/*! Copyright (C) 2011 T. Connell & Associates, Inc. Dual-licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Resizable scroller widget for the jQuery tablesorter plugin Version 2.0 - modified by Rob Garrison 4/12/2013; updated 2/7/2015 (v2.19.0) Requires jQuery v1.7+ Requires the tablesorter plugin, v2.8+, available at http://mottie.github.com/tablesorter/docs/ Usage: $(function() { $('table.tablesorter').tablesorter({ widgets: ['zebra', 'scroller'], widgetOptions : { scroller_height : 300, // height of scroll window scroller_barWidth : 18, // scroll bar width scroller_jumpToHeader : true, // header snap to browser top when scrolling the tbody } }); }); Website: www.tconnell.com */ /*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */ ;(function($, window){ "use strict"; $.fn.hasScrollBar = function(){ return this.get(0).scrollHeight > this.height(); }; var ts = $.tablesorter; ts.window_resize = function(){ if (this.resize_timer) { clearTimeout(this.resize_timer); } this.resize_timer = setTimeout(function(){ $(this).trigger('resizeEnd'); }, 250); }; // Add extra scroller css $(function(){ var s = ''; $(s).appendTo('body'); }); ts.addWidget({ id: 'scroller', priority: 60, // run after the filter widget options: { scroller_height : 300, scroller_jumpToHeader: true, scroller_upAfterSort: true, // bar width is now calculated; set a value to override scroller_barWidth : null }, init: function(table, thisWidget, c, wo){ var $win = $(window), namespace = c.namespace + 'tsscroller'; // Setup window.resizeEnd event $win .bind('resize' + namespace, ts.window_resize) .bind('resizeEnd' + namespace, function() { // init is run before format, so scroller_resizeWidth // won't be defined within the "c" or "wo" parameters if ($.isFunction(table.config.widgetOptions.scroller_resizeWidth)) { // IE calls resize when you modify content, so we have to unbind the resize event // so we don't end up with an infinite loop. we can rebind after we're done. $win.unbind('resize' + namespace, ts.window_resize); table.config.widgetOptions.scroller_resizeWidth(); $win.bind('resize' + namespace, ts.window_resize); } }); }, format: function(table, c, wo) { var maxHt, tbHt, $hdr, resize, getBarWidth, $cells, // c.namespace contains a unique tablesorter ID, per table id = c.namespace.slice(1) + 'tsscroller', $win = $(window), $tbl = c.$table; if (!c.isScrolling) { maxHt = wo.scroller_height || 300; tbHt = $tbl.children('tbody').height(); if (tbHt !== 0 && maxHt > tbHt) { maxHt = tbHt + 10; } // Table is less than h px $hdr = $('' + '' + $tbl.find('thead:first').html() + '' + '
'); if (c.$extraTables && c.$extraTables.length) { c.$extraTables = c.$extraTables.add($hdr); } else { c.$extraTables = $hdr; } $tbl .wrap('
') .before($hdr) // shrink filter row but don't completely hide it because the inputs/selectors may distort the columns .find('.tablesorter-filter-row').addClass('hideme'); $cells = $hdr .wrap('
') .find('.' + ts.css.header); // use max-height, so the height resizes dynamically while filtering $tbl.wrap('
'); // make scroller header sortable ts.bindEvents(table, $cells); // look for filter widget if ($tbl.hasClass('hasFilters')) { ts.filter.bindSearch( $tbl, $hdr.find('.' + ts.css.filter) ); } // modified from http://davidwalsh.name/detect-scrollbar-width getBarWidth = function(){ var $scrollDiv = $('
').appendTo('body'), div = $scrollDiv[0], barWidth = div.offsetWidth - div.clientWidth; $scrollDiv.remove(); return barWidth; }; resize = function(){ var d, b, $h, $th, w, // Hide other scrollers so we can resize $div = $('div.tablesorter-scroller[id != "' + id + '"]').hide(); $tbl.children('thead').show(); // only remove colgroup if it was added by the plugin // the $.tablesorter.fixColumnWidth() function already does this (v2.19.0) // but we need to get "accurate" resized measurements here - see issue #680 $tbl.children('colgroup.tablesorter-colgroup').remove(); $hdr.children('colgroup').remove(); // Reset sizes so parent can resize. $tbl .addClass('tablesorter-scroller-reset') .children('thead') .find('.tablesorter-header-inner').addClass('tablesorter-scroller-reset').end() .find('.tablesorter-filter-row').show(); d = $tbl.parent(); d.addClass('tablesorter-scroller-reset'); d.parent().trigger('resize'); // include left & right border widths b = parseInt( $tbl.css('border-left-width'), 10 ) + parseInt( $tbl.css('border-right-width'), 10 ); // Shrink a bit to accommodate scrollbar w = ( wo.scroller_barWidth || getBarWidth() ) + b; d.width( d.parent().innerWidth() - ( d.parent().hasScrollBar() ? w : 0 ) ); w = d.innerWidth() - ( d.hasScrollBar() ? w : 0 ); $tbl.width( w ); $hdr.width( w ); $hdr.parent().width( w ); $tbl .closest('.tablesorter-scroller') .find('.tablesorter-scroller-reset') .removeClass('tablesorter-scroller-reset'); $h = $hdr.find('thead').children().children(); // adjust cloned header to match original table width - includes wrappers, headers, and header inner div $tbl.children('thead').children().children().each(function(i, c){ $th = $(c).find('.tablesorter-header-inner'); if ($th.length) { // I have no idea why this is in here anymore LOL w = parseInt( $th.css('min-width').replace('auto', '0').replace(/(px|em)/, ''), 10 ); if ( $th.width() < w ) { $th.width(w); } else { w = $th.width(); } $h.eq(i) .parent() .width( $th.parent().width() - b ); } }); // refresh colgroup & copy to cloned header $.tablesorter.fixColumnWidth( table ); $h = $tbl.children('colgroup').clone(); if ($h.length) { $hdr.prepend($h); } // hide filter row because filterEnd event fires $tbl.children('thead').find('.tablesorter-filter-row').hide(); $div.show(); }; // Expose to external calls wo.scroller_resizeWidth = resize; resize(); $tbl.find('thead').css('visibility', 'hidden'); c.isScrolling = true; tbHt = $tbl.parent().parent().height(); // The header will always jump into view if scrolling the table body $tbl.parent().bind('scroll', function(){ if (wo.scroller_jumpToHeader) { var pos = $win.scrollTop() - $hdr.offset().top; if ($(this).scrollTop() !== 0 && pos < tbHt && pos > 0) { $win.scrollTop( $hdr.offset().top ); } } $hdr.parent().scrollLeft( $(this).scrollLeft() ); }); } // Sorting, so scroll to top if (wo.scroller_upAfterSort) { $tbl.parent().animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'fast'); } }, remove : function(table, c){ var $table = c.$table, namespace = c.namespace + 'tsscroller'; $table.closest('.tablesorter-scroller').find('.tablesorter-scroller-header').remove(); $table .unwrap() .find('.tablesorter-filter-row').removeClass('hideme').end() .find('thead').show().css('visibility', 'visible'); $(window).unbind('resize' + namespace + ' resizeEnd' + namespace); c.isScrolling = false; } }); })(jQuery, window);