
  • This widget will only work in tablesorter version 2.8+ and jQuery version 1.7+.
  • Please do not use this widget in very large tables (it might be really slow) or when your table includes multiple tbodies.
  • In v2.12.1, added group_separator option & group-separator-# header class name.
  • In v2.12, added group_callback & group_complete options. See options section below for details.
  • In v2.11:
    • The grouping widget now works across multiple tbodies.
    • Added group-false header option which disables the grouping widget for a specific column.
    • Added the group_collapsed option - get more details in the options block below.
    • You can now toggle all group rows by holding down the shift key while clicking on a group header.
    • This widget now works properly with the pager addon (pager addon updated).
  • Clicking on any of the sortable header cells will cause the column below it to sort and add a group header.


Group widget default options (added inside of tablesorter widgetOptions)

  • group_collapsible (true) - when true, the group headers become clickable and collapse the rows below it.
  • group_collapsed (false) - when true and group_collapsible is also true, all groups will start collapsed (v2.11).
  • group_count (" ({num})") - allows you to add custom formatting, or remove, the group count within the group header. Set it to false or an empty string to remove the count.
  • group_callback (null) - use this function to further modify the group header to include more information (i.e. group totals). Parameters include ($cell, $rows, column, table). See the example below for more details v2.12.
    • $cell - current group header table cell (jQuery object).
    • $rows - current group rows (jQuery object).
    • column - current table column being grouped (zero-based index).
    • table - current table (DOM).
  • group_complete ("groupingComplete") - event triggered on the table when the grouping widget has finished work v2.12.
  • group_formatter (null) - use this function to modify the group header text before it gets applied. It provides various parameters (txt, col, table, c, wo) to make it work for any of the table columns and data. See the comments in the example below for more details.
    • txt - current text of the group header.
    • col - current table column being grouped (zero-based index).
    • table - current table (DOM).
    • c - table data from table.config.
    • wo - table widget options from table.config.widgetOptions.
  • group_separator ("-") - when the group-separator class name is added, it uses the setting from this option to split the table cell content for grouping v2.12.1.
  • group date/time options - Name arrays included so that the language of the date groups can be modified easily. Defaults (English):
    • group_months ([ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]) - Month names.
    • group_week ([ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" ]) - Named days of the week.
    • group_time ([ "AM", "PM" ]) - Time of day.

Header Class Names

Group header class names (when changing the grouping, notice that the sort doesn't change, just the position and names of the group headers):

  • "group-word" (same as "group-word-1") - group the rows using the first word it finds in the column's parsed data.
  • "group-word-n" ("n" can be any number) - group the rows using the nth word in the column*.
  • "group-separator" (same as "group-separator-1") - group the rows using the text between the start and first separator that it finds in the column's parsed data (v2.12.1).
  • "group-separator-n" ("n" can be any number) - group the rows using the nth separated group in the column (v2.12.1)*.
  • "group-letter" (same as "group-letter-1") - group the rows using the first letter it finds in the column's parsed data.
  • "group-letter-n" ("n" can be any number) - group the rows using letters 1 through n (if n = 2, then it's the first 2 letters) in the column's parsed data.
  • "group-number" (same as "group-number-1") - group the rows by the number it finds in the column (step of one).
  • "group-number-n" ("n" can be any number) - group the rows into blocks of every n values. So, if n = 10, the groups will be 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, etc
  • "group-date" - group the rows by full date (this shows the current UTC time corrected for your time zone)
  • "group-date-year" - group the rows by year
  • "group-date-month" - group the rows by month*
  • "group-date-day" - group the rows by month/day*
  • "group-date-week" - group the rows by day of the week*
  • "group-date-time" - group the rows by time*
  • "group-false" - disable grouping of rows for a column (v2.11).
* When sorting some columns, different group headers with the same group name may exist (try "group-date-week" and "group-date-time"). To make these columns sort specifically by the group you want, you'll need to modify the parser.


Numeric column:
(includes subtotals)
Animals column:

Date column:
Quality (number) Numeric (every 10) Priority (letter) Animals (first letter) Natural Sort (first word) Inputs (second word) Date (Full)
Quality Numeric Priority Animals Natural Sort Inputs Date
110Koalaabc 1231/13/2013 12:01 AM
329Kangarooabc 11/15/2013
210Antabc 91/13/2013
381Beezyx 241/11/2013
321Aardwolfzyx 551/13/2013 03:30 AM
13Bearabc 111/15/2013
412Armadillozyx 21/15/2013 12:30 PM
256Aardvarkabc 21/22/2013
155Lionabc 92/15/2013
487AnteaterABC 101/3/2013
298Lemurzyx 11/11/2013
120Llamazyx 1212/13/2012

Page Header

<!-- Tablesorter: required -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/">
<script src="../js/jquery.tablesorter.js"></script>

<!-- Grouping widget -->
<script src="../js/parsers/parser-input-select.js"></script>
<script src="../js/widgets/widget-grouping.js"></script>


    theme : 'blue',
    headers: {
      0: { sorter: 'checkbox' },
      3: { sorter: 'select' },
      6: { sorter: 'inputs' }
    widgets: ['group'],
    widgetOptions: {
      group_collapsible : true,       // make the group header clickable and collapse the rows below it.
      group_collapsed   : false,      // start with all groups collapsed
      group_count       : ' ({num})', // if not false, the "{num}" string is replaced with the number of rows in the group
      // change these default date names based on your language preferences
      group_months      : [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ],
      group_week        : [ 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday' ],
      group_time        : [ 'AM', 'PM' ],
      group_formatter   : function(txt, col, table, c, wo) {
        // txt = current text; col = current column
        // table = current table (DOM); c = table.config; wo = table.config.widgetOptions
        if (col === 7 && txt.indexOf('GMT') > 0) {
          // remove "GMT-0000 (xxxx Standard Time)" from the end of the full date
          txt = txt.substring(0, txt.indexOf('GMT'));
        // If there are empty cells, name the group "Empty"
        return txt === "" ? "Empty" : txt;
      // add a group total to the "Numeric" column
      group_callback    : function($cell, $rows, column, table){
        // callback allowing modification of the group header labels
        // $cell = current table cell (containing group header cells '.group-name' & '.group-count'
        // $rows = all of the table rows for the current group; table = current table (DOM)
        // column = current column being sorted/grouped
        if (column === 2) {
          var subtotal = 0;
            subtotal += parseInt( $(this).find('td').eq(column).text() );
          $cell.find('.group-count').append('; subtotal: ' + subtotal );
      // event triggered on the table when the grouping widget has finished work
      group_complete    : 'groupingComplete'
