/*! Duration parser */ /*jshint jquery:true, unused:false */ ;(function($){ 'use strict'; // If any number > 9999, then set table.config.durationLength = 5 // The below regex matches this duration example: 1y 23d 12h 44m 9s $.tablesorter.addParser({ id: 'duration', is: function() { return false; }, format: function(s, table) { var i, time, c = table.config, t = '', duration = '', len = c.durationLength || 4, str = new Array(len + 1).join('0'), labels = (c.durationLabels || '(?:years|year|y),(?:days|day|d),(?:hours|hour|h),(?:minutes|minute|min|m),(?:seconds|second|sec|s)').split(/\s*,\s*/), llen = labels.length; // build regex if (!c.durationRegex) { for (i = 0; i < llen; i++) { t += '(?:(\\d+)\\s*' + labels[i] + '\\s*)?'; } c.durationRegex = new RegExp(t, 'i'); } // remove commas from value time = ( c.usNumberFormat ? s.replace(/,/g, '') : s.replace( /(\d)(?:\.|\s*)(\d)/g, '$1$2') ).match(c.durationRegex); for (i = 1; i < llen + 1; i++) { duration += ( str + ( time[i] || 0 ) ).slice(-len); } return duration; }, type: 'text' }); /*! Countdown parser ( hh:mm:ss ) */ /* Added 2/7/2015 (v2.19.0) - see http://stackoverflow.com/a/27023733/145346 */ $.tablesorter.addParser({ id: 'countdown', is: function () { return false; }, format: function ( text, table ) { // change maxDigits to 4, if values go > 999 // or to 5 for values > 9999, etc. var maxDigits = table.config.durationLength || 4, // prefix contains leading zeros that are tacked prefix = new Array( maxDigits + 1 ).join( '0' ), // split time into blocks blocks = text.split( /\s*:\s*/ ), len = blocks.length, result = []; // add values in reverse, so if there is only one block // ( e.g. '10' ), then it would be the time in seconds while ( len ) { result.push( ( prefix + ( blocks[ --len ] || 0 ) ).slice( -maxDigits ) ); } // reverse the results and join them return result.length ? result.reverse().join( '' ) : text; }, type: 'text' }); })(jQuery);