/*! tablesorter math widget - updated 2/9/2015 (v2.19.1) * Requires tablesorter v2.16+ and jQuery 1.7+ * by Rob Garrison */ /*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */ /*global jQuery: false */ ;(function($){ "use strict"; var ts = $.tablesorter, math = { events : ( 'tablesorter-initialized update updateAll updateRows addRows updateCell ' + 'filterReset filterEnd ' ).split(' ').join('.tsmath '), // get all of the row numerical values in an arry getRow : function(table, wo, $el, dataAttrib) { var $t, txt, c = table.config, arry = [], $row = $el.closest('tr'), $cells = $row.children(); if (!$row.hasClass(wo.filter_filteredRow || 'filtered')) { if (wo.math_ignore.length) { $cells = $cells.not('[' + dataAttrib + '=ignore]').not('[data-column=' + wo.math_ignore.join('],[data-column=') + ']'); } arry = $cells.not($el).map(function(){ $t = $(this); txt = $t.attr(c.textAttribute); if (typeof txt === "undefined") { txt = this.textContent || $t.text(); } txt = ts.formatFloat(txt.replace(/[^\w,. \-()]/g, ""), table); return isNaN(txt) ? 0 : txt; }).get(); } return arry; }, // get all of the column numerical values in an arry getColumn : function(table, wo, $el, type, dataAttrib){ var i, txt, $t, len, mathAbove, arry = [], c = table.config, filtered = wo.filter_filteredRow || 'filtered', cIndex = parseInt( $el.attr('data-column'), 10 ), $rows = c.$table.children('tbody').children(), $row = $el.closest('tr'); // make sure tfoot rows are AFTER the tbody rows // $rows.add( c.$table.children('tfoot').children() ); if (type === 'above') { len = $rows.index($row); i = len; while (i >= 0) { $t = $rows.eq(i).children().filter('[data-column=' + cIndex + ']'); mathAbove = $t.filter('[' + dataAttrib + '^=above]').length; // ignore filtered rows & rows with data-math="ignore" (and starting row) if ( ( !$rows.eq(i).hasClass(filtered) && $rows.eq(i).not('[' + dataAttrib + '=ignore]').length && i !== len ) || mathAbove && i !== len ) { // stop calculating "above", when encountering another "above" if (mathAbove) { i = 0; } else if ($t.length) { txt = $t.attr(c.textAttribute); if (typeof txt === "undefined") { txt = $t[0].textContent || $t.text(); } txt = ts.formatFloat(txt.replace(/[^\w,. \-()]/g, ""), table); arry.push(isNaN(txt) ? 0 : txt); } } i--; } } else { $rows.each(function(){ $t = $(this).children().filter('[data-column=' + cIndex + ']'); if (!$(this).hasClass(filtered) && $t.not('[' + dataAttrib + '^=above],[' + dataAttrib + '^=col]').length && !$t.is($el)) { txt = $t.attr(c.textAttribute); if (typeof txt === "undefined") { txt = ($t[0] ? $t[0].textContent : '') || $t.text(); } txt = ts.formatFloat(txt.replace(/[^\w,. \-()]/g, ""), table); arry.push(isNaN(txt) ? 0 : txt); } }); } return arry; }, // get all of the column numerical values in an arry getAll : function(table, wo, dataAttrib){ var txt, $t, col, arry = [], c = table.config, filtered = wo.filter_filteredRow || 'filtered', $rows = c.$table.children('tbody').children(); $rows.each(function(){ if (!$(this).hasClass(filtered)) { $(this).children().each(function(){ $t = $(this); col = parseInt( $t.attr('data-column'), 10); if (!$t.filter('[' + dataAttrib + ']').length && $.inArray(col, wo.math_ignore) < 0) { txt = $t.attr(c.textAttribute); if (typeof txt === "undefined") { txt = ($t[0] ? $t[0].textContent : '') || $t.text(); } txt = ts.formatFloat(txt.replace(/[^\w,. \-()]/g, ""), table); arry.push(isNaN(txt) ? 0 : txt); } }); } }); return arry; }, recalculate : function(table, c, wo, init){ if (c && (!wo.math_isUpdating || init)) { // add data-column attributes to all table cells if (init) { ts.computeColumnIndex( c.$table.children('tbody').children() ); } // data-attribute name (defaults to data-math) var dataAttrib = 'data-' + (wo.math_data || 'math'), // all non-info tbody cells $mathCells = c.$tbodies.find('[' + dataAttrib + ']'); math.mathType( table, wo, $mathCells, wo.math_priority, dataAttrib ); // only info tbody cells $mathCells = c.$table.find('.' + c.cssInfoBlock + ', tfoot').find('[' + dataAttrib + ']'); math.mathType( table, wo, $mathCells, wo.math_priority, dataAttrib ); // find the "all" total math.mathType( table, wo, c.$table.find('[' + dataAttrib + '^=all]'), ['all'], dataAttrib ); wo.math_isUpdating = true; c.$table.trigger('update'); } }, mathType : function(table, wo, $cells, priority, dataAttrib) { if ($cells.length) { var formula, t, $t, arry, getAll, eq = ts.equations; if (priority[0] === 'all') { // no need to get all cells more than once getAll = math.getAll(table, wo, dataAttrib); } $.each( priority, function(i, type) { $cells.filter('[' + dataAttrib + '^=' + type + ']').each(function(){ $t = $(this); formula = ($t.attr(dataAttrib) || '').replace(type + '-', ''); arry = (type === "row") ? math.getRow(table, wo, $t, dataAttrib) : (type === "all") ? getAll : math.getColumn(table, wo, $t, type, dataAttrib); if (eq[formula]) { t = eq[formula](arry); if (table.config.debug && console && console.log) { console.log($t.attr(dataAttrib), arry, '=', t); } math.output( $t, wo, t, arry ); } }); }); } }, output : function($cell, wo, value, arry) { // get mask from cell data-attribute: data-math-mask="#,##0.00" var result = ts.formatMask( $cell.attr('data-' + wo.math_data + '-mask') || wo.math_mask, value, wo.math_wrapPrefix, wo.math_wrapSuffix ); if ($.isFunction(wo.math_complete)) { result = wo.math_complete($cell, wo, result, value, arry); } if (result !== false) { $cell.html(result); } } }; // Modified from https://code.google.com/p/javascript-number-formatter/ /** * @preserve IntegraXor Web SCADA - JavaScript Number Formatter * http:// www.integraxor.com/ * author: KPL, KHL * (c)2011 ecava * Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses. */ ts.formatMask = function(m, v, tmpPrefix, tmpSuffix) { if ( !m || isNaN(+v) ) { return v; // return as it is. } var isNegative, result, decimal, group, posLeadZero, posTrailZero, posSeparator, part, szSep, integer, str, offset, i, l, len, start, tmp, end, inv, prefix = '', suffix = ''; // find prefix/suffix len = m.length; start = m.search( /[0-9\-\+#]/ ); tmp = start > 0 ? m.substring(0, start) : ''; prefix = tmp; if ( start > 0 && tmpPrefix ) { if ( /\{content\}/.test(tmpPrefix || '') ) { prefix = (tmpPrefix || '').replace(/\{content\}/g, tmp || ''); } else { prefix = (tmpPrefix || '') + tmp; } } // reverse string: not an ideal method if there are surrogate pairs inv = m.split('').reverse().join(''); end = inv.search( /[0-9\-\+#]/ ); i = len - end; i += (m.substring( i, i + 1 ) === '.') ? 1 : 0; tmp = end > 0 ? m.substring( i, len) : ''; suffix = tmp; if (tmp !== '' && tmpSuffix) { if ( /\{content\}/.test(tmpSuffix || '') ) { suffix = (tmpSuffix || '').replace(/\{content\}/g, tmp || ''); } else { suffix = tmp + (tmpSuffix || ''); } } m = m.substring(start, i); // convert any string to number according to formation sign. v = m.charAt(0) == '-' ? -v : +v; isNegative = v < 0 ? v = -v : 0; // process only abs(), and turn on flag. // search for separator for grp & decimal, anything not digit, not +/- sign, not #. result = m.match( /[^\d\-\+#]/g ); decimal = ( result && result[result.length-1] ) || '.'; // treat the right most symbol as decimal group = ( result && result[1] && result[0] ) || ','; // treat the left most symbol as group separator // split the decimal for the format string if any. m = m.split( decimal ); // Fix the decimal first, toFixed will auto fill trailing zero. v = v.toFixed( m[1] && m[1].length ); v = +(v) + ''; // convert number to string to trim off *all* trailing decimal zero(es) // fill back any trailing zero according to format posTrailZero = m[1] && m[1].lastIndexOf('0'); // look for last zero in format part = v.split('.'); // integer will get !part[1] if ( !part[1] || ( part[1] && part[1].length <= posTrailZero ) ) { v = (+v).toFixed( posTrailZero + 1 ); } szSep = m[0].split( group ); // look for separator m[0] = szSep.join(''); // join back without separator for counting the pos of any leading 0. posLeadZero = m[0] && m[0].indexOf('0'); if ( posLeadZero > -1 ) { while ( part[0].length < ( m[0].length - posLeadZero ) ) { part[0] = '0' + part[0]; } } else if ( +part[0] === 0 ) { part[0] = ''; } v = v.split('.'); v[0] = part[0]; // process the first group separator from decimal (.) only, the rest ignore. // get the length of the last slice of split result. posSeparator = ( szSep[1] && szSep[ szSep.length - 1 ].length ); if ( posSeparator ) { integer = v[0]; str = ''; offset = integer.length % posSeparator; l = integer.length; for ( i = 0; i < l; i++ ) { str += integer.charAt(i); // ie6 only support charAt for sz. // -posSeparator so that won't trail separator on full length /*jshint -W018 */ if ( !( ( i - offset + 1 ) % posSeparator ) && i < l - posSeparator ) { str += group; } } v[0] = str; } v[1] = ( m[1] && v[1] ) ? decimal + v[1] : ""; // put back any negation, combine integer and fraction, and add back prefix & suffix return prefix + ( ( isNegative ? '-' : '' ) + v[0] + v[1] ) + suffix; }; ts.equations = { count : function(arry) { return arry.length; }, sum : function(arry) { var total = 0; $.each( arry, function(i) { total += arry[i]; }); return total; }, mean : function(arry) { var total = ts.equations.sum( arry ); return total / arry.length; }, median : function(arry) { // https://gist.github.com/caseyjustus/1166258 arry.sort( function(a,b){ return a - b; } ); var half = Math.floor( arry.length / 2 ); return (arry.length % 2) ? arry[half] : ( arry[half - 1] + arry[half] ) / 2.0; }, mode : function(arry) { // http://stackoverflow.com/a/3451640/145346 if ( arry.length === 0 ) { return 'none'; } var i, el, modeMap = {}, maxCount = 1, modes = [arry[0]]; for (i = 0; i < arry.length; i++) { el = arry[i]; modeMap[el] = modeMap[el] ? modeMap[el] + 1 : 1; if ( modeMap[el] > maxCount ) { modes = [el]; maxCount = modeMap[el]; } else if (modeMap[el] === maxCount) { modes.push(el); maxCount = modeMap[el]; } } // returns arry of modes if there is a tie return modes.sort( function(a,b){ return a - b; } ); }, max : function(arry) { return Math.max.apply( Math, arry ); }, min : function(arry) { return Math.min.apply( Math, arry ); }, range: function(arry) { var v = arry.sort(function(a,b){ return a - b; }); return v[ arry.length - 1 ] - v[0]; }, // common variance equation // (not accessible via data-attribute setting) variance: function(arry, population) { var avg = ts.equations.mean( arry ), v = 0, i = arry.length; while (i--) { v += Math.pow( ( arry[i] - avg ), 2 ); } v /= ( arry.length - (population ? 0 : 1) ); return v; }, // variance (population) varp : function(arry) { return ts.equations.variance(arry, true); }, // variance (sample) vars : function(arry) { return ts.equations.variance(arry); }, // standard deviation (sample) stdevs : function(arry) { var vars = ts.equations.variance(arry); return Math.sqrt( vars ); }, // standard deviation (population) stdevp : function(arry){ var varp = ts.equations.variance(arry, true); return Math.sqrt( varp ); } }; // add new widget called repeatHeaders // ************************************ ts.addWidget({ id: "math", priority: 100, options: { math_data : 'math', // column index to ignore math_ignore : [], // mask info: https://code.google.com/p/javascript-number-formatter/ math_mask : '#,##0.00', // complete executed after each fucntion math_complete : null, // function($cell, wo, result, value, arry){ return result; }, // order of calculation; "all" is last math_priority : [ 'row', 'above', 'col' ], // template for or just prepend the mask prefix & suffix with this HTML // e.g. '{content}' math_prefix : '', math_suffix : '', math_event : 'recalculate' }, init : function(table, thisWidget, c, wo){ c.$table .off( (math.events + ' updateComplete.tsmath ' + wo.math_event).replace(/\s+/g, ' ') ) .on(math.events + ' ' + wo.math_event, function(e){ var init = e.type === 'tablesorter-initialized'; if (e.type === 'updateAll') { // redo data-column indexes in case columns were rearranged ts.computeColumnIndex( c.$table.children('tbody').children() ); } else if (!wo.math_isUpdating || init) { math.recalculate( table, c, wo, init ); } }) .on('updateComplete.tsmath', function(){ setTimeout(function(){ wo.math_isUpdating = false; }, 500); }); wo.math_isUpdating = false; }, // this remove function is called when using the refreshWidgets method or when destroying the tablesorter plugin // this function only applies to tablesorter v2.4+ remove: function(table, c, wo, refreshing){ if (refreshing) { return; } $(table) .off( (math.events + ' updateComplete.tsmath ' + wo.math_event).replace(/\s+/g, ' ') ) .find('[data-' + wo.math_data + ']').empty(); } }); })(jQuery);