/*! tablesorter column reorder - beta testing * Requires tablesorter v2.8+ and jQuery 1.7+ * by Rob Garrison */ /*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */ /*global jQuery: false */ ;(function($){ "use strict"; $.tablesorter.addWidget({ id: 'reorder', priority: 70, options : { reorder_axis : 'xy', // x or xy reorder_delay : 300, reorder_helperClass : 'tablesorter-reorder-helper', reorder_helperBar : 'tablesorter-reorder-helper-bar', reorder_noReorder : 'reorder-false', reorder_blocked : 'reorder-block-left reorder-block-end', reorder_complete : null // callback }, init: function(table, thisWidget, c, wo) { var i, timer, $helper, $bar, clickOffset, lastIndx = -1, ts = $.tablesorter, endIndex = -1, startIndex = -1, t = wo.reorder_blocked.split(' '), noReorderLeft = t[0] || 'reorder-block-left', noReorderLast = t[1] || 'reorder-block-end', lastOffset = c.$headers.not('.' + noReorderLeft).first(), offsets = c.$headers.map(function(i){ var s, $t = $(this); if ($t.hasClass(noReorderLeft)) { s = lastOffset; $t = s; //lastOffset = $t; } lastOffset = $t; return $t.offset().left; }).get(), len = offsets.length, startReorder = function(e, $th){ var p = $th.position(), r = $th.parent().position(), i = startIndex = $th.index(); clickOffset = [ e.pageX - p.left, e.pageY - r.top ]; $helper = c.$table.clone(); $helper.find('> thead > tr:first').children('[data-column!=' + i + ']').remove(); $helper.find('thead tr:gt(0), caption, colgroup, tbody, tfoot').remove(); $helper .css({ position: 'absolute', zIndex : 1, left: p.left - clickOffset[0], top: r.top - clickOffset[1], width: $th.outerWidth() }) .appendTo('head') .find('th, td').addClass(wo.reorder_helperClass); $bar = $('
') .css({ position : 'absolute', top : c.$table.find('thead').offset().top, height : $th.closest('thead').outerHeight() + c.$table.find('tbody').height() }) .appendTo('head'); positionBar(e); lastIndx = endIndex; }, positionBar = function(e){ for (i = 0; i <= len; i++) { if ( i > 0 && e.pageX < offsets[i-1] + (offsets[i] - offsets[i-1])/2 && !c.$headers.eq(i).hasClass(noReorderLeft) ) { endIndex = i - 1; // endIndex = offsets.lastIndexOf( offsets[i-1] ); // lastIndexOf not supported by IE8 and older if (endIndex >= 0 && lastIndx === endIndex) { return false; } lastIndx = endIndex; if (c.debug) { console.log( endIndex === 0 ? 'target before column 0' : endIndex === len ? 'target after last column' : 'target between columns ' + startIndex + ' and ' + endIndex); } $bar.css('left', offsets[i-1]); return false; } } if (endIndex < 0) { endIndex = len; $bar.css('left', offsets[len]); } }, finishReorder = function(){ $helper.remove(); $bar.remove(); // finish reorder var adj, s = startIndex, rows = c.$table.find('tr'), cols; startIndex = -1; // stop mousemove updates if ( s > -1 && endIndex > -1 && s != endIndex && s + 1 !== endIndex ) { adj = endIndex !== 0; if (c.debug) { console.log( 'Inserting column ' + s + (adj ? ' after' : ' before') + ' column ' + (endIndex - adj ? 1 : 0) ); } rows.each(function() { cols = $(this).children(); cols.eq(s)[ adj ? 'insertAfter' : 'insertBefore' ]( cols.eq( endIndex - (adj ? 1 : 0) ) ); }); cols = []; // stored header info needs to be modified too! for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i === s) { continue; } if (i === endIndex - (adj ? 1 : 0)) { if (!adj) { cols.push(c.headerContent[s]); } cols.push(c.headerContent[i]); if (adj) { cols.push(c.headerContent[s]); } } else { cols.push(c.headerContent[i]); } } c.headerContent = cols; // cols = c.headerContent.splice(s, 1); // c.headerContent.splice(endIndex - (adj ? 1 : 0), 0, cols); c.$table.trigger('updateAll', [ true, wo.reorder_complete ]); } endIndex = -1; }, mdown = function(e, el){ var $t = $(el), evt = e; if ($t.hasClass(wo.reorder_noReorder)) { return; } timer = setTimeout(function(){ $t.addClass('tablesorter-reorder'); startReorder(evt, $t); }, wo.reorder_delay); }; console.log( c.$headers.last().hasClass(noReorderLast) ); if ( c.$headers.last().hasClass(noReorderLast) ) { offsets.push( offsets[ offsets.length - 1 ] ); } else { offsets.push( c.$table.offset().left + c.$table.outerWidth() ); } c.$headers.not('.' + wo.reorder_noReorder).bind('mousedown.reorder', function(e){ mdown(e, this); }); $(document) .bind('mousemove.reorder', function(e){ if (startIndex !== -1){ var c = { left : e.pageX - clickOffset[0] }; endIndex = -1; if (/y/.test(wo.reorder_axis)) { c.top = e.pageY - clickOffset[1]; } $helper.css(c); positionBar(e); } }) .add( c.$headers ) .bind('mouseup.reorder', function(){ clearTimeout(timer); if (startIndex !== -1 && endIndex !== -1){ finishReorder(); } else { startIndex = -1; } }); // has sticky headers? c.$table.bind('stickyHeadersInit', function(){ wo.$sticky.find('thead').children().not('.' + wo.reorder_noReorder).bind('mousedown.reorder', function(e){ mdown(e, this); }); }); } }); // add mouse coordinates $x = $('#main h1:last'); $(document).mousemove(function(e){ $x.html( e.pageX ); }); })(jQuery);