/*! Parser: input & select - updated 5/17/2015 (v2.22.0) *//* * for jQuery 1.7+ & tablesorter 2.7.11+ * Demo: http://mottie.github.com/tablesorter/docs/example-widget-grouping.html */ /*jshint browser: true, jquery:true, unused:false */ ;( function( $ ) { 'use strict'; var updateServer = function( event, $table, $input ) { // do something here to update your server, if needed // event = change event object // $table = jQuery object of the table that was just updated // $input = jQuery object of the input or select that was modified }; // Custom parser for parsing input values // updated dynamically using the 'change' function below $.tablesorter.addParser({ id : 'inputs', is : function() { return false; }, format : function( txt, table, cell ) { var $input = $( cell ).find( 'input' ); return $input.length ? $input.val() : txt; }, parsed : true, // filter widget flag type : 'text' }); $.tablesorter.addParser({ id : 'inputs-numeric', is : function() { return false; }, format : function( txt, table, cell ) { var $input = $( cell ).find( 'input' ); var val = $input.length ? $input.val() : txt, num = $.tablesorter.formatFloat( ( val || '' ).replace( /[^\w,. \-()]/g, '' ), table ); return txt && typeof num === 'number' ? num : txt ? $.trim( txt && table.config.ignoreCase ? txt.toLocaleLowerCase() : txt ) : txt; }, parsed : true, // filter widget flag type : 'numeric' }); // Custom parser for including checkbox status if using the grouping widget // updated dynamically using the 'change' function below $.tablesorter.addParser({ id : 'checkbox', is : function() { return false; }, format : function( txt, table, cell, cellIndex ) { var $cell = $( cell ), wo = table.config.widgetOptions, // returning plain language here because this is what is shown in the // group headers - change it as desired status = wo.group_checkbox ? wo.group_checkbox : [ 'checked', 'unchecked' ], $input = $cell.find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' ), isChecked = $input.length ? $input[ 0 ].checked : ''; // adding class to row, indicating that a checkbox is checked; includes // a column index in case more than one checkbox happens to be in a row $cell.closest( 'tr' ).toggleClass( 'checked checked-' + cellIndex, isChecked ); return $input.length ? status[ isChecked ? 0 : 1 ] : txt; }, parsed : true, // filter widget flag type : 'text' }); // Custom parser which returns the currently selected options // updated dynamically using the 'change' function below $.tablesorter.addParser({ id : 'select', is : function() { return false; }, format : function( txt, table, cell ) { var $select = $( cell ).find( 'select' ); return $select.length ? $select.val() : txt; }, parsed : true, // filter widget flag type : 'text' }); // Select parser to get the selected text $.tablesorter.addParser({ id : 'select-text', is : function() { return false; }, format : function( txt, table, cell ) { var $select = $( cell ).find( 'select' ); return $select.length ? $select.find( 'option:selected' ).text() || '' : txt; }, parsed : true, // filter widget flag type : 'text' }); // Custom parser for parsing textarea values // updated dynamically using the 'change' function below $.tablesorter.addParser({ id : 'textarea', is : function() { return false; }, format : function( txt, table, cell ) { var $textarea = $( cell ).find( 'textarea' ); return $textarea.length ? $textarea.val() : txt; }, parsed : true, // filter widget flag type : 'text' }); // update select and all input types in the tablesorter cache when the change event fires. // This method only works with jQuery 1.7+ // you can change it to use delegate (v1.4.3+) or live (v1.3+) as desired // if this code interferes somehow, target the specific table $('#mytable'), instead of $('table') $( function() { $( 'table' ).on( 'tablesorter-initialized updateComplete', function() { var namespace = '.parser-forms', restoreValue = function( isTbody ) { // make sure we restore original values (trigger blur) // isTbody is needed to prevent the select from closing in IE // see https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedbackdetail/view/962618/ if ( isTbody ) { $( ':focus' ).blur(); } return; }; // bind to .tablesorter (default class name) $( this ).children( 'tbody' ) .off( namespace ) .on( 'mouseleave' + namespace, function( event ) { restoreValue( event.target.nodeName === 'TBODY' ); }) .on( 'focus' + namespace, 'select, input, textarea', function() { $( this ).data( 'ts-original-value', this.value ); }) .on( 'blur' + namespace, 'input, textarea', function() { // restore input value; // 'change' is triggered before 'blur' so this doesn't replace the new update with the original this.value = $( this ).data( 'ts-original-value' ); }) .on( 'change keyup '.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' ), 'select, input, textarea', function( event ) { if ( event.which === 27 ) { // escape: restore original value this.value = $( this ).data( 'ts-original-value' ); return; } // Update cell cache using... select: change, input: enter or textarea: alt + enter if ( event.type === 'change' || ( event.type === 'keyup' && event.which === 13 && ( event.target.nodeName === 'INPUT' || event.target.nodeName === 'TEXTAREA' && event.altKey ) ) ) { var undef, $target = $( event.target ), $cell = $target.closest( 'td' ), $table = $cell.closest( 'table' ), indx = $cell[ 0 ].cellIndex, c = $table[ 0 ].config || false, $hdr = c && c.$headerIndexed && c.$headerIndexed[ indx ] || [], val = $target.val(); // abort if not a tablesorter table, or don't use updateCell if column is set // to 'sorter-false' and 'filter-false', or column is set to 'parser-false' if ( $hdr.length && ( $hdr.hasClass( 'parser-false' ) || ( $hdr.hasClass( 'sorter-false' ) && $hdr.hasClass( 'filter-false' ) ) ) ) { return; } // ignore change event if nothing changed if ( val !== $target.data( 'ts-original-value' ) || event.target.type === 'checkbox' ) { $target.data( 'ts-original-value', val ); // pass undefined resort value so it falls back to config.resort setting $table.trigger( 'updateCell', [ $cell, undef, function() { updateServer( event, $table, $target ); } ]); } } }); }); }); })( jQuery );