/*! tablesorter Editable Content widget - updated 10/26/2014 (v2.18.0) * Requires tablesorter v2.8+ and jQuery 1.7+ * by Rob Garrison */ /*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false */ /*global jQuery: false */ ;( function( $ ){ 'use strict'; var tse = $.tablesorter.editable = { editComplete: function( c, wo, $cell, refocus ) { $cell .removeClass( 'tseditable-last-edited-cell' ) .trigger( wo.editable_editComplete, [ c ] ); // restore focus last cell after updating if ( refocus ) { setTimeout( function() { $cell.focus(); }, 50 ); } }, selectAll: function( cell ) { setTimeout( function() { // select all text in contenteditable // see http://stackoverflow.com/a/6150060/145346 var sel, range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents( cell ); sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange( range ); }, 100 ); }, update: function( c, wo ) { var indx, tmp, $t, colIndex = [], cols = []; if ( !wo.editable_columnsArray && $.type( wo.editable_columns ) === 'string' && wo.editable_columns.indexOf( '-' ) >= 0 ) { // editable_columns can contain a range string ( i.e. '2-4' ) tmp = wo.editable_columns.split( /\s*-\s*/ ); indx = parseInt( tmp[ 0 ], 10 ) || 0; tmp = parseInt( tmp[ 1 ], 10 ) || ( c.columns - 1 ); if ( tmp > c.columns ) { tmp = c.columns - 1; } for ( ; indx <= tmp; indx++ ) { colIndex.push( indx ); cols.push( 'td:nth-child(' + ( indx + 1 ) + ')' ); } } else if ( $.isArray( wo.editable_columns ) ) { $.each( wo.editable_columnsArray || wo.editable_columns, function( i, col ) { if ( col < c.columns ) { colIndex.push( col ); cols.push( 'td:nth-child(' + ( col + 1 ) + ')' ); } }); } if ( !wo.editable_columnsArray ) { wo.editable_columnsArray = colIndex; wo.editable_columnsArray.sort(function(a,b){ return a - b; }); } tmp = $( '
' ).wrapInner( wo.editable_wrapContent ).children().length || $.isFunction( wo.editable_wrapContent ); // IE does not allow making TR/TH/TD cells directly editable ( issue #404 ) // so add a div or span inside ( it's faster than using wrapInner() ) c.$tbodies.find( cols.join( ',' ) ).not( '.' + wo.editable_noEdit ).each( function() { // test for children, if they exist, then make the children editable $t = $( this ); if ( tmp && $t.children().length === 0 ) { $t.wrapInner( wo.editable_wrapContent ); } if ( $t.children().length ) { // make all children content editable $t.children().not( '.' + wo.editable_noEdit ).each( function() { var $this = $( this ); if ( wo.editable_trimContent ) { $this.text( function( i, txt ) { return $.trim( txt ); }); } $this.prop( 'contenteditable', true ); }); } else { if ( wo.editable_trimContent ) { $t.text( function( i, txt ) { return $.trim( txt ); }); } $t.prop( 'contenteditable', true ); } }); }, bindEvents: function( c, wo ) { c.$table .off( 'updateComplete pagerComplete '.split( ' ' ).join( '.tseditable' ) ) .on( 'updateComplete pagerComplete '.split( ' ' ).join( '.tseditable' ), function() { tse.update( c, c.widgetOptions ); }); c.$tbodies .off( 'mouseleave focus blur focusout keydown '.split( ' ' ).join( '.tseditable ' ) ) .on( 'mouseleave.tseditable', function() { if ( c.$table.data( 'contentFocused' ) ) { // change to 'true' instead of element to allow focusout to process c.$table.data( 'contentFocused', true ); $( ':focus' ).trigger( 'focusout' ); } }) .on( 'focus.tseditable', '[contenteditable]', function( e ) { clearTimeout( $( this ).data( 'timer' ) ); c.$table.data( 'contentFocused', e.target ); var $this = $( this ), selAll = wo.editable_selectAll, column = $this.closest( 'td' ).index(), txt = $.trim( $this.text() ); if ( wo.editable_enterToAccept ) { // prevent enter from adding into the content $this.on( 'keydown.tseditable', function( e ){ if ( e.which === 13 ) { e.preventDefault(); } }); } $this.data({ before : txt, original: txt }); if ( typeof wo.editable_focused === 'function' ) { wo.editable_focused( txt, column, $this ); } if ( selAll ) { if ( typeof selAll === 'function' ) { if ( selAll( txt, column, $this ) ) { tse.selectAll( $this[0] ); } } else { tse.selectAll( $this[0] ); } } }) .on( 'blur focusout keydown '.split( ' ' ).join( '.tseditable ' ), '[contenteditable]', function( e ) { if ( !c.$table.data( 'contentFocused' ) ) { return; } var t, validate, valid = false, $this = $( e.target ), txt = $.trim( $this.text() ), column = $this.closest( 'td' ).index(); if ( e.which === 27 ) { // user cancelled $this.html( $.trim( $this.data( 'original' ) ) ).trigger( 'blur.tseditable' ); c.$table.data( 'contentFocused', false ); return false; } // accept on enter ( if set ), alt-enter ( always ) or if autoAccept is set and element is blurred or unfocused t = e.which === 13 && ( wo.editable_enterToAccept || e.altKey ) || wo.editable_autoAccept && e.type !== 'keydown'; // change if new or user hits enter ( if option set ) if ( t && $this.data( 'before' ) !== txt ) { validate = wo.editable_validate; valid = txt; if ( typeof( validate ) === 'function' ) { valid = validate( txt, $this.data( 'original' ), column, $this ); } else if ( typeof ( validate = $.tablesorter.getColumnData( c.table, validate, column ) ) === 'function' ) { valid = validate( txt, $this.data( 'original' ), column, $this ); } if ( t && valid !== false ) { c.$table.find( '.tseditable-last-edited-cell' ).removeClass( 'tseditable-last-edited-cell' ); $this .addClass( 'tseditable-last-edited-cell' ) .html( $.trim( valid ) ) .data( 'before', valid ) .data( 'original', valid ) .trigger( 'change' ); c.$table.trigger( 'updateCell', [ $this.closest( 'td' ), false, function() { if ( wo.editable_autoResort ) { setTimeout( function() { c.$table.trigger( 'sorton', [ c.sortList, function() { tse.editComplete( c, wo, c.$table.find( '.tseditable-last-edited-cell' ), true ); }, true ] ); }, 10 ); } else { tse.editComplete( c, wo, c.$table.find( '.tseditable-last-edited-cell' ) ); } } ] ); return false; } } else if ( !valid && e.type !== 'keydown' ) { clearTimeout( $this.data( 'timer' ) ); $this.data( 'timer', setTimeout( function() { if ( $.isFunction( wo.editable_blur ) ) { wo.editable_blur( $.trim( $this.text() ), column, $this ); } }, 100 ) ); // restore original content on blur $this.html( $.trim( $this.data( 'original' ) ) ); } }); } }; $.tablesorter.addWidget({ id: 'editable', options : { editable_columns : [], editable_enterToAccept : true, editable_autoAccept : true, editable_autoResort : false, editable_wrapContent : '
', // wrap the cell content... makes this widget work in IE, and with autocomplete editable_trimContent : true, // trim content inside of contenteditable ( remove tabs & carriage returns ) editable_validate : null, // function( text, originalText ){ return text; } editable_focused : null, // function( text, columnIndex, $element ) {} editable_blur : null, // function( text, columnIndex, $element ) { } editable_selectAll : false, // true/false or function( text, columnIndex, $element ) { return true; } editable_noEdit : 'no-edit', editable_editComplete : 'editComplete' }, init: function( table, thisWidget, c, wo ){ if ( !wo.editable_columns.length ) { return; } tse.update( c, wo ); tse.bindEvents( c, wo ); } }); })( jQuery );