/*! Widget: uitheme */ ;(function ($) { 'use strict'; var ts = $.tablesorter = $.tablesorter || {}; ts.themes = { 'bootstrap' : { table : 'table table-bordered table-striped', caption : 'caption', // header class names header : 'bootstrap-header', // give the header a gradient background (theme.bootstrap_2.css) sortNone : '', sortAsc : '', sortDesc : '', active : '', // applied when column is sorted hover : '', // custom css required - a defined bootstrap style may not override other classes // icon class names icons : '', // add "icon-white" to make them white; this icon class is added to the in the header iconSortNone : 'bootstrap-icon-unsorted', // class name added to icon when column is not sorted iconSortAsc : 'icon-chevron-up glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up', // class name added to icon when column has ascending sort iconSortDesc : 'icon-chevron-down glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down', // class name added to icon when column has descending sort filterRow : '', // filter row class footerRow : '', footerCells : '', even : '', // even row zebra striping odd : '' // odd row zebra striping }, 'jui' : { table : 'ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all', // table classes caption : 'ui-widget-content', // header class names header : 'ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-state-default', // header classes sortNone : '', sortAsc : '', sortDesc : '', active : 'ui-state-active', // applied when column is sorted hover : 'ui-state-hover', // hover class // icon class names icons : 'ui-icon', // icon class added to the in the header iconSortNone : 'ui-icon-carat-2-n-s', // class name added to icon when column is not sorted iconSortAsc : 'ui-icon-carat-1-n', // class name added to icon when column has ascending sort iconSortDesc : 'ui-icon-carat-1-s', // class name added to icon when column has descending sort filterRow : '', footerRow : '', footerCells : '', even : 'ui-widget-content', // even row zebra striping odd : 'ui-state-default' // odd row zebra striping } }; $.extend(ts.css, { wrapper : 'tablesorter-wrapper' // ui theme & resizable }); ts.addWidget({ id: "uitheme", priority: 10, format: function(table, c, wo) { var i, hdr, icon, time, $header, $icon, $tfoot, $h, oldtheme, oldremove, oldIconRmv, hasOldTheme, themesAll = ts.themes, $table = c.$table.add( c.$extraTables ), $headers = c.$headers.add( c.$extraHeaders ), theme = c.theme || 'jui', themes = themesAll[theme] || {}, remove = $.trim( [ themes.sortNone, themes.sortDesc, themes.sortAsc, themes.active ].join( ' ' ) ), iconRmv = $.trim( [ themes.iconSortNone, themes.iconSortDesc, themes.iconSortAsc ].join( ' ' ) ); if (c.debug) { time = new Date(); } // initialization code - run once if (!$table.hasClass('tablesorter-' + theme) || c.theme !== c.appliedTheme || !wo.uitheme_applied) { wo.uitheme_applied = true; oldtheme = themesAll[c.appliedTheme] || {}; hasOldTheme = !$.isEmptyObject(oldtheme); oldremove = hasOldTheme ? [ oldtheme.sortNone, oldtheme.sortDesc, oldtheme.sortAsc, oldtheme.active ].join( ' ' ) : ''; oldIconRmv = hasOldTheme ? [ oldtheme.iconSortNone, oldtheme.iconSortDesc, oldtheme.iconSortAsc ].join( ' ' ) : ''; if (hasOldTheme) { wo.zebra[0] = $.trim( ' ' + wo.zebra[0].replace(' ' + oldtheme.even, '') ); wo.zebra[1] = $.trim( ' ' + wo.zebra[1].replace(' ' + oldtheme.odd, '') ); c.$tbodies.children().removeClass( [oldtheme.even, oldtheme.odd].join(' ') ); } // update zebra stripes if (themes.even) { wo.zebra[0] += ' ' + themes.even; } if (themes.odd) { wo.zebra[1] += ' ' + themes.odd; } // add caption style $table.children('caption') .removeClass(oldtheme.caption || '') .addClass(themes.caption); // add table/footer class names $tfoot = $table // remove other selected themes .removeClass( (c.appliedTheme ? 'tablesorter-' + (c.appliedTheme || '') : '') + ' ' + (oldtheme.table || '') ) .addClass('tablesorter-' + theme + ' ' + (themes.table || '')) // add theme widget class name .children('tfoot'); c.appliedTheme = c.theme; if ($tfoot.length) { $tfoot // if oldtheme.footerRow or oldtheme.footerCells are undefined, all class names are removed .children('tr').removeClass(oldtheme.footerRow || '').addClass(themes.footerRow) .children('th, td').removeClass(oldtheme.footerCells || '').addClass(themes.footerCells); } // update header classes $headers .removeClass( (hasOldTheme ? [oldtheme.header, oldtheme.hover, oldremove].join(' ') : '') || '' ) .addClass(themes.header) .not('.sorter-false') .unbind('mouseenter.tsuitheme mouseleave.tsuitheme') .bind('mouseenter.tsuitheme mouseleave.tsuitheme', function(event) { // toggleClass with switch added in jQuery 1.3 $(this)[ event.type === 'mouseenter' ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ](themes.hover || ''); }); $headers.each(function(){ var $this = $(this); if (!$this.find('.' + ts.css.wrapper).length) { // Firefox needs this inner div to position the icon & resizer correctly $this.wrapInner('
'); } }); if (c.cssIcon) { // if c.cssIcon is '', then no is added to the header $headers .find('.' + ts.css.icon) .removeClass(hasOldTheme ? [oldtheme.icons, oldIconRmv].join(' ') : '') .addClass(themes.icons || ''); } if ($table.hasClass('hasFilters')) { $table.children('thead').children('.' + ts.css.filterRow) .removeClass(hasOldTheme ? oldtheme.filterRow || '' : '') .addClass(themes.filterRow || ''); } } for (i = 0; i < c.columns; i++) { $header = c.$headers.add(c.$extraHeaders).not('.sorter-false').filter('[data-column="' + i + '"]'); $icon = (ts.css.icon) ? $header.find('.' + ts.css.icon) : $(); $h = $headers.not('.sorter-false').filter('[data-column="' + i + '"]:last'); if ($h.length) { $header.removeClass(remove); $icon.removeClass(iconRmv); if ($h[0].sortDisabled) { // no sort arrows for disabled columns! $icon.removeClass(themes.icons || ''); } else { hdr = themes.sortNone; icon = themes.iconSortNone; if ($h.hasClass(ts.css.sortAsc)) { hdr = [themes.sortAsc, themes.active].join(' '); icon = themes.iconSortAsc; } else if ($h.hasClass(ts.css.sortDesc)) { hdr = [themes.sortDesc, themes.active].join(' '); icon = themes.iconSortDesc; } $header.addClass(hdr); $icon.addClass(icon || ''); } } } if (c.debug) { ts.benchmark("Applying " + theme + " theme", time); } }, remove: function(table, c, wo, refreshing) { if (!wo.uitheme_applied) { return; } var $table = c.$table, theme = c.appliedTheme || 'jui', themes = ts.themes[ theme ] || ts.themes.jui, $headers = $table.children('thead').children(), remove = themes.sortNone + ' ' + themes.sortDesc + ' ' + themes.sortAsc, iconRmv = themes.iconSortNone + ' ' + themes.iconSortDesc + ' ' + themes.iconSortAsc; $table.removeClass('tablesorter-' + theme + ' ' + themes.table); wo.uitheme_applied = false; if (refreshing) { return; } $table.find(ts.css.header).removeClass(themes.header); $headers .unbind('mouseenter.tsuitheme mouseleave.tsuitheme') // remove hover .removeClass(themes.hover + ' ' + remove + ' ' + themes.active) .filter('.' + ts.css.filterRow) .removeClass(themes.filterRow); $headers.find('.' + ts.css.icon).removeClass(themes.icons + ' ' + iconRmv); } }); })(jQuery);