/* =============================================================================== Chili is the jQuery code highlighter plugin ............................................................................... LICENSE: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php WEBSITE: http://noteslog.com/chili/ Copyright 2008 / Andrea Ercolino =============================================================================== */ { _name: 'js' , _case: true , _main: { ml_comment: { _match: /\/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^\/][^*]*\*+)*\// , _style: 'color: gray;' } , sl_comment: { _match: /\/\/.*/ , _style: 'color: green;' } , string: { _match: /(?:\'[^\'\\\n]*(?:\\.[^\'\\\n]*)*\')|(?:\"[^\"\\\n]*(?:\\.[^\"\\\n]*)*\")/ , _style: 'color: teal;' } , num: { _match: /\b[+-]?(?:\d*\.?\d+|\d+\.?\d*)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?\b/ , _style: 'color: red;' } , reg_not: { //this prevents "a / b / c" to be interpreted as a reg_exp _match: /(?:\w+\s*)\/[^\/\\\n]*(?:\\.[^\/\\\n]*)*\/[gim]*(?:\s*\w+)/ , _replace: function( all ) { return this.x( all, '//num' ); } } , reg_exp: { _match: /\/[^\/\\\n]*(?:\\.[^\/\\\n]*)*\/[gim]*/ , _style: 'color: maroon;' } , brace: { _match: /[\{\}]/ , _style: 'color: red; font-weight: bold;' } , statement: { _match: /\b(with|while|var|try|throw|switch|return|if|for|finally|else|do|default|continue|const|catch|case|break)\b/ , _style: 'color: navy; font-weight: bold;' } , error: { _match: /\b(URIError|TypeError|SyntaxError|ReferenceError|RangeError|EvalError|Error)\b/ , _style: 'color: Coral;' } , object: { _match: /\b(String|RegExp|Object|Number|Math|Function|Date|Boolean|Array)\b/ , _style: 'color: DeepPink;' } , property: { _match: /\b(undefined|arguments|NaN|Infinity)\b/ , _style: 'color: Purple; font-weight: bold;' } , 'function': { _match: /\b(parseInt|parseFloat|isNaN|isFinite|eval|encodeURIComponent|encodeURI|decodeURIComponent|decodeURI)\b/ , _style: 'color: olive;' } , operator: { _match: /\b(void|typeof|this|new|instanceof|in|function|delete)\b/ , _style: 'color: RoyalBlue; font-weight: bold;' } , liveconnect: { _match: /\b(sun|netscape|java|Packages|JavaPackage|JavaObject|JavaClass|JavaArray|JSObject|JSException)\b/ , _style: 'text-decoration: overline;' } } }