/*! tablesorter (FORK) - updated 05-31-2015 (v2.22.1)*/ /* Includes widgets ( storage,uitheme,columns,filter,stickyHeaders,resizable,saveSort ) */ (function(factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof module.exports === 'object') { module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); } else { factory(jQuery); } }(function($) { /*! Widget: storage - updated 3/26/2015 (v2.21.3) */ ;(function ($, window, document) { 'use strict'; var ts = $.tablesorter || {}; // *** Store data in local storage, with a cookie fallback *** /* IE7 needs JSON library for JSON.stringify - (http://caniuse.com/#search=json) if you need it, then include https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js $.parseJSON is not available is jQuery versions older than 1.4.1, using older versions will only allow storing information for one page at a time // *** Save data (JSON format only) *** // val must be valid JSON... use http://jsonlint.com/ to ensure it is valid var val = { "mywidget" : "data1" }; // valid JSON uses double quotes // $.tablesorter.storage(table, key, val); $.tablesorter.storage(table, 'tablesorter-mywidget', val); // *** Get data: $.tablesorter.storage(table, key); *** v = $.tablesorter.storage(table, 'tablesorter-mywidget'); // val may be empty, so also check for your data val = (v && v.hasOwnProperty('mywidget')) ? v.mywidget : ''; alert(val); // "data1" if saved, or "" if not */ ts.storage = function(table, key, value, options) { table = $(table)[0]; var cookieIndex, cookies, date, hasStorage = false, values = {}, c = table.config, wo = c && c.widgetOptions, storageType = ( options && options.useSessionStorage ) || ( wo && wo.storage_useSessionStorage ) ? 'sessionStorage' : 'localStorage', $table = $(table), // id from (1) options ID, (2) table "data-table-group" attribute, (3) widgetOptions.storage_tableId, // (4) table ID, then (5) table index id = options && options.id || $table.attr( options && options.group || wo && wo.storage_group || 'data-table-group') || wo && wo.storage_tableId || table.id || $('.tablesorter').index( $table ), // url from (1) options url, (2) table "data-table-page" attribute, (3) widgetOptions.storage_fixedUrl, // (4) table.config.fixedUrl (deprecated), then (5) window location path url = options && options.url || $table.attr(options && options.page || wo && wo.storage_page || 'data-table-page') || wo && wo.storage_fixedUrl || c && c.fixedUrl || window.location.pathname; // https://gist.github.com/paulirish/5558557 if (storageType in window) { try { window[storageType].setItem('_tmptest', 'temp'); hasStorage = true; window[storageType].removeItem('_tmptest'); } catch(error) { if (c && c.debug) { ts.log( storageType + ' is not supported in this browser' ); } } } // *** get value *** if ($.parseJSON) { if (hasStorage) { values = $.parseJSON( window[storageType][key] || 'null' ) || {}; } else { // old browser, using cookies cookies = document.cookie.split(/[;\s|=]/); // add one to get from the key to the value cookieIndex = $.inArray(key, cookies) + 1; values = (cookieIndex !== 0) ? $.parseJSON(cookies[cookieIndex] || 'null') || {} : {}; } } // allow value to be an empty string too if ((value || value === '') && window.JSON && JSON.hasOwnProperty('stringify')) { // add unique identifiers = url pathname > table ID/index on page > data if (!values[url]) { values[url] = {}; } values[url][id] = value; // *** set value *** if (hasStorage) { window[storageType][key] = JSON.stringify(values); } else { date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (31536e+6)); // 365 days document.cookie = key + '=' + (JSON.stringify(values)).replace(/\"/g,'\"') + '; expires=' + date.toGMTString() + '; path=/'; } } else { return values && values[url] ? values[url][id] : ''; } }; })(jQuery, window, document); /*! Widget: uitheme - updated 3/26/2015 (v2.21.3) */ ;(function ($) { 'use strict'; var ts = $.tablesorter || {}; ts.themes = { 'bootstrap' : { table : 'table table-bordered table-striped', caption : 'caption', // header class names header : 'bootstrap-header', // give the header a gradient background (theme.bootstrap_2.css) sortNone : '', sortAsc : '', sortDesc : '', active : '', // applied when column is sorted hover : '', // custom css required - a defined bootstrap style may not override other classes // icon class names icons : '', // add "icon-white" to make them white; this icon class is added to the in the header iconSortNone : 'bootstrap-icon-unsorted', // class name added to icon when column is not sorted iconSortAsc : 'icon-chevron-up glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up', // class name added to icon when column has ascending sort iconSortDesc : 'icon-chevron-down glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down', // class name added to icon when column has descending sort filterRow : '', // filter row class footerRow : '', footerCells : '', even : '', // even row zebra striping odd : '' // odd row zebra striping }, 'jui' : { table : 'ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all', // table classes caption : 'ui-widget-content', // header class names header : 'ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-state-default', // header classes sortNone : '', sortAsc : '', sortDesc : '', active : 'ui-state-active', // applied when column is sorted hover : 'ui-state-hover', // hover class // icon class names icons : 'ui-icon', // icon class added to the in the header iconSortNone : 'ui-icon-carat-2-n-s', // class name added to icon when column is not sorted iconSortAsc : 'ui-icon-carat-1-n', // class name added to icon when column has ascending sort iconSortDesc : 'ui-icon-carat-1-s', // class name added to icon when column has descending sort filterRow : '', footerRow : '', footerCells : '', even : 'ui-widget-content', // even row zebra striping odd : 'ui-state-default' // odd row zebra striping } }; $.extend(ts.css, { wrapper : 'tablesorter-wrapper' // ui theme & resizable }); ts.addWidget({ id: "uitheme", priority: 10, format: function(table, c, wo) { var i, hdr, icon, time, $header, $icon, $tfoot, $h, oldtheme, oldremove, oldIconRmv, hasOldTheme, themesAll = ts.themes, $table = c.$table.add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' ) ), $headers = c.$headers.add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_headers' ) ), theme = c.theme || 'jui', themes = themesAll[theme] || {}, remove = $.trim( [ themes.sortNone, themes.sortDesc, themes.sortAsc, themes.active ].join( ' ' ) ), iconRmv = $.trim( [ themes.iconSortNone, themes.iconSortDesc, themes.iconSortAsc ].join( ' ' ) ); if (c.debug) { time = new Date(); } // initialization code - run once if (!$table.hasClass('tablesorter-' + theme) || c.theme !== c.appliedTheme || !wo.uitheme_applied) { wo.uitheme_applied = true; oldtheme = themesAll[c.appliedTheme] || {}; hasOldTheme = !$.isEmptyObject(oldtheme); oldremove = hasOldTheme ? [ oldtheme.sortNone, oldtheme.sortDesc, oldtheme.sortAsc, oldtheme.active ].join( ' ' ) : ''; oldIconRmv = hasOldTheme ? [ oldtheme.iconSortNone, oldtheme.iconSortDesc, oldtheme.iconSortAsc ].join( ' ' ) : ''; if (hasOldTheme) { wo.zebra[0] = $.trim( ' ' + wo.zebra[0].replace(' ' + oldtheme.even, '') ); wo.zebra[1] = $.trim( ' ' + wo.zebra[1].replace(' ' + oldtheme.odd, '') ); c.$tbodies.children().removeClass( [oldtheme.even, oldtheme.odd].join(' ') ); } // update zebra stripes if (themes.even) { wo.zebra[0] += ' ' + themes.even; } if (themes.odd) { wo.zebra[1] += ' ' + themes.odd; } // add caption style $table.children('caption') .removeClass(oldtheme.caption || '') .addClass(themes.caption); // add table/footer class names $tfoot = $table // remove other selected themes .removeClass( (c.appliedTheme ? 'tablesorter-' + (c.appliedTheme || '') : '') + ' ' + (oldtheme.table || '') ) .addClass('tablesorter-' + theme + ' ' + (themes.table || '')) // add theme widget class name .children('tfoot'); c.appliedTheme = c.theme; if ($tfoot.length) { $tfoot // if oldtheme.footerRow or oldtheme.footerCells are undefined, all class names are removed .children('tr').removeClass(oldtheme.footerRow || '').addClass(themes.footerRow) .children('th, td').removeClass(oldtheme.footerCells || '').addClass(themes.footerCells); } // update header classes $headers .removeClass( (hasOldTheme ? [oldtheme.header, oldtheme.hover, oldremove].join(' ') : '') || '' ) .addClass(themes.header) .not('.sorter-false') .unbind('mouseenter.tsuitheme mouseleave.tsuitheme') .bind('mouseenter.tsuitheme mouseleave.tsuitheme', function(event) { // toggleClass with switch added in jQuery 1.3 $(this)[ event.type === 'mouseenter' ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass' ](themes.hover || ''); }); $headers.each(function(){ var $this = $(this); if (!$this.find('.' + ts.css.wrapper).length) { // Firefox needs this inner div to position the icon & resizer correctly $this.wrapInner('
'); } }); if (c.cssIcon) { // if c.cssIcon is '', then no is added to the header $headers .find('.' + ts.css.icon) .removeClass(hasOldTheme ? [oldtheme.icons, oldIconRmv].join(' ') : '') .addClass(themes.icons || ''); } if ($table.hasClass('hasFilters')) { $table.children('thead').children('.' + ts.css.filterRow) .removeClass(hasOldTheme ? oldtheme.filterRow || '' : '') .addClass(themes.filterRow || ''); } } for (i = 0; i < c.columns; i++) { $header = c.$headers .add($(c.namespace + '_extra_headers')) .not('.sorter-false') .filter('[data-column="' + i + '"]'); $icon = (ts.css.icon) ? $header.find('.' + ts.css.icon) : $(); $h = $headers.not('.sorter-false').filter('[data-column="' + i + '"]:last'); if ($h.length) { $header.removeClass(remove); $icon.removeClass(iconRmv); if ($h[0].sortDisabled) { // no sort arrows for disabled columns! $icon.removeClass(themes.icons || ''); } else { hdr = themes.sortNone; icon = themes.iconSortNone; if ($h.hasClass(ts.css.sortAsc)) { hdr = [themes.sortAsc, themes.active].join(' '); icon = themes.iconSortAsc; } else if ($h.hasClass(ts.css.sortDesc)) { hdr = [themes.sortDesc, themes.active].join(' '); icon = themes.iconSortDesc; } $header.addClass(hdr); $icon.addClass(icon || ''); } } } if (c.debug) { ts.benchmark("Applying " + theme + " theme", time); } }, remove: function(table, c, wo, refreshing) { if (!wo.uitheme_applied) { return; } var $table = c.$table, theme = c.appliedTheme || 'jui', themes = ts.themes[ theme ] || ts.themes.jui, $headers = $table.children('thead').children(), remove = themes.sortNone + ' ' + themes.sortDesc + ' ' + themes.sortAsc, iconRmv = themes.iconSortNone + ' ' + themes.iconSortDesc + ' ' + themes.iconSortAsc; $table.removeClass('tablesorter-' + theme + ' ' + themes.table); wo.uitheme_applied = false; if (refreshing) { return; } $table.find(ts.css.header).removeClass(themes.header); $headers .unbind('mouseenter.tsuitheme mouseleave.tsuitheme') // remove hover .removeClass(themes.hover + ' ' + remove + ' ' + themes.active) .filter('.' + ts.css.filterRow) .removeClass(themes.filterRow); $headers.find('.' + ts.css.icon).removeClass(themes.icons + ' ' + iconRmv); } }); })(jQuery); /*! Widget: columns */ ;(function ($) { 'use strict'; var ts = $.tablesorter || {}; ts.addWidget({ id: "columns", priority: 30, options : { columns : [ "primary", "secondary", "tertiary" ] }, format: function(table, c, wo) { var $tbody, tbodyIndex, $rows, rows, $row, $cells, remove, indx, $table = c.$table, $tbodies = c.$tbodies, sortList = c.sortList, len = sortList.length, // removed c.widgetColumns support css = wo && wo.columns || [ "primary", "secondary", "tertiary" ], last = css.length - 1; remove = css.join(' '); // check if there is a sort (on initialization there may not be one) for (tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < $tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) { $tbody = ts.processTbody(table, $tbodies.eq(tbodyIndex), true); // detach tbody $rows = $tbody.children('tr'); // loop through the visible rows $rows.each(function() { $row = $(this); if (this.style.display !== 'none') { // remove all columns class names $cells = $row.children().removeClass(remove); // add appropriate column class names if (sortList && sortList[0]) { // primary sort column class $cells.eq(sortList[0][0]).addClass(css[0]); if (len > 1) { for (indx = 1; indx < len; indx++) { // secondary, tertiary, etc sort column classes $cells.eq(sortList[indx][0]).addClass( css[indx] || css[last] ); } } } } }); ts.processTbody(table, $tbody, false); } // add classes to thead and tfoot rows = wo.columns_thead !== false ? ['thead tr'] : []; if (wo.columns_tfoot !== false) { rows.push('tfoot tr'); } if (rows.length) { $rows = $table.find( rows.join(',') ).children().removeClass(remove); if (len) { for (indx = 0; indx < len; indx++) { // add primary. secondary, tertiary, etc sort column classes $rows.filter('[data-column="' + sortList[indx][0] + '"]').addClass(css[indx] || css[last]); } } } }, remove: function(table, c, wo) { var tbodyIndex, $tbody, $tbodies = c.$tbodies, remove = (wo.columns || [ "primary", "secondary", "tertiary" ]).join(' '); c.$headers.removeClass(remove); c.$table.children('tfoot').children('tr').children('th, td').removeClass(remove); for (tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < $tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) { $tbody = ts.processTbody(table, $tbodies.eq(tbodyIndex), true); // remove tbody $tbody.children('tr').each(function() { $(this).children().removeClass(remove); }); ts.processTbody(table, $tbody, false); // restore tbody } } }); })(jQuery); /*! Widget: filter - updated 5/17/2015 (v2.22.1) *//* * Requires tablesorter v2.8+ and jQuery 1.7+ * by Rob Garrison */ ;( function ( $ ) { 'use strict'; var ts = $.tablesorter || {}, tscss = ts.css; $.extend( tscss, { filterRow : 'tablesorter-filter-row', filter : 'tablesorter-filter', filterDisabled : 'disabled', filterRowHide : 'hideme' }); ts.addWidget({ id: 'filter', priority: 50, options : { filter_childRows : false, // if true, filter includes child row content in the search filter_childByColumn : false, // ( filter_childRows must be true ) if true = search child rows by column; false = search all child row text grouped filter_columnFilters : true, // if true, a filter will be added to the top of each table column filter_columnAnyMatch: true, // if true, allows using '#:{query}' in AnyMatch searches ( column:query ) filter_cellFilter : '', // css class name added to the filter cell ( string or array ) filter_cssFilter : '', // css class name added to the filter row & each input in the row ( tablesorter-filter is ALWAYS added ) filter_defaultFilter : {}, // add a default column filter type '~{query}' to make fuzzy searches default; '{q1} AND {q2}' to make all searches use a logical AND. filter_excludeFilter : {}, // filters to exclude, per column filter_external : '', // jQuery selector string ( or jQuery object ) of external filters filter_filteredRow : 'filtered', // class added to filtered rows; needed by pager plugin filter_formatter : null, // add custom filter elements to the filter row filter_functions : null, // add custom filter functions using this option filter_hideEmpty : true, // hide filter row when table is empty filter_hideFilters : false, // collapse filter row when mouse leaves the area filter_ignoreCase : true, // if true, make all searches case-insensitive filter_liveSearch : true, // if true, search column content while the user types ( with a delay ) filter_onlyAvail : 'filter-onlyAvail', // a header with a select dropdown & this class name will only show available ( visible ) options within the drop down filter_placeholder : { search : '', select : '' }, // default placeholder text ( overridden by any header 'data-placeholder' setting ) filter_reset : null, // jQuery selector string of an element used to reset the filters filter_saveFilters : false, // Use the $.tablesorter.storage utility to save the most recent filters filter_searchDelay : 300, // typing delay in milliseconds before starting a search filter_searchFiltered: true, // allow searching through already filtered rows in special circumstances; will speed up searching in large tables if true filter_selectSource : null, // include a function to return an array of values to be added to the column filter select filter_startsWith : false, // if true, filter start from the beginning of the cell contents filter_useParsedData : false, // filter all data using parsed content filter_serversideFiltering : false, // if true, server-side filtering should be performed because client-side filtering will be disabled, but the ui and events will still be used. filter_defaultAttrib : 'data-value', // data attribute in the header cell that contains the default filter value filter_selectSourceSeparator : '|' // filter_selectSource array text left of the separator is added to the option value, right into the option text }, format: function( table, c, wo ) { if ( !c.$table.hasClass( 'hasFilters' ) ) { ts.filter.init( table, c, wo ); } }, remove: function( table, c, wo, refreshing ) { var tbodyIndex, $tbody, $table = c.$table, $tbodies = c.$tbodies, events = 'addRows updateCell update updateRows updateComplete appendCache filterReset filterEnd search ' .split( ' ' ).join( c.namespace + 'filter ' ); $table .removeClass( 'hasFilters' ) // add .tsfilter namespace to all BUT search .unbind( events.replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ) ) // remove the filter row even if refreshing, because the column might have been moved .find( '.' + tscss.filterRow ).remove(); if ( refreshing ) { return; } for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < $tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) { $tbody = ts.processTbody( table, $tbodies.eq( tbodyIndex ), true ); // remove tbody $tbody.children().removeClass( wo.filter_filteredRow ).show(); ts.processTbody( table, $tbody, false ); // restore tbody } if ( wo.filter_reset ) { $( document ).undelegate( wo.filter_reset, 'click.tsfilter' ); } } }); ts.filter = { // regex used in filter 'check' functions - not for general use and not documented regex: { regex : /^\/((?:\\\/|[^\/])+)\/([mig]{0,3})?$/, // regex to test for regex child : /tablesorter-childRow/, // child row class name; this gets updated in the script filtered : /filtered/, // filtered (hidden) row class name; updated in the script type : /undefined|number/, // check type exact : /(^[\"\'=]+)|([\"\'=]+$)/g, // exact match (allow '==') nondigit : /[^\w,. \-()]/g, // replace non-digits (from digit & currency parser) operators : /[<>=]/g, // replace operators query : '(q|query)' // replace filter queries }, // function( c, data ) { } // c = table.config // data.$row = jQuery object of the row currently being processed // data.$cells = jQuery object of all cells within the current row // data.filters = array of filters for all columns ( some may be undefined ) // data.filter = filter for the current column // data.iFilter = same as data.filter, except lowercase ( if wo.filter_ignoreCase is true ) // data.exact = table cell text ( or parsed data if column parser enabled ) // data.iExact = same as data.exact, except lowercase ( if wo.filter_ignoreCase is true ) // data.cache = table cell text from cache, so it has been parsed ( & in all lower case if c.ignoreCase is true ) // data.cacheArray = An array of parsed content from each table cell in the row being processed // data.index = column index; table = table element ( DOM ) // data.parsed = array ( by column ) of boolean values ( from filter_useParsedData or 'filter-parsed' class ) types: { // Look for regex regex: function( c, data ) { if ( ts.filter.regex.regex.test( data.filter ) ) { var matches, // cache regex per column for optimal speed regex = data.filter_regexCache[ data.index ] || ts.filter.regex.regex.exec( data.filter ), isRegex = regex instanceof RegExp; try { if ( !isRegex ) { // force case insensitive search if ignoreCase option set? // if ( c.ignoreCase && !regex[2] ) { regex[2] = 'i'; } data.filter_regexCache[ data.index ] = regex = new RegExp( regex[1], regex[2] ); } matches = regex.test( data.exact ); } catch ( error ) { matches = false; } return matches; } return null; }, // Look for operators >, >=, < or <= operators: function( c, data ) { // ignore empty strings... because '' < 10 is true if ( /^[<>]=?/.test( data.iFilter ) && data.iExact !== '' ) { var cachedValue, result, txt, table = c.table, index = data.index, parsed = data.parsed[index], query = ts.formatFloat( data.iFilter.replace( ts.filter.regex.operators, '' ), table ), parser = c.parsers[index], savedSearch = query; // parse filter value in case we're comparing numbers ( dates ) if ( parsed || parser.type === 'numeric' ) { txt = $.trim( '' + data.iFilter.replace( ts.filter.regex.operators, '' ) ); result = ts.filter.parseFilter( c, txt, index, true ); query = ( typeof result === 'number' && result !== '' && !isNaN( result ) ) ? result : query; } // iExact may be numeric - see issue #149; // check if cached is defined, because sometimes j goes out of range? ( numeric columns ) if ( ( parsed || parser.type === 'numeric' ) && !isNaN( query ) && typeof data.cache !== 'undefined' ) { cachedValue = data.cache; } else { txt = isNaN( data.iExact ) ? data.iExact.replace( ts.filter.regex.nondigit, '' ) : data.iExact; cachedValue = ts.formatFloat( txt, table ); } if ( />/.test( data.iFilter ) ) { result = />=/.test( data.iFilter ) ? cachedValue >= query : cachedValue > query; } else if ( /= 0 ); } } return null; }, // Look for quotes or equals to get an exact match; ignore type since iExact could be numeric exact: function( c, data ) { /*jshint eqeqeq:false */ if ( ts.filter.regex.exact.test( data.iFilter ) ) { var txt = data.iFilter.replace( ts.filter.regex.exact, '' ), filter = ts.filter.parseFilter( c, txt, data.index, data.parsed[data.index] ) || ''; return data.anyMatch ? $.inArray( filter, data.rowArray ) >= 0 : filter == data.iExact; } return null; }, // Look for an AND or && operator ( logical and ) and : function( c, data ) { if ( ts.filter.regex.andTest.test( data.filter ) ) { var index = data.index, parsed = data.parsed[index], query = data.iFilter.split( ts.filter.regex.andSplit ), result = data.iExact.search( $.trim( ts.filter.parseFilter( c, query[0], index, parsed ) ) ) >= 0, indx = query.length - 1; while ( result && indx ) { result = result && data.iExact.search( $.trim( ts.filter.parseFilter( c, query[indx], index, parsed ) ) ) >= 0; indx--; } return result; } return null; }, // Look for a range ( using ' to ' or ' - ' ) - see issue #166; thanks matzhu! range : function( c, data ) { if ( ts.filter.regex.toTest.test( data.iFilter ) ) { var result, tmp, range1, range2, table = c.table, index = data.index, parsed = data.parsed[index], // make sure the dash is for a range and not indicating a negative number query = data.iFilter.split( ts.filter.regex.toSplit ); tmp = query[0].replace( ts.filter.regex.nondigit, '' ) || ''; range1 = ts.formatFloat( ts.filter.parseFilter( c, tmp, index, parsed ), table ); tmp = query[1].replace( ts.filter.regex.nondigit, '' ) || ''; range2 = ts.formatFloat( ts.filter.parseFilter( c, tmp, index, parsed ), table ); // parse filter value in case we're comparing numbers ( dates ) if ( parsed || c.parsers[index].type === 'numeric' ) { result = c.parsers[ index ].format( '' + query[0], table, c.$headers.eq( index ), index ); range1 = ( result !== '' && !isNaN( result ) ) ? result : range1; result = c.parsers[ index ].format( '' + query[1], table, c.$headers.eq( index ), index ); range2 = ( result !== '' && !isNaN( result ) ) ? result : range2; } if ( ( parsed || c.parsers[ index ].type === 'numeric' ) && !isNaN( range1 ) && !isNaN( range2 ) ) { result = data.cache; } else { tmp = isNaN( data.iExact ) ? data.iExact.replace( ts.filter.regex.nondigit, '' ) : data.iExact; result = ts.formatFloat( tmp, table ); } if ( range1 > range2 ) { tmp = range1; range1 = range2; range2 = tmp; // swap } return ( result >= range1 && result <= range2 ) || ( range1 === '' || range2 === '' ); } return null; }, // Look for wild card: ? = single, * = multiple, or | = logical OR wild : function( c, data ) { if ( /[\?\*\|]/.test( data.iFilter ) || ts.filter.regex.orReplace.test( data.filter ) ) { var index = data.index, parsed = data.parsed[ index ], txt = data.iFilter.replace( ts.filter.regex.orReplace, '|' ), query = '' + ( ts.filter.parseFilter( c, txt, index, parsed ) || '' ); // look for an exact match with the 'or' unless the 'filter-match' class is found if ( !c.$headerIndexed[ index ].hasClass( 'filter-match' ) && /\|/.test( query ) ) { // show all results while using filter match. Fixes #727 if ( query[ query.length - 1 ] === '|' ) { query += '*'; } query = data.anyMatch && $.isArray( data.rowArray ) ? '(' + query + ')' : '^(' + query + ')$'; } // parsing the filter may not work properly when using wildcards =/ return new RegExp( query.replace( /\?/g, '\\S{1}' ).replace( /\*/g, '\\S*' ) ) .test( data.iExact ); } return null; }, // fuzzy text search; modified from https://github.com/mattyork/fuzzy ( MIT license ) fuzzy: function( c, data ) { if ( /^~/.test( data.iFilter ) ) { var indx, patternIndx = 0, len = data.iExact.length, txt = data.iFilter.slice( 1 ), pattern = ts.filter.parseFilter( c, txt, data.index, data.parsed[data.index] ) || ''; for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) { if ( data.iExact[ indx ] === pattern[ patternIndx ] ) { patternIndx += 1; } } if ( patternIndx === pattern.length ) { return true; } return false; } return null; } }, init: function( table, c, wo ) { // filter language options ts.language = $.extend( true, {}, { to : 'to', or : 'or', and : 'and' }, ts.language ); var options, string, txt, $header, column, filters, val, fxn, noSelect, regex = ts.filter.regex; c.$table.addClass( 'hasFilters' ); // define timers so using clearTimeout won't cause an undefined error wo.searchTimer = null; wo.filter_initTimer = null; wo.filter_formatterCount = 0; wo.filter_formatterInit = []; wo.filter_anyColumnSelector = '[data-column="all"],[data-column="any"]'; wo.filter_multipleColumnSelector = '[data-column*="-"],[data-column*=","]'; val = '\\{' + ts.filter.regex.query + '\\}'; $.extend( regex, { child : new RegExp( c.cssChildRow ), filtered : new RegExp( wo.filter_filteredRow ), alreadyFiltered : new RegExp( '(\\s+(' + ts.language.or + '|-|' + ts.language.to + ')\\s+)', 'i' ), toTest : new RegExp( '\\s+(-|' + ts.language.to + ')\\s+', 'i' ), toSplit : new RegExp( '(?:\\s+(?:-|' + ts.language.to + ')\\s+)' ,'gi' ), andTest : new RegExp( '\\s+(' + ts.language.and + '|&&)\\s+', 'i' ), andSplit : new RegExp( '(?:\\s+(?:' + ts.language.and + '|&&)\\s+)', 'gi' ), orReplace : new RegExp( '\\s+(' + ts.language.or + ')\\s+', 'gi' ), iQuery : new RegExp( val, 'i' ), igQuery : new RegExp( val, 'ig' ) }); // don't build filter row if columnFilters is false or all columns are set to 'filter-false' // see issue #156 val = c.$headers.filter( '.filter-false, .parser-false' ).length; if ( wo.filter_columnFilters !== false && val !== c.$headers.length ) { // build filter row ts.filter.buildRow( table, c, wo ); } txt = 'addRows updateCell update updateRows updateComplete appendCache filterReset filterEnd search ' .split( ' ' ).join( c.namespace + 'filter ' ); c.$table.bind( txt, function( event, filter ) { val = wo.filter_hideEmpty && $.isEmptyObject( c.cache ) && !( c.delayInit && event.type === 'appendCache' ); // hide filter row using the 'filtered' class name c.$table.find( '.' + tscss.filterRow ).toggleClass( wo.filter_filteredRow, val ); // fixes #450 if ( !/(search|filter)/.test( event.type ) ) { event.stopPropagation(); ts.filter.buildDefault( table, true ); } if ( event.type === 'filterReset' ) { c.$table.find( '.' + tscss.filter ).add( wo.filter_$externalFilters ).val( '' ); ts.filter.searching( table, [] ); } else if ( event.type === 'filterEnd' ) { ts.filter.buildDefault( table, true ); } else { // send false argument to force a new search; otherwise if the filter hasn't changed, // it will return filter = event.type === 'search' ? filter : event.type === 'updateComplete' ? c.$table.data( 'lastSearch' ) : ''; if ( /(update|add)/.test( event.type ) && event.type !== 'updateComplete' ) { // force a new search since content has changed c.lastCombinedFilter = null; c.lastSearch = []; } // pass true ( skipFirst ) to prevent the tablesorter.setFilters function from skipping the first // input ensures all inputs are updated when a search is triggered on the table // $( 'table' ).trigger( 'search', [...] ); ts.filter.searching( table, filter, true ); } return false; }); // reset button/link if ( wo.filter_reset ) { if ( wo.filter_reset instanceof $ ) { // reset contains a jQuery object, bind to it wo.filter_reset.click( function() { c.$table.trigger( 'filterReset' ); }); } else if ( $( wo.filter_reset ).length ) { // reset is a jQuery selector, use event delegation $( document ) .undelegate( wo.filter_reset, 'click.tsfilter' ) .delegate( wo.filter_reset, 'click.tsfilter', function() { // trigger a reset event, so other functions ( filter_formatter ) know when to reset c.$table.trigger( 'filterReset' ); }); } } if ( wo.filter_functions ) { for ( column = 0; column < c.columns; column++ ) { fxn = ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_functions, column ); if ( fxn ) { // remove 'filter-select' from header otherwise the options added here are replaced with // all options $header = c.$headerIndexed[ column ].removeClass( 'filter-select' ); // don't build select if 'filter-false' or 'parser-false' set noSelect = !( $header.hasClass( 'filter-false' ) || $header.hasClass( 'parser-false' ) ); options = ''; if ( fxn === true && noSelect ) { ts.filter.buildSelect( table, column ); } else if ( typeof fxn === 'object' && noSelect ) { // add custom drop down list for ( string in fxn ) { if ( typeof string === 'string' ) { options += options === '' ? '' : ''; val = string; txt = string; if ( string.indexOf( wo.filter_selectSourceSeparator ) >= 0 ) { val = string.split( wo.filter_selectSourceSeparator ); txt = val[1]; val = val[0]; } options += ''; } } c.$table .find( 'thead' ) .find( 'select.' + tscss.filter + '[data-column="' + column + '"]' ) .append( options ); txt = wo.filter_selectSource; fxn = $.isFunction( txt ) ? true : ts.getColumnData( table, txt, column ); if ( fxn ) { // updating so the extra options are appended ts.filter.buildSelect( c.table, column, '', true, $header.hasClass( wo.filter_onlyAvail ) ); } } } } } // not really updating, but if the column has both the 'filter-select' class & // filter_functions set to true, it would append the same options twice. ts.filter.buildDefault( table, true ); ts.filter.bindSearch( table, c.$table.find( '.' + tscss.filter ), true ); if ( wo.filter_external ) { ts.filter.bindSearch( table, wo.filter_external ); } if ( wo.filter_hideFilters ) { ts.filter.hideFilters( table, c ); } // show processing icon if ( c.showProcessing ) { txt = 'filterStart filterEnd '.split( ' ' ).join( c.namespace + 'filter ' ); c.$table .unbind( txt.replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ) ) .bind( txt, function( event, columns ) { // only add processing to certain columns to all columns $header = ( columns ) ? c.$table .find( '.' + tscss.header ) .filter( '[data-column]' ) .filter( function() { return columns[ $( this ).data( 'column' ) ] !== ''; }) : ''; ts.isProcessing( table, event.type === 'filterStart', columns ? $header : '' ); }); } // set filtered rows count ( intially unfiltered ) c.filteredRows = c.totalRows; // add default values txt = 'tablesorter-initialized pagerBeforeInitialized '.split( ' ' ).join( c.namespace + 'filter ' ); c.$table .unbind( txt.replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ) ) .bind( txt, function() { // redefine 'wo' as it does not update properly inside this callback var wo = this.config.widgetOptions; filters = ts.filter.setDefaults( table, c, wo ) || []; if ( filters.length ) { // prevent delayInit from triggering a cache build if filters are empty if ( !( c.delayInit && filters.join( '' ) === '' ) ) { ts.setFilters( table, filters, true ); } } c.$table.trigger( 'filterFomatterUpdate' ); // trigger init after setTimeout to prevent multiple filterStart/End/Init triggers setTimeout( function() { if ( !wo.filter_initialized ) { ts.filter.filterInitComplete( c ); } }, 100 ); }); // if filter widget is added after pager has initialized; then set filter init flag if ( c.pager && c.pager.initialized && !wo.filter_initialized ) { c.$table.trigger( 'filterFomatterUpdate' ); setTimeout( function() { ts.filter.filterInitComplete( c ); }, 100 ); } }, // $cell parameter, but not the config, is passed to the filter_formatters, // so we have to work with it instead formatterUpdated: function( $cell, column ) { var wo = $cell.closest( 'table' )[0].config.widgetOptions; if ( !wo.filter_initialized ) { // add updates by column since this function // may be called numerous times before initialization wo.filter_formatterInit[ column ] = 1; } }, filterInitComplete: function( c ) { var indx, len, wo = c.widgetOptions, count = 0, completed = function() { wo.filter_initialized = true; c.$table.trigger( 'filterInit', c ); ts.filter.findRows( c.table, c.$table.data( 'lastSearch' ) || [] ); }; if ( $.isEmptyObject( wo.filter_formatter ) ) { completed(); } else { len = wo.filter_formatterInit.length; for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) { if ( wo.filter_formatterInit[ indx ] === 1 ) { count++; } } clearTimeout( wo.filter_initTimer ); if ( !wo.filter_initialized && count === wo.filter_formatterCount ) { // filter widget initialized completed(); } else if ( !wo.filter_initialized ) { // fall back in case a filter_formatter doesn't call // $.tablesorter.filter.formatterUpdated( $cell, column ), and the count is off wo.filter_initTimer = setTimeout( function() { completed(); }, 500 ); } } }, setDefaults: function( table, c, wo ) { var isArray, saved, indx, col, $filters, // get current ( default ) filters filters = ts.getFilters( table ) || []; if ( wo.filter_saveFilters && ts.storage ) { saved = ts.storage( table, 'tablesorter-filters' ) || []; isArray = $.isArray( saved ); // make sure we're not just getting an empty array if ( !( isArray && saved.join( '' ) === '' || !isArray ) ) { filters = saved; } } // if no filters saved, then check default settings if ( filters.join( '' ) === '' ) { // allow adding default setting to external filters $filters = c.$headers.add( wo.filter_$externalFilters ) .filter( '[' + wo.filter_defaultAttrib + ']' ); for ( indx = 0; indx <= c.columns; indx++ ) { // include data-column='all' external filters col = indx === c.columns ? 'all' : indx; filters[indx] = $filters .filter( '[data-column="' + col + '"]' ) .attr( wo.filter_defaultAttrib ) || filters[indx] || ''; } } c.$table.data( 'lastSearch', filters ); return filters; }, parseFilter: function( c, filter, column, parsed ) { return parsed ? c.parsers[column].format( filter, c.table, [], column ) : filter; }, buildRow: function( table, c, wo ) { var col, column, $header, buildSelect, disabled, name, ffxn, tmp, // c.columns defined in computeThIndexes() cellFilter = wo.filter_cellFilter, columns = c.columns, arry = $.isArray( cellFilter ), buildFilter = ''; for ( column = 0; column < columns; column++ ) { buildFilter += '' ).appendTo( c.$filters.eq( column ) ); } else { ffxn = ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_formatter, column ); if ( ffxn ) { wo.filter_formatterCount++; buildFilter = ffxn( c.$filters.eq( column ), column ); // no element returned, so lets go find it if ( buildFilter && buildFilter.length === 0 ) { buildFilter = c.$filters.eq( column ).children( 'input' ); } // element not in DOM, so lets attach it if ( buildFilter && ( buildFilter.parent().length === 0 || ( buildFilter.parent().length && buildFilter.parent()[0] !== c.$filters[column] ) ) ) { c.$filters.eq( column ).append( buildFilter ); } } else { buildFilter = $( '' ).appendTo( c.$filters.eq( column ) ); } if ( buildFilter ) { tmp = $header.data( 'placeholder' ) || $header.attr( 'data-placeholder' ) || wo.filter_placeholder.search || ''; buildFilter.attr( 'placeholder', tmp ); } } if ( buildFilter ) { // add filter class name name = ( $.isArray( wo.filter_cssFilter ) ? ( typeof wo.filter_cssFilter[column] !== 'undefined' ? wo.filter_cssFilter[column] || '' : '' ) : wo.filter_cssFilter ) || ''; buildFilter.addClass( tscss.filter + ' ' + name ).attr( 'data-column', column ); if ( disabled ) { buildFilter.attr( 'placeholder', '' ).addClass( tscss.filterDisabled )[0].disabled = true; } } } }, bindSearch: function( table, $el, internal ) { table = $( table )[0]; $el = $( $el ); // allow passing a selector string if ( !$el.length ) { return; } var tmp, c = table.config, wo = c.widgetOptions, namespace = c.namespace + 'filter', $ext = wo.filter_$externalFilters; if ( internal !== true ) { // save anyMatch element tmp = wo.filter_anyColumnSelector + ',' + wo.filter_multipleColumnSelector; wo.filter_$anyMatch = $el.filter( tmp ); if ( $ext && $ext.length ) { wo.filter_$externalFilters = wo.filter_$externalFilters.add( $el ); } else { wo.filter_$externalFilters = $el; } // update values ( external filters added after table initialization ) ts.setFilters( table, c.$table.data( 'lastSearch' ) || [], internal === false ); } // unbind events tmp = ( 'keypress keyup search change '.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' ) ); $el // use data attribute instead of jQuery data since the head is cloned without including // the data/binding .attr( 'data-lastSearchTime', new Date().getTime() ) .unbind( tmp.replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ) ) // include change for select - fixes #473 .bind( 'keyup' + namespace, function( event ) { $( this ).attr( 'data-lastSearchTime', new Date().getTime() ); // emulate what webkit does.... escape clears the filter if ( event.which === 27 ) { this.value = ''; // live search } else if ( wo.filter_liveSearch === false ) { return; // don't return if the search value is empty ( all rows need to be revealed ) } else if ( this.value !== '' && ( // liveSearch can contain a min value length; ignore arrow and meta keys, but allow backspace ( typeof wo.filter_liveSearch === 'number' && this.value.length < wo.filter_liveSearch ) || // let return & backspace continue on, but ignore arrows & non-valid characters ( event.which !== 13 && event.which !== 8 && ( event.which < 32 || ( event.which >= 37 && event.which <= 40 ) ) ) ) ) { return; } // change event = no delay; last true flag tells getFilters to skip newest timed input ts.filter.searching( table, true, true ); }) .bind( 'search change keypress '.split( ' ' ).join( namespace + ' ' ), function( event ) { var column = $( this ).data( 'column' ); // don't allow 'change' event to process if the input value is the same - fixes #685 if ( event.which === 13 || event.type === 'search' || event.type === 'change' && this.value !== c.lastSearch[column] ) { event.preventDefault(); // init search with no delay $( this ).attr( 'data-lastSearchTime', new Date().getTime() ); ts.filter.searching( table, false, true ); } }); }, searching: function( table, filter, skipFirst ) { var wo = table.config.widgetOptions; clearTimeout( wo.searchTimer ); if ( typeof filter === 'undefined' || filter === true ) { // delay filtering wo.searchTimer = setTimeout( function() { ts.filter.checkFilters( table, filter, skipFirst ); }, wo.filter_liveSearch ? wo.filter_searchDelay : 10 ); } else { // skip delay ts.filter.checkFilters( table, filter, skipFirst ); } }, checkFilters: function( table, filter, skipFirst ) { var c = table.config, wo = c.widgetOptions, filterArray = $.isArray( filter ), filters = ( filterArray ) ? filter : ts.getFilters( table, true ), combinedFilters = ( filters || [] ).join( '' ); // combined filter values // prevent errors if delay init is set if ( $.isEmptyObject( c.cache ) ) { // update cache if delayInit set & pager has initialized ( after user initiates a search ) if ( c.delayInit && c.pager && c.pager.initialized ) { c.$table.trigger( 'updateCache', [ function() { ts.filter.checkFilters( table, false, skipFirst ); } ] ); } return; } // add filter array back into inputs if ( filterArray ) { ts.setFilters( table, filters, false, skipFirst !== true ); if ( !wo.filter_initialized ) { c.lastCombinedFilter = ''; } } if ( wo.filter_hideFilters ) { // show/hide filter row as needed c.$table .find( '.' + tscss.filterRow ) .trigger( combinedFilters === '' ? 'mouseleave' : 'mouseenter' ); } // return if the last search is the same; but filter === false when updating the search // see example-widget-filter.html filter toggle buttons if ( c.lastCombinedFilter === combinedFilters && filter !== false ) { return; } else if ( filter === false ) { // force filter refresh c.lastCombinedFilter = null; c.lastSearch = []; } if ( wo.filter_initialized ) { c.$table.trigger( 'filterStart', [filters] ); } if ( c.showProcessing ) { // give it time for the processing icon to kick in setTimeout( function() { ts.filter.findRows( table, filters, combinedFilters ); return false; }, 30 ); } else { ts.filter.findRows( table, filters, combinedFilters ); return false; } }, hideFilters: function( table, c ) { var $filterRow, $filterRow2, timer; $( table ) .find( '.' + tscss.filterRow ) .addClass( tscss.filterRowHide ) .bind( 'mouseenter mouseleave', function( e ) { // save event object - http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12140 var event = e; $filterRow = $( this ); clearTimeout( timer ); timer = setTimeout( function() { if ( /enter|over/.test( event.type ) ) { $filterRow.removeClass( tscss.filterRowHide ); } else { // don't hide if input has focus // $( ':focus' ) needs jQuery 1.6+ if ( $( document.activeElement ).closest( 'tr' )[0] !== $filterRow[0] ) { // don't hide row if any filter has a value if ( c.lastCombinedFilter === '' ) { $filterRow.addClass( tscss.filterRowHide ); } } } }, 200 ); }) .find( 'input, select' ).bind( 'focus blur', function( e ) { $filterRow2 = $( this ).closest( 'tr' ); clearTimeout( timer ); var event = e; timer = setTimeout( function() { // don't hide row if any filter has a value if ( ts.getFilters( c.$table ).join( '' ) === '' ) { $filterRow2.toggleClass( tscss.filterRowHide, event.type === 'focus' ); } }, 200 ); }); }, defaultFilter: function( filter, mask ) { if ( filter === '' ) { return filter; } var regex = ts.filter.regex.iQuery, maskLen = mask.match( ts.filter.regex.igQuery ).length, query = maskLen > 1 ? $.trim( filter ).split( /\s/ ) : [ $.trim( filter ) ], len = query.length - 1, indx = 0, val = mask; if ( len < 1 && maskLen > 1 ) { // only one 'word' in query but mask has >1 slots query[1] = query[0]; } // replace all {query} with query words... // if query = 'Bob', then convert mask from '!{query}' to '!Bob' // if query = 'Bob Joe Frank', then convert mask '{q} OR {q}' to 'Bob OR Joe OR Frank' while ( regex.test( val ) ) { val = val.replace( regex, query[indx++] || '' ); if ( regex.test( val ) && indx < len && ( query[indx] || '' ) !== '' ) { val = mask.replace( regex, val ); } } return val; }, getLatestSearch: function( $input ) { if ( $input ) { return $input.sort( function( a, b ) { return $( b ).attr( 'data-lastSearchTime' ) - $( a ).attr( 'data-lastSearchTime' ); }); } return $input || $(); }, multipleColumns: function( c, $input ) { // look for multiple columns '1-3,4-6,8' in data-column var temp, ranges, range, start, end, singles, i, indx, len, wo = c.widgetOptions, // only target 'all' column inputs on initialization // & don't target 'all' column inputs if they don't exist targets = wo.filter_initialized || !$input.filter( wo.filter_anyColumnSelector ).length, columns = [], val = $.trim( ts.filter.getLatestSearch( $input ).attr( 'data-column' ) || '' ); // process column range if ( targets && /-/.test( val ) ) { ranges = val.match( /(\d+)\s*-\s*(\d+)/g ); len = ranges.length; for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) { range = ranges[indx].split( /\s*-\s*/ ); start = parseInt( range[0], 10 ) || 0; end = parseInt( range[1], 10 ) || ( c.columns - 1 ); if ( start > end ) { temp = start; start = end; end = temp; // swap } if ( end >= c.columns ) { end = c.columns - 1; } for ( ; start <= end; start++ ) { columns.push( start ); } // remove processed range from val val = val.replace( ranges[ indx ], '' ); } } // process single columns if ( targets && /,/.test( val ) ) { singles = val.split( /\s*,\s*/ ); len = singles.length; for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { if ( singles[ i ] !== '' ) { indx = parseInt( singles[ i ], 10 ); if ( indx < c.columns ) { columns.push( indx ); } } } } // return all columns if ( !columns.length ) { for ( indx = 0; indx < c.columns; indx++ ) { columns.push( indx ); } } return columns; }, processRow: function( c, data, vars ) { var $cell, columnIndex, hasSelect, matches, result, val, filterMatched, excludeMatch, fxn, ffxn, txt, regex = ts.filter.regex, wo = c.widgetOptions, showRow = true; data.$cells = data.$row.children(); if ( data.anyMatchFlag ) { // look for multiple columns '1-3,4-6,8' columnIndex = ts.filter.multipleColumns( c, wo.filter_$anyMatch ); data.anyMatch = true; data.rowArray = data.$cells.map( function( i ) { if ( $.inArray( i, columnIndex ) > -1 ) { if ( data.parsed[ i ] ) { txt = data.cacheArray[ i ]; } else { txt = data.rawArray[ i ]; txt = $.trim( wo.filter_ignoreCase ? txt.toLowerCase() : txt ); if ( c.sortLocaleCompare ) { txt = ts.replaceAccents( txt ); } } return txt; } }).get(); data.filter = data.anyMatchFilter; data.iFilter = data.iAnyMatchFilter; data.exact = data.rowArray.join( ' ' ); data.iExact = wo.filter_ignoreCase ? data.exact.toLowerCase() : data.exact; data.cache = data.cacheArray.slice( 0, -1 ).join( ' ' ); filterMatched = null; matches = null; for ( ffxn in ts.filter.types ) { if ( $.inArray( ffxn, vars.noAnyMatch ) < 0 && matches === null ) { matches = ts.filter.types[ffxn]( c, data ); if ( matches !== null ) { filterMatched = matches; } } } if ( filterMatched !== null ) { showRow = filterMatched; } else { if ( wo.filter_startsWith ) { showRow = false; columnIndex = c.columns; while ( !showRow && columnIndex > 0 ) { columnIndex--; showRow = showRow || data.rowArray[ columnIndex ].indexOf( data.iFilter ) === 0; } } else { showRow = ( data.iExact + data.childRowText ).indexOf( data.iFilter ) >= 0; } } data.anyMatch = false; // no other filters to process if ( data.filters.join( '' ) === data.filter ) { return showRow; } } for ( columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < c.columns; columnIndex++ ) { data.filter = data.filters[ columnIndex ]; data.index = columnIndex; // filter types to exclude, per column excludeMatch = vars.excludeFilter[ columnIndex ]; // ignore if filter is empty or disabled if ( data.filter ) { data.cache = data.cacheArray[ columnIndex ]; // check if column data should be from the cell or from parsed data if ( wo.filter_useParsedData || data.parsed[ columnIndex ] ) { data.exact = data.cache; } else { result = data.rawArray[ columnIndex ] || ''; data.exact = c.sortLocaleCompare ? ts.replaceAccents( result ) : result; // issue #405 } data.iExact = !regex.type.test( typeof data.exact ) && wo.filter_ignoreCase ? data.exact.toLowerCase() : data.exact; result = showRow; // if showRow is true, show that row // in case select filter option has a different value vs text 'a - z|A through Z' ffxn = wo.filter_columnFilters ? c.$filters.add( c.$externalFilters ) .filter( '[data-column="'+ columnIndex + '"]' ) .find( 'select option:selected' ) .attr( 'data-function-name' ) || '' : ''; // replace accents - see #357 if ( c.sortLocaleCompare ) { data.filter = ts.replaceAccents( data.filter ); } val = true; if ( wo.filter_defaultFilter && regex.iQuery.test( vars.defaultColFilter[ columnIndex ] ) ) { data.filter = ts.filter.defaultFilter( data.filter, vars.defaultColFilter[ columnIndex ] ); // val is used to indicate that a filter select is using a default filter; // so we override the exact & partial matches val = false; } // data.iFilter = case insensitive ( if wo.filter_ignoreCase is true ), // data.filter = case sensitive data.iFilter = wo.filter_ignoreCase ? ( data.filter || '' ).toLowerCase() : data.filter; fxn = vars.functions[ columnIndex ]; $cell = c.$headerIndexed[ columnIndex ]; hasSelect = $cell.hasClass( 'filter-select' ); filterMatched = null; if ( fxn || ( hasSelect && val ) ) { if ( fxn === true || hasSelect ) { // default selector uses exact match unless 'filter-match' class is found filterMatched = $cell.hasClass( 'filter-match' ) ? data.iExact.search( data.iFilter ) >= 0 : data.filter === data.exact; } else if ( typeof fxn === 'function' ) { // filter callback( exact cell content, parser normalized content, // filter input value, column index, jQuery row object ) filterMatched = fxn( data.exact, data.cache, data.filter, columnIndex, data.$row, c, data ); } else if ( typeof fxn[ ffxn || data.filter ] === 'function' ) { // selector option function txt = ffxn || data.filter; filterMatched = fxn[ txt ]( data.exact, data.cache, data.filter, columnIndex, data.$row, c, data ); } } if ( filterMatched === null ) { // cycle through the different filters // filters return a boolean or null if nothing matches matches = null; for ( ffxn in ts.filter.types ) { if ( $.inArray( ffxn, excludeMatch ) < 0 && matches === null ) { matches = ts.filter.types[ ffxn ]( c, data ); if ( matches !== null ) { filterMatched = matches; } } } if ( filterMatched !== null ) { result = filterMatched; // Look for match, and add child row data for matching } else { txt = ( data.iExact + data.childRowText ) .indexOf( ts.filter.parseFilter( c, data.iFilter, columnIndex, data.parsed[ columnIndex ] ) ); result = ( ( !wo.filter_startsWith && txt >= 0 ) || ( wo.filter_startsWith && txt === 0 ) ); } } else { result = filterMatched; } showRow = ( result ) ? showRow : false; } } return showRow; }, findRows: function( table, filters, combinedFilters ) { if ( table.config.lastCombinedFilter === combinedFilters || !table.config.widgetOptions.filter_initialized ) { return; } var len, norm_rows, rowData, $rows, rowIndex, tbodyIndex, $tbody, columnIndex, isChild, childRow, lastSearch, showRow, time, val, indx, notFiltered, searchFiltered, query, injected, res, id, txt, storedFilters = $.extend( [], filters ), regex = ts.filter.regex, c = table.config, wo = c.widgetOptions, // data object passed to filters; anyMatch is a flag for the filters data = { anyMatch: false, filters: filters, // regex filter type cache filter_regexCache : [], }, vars = { // anyMatch really screws up with these types of filters noAnyMatch: [ 'range', 'notMatch', 'operators' ], // cache filter variables that use ts.getColumnData in the main loop functions : [], excludeFilter : [], defaultColFilter : [], defaultAnyFilter : ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_defaultFilter, c.columns, true ) || '' }; // parse columns after formatter, in case the class is added at that point data.parsed = c.$headers.map( function( columnIndex ) { return c.parsers && c.parsers[ columnIndex ] && // force parsing if parser type is numeric c.parsers[ columnIndex ].parsed || // getData won't return 'parsed' if other 'filter-' class names exist // ( e.g. ) ts.getData && ts.getData( c.$headerIndexed[ columnIndex ], ts.getColumnData( table, c.headers, columnIndex ), 'filter' ) === 'parsed' || $( this ).hasClass( 'filter-parsed' ); }).get(); for ( columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < c.columns; columnIndex++ ) { vars.functions[ columnIndex ] = ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_functions, columnIndex ); vars.defaultColFilter[ columnIndex ] = ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_defaultFilter, columnIndex ) || ''; vars.excludeFilter[ columnIndex ] = ( ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_excludeFilter, columnIndex, true ) || '' ).split( /\s+/ ); } if ( c.debug ) { ts.log( 'Filter: Starting filter widget search', filters ); time = new Date(); } // filtered rows count c.filteredRows = 0; c.totalRows = 0; // combindedFilters are undefined on init combinedFilters = ( storedFilters || [] ).join( '' ); for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < c.$tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) { $tbody = ts.processTbody( table, c.$tbodies.eq( tbodyIndex ), true ); // skip child rows & widget added ( removable ) rows - fixes #448 thanks to @hempel! // $rows = $tbody.children( 'tr' ).not( c.selectorRemove ); columnIndex = c.columns; // convert stored rows into a jQuery object norm_rows = c.cache[ tbodyIndex ].normalized; $rows = $( $.map( norm_rows, function( el ) { return el[ columnIndex ].$row.get(); }) ); if ( combinedFilters === '' || wo.filter_serversideFiltering ) { $rows .removeClass( wo.filter_filteredRow ) .not( '.' + c.cssChildRow ) .css( 'display', '' ); } else { // filter out child rows $rows = $rows.not( '.' + c.cssChildRow ); len = $rows.length; if ( ( wo.filter_$anyMatch && wo.filter_$anyMatch.length ) || typeof filters[c.columns] !== 'undefined' ) { data.anyMatchFlag = true; data.anyMatchFilter = '' + ( filters[ c.columns ] || wo.filter_$anyMatch && ts.filter.getLatestSearch( wo.filter_$anyMatch ).val() || '' ); if ( wo.filter_columnAnyMatch ) { // specific columns search query = data.anyMatchFilter.split( regex.andSplit ); injected = false; for ( indx = 0; indx < query.length; indx++ ) { res = query[ indx ].split( ':' ); if ( res.length > 1 ) { // make the column a one-based index ( non-developers start counting from one :P ) id = parseInt( res[0], 10 ) - 1; if ( id >= 0 && id < c.columns ) { // if id is an integer filters[ id ] = res[1]; query.splice( indx, 1 ); indx--; injected = true; } } } if ( injected ) { data.anyMatchFilter = query.join( ' && ' ); } } } // optimize searching only through already filtered rows - see #313 searchFiltered = wo.filter_searchFiltered; lastSearch = c.lastSearch || c.$table.data( 'lastSearch' ) || []; if ( searchFiltered ) { // cycle through all filters; include last ( columnIndex + 1 = match any column ). Fixes #669 for ( indx = 0; indx < columnIndex + 1; indx++ ) { val = filters[indx] || ''; // break out of loop if we've already determined not to search filtered rows if ( !searchFiltered ) { indx = columnIndex; } // search already filtered rows if... searchFiltered = searchFiltered && lastSearch.length && // there are no changes from beginning of filter val.indexOf( lastSearch[indx] || '' ) === 0 && // if there is NOT a logical 'or', or range ( 'to' or '-' ) in the string !regex.alreadyFiltered.test( val ) && // if we are not doing exact matches, using '|' ( logical or ) or not '!' !/[=\"\|!]/.test( val ) && // don't search only filtered if the value is negative // ( '> -10' => '> -100' will ignore hidden rows ) !( /(>=?\s*-\d)/.test( val ) || /(<=?\s*\d)/.test( val ) ) && // if filtering using a select without a 'filter-match' class ( exact match ) - fixes #593 !( val !== '' && c.$filters && c.$filters.eq( indx ).find( 'select' ).length && !c.$headerIndexed[indx].hasClass( 'filter-match' ) ); } } notFiltered = $rows.not( '.' + wo.filter_filteredRow ).length; // can't search when all rows are hidden - this happens when looking for exact matches if ( searchFiltered && notFiltered === 0 ) { searchFiltered = false; } if ( c.debug ) { ts.log( 'Filter: Searching through ' + ( searchFiltered && notFiltered < len ? notFiltered : 'all' ) + ' rows' ); } if ( data.anyMatchFlag ) { if ( c.sortLocaleCompare ) { // replace accents data.anyMatchFilter = ts.replaceAccents( data.anyMatchFilter ); } if ( wo.filter_defaultFilter && regex.iQuery.test( vars.defaultAnyFilter ) ) { data.anyMatchFilter = ts.filter.defaultFilter( data.anyMatchFilter, vars.defaultAnyFilter ); // clear search filtered flag because default filters are not saved to the last search searchFiltered = false; } // make iAnyMatchFilter lowercase unless both filter widget & core ignoreCase options are true // when c.ignoreCase is true, the cache contains all lower case data data.iAnyMatchFilter = !( wo.filter_ignoreCase && c.ignoreCase ) ? data.anyMatchFilter : data.anyMatchFilter.toLowerCase(); } // loop through the rows for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < len; rowIndex++ ) { txt = $rows[ rowIndex ].className; // the first row can never be a child row isChild = rowIndex && regex.child.test( txt ); // skip child rows & already filtered rows if ( isChild || ( searchFiltered && regex.filtered.test( txt ) ) ) { continue; } data.$row = $rows.eq( rowIndex ); data.cacheArray = norm_rows[ rowIndex ]; rowData = data.cacheArray[ c.columns ]; data.rawArray = rowData.raw; data.childRowText = ''; if ( !wo.filter_childByColumn ) { txt = ''; // child row cached text childRow = rowData.child; // so, if 'table.config.widgetOptions.filter_childRows' is true and there is // a match anywhere in the child row, then it will make the row visible // checked here so the option can be changed dynamically for ( indx = 0; indx < childRow.length; indx++ ) { txt += ' ' + childRow[indx].join( '' ) || ''; } data.childRowText = wo.filter_childRows ? ( wo.filter_ignoreCase ? txt.toLowerCase() : txt ) : ''; } showRow = ts.filter.processRow( c, data, vars ); childRow = rowData.$row.filter( ':gt( 0 )' ); if ( wo.filter_childRows && childRow.length ) { if ( wo.filter_childByColumn ) { // cycle through each child row for ( indx = 0; indx < childRow.length; indx++ ) { data.$row = childRow.eq( indx ); data.cacheArray = rowData.child[ indx ]; data.rawArray = data.cacheArray; // use OR comparison on child rows showRow = showRow || ts.filter.processRow( c, data, vars ); } } childRow.toggleClass( wo.filter_filteredRow, !showRow ); } rowData.$row .toggleClass( wo.filter_filteredRow, !showRow )[0] .display = showRow ? '' : 'none'; } } c.filteredRows += $rows.not( '.' + wo.filter_filteredRow ).length; c.totalRows += $rows.length; ts.processTbody( table, $tbody, false ); } c.lastCombinedFilter = combinedFilters; // save last search // don't save 'filters' directly since it may have altered ( AnyMatch column searches ) c.lastSearch = storedFilters; c.$table.data( 'lastSearch', storedFilters ); if ( wo.filter_saveFilters && ts.storage ) { ts.storage( table, 'tablesorter-filters', storedFilters ); } if ( c.debug ) { ts.benchmark( 'Completed filter widget search', time ); } if ( wo.filter_initialized ) { c.$table.trigger( 'filterEnd', c ); } setTimeout( function() { c.$table.trigger( 'applyWidgets' ); // make sure zebra widget is applied }, 0 ); }, getOptionSource: function( table, column, onlyAvail ) { table = $( table )[0]; var cts, indx, len, c = table.config, wo = c.widgetOptions, parsed = [], arry = false, source = wo.filter_selectSource, last = c.$table.data( 'lastSearch' ) || [], fxn = $.isFunction( source ) ? true : ts.getColumnData( table, source, column ); if ( onlyAvail && last[column] !== '' ) { onlyAvail = false; } // filter select source option if ( fxn === true ) { // OVERALL source arry = source( table, column, onlyAvail ); } else if ( fxn instanceof $ || ( $.type( fxn ) === 'string' && fxn.indexOf( '' ) >= 0 ) ) { // selectSource is a jQuery object or string of options return fxn; } else if ( $.isArray( fxn ) ) { arry = fxn; } else if ( $.type( source ) === 'object' && fxn ) { // custom select source function for a SPECIFIC COLUMN arry = fxn( table, column, onlyAvail ); } if ( arry === false ) { // fall back to original method arry = ts.filter.getOptions( table, column, onlyAvail ); } // get unique elements and sort the list // if $.tablesorter.sortText exists ( not in the original tablesorter ), // then natural sort the list otherwise use a basic sort arry = $.grep( arry, function( value, indx ) { return $.inArray( value, arry ) === indx; }); if ( c.$headerIndexed[ column ].hasClass( 'filter-select-nosort' ) ) { // unsorted select options return arry; } else { len = arry.length; // parse select option values for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) { // parse array data using set column parser; this DOES NOT pass the original // table cell to the parser format function parsed.push({ t : arry[ indx ], p : c.parsers && c.parsers[ column ].format( arry[ indx ], table, [], column ) }); } // sort parsed select options cts = c.textSorter || ''; parsed.sort( function( a, b ) { // sortNatural breaks if you don't pass it strings var x = a.p.toString(), y = b.p.toString(); if ( $.isFunction( cts ) ) { // custom OVERALL text sorter return cts( x, y, true, column, table ); } else if ( typeof( cts ) === 'object' && cts.hasOwnProperty( column ) ) { // custom text sorter for a SPECIFIC COLUMN return cts[column]( x, y, true, column, table ); } else if ( ts.sortNatural ) { // fall back to natural sort return ts.sortNatural( x, y ); } // using an older version! do a basic sort return true; }); // rebuild arry from sorted parsed data arry = []; len = parsed.length; for ( indx = 0; indx < len; indx++ ) { arry.push( parsed[indx].t ); } return arry; } }, getOptions: function( table, column, onlyAvail ) { table = $( table )[0]; var rowIndex, tbodyIndex, len, row, cache, c = table.config, wo = c.widgetOptions, arry = []; for ( tbodyIndex = 0; tbodyIndex < c.$tbodies.length; tbodyIndex++ ) { cache = c.cache[tbodyIndex]; len = c.cache[tbodyIndex].normalized.length; // loop through the rows for ( rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < len; rowIndex++ ) { // get cached row from cache.row ( old ) or row data object // ( new; last item in normalized array ) row = cache.row ? cache.row[ rowIndex ] : cache.normalized[ rowIndex ][ c.columns ].$row[0]; // check if has class filtered if ( onlyAvail && row.className.match( wo.filter_filteredRow ) ) { continue; } // get non-normalized cell content if ( wo.filter_useParsedData || c.parsers[column].parsed || c.$headerIndexed[column].hasClass( 'filter-parsed' ) ) { arry.push( '' + cache.normalized[ rowIndex ][ column ] ); } else { // get raw cached data instead of content directly from the cells arry.push( cache.normalized[ rowIndex ][ c.columns ].raw[ column ] ); } } } return arry; }, buildSelect: function( table, column, arry, updating, onlyAvail ) { table = $( table )[0]; column = parseInt( column, 10 ); if ( !table.config.cache || $.isEmptyObject( table.config.cache ) ) { return; } var indx, val, txt, t, $filters, $filter, c = table.config, wo = c.widgetOptions, node = c.$headerIndexed[ column ], // t.data( 'placeholder' ) won't work in jQuery older than 1.4.3 options = '', // Get curent filter value currentValue = c.$table .find( 'thead' ) .find( 'select.' + tscss.filter + '[data-column="' + column + '"]' ) .val(); // nothing included in arry ( external source ), so get the options from // filter_selectSource or column data if ( typeof arry === 'undefined' || arry === '' ) { arry = ts.filter.getOptionSource( table, column, onlyAvail ); } if ( $.isArray( arry ) ) { // build option list for ( indx = 0; indx < arry.length; indx++ ) { txt = arry[indx] = ( '' + arry[indx] ).replace( /\"/g, '"' ); val = txt; // allow including a symbol in the selectSource array // 'a-z|A through Z' so that 'a-z' becomes the option value // and 'A through Z' becomes the option text if ( txt.indexOf( wo.filter_selectSourceSeparator ) >= 0 ) { t = txt.split( wo.filter_selectSourceSeparator ); val = t[0]; txt = t[1]; } // replace quotes - fixes #242 & ignore empty strings // see http://stackoverflow.com/q/14990971/145346 options += arry[indx] !== '' ? '' : ''; } // clear arry so it doesn't get appended twice arry = []; } // update all selects in the same column ( clone thead in sticky headers & // any external selects ) - fixes 473 $filters = ( c.$filters ? c.$filters : c.$table.children( 'thead' ) ) .find( '.' + tscss.filter ); if ( wo.filter_$externalFilters ) { $filters = $filters && $filters.length ? $filters.add( wo.filter_$externalFilters ) : wo.filter_$externalFilters; } $filter = $filters.filter( 'select[data-column="' + column + '"]' ); // make sure there is a select there! if ( $filter.length ) { $filter[ updating ? 'html' : 'append' ]( options ); if ( !$.isArray( arry ) ) { // append options if arry is provided externally as a string or jQuery object // options ( default value ) was already added $filter.append( arry ).val( currentValue ); } $filter.val( currentValue ); } }, buildDefault: function( table, updating ) { var columnIndex, $header, noSelect, c = table.config, wo = c.widgetOptions, columns = c.columns; // build default select dropdown for ( columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < columns; columnIndex++ ) { $header = c.$headerIndexed[columnIndex]; noSelect = !( $header.hasClass( 'filter-false' ) || $header.hasClass( 'parser-false' ) ); // look for the filter-select class; build/update it if found if ( ( $header.hasClass( 'filter-select' ) || ts.getColumnData( table, wo.filter_functions, columnIndex ) === true ) && noSelect ) { ts.filter.buildSelect( table, columnIndex, '', updating, $header.hasClass( wo.filter_onlyAvail ) ); } } } }; ts.getFilters = function( table, getRaw, setFilters, skipFirst ) { var i, $filters, $column, cols, filters = false, c = table ? $( table )[0].config : '', wo = c ? c.widgetOptions : ''; if ( ( getRaw !== true && wo && !wo.filter_columnFilters ) || // setFilters called, but last search is exactly the same as the current // fixes issue #733 & #903 where calling update causes the input values to reset ( $.isArray(setFilters) && setFilters.join('') === c.lastCombinedFilter ) ) { return $( table ).data( 'lastSearch' ); } if ( c ) { if ( c.$filters ) { $filters = c.$filters.find( '.' + tscss.filter ); } if ( wo.filter_$externalFilters ) { $filters = $filters && $filters.length ? $filters.add( wo.filter_$externalFilters ) : wo.filter_$externalFilters; } if ( $filters && $filters.length ) { filters = setFilters || []; for ( i = 0; i < c.columns + 1; i++ ) { cols = ( i === c.columns ? // 'all' columns can now include a range or set of columms ( data-column='0-2,4,6-7' ) wo.filter_anyColumnSelector + ',' + wo.filter_multipleColumnSelector : '[data-column="' + i + '"]' ); $column = $filters.filter( cols ); if ( $column.length ) { // move the latest search to the first slot in the array $column = ts.filter.getLatestSearch( $column ); if ( $.isArray( setFilters ) ) { // skip first ( latest input ) to maintain cursor position while typing if ( skipFirst && $column.length > 1 ) { $column = $column.slice( 1 ); } if ( i === c.columns ) { // prevent data-column='all' from filling data-column='0,1' ( etc ) cols = $column.filter( wo.filter_anyColumnSelector ); $column = cols.length ? cols : $column; } $column .val( setFilters[ i ] ) .trigger( 'change.tsfilter' ); } else { filters[i] = $column.val() || ''; // don't change the first... it will move the cursor if ( i === c.columns ) { // don't update range columns from 'all' setting $column .slice( 1 ) .filter( '[data-column*="' + $column.attr( 'data-column' ) + '"]' ) .val( filters[ i ] ); } else { $column .slice( 1 ) .val( filters[ i ] ); } } // save any match input dynamically if ( i === c.columns && $column.length ) { wo.filter_$anyMatch = $column; } } } } } if ( filters.length === 0 ) { filters = false; } return filters; }; ts.setFilters = function( table, filter, apply, skipFirst ) { var c = table ? $( table )[0].config : '', valid = ts.getFilters( table, true, filter, skipFirst ); if ( c && apply ) { // ensure new set filters are applied, even if the search is the same c.lastCombinedFilter = null; c.lastSearch = []; ts.filter.searching( c.table, filter, skipFirst ); c.$table.trigger( 'filterFomatterUpdate' ); } return !!valid; }; })( jQuery ); /*! Widget: stickyHeaders - updated 3/26/2015 (v2.21.3) *//* * Requires tablesorter v2.8+ and jQuery 1.4.3+ * by Rob Garrison */ ;(function ($, window) { 'use strict'; var ts = $.tablesorter || {}; $.extend(ts.css, { sticky : 'tablesorter-stickyHeader', // stickyHeader stickyVis : 'tablesorter-sticky-visible', stickyHide: 'tablesorter-sticky-hidden', stickyWrap: 'tablesorter-sticky-wrapper' }); // Add a resize event to table headers ts.addHeaderResizeEvent = function(table, disable, settings) { table = $(table)[0]; // make sure we're using a dom element if ( !table.config ) { return; } var defaults = { timer : 250 }, options = $.extend({}, defaults, settings), c = table.config, wo = c.widgetOptions, checkSizes = function( triggerEvent ) { var index, headers, $header, sizes, width, height, len = c.$headers.length; wo.resize_flag = true; headers = []; for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) { $header = c.$headers.eq( index ); sizes = $header.data( 'savedSizes' ) || [ 0,0 ]; // fixes #394 width = $header[0].offsetWidth; height = $header[0].offsetHeight; if ( width !== sizes[0] || height !== sizes[1] ) { $header.data( 'savedSizes', [ width, height ] ); headers.push( $header[0] ); } } if ( headers.length && triggerEvent !== false ) { c.$table.trigger( 'resize', [ headers ] ); } wo.resize_flag = false; }; checkSizes( false ); clearInterval(wo.resize_timer); if (disable) { wo.resize_flag = false; return false; } wo.resize_timer = setInterval(function() { if (wo.resize_flag) { return; } checkSizes(); }, options.timer); }; // Sticky headers based on this awesome article: // http://css-tricks.com/13465-persistent-headers/ // and https://github.com/jmosbech/StickyTableHeaders by Jonas Mosbech // ************************** ts.addWidget({ id: "stickyHeaders", priority: 60, // sticky widget must be initialized after the filter widget! options: { stickyHeaders : '', // extra class name added to the sticky header row stickyHeaders_attachTo : null, // jQuery selector or object to attach sticky header to stickyHeaders_xScroll : null, // jQuery selector or object to monitor horizontal scroll position (defaults: xScroll > attachTo > window) stickyHeaders_yScroll : null, // jQuery selector or object to monitor vertical scroll position (defaults: yScroll > attachTo > window) stickyHeaders_offset : 0, // number or jquery selector targeting the position:fixed element stickyHeaders_filteredToTop: true, // scroll table top into view after filtering stickyHeaders_cloneId : '-sticky', // added to table ID, if it exists stickyHeaders_addResizeEvent : true, // trigger "resize" event on headers stickyHeaders_includeCaption : true, // if false and a caption exist, it won't be included in the sticky header stickyHeaders_zIndex : 2 // The zIndex of the stickyHeaders, allows the user to adjust this to their needs }, format: function(table, c, wo) { // filter widget doesn't initialize on an empty table. Fixes #449 if ( c.$table.hasClass('hasStickyHeaders') || ($.inArray('filter', c.widgets) >= 0 && !c.$table.hasClass('hasFilters')) ) { return; } var index, len, $t, $table = c.$table, // add position: relative to attach element, hopefully it won't cause trouble. $attach = $(wo.stickyHeaders_attachTo), namespace = c.namespace + 'stickyheaders ', // element to watch for the scroll event $yScroll = $(wo.stickyHeaders_yScroll || wo.stickyHeaders_attachTo || window), $xScroll = $(wo.stickyHeaders_xScroll || wo.stickyHeaders_attachTo || window), $thead = $table.children('thead:first'), $header = $thead.children('tr').not('.sticky-false').children(), $tfoot = $table.children('tfoot'), $stickyOffset = isNaN(wo.stickyHeaders_offset) ? $(wo.stickyHeaders_offset) : '', stickyOffset = $stickyOffset.length ? $stickyOffset.height() || 0 : parseInt(wo.stickyHeaders_offset, 10) || 0, // is this table nested? If so, find parent sticky header wrapper (div, not table) $nestedSticky = $table.parent().closest('.' + ts.css.table).hasClass('hasStickyHeaders') ? $table.parent().closest('table.tablesorter')[0].config.widgetOptions.$sticky.parent() : [], nestedStickyTop = $nestedSticky.length ? $nestedSticky.height() : 0, // clone table, then wrap to make sticky header $stickyTable = wo.$sticky = $table.clone() .addClass('containsStickyHeaders ' + ts.css.sticky + ' ' + wo.stickyHeaders + ' ' + c.namespace.slice(1) + '_extra_table' ) .wrap('
'), $stickyWrap = $stickyTable.parent() .addClass(ts.css.stickyHide) .css({ position : $attach.length ? 'absolute' : 'fixed', padding : parseInt( $stickyTable.parent().parent().css('padding-left'), 10 ), top : stickyOffset + nestedStickyTop, left : 0, visibility : 'hidden', zIndex : wo.stickyHeaders_zIndex || 2 }), $stickyThead = $stickyTable.children('thead:first'), $stickyCells, laststate = '', spacing = 0, setWidth = function($orig, $clone){ var index, width, border, $cell, $this, $cells = $orig.filter(':visible'), len = $cells.length; for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) { $cell = $clone.filter(':visible').eq(index); $this = $cells.eq(index); // code from https://github.com/jmosbech/StickyTableHeaders if ($this.css('box-sizing') === 'border-box') { width = $this.outerWidth(); } else { if ($cell.css('border-collapse') === 'collapse') { if (window.getComputedStyle) { width = parseFloat( window.getComputedStyle($this[0], null).width ); } else { // ie8 only border = parseFloat( $this.css('border-width') ); width = $this.outerWidth() - parseFloat( $this.css('padding-left') ) - parseFloat( $this.css('padding-right') ) - border; } } else { width = $this.width(); } } $cell.css({ 'width': width, 'min-width': width, 'max-width': width }); } }, resizeHeader = function() { stickyOffset = $stickyOffset.length ? $stickyOffset.height() || 0 : parseInt(wo.stickyHeaders_offset, 10) || 0; spacing = 0; $stickyWrap.css({ left : $attach.length ? parseInt($attach.css('padding-left'), 10) || 0 : $table.offset().left - parseInt($table.css('margin-left'), 10) - $xScroll.scrollLeft() - spacing, width: $table.outerWidth() }); setWidth( $table, $stickyTable ); setWidth( $header, $stickyCells ); }, scrollSticky = function( resizing ) { if (!$table.is(':visible')) { return; } // fixes #278 // Detect nested tables - fixes #724 nestedStickyTop = $nestedSticky.length ? $nestedSticky.offset().top - $yScroll.scrollTop() + $nestedSticky.height() : 0; var offset = $table.offset(), yWindow = $.isWindow( $yScroll[0] ), // $.isWindow needs jQuery 1.4.3 xWindow = $.isWindow( $xScroll[0] ), // scrollTop = ( $attach.length ? $attach.offset().top : $yScroll.scrollTop() ) + stickyOffset + nestedStickyTop, scrollTop = ( $attach.length ? ( yWindow ? $yScroll.scrollTop() : $yScroll.offset().top ) : $yScroll.scrollTop() ) + stickyOffset + nestedStickyTop, tableHeight = $table.height() - ($stickyWrap.height() + ($tfoot.height() || 0)), isVisible = ( scrollTop > offset.top ) && ( scrollTop < offset.top + tableHeight ) ? 'visible' : 'hidden', cssSettings = { visibility : isVisible }; if ($attach.length) { cssSettings.top = yWindow ? scrollTop - $attach.offset().top : $attach.scrollTop(); } if (xWindow) { // adjust when scrolling horizontally - fixes issue #143 cssSettings.left = $table.offset().left - parseInt($table.css('margin-left'), 10) - $xScroll.scrollLeft() - spacing; } if ($nestedSticky.length) { cssSettings.top = ( cssSettings.top || 0 ) + stickyOffset + nestedStickyTop; } $stickyWrap .removeClass( ts.css.stickyVis + ' ' + ts.css.stickyHide ) .addClass( isVisible === 'visible' ? ts.css.stickyVis : ts.css.stickyHide ) .css(cssSettings); if (isVisible !== laststate || resizing) { // make sure the column widths match resizeHeader(); laststate = isVisible; } }; // only add a position relative if a position isn't already defined if ($attach.length && !$attach.css('position')) { $attach.css('position', 'relative'); } // fix clone ID, if it exists - fixes #271 if ($stickyTable.attr('id')) { $stickyTable[0].id += wo.stickyHeaders_cloneId; } // clear out cloned table, except for sticky header // include caption & filter row (fixes #126 & #249) - don't remove cells to get correct cell indexing $stickyTable.find('thead:gt(0), tr.sticky-false').hide(); $stickyTable.find('tbody, tfoot').remove(); $stickyTable.find('caption').toggle(wo.stickyHeaders_includeCaption); // issue #172 - find td/th in sticky header $stickyCells = $stickyThead.children().children(); $stickyTable.css({ height:0, width:0, margin: 0 }); // remove resizable block $stickyCells.find('.' + ts.css.resizer).remove(); // update sticky header class names to match real header after sorting $table .addClass('hasStickyHeaders') .bind('pagerComplete' + namespace, function() { resizeHeader(); }); ts.bindEvents(table, $stickyThead.children().children('.' + ts.css.header)); // add stickyheaders AFTER the table. If the table is selected by ID, the original one (first) will be returned. $table.after( $stickyWrap ); // onRenderHeader is defined, we need to do something about it (fixes #641) if (c.onRenderHeader) { $t = $stickyThead.children('tr').children(); len = $t.length; for ( index = 0; index < len; index++ ) { // send second parameter c.onRenderHeader.apply( $t.eq( index ), [ index, c, $stickyTable ] ); } } // make it sticky! $xScroll.add($yScroll) .unbind( ('scroll resize '.split(' ').join( namespace )).replace(/\s+/g, ' ') ) .bind('scroll resize '.split(' ').join( namespace ), function( event ) { scrollSticky( event.type === 'resize' ); }); c.$table .unbind('stickyHeadersUpdate' + namespace) .bind('stickyHeadersUpdate' + namespace, function(){ scrollSticky( true ); }); if (wo.stickyHeaders_addResizeEvent) { ts.addHeaderResizeEvent(table); } // look for filter widget if ($table.hasClass('hasFilters') && wo.filter_columnFilters) { // scroll table into view after filtering, if sticky header is active - #482 $table.bind('filterEnd' + namespace, function() { // $(':focus') needs jQuery 1.6+ var $td = $(document.activeElement).closest('td'), column = $td.parent().children().index($td); // only scroll if sticky header is active if ($stickyWrap.hasClass(ts.css.stickyVis) && wo.stickyHeaders_filteredToTop) { // scroll to original table (not sticky clone) window.scrollTo(0, $table.position().top); // give same input/select focus; check if c.$filters exists; fixes #594 if (column >= 0 && c.$filters) { c.$filters.eq(column).find('a, select, input').filter(':visible').focus(); } } }); ts.filter.bindSearch( $table, $stickyCells.find('.' + ts.css.filter) ); // support hideFilters if (wo.filter_hideFilters) { ts.filter.hideFilters($stickyTable, c); } } $table.trigger('stickyHeadersInit'); }, remove: function(table, c, wo) { var namespace = c.namespace + 'stickyheaders '; c.$table .removeClass('hasStickyHeaders') .unbind( ('pagerComplete filterEnd stickyHeadersUpdate '.split(' ').join(namespace)).replace(/\s+/g, ' ') ) .next('.' + ts.css.stickyWrap).remove(); if (wo.$sticky && wo.$sticky.length) { wo.$sticky.remove(); } // remove cloned table $(window) .add(wo.stickyHeaders_xScroll) .add(wo.stickyHeaders_yScroll) .add(wo.stickyHeaders_attachTo) .unbind( ('scroll resize '.split(' ').join(namespace)).replace(/\s+/g, ' ') ); ts.addHeaderResizeEvent(table, false); } }); })(jQuery, window); /*! Widget: resizable - updated 5/17/2015 (v2.22.0) */ ;(function ($, window) { 'use strict'; var ts = $.tablesorter || {}; $.extend(ts.css, { resizableContainer : 'tablesorter-resizable-container', resizableHandle : 'tablesorter-resizable-handle', resizableNoSelect : 'tablesorter-disableSelection', resizableStorage : 'tablesorter-resizable' }); // Add extra scroller css $(function(){ var s = ''; $(s).appendTo('body'); }); ts.resizable = { init : function( c, wo ) { if ( c.$table.hasClass( 'hasResizable' ) ) { return; } c.$table.addClass( 'hasResizable' ); ts.resizableReset( c.table, true ); // set default widths // internal variables wo.resizable_ = { $wrap : c.$table.parent(), mouseXPosition : 0, $target : null, $next : null, overflow : c.$table.parent().css('overflow') === 'auto', fullWidth : Math.abs(c.$table.parent().width() - c.$table.width()) < 20, storedSizes : [] }; var noResize, $header, column, storedSizes, marginTop = parseInt( c.$table.css( 'margin-top' ), 10 ); wo.resizable_.storedSizes = storedSizes = ( ( ts.storage && wo.resizable !== false ) ? ts.storage( c.table, ts.css.resizableStorage ) : [] ) || []; ts.resizable.setWidths( c, wo, storedSizes ); wo.$resizable_container = $( '
' ) .css({ top : marginTop }) .insertBefore( c.$table ); // add container for ( column = 0; column < c.columns; column++ ) { $header = c.$headerIndexed[ column ]; noResize = ts.getData( $header, ts.getColumnData( c.table, c.headers, column ), 'resizable' ) === 'false'; if ( !noResize ) { $( '
' ) .appendTo( wo.$resizable_container ) .attr({ 'data-column' : column, 'unselectable' : 'on' }) .data( 'header', $header ) .bind( 'selectstart', false ); } } c.$table.one('tablesorter-initialized', function() { ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo ); ts.resizable.bindings( this.config, this.config.widgetOptions ); }); }, setWidth : function( $el, width ) { $el.css({ 'width' : width, 'min-width' : '', 'max-width' : '' }); }, setWidths : function( c, wo, storedSizes ) { var column, $extra = $( c.namespace + '_extra_headers' ), $col = c.$table.children( 'colgroup' ).children( 'col' ); storedSizes = storedSizes || wo.resizable_.storedSizes || []; // process only if table ID or url match if ( storedSizes.length ) { for ( column = 0; column < c.columns; column++ ) { // set saved resizable widths c.$headerIndexed[ column ].width( storedSizes[ column ] ); if ( $extra.length ) { // stickyHeaders needs to modify min & max width as well ts.resizable.setWidth( $extra.eq( column ).add( $col.eq( column ) ), storedSizes[ column ] ); } } if ( $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' ).length && !ts.hasWidget( c.table, 'scroller' ) ) { ts.resizable.setWidth( $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' ), c.$table.outerWidth() ); } } }, setHandlePosition : function( c, wo ) { var startPosition, hasScroller = ts.hasWidget( c.table, 'scroller' ), tableHeight = c.$table.height(), $handles = wo.$resizable_container.children(), handleCenter = Math.floor( $handles.width() / 2 ); if ( hasScroller ) { tableHeight = 0; c.$table.closest( '.' + ts.css.scrollerWrap ).children().each(function(){ var $this = $(this); // center table has a max-height set tableHeight += $this.filter('[style*="height"]').length ? $this.height() : $this.children('table').height(); }); } // subtract out table left position from resizable handles. Fixes #864 startPosition = c.$table.position().left; $handles.each( function() { var $this = $(this), column = parseInt( $this.attr( 'data-column' ), 10 ), columns = c.columns - 1, $header = $this.data( 'header' ); if ( !$header ) { return; } // see #859 if ( !$header.is(':visible') ) { $this.hide(); } else if ( column < columns || column === columns && wo.resizable_addLastColumn ) { $this.css({ display: 'inline-block', height : tableHeight, left : $header.position().left - startPosition + $header.outerWidth() - handleCenter }); } }); }, // prevent text selection while dragging resize bar toggleTextSelection : function( c, toggle ) { var namespace = c.namespace + 'tsresize'; c.widgetOptions.resizable_.disabled = toggle; $( 'body' ).toggleClass( ts.css.resizableNoSelect, toggle ); if ( toggle ) { $( 'body' ) .attr( 'unselectable', 'on' ) .bind( 'selectstart' + namespace, false ); } else { $( 'body' ) .removeAttr( 'unselectable' ) .unbind( 'selectstart' + namespace ); } }, bindings : function( c, wo ) { var namespace = c.namespace + 'tsresize'; wo.$resizable_container.children().bind( 'mousedown', function( event ) { // save header cell and mouse position var column, $this, vars = wo.resizable_, $extras = $( c.namespace + '_extra_headers' ), $header = $( event.target ).data( 'header' ); column = parseInt( $header.attr( 'data-column' ), 10 ); vars.$target = $header = $header.add( $extras.filter('[data-column="' + column + '"]') ); vars.target = column; // if table is not as wide as it's parent, then resize the table vars.$next = event.shiftKey || wo.resizable_targetLast ? $header.parent().children().not( '.resizable-false' ).filter( ':last' ) : $header.nextAll( ':not(.resizable-false)' ).eq( 0 ); column = parseInt( vars.$next.attr( 'data-column' ), 10 ); vars.$next = vars.$next.add( $extras.filter('[data-column="' + column + '"]') ); vars.next = column; vars.mouseXPosition = event.pageX; vars.storedSizes = []; for ( column = 0; column < c.columns; column++ ) { $this = c.$headerIndexed[ column ]; vars.storedSizes[ column ] = $this.is(':visible') ? $this.width() : 0; } ts.resizable.toggleTextSelection( c, true ); }); $( document ) .bind( 'mousemove' + namespace, function( event ) { var vars = wo.resizable_; // ignore mousemove if no mousedown if ( !vars.disabled || vars.mouseXPosition === 0 || !vars.$target ) { return; } if ( wo.resizable_throttle ) { clearTimeout( vars.timer ); vars.timer = setTimeout( function() { ts.resizable.mouseMove( c, wo, event ); }, isNaN( wo.resizable_throttle ) ? 5 : wo.resizable_throttle ); } else { ts.resizable.mouseMove( c, wo, event ); } }) .bind( 'mouseup' + namespace, function() { if (!wo.resizable_.disabled) { return; } ts.resizable.toggleTextSelection( c, false ); ts.resizable.stopResize( c, wo ); ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo ); }); // resizeEnd event triggered by scroller widget $( window ).bind( 'resize' + namespace + ' resizeEnd' + namespace, function() { ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo ); }); // right click to reset columns to default widths c.$table .bind( 'columnUpdate' + namespace, function() { ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo ); }) .find( 'thead:first' ) .add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' ).find( 'thead:first' ) ) .bind( 'contextmenu' + namespace, function() { // $.isEmptyObject() needs jQuery 1.4+; allow right click if already reset var allowClick = wo.resizable_.storedSizes.length === 0; ts.resizableReset( c.table ); ts.resizable.setHandlePosition( c, wo ); wo.resizable_.storedSizes = []; return allowClick; }); }, mouseMove : function( c, wo, event ) { if ( wo.resizable_.mouseXPosition === 0 || !wo.resizable_.$target ) { return; } // resize columns var vars = wo.resizable_, $next = vars.$next, leftEdge = event.pageX - vars.mouseXPosition; if ( vars.fullWidth ) { vars.storedSizes[ vars.target ] += leftEdge; vars.storedSizes[ vars.next ] -= leftEdge; ts.resizable.setWidths( c, wo ); } else if ( vars.overflow ) { c.$table.add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' ) ).width(function(i, w){ return w + leftEdge; }); if ( !$next.length ) { // if expanding right-most column, scroll the wrapper vars.$wrap[0].scrollLeft = c.$table.width(); } } else { vars.storedSizes[ vars.target ] += leftEdge; ts.resizable.setWidths( c, wo ); } vars.mouseXPosition = event.pageX; // dynamically update sticky header widths c.$table.trigger('stickyHeadersUpdate'); }, stopResize : function( c, wo ) { var $this, column, vars = wo.resizable_; vars.storedSizes = []; if ( ts.storage ) { vars.storedSizes = []; for ( column = 0; column < c.columns; column++ ) { $this = c.$headerIndexed[ column ]; vars.storedSizes[ column ] = $this.is(':visible') ? $this.width() : 0; } if ( wo.resizable !== false ) { // save all column widths ts.storage( c.table, ts.css.resizableStorage, vars.storedSizes ); } } vars.mouseXPosition = 0; vars.$target = vars.$next = null; // will update stickyHeaders, just in case, see #912 c.$table.trigger('stickyHeadersUpdate'); } }; // this widget saves the column widths if // $.tablesorter.storage function is included // ************************** ts.addWidget({ id: "resizable", priority: 40, options: { resizable : true, resizable_addLastColumn : false, resizable_widths : [], resizable_throttle : false, // set to true (5ms) or any number 0-10 range resizable_targetLast : false }, init: function(table, thisWidget, c, wo) { ts.resizable.init( c, wo ); }, remove: function( table, c, wo, refreshing ) { if (wo.$resizable_container) { var namespace = c.namespace + 'tsresize'; c.$table.add( $( c.namespace + '_extra_table' ) ) .removeClass('hasResizable') .children( 'thead' ).unbind( 'contextmenu' + namespace ); wo.$resizable_container.remove(); ts.resizable.toggleTextSelection( c, false ); ts.resizableReset( table, refreshing ); $( document ).unbind( 'mousemove' + namespace + ' mouseup' + namespace ); } } }); ts.resizableReset = function( table, refreshing ) { $( table ).each(function(){ var index, $t, c = this.config, wo = c && c.widgetOptions; if ( table && c && c.$headerIndexed.length ) { for ( index = 0; index < c.columns; index++ ) { $t = c.$headerIndexed[ index ]; if ( wo.resizable_widths && wo.resizable_widths[ index ] ) { $t.css( 'width', wo.resizable_widths[ index ] ); } else if ( !$t.hasClass( 'resizable-false' ) ) { // don't clear the width of any column that is not resizable $t.css( 'width', '' ); } } // reset stickyHeader widths c.$table.trigger( 'stickyHeadersUpdate' ); if ( ts.storage && !refreshing ) { ts.storage( this, ts.css.resizableStorage, {} ); } } }); }; })( jQuery, window ); /*! Widget: saveSort */ ;(function ($) { 'use strict'; var ts = $.tablesorter || {}; // this widget saves the last sort only if the // saveSort widget option is true AND the // $.tablesorter.storage function is included // ************************** ts.addWidget({ id: 'saveSort', priority: 20, options: { saveSort : true }, init: function(table, thisWidget, c, wo) { // run widget format before all other widgets are applied to the table thisWidget.format(table, c, wo, true); }, format: function(table, c, wo, init) { var stored, time, $table = c.$table, saveSort = wo.saveSort !== false, // make saveSort active/inactive; default to true sortList = { "sortList" : c.sortList }; if (c.debug) { time = new Date(); } if ($table.hasClass('hasSaveSort')) { if (saveSort && table.hasInitialized && ts.storage) { ts.storage( table, 'tablesorter-savesort', sortList ); if (c.debug) { ts.benchmark('saveSort widget: Saving last sort: ' + c.sortList, time); } } } else { // set table sort on initial run of the widget $table.addClass('hasSaveSort'); sortList = ''; // get data if (ts.storage) { stored = ts.storage( table, 'tablesorter-savesort' ); sortList = (stored && stored.hasOwnProperty('sortList') && $.isArray(stored.sortList)) ? stored.sortList : ''; if (c.debug) { ts.benchmark('saveSort: Last sort loaded: "' + sortList + '"', time); } $table.bind('saveSortReset', function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); ts.storage( table, 'tablesorter-savesort', '' ); }); } // init is true when widget init is run, this will run this widget before all other widgets have initialized // this method allows using this widget in the original tablesorter plugin; but then it will run all widgets twice. if (init && sortList && sortList.length > 0) { c.sortList = sortList; } else if (table.hasInitialized && sortList && sortList.length > 0) { // update sort change $table.trigger('sorton', [sortList]); } } }, remove: function(table, c) { c.$table.removeClass('hasSaveSort'); // clear storage if (ts.storage) { ts.storage( table, 'tablesorter-savesort', '' ); } } }); })(jQuery); return $.tablesorter; }));