, false ); // calculate fixed column width for ( index = 0; index < fixedColumns; index++ ) { totalWidth += widths[ index ] + borderSpacing; } // set fixed column width totalWidth = totalWidth + borderRightWidth * 2 - borderSpacing; tsScroller.setWidth( $fixedColumn.add( $fixedColumn.children() ), totalWidth ); tsScroller.setWidth( $fixedColumn.children().children( 'table' ), totalWidth ); // update fixed column tbody content, set cell widths on hidden row for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < c.$tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) { $tbody = $mainTbodies.eq( tbodyIndex ); if ( $tbody.length ) { // get tbody $rows = $tbody.children(); totalRows = $rows.length; $fb = ts.processTbody( $fixedTbodiesTable, $fixedTbodies.eq( tbodyIndex ), true ); $fb.empty(); // update tbody cells after sort/filtering for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < totalRows; rowIndex++ ) { $adjCol = $( $rows[ rowIndex ].outerHTML ); $adjCol .children( 'td, th' ) .slice( fixedColumns ) .remove(); $fb.append( $adjCol ); } // restore tbody ts.processTbody( $fixedTbodiesTable, $fb, false ); } } adj = ts.scroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap ) ? scrollBarWidth : 0; /*** scrollbar HACK! Since we can't hide the scrollbar with css ***/ if ( tsScroller.isFirefox || tsScroller.isOldIE ) { $fixedTbodiesTable .css( 'width', totalWidth ) .parent() .css( 'width', totalWidth + adj ); } $fixedColumn.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement ); for ( index = 0; index < fixedColumns; index++ ) { $wrapper .children( 'div' ) .children( 'table' ) .find( 'th:nth-child(' + ( index + 1 ) + '), td:nth-child(' + ( index + 1 ) + ')' ) .addClass( tscss.scrollerHideColumn ); } totalWidth = totalWidth - borderRightWidth; temp = $tableWrap.parent().innerWidth() - totalWidth; $tableWrap.width( temp ); // RTL support (fixes column on right) $wrapper .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable ) .css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', totalWidth ); $wrapper .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerHeader + ', .' + tscss.scrollerFooter ) // Safari needs a scrollbar width of extra adjusment to align the fixed & scrolling columns .css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', totalWidth + ( dir && ts.scroller.isSafari ? adj : 0 ) ); $hdr .parent() .add( $foot.parent() ) .width( temp - adj ); // fix gap under the tbody for the horizontal scrollbar temp = ts.scroller.hasScrollBar( $tableWrap, true ); adj = temp ? scrollBarWidth : 0; if ( !$fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerBarSpacer ).length && temp ) { $temp = $( '
' ) .css( 'height', adj + 'px' ); $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable ).append( $temp ); } else if ( !temp ) { $fixedColumn.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerBarSpacer ).remove(); } ts.scroller.updateRowHeight( c, wo ); // set fixed column height (changes with filtering) $fixedColumn.height( $wrapper.height() ); $fixedColumn.removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement ); // adjust caption height, see #1202 $fixedColumn.find('caption').height( wo.scroller_$header.find( 'caption' ).height() ); wo.scroller_isBusy = false; }, fixHeight : function( $rows, $fixedRows ) { var index, heightRow, heightFixed, $r, $f, addedHt = tscss.scrollerAddedHeight, len = $rows.length; for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) { $r = $rows.eq( index ); $f = $fixedRows.eq( index ); heightRow = $r.height(); heightFixed = $f.height(); if ( heightRow > heightFixed ) { $f.addClass( addedHt ).height( heightRow ); } else if ( heightRow < heightFixed ) { $r.addClass( addedHt ).height( heightFixed ); } } }, updateRowHeight : function( c, wo ) { var $rows, $fixed, $fixedColumns = wo.scroller_$fixedColumns; wo.scroller_$container .find( '.' + tscss.scrollerAddedHeight ) .removeClass( tscss.scrollerAddedHeight ) .height( '' ); $rows = wo.scroller_$header .children( 'thead' ) .children( 'tr' ); $fixed = $fixedColumns .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerHeader ) .children( 'table' ) .children( 'thead' ) .children( 'tr' ); ts.scroller.fixHeight( $rows, $fixed ); $rows = wo.scroller_$footer .children( 'tfoot' ) .children( 'tr' ); $fixed = $fixedColumns .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerFooter ) .children( 'table' ) .children( 'tfoot' ) .children( 'tr' ); ts.scroller.fixHeight( $rows, $fixed ); if ( ts.scroller.isFirefox || ts.scroller.isOldIE ) { // Firefox/Old IE scrollbar hack (wraps table to hide the scrollbar) $fixedColumns = $fixedColumns.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerHack ); } $rows = c.$table .children( 'tbody' ) .children( 'tr' ); $fixed = $fixedColumns .children( '.' + tscss.scrollerTable ) .children( 'table' ) .children( 'tbody' ) .children( 'tr' ); ts.scroller.fixHeight( $rows, $fixed ); }, removeFixed : function( c, wo, removeIt ) { var $table = c.$table, $wrapper = wo.scroller_$container, dir = $table.hasClass( tscss.scrollerRtl ); // remove fixed columns if ( removeIt || typeof removeIt === 'undefined' ) { $wrapper.find( '.' + tscss.scrollerFixed ).remove(); } $wrapper .find( '.' + tscss.scrollerHideColumn ) .removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideColumn ); // RTL support ( fixes column on right ) $wrapper .children( ':not(.' + tscss.scrollerFixed + ')' ) .css( dir ? 'right' : 'left', 0 ); }, remove : function( c, wo ) { var $wrap = wo.scroller_$container, namespace = c.namespace + 'tsscroller'; c.$table.off( namespace ); $( window ).off( namespace ); if ( $wrap ) { c.$table .insertBefore( $wrap ) .find( 'thead' ) .removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement ) .children( 'tr.' + tscss.headerRow ) .children() .attr( 'tabindex', 0 ) .end() .find( '.' + tscss.filterRow ) .removeClass( tscss.scrollerHideElement + ' ' + tscss.filterRowHide ); c.$table .find( '.' + tscss.filter ) .not( '.' + tscss.filterDisabled ) .prop( 'disabled', false ); $wrap.remove(); c.isScrolling = false; } } }; })( jQuery, window );