/*! * custom pager controls (beta) for Tablesorter - updated 8/23/2016 (v2.27.6) initialize custom pager script BEFORE initializing tablesorter/tablesorter pager custom pager looks like this: 1 | 2 … 5 | 6 | 7 … 99 | 100 _ _ _ _ adjacentSpacer _ _ distanceSpacer _____ ________ ends (2 default) _________ aroundCurrent (1 default) */ /*jshint browser:true, jquery:true, unused:false, loopfunc:true */ /*global jQuery: false */ ;(function($) { "use strict"; $.tablesorter = $.tablesorter || {}; $.tablesorter.customPagerControls = function(settings) { var defaults = { table : 'table', pager : '.pager', pageSize : '.left a', currentPage : '.right a', ends : 2, // number of pages to show of either end aroundCurrent : 1, // number of pages surrounding the current page link : '{page}', // page element; use {page} to include the page number currentClass : 'current', // current page class name adjacentSpacer : ' | ', // spacer for page numbers next to each other distanceSpacer : '', // spacer for page numbers away from each other (ellipsis) addKeyboard : true, // use left,right,up,down,pageUp,pageDown,home, or end to change current page pageKeyStep : 10 // page step to use for pageUp and pageDown }, options = $.extend({}, defaults, settings), $table = $(options.table), $pager = $(options.pager); $table .on('pagerInitialized pagerComplete', function (e, c) { var indx, p = c.pager ? c.pager : c, // using widget pages = $('
'), cur = p.page + 1, pageArray = [], max = p.filteredPages, around = options.aroundCurrent; for (indx = -around; indx <= around; indx++) { if (cur + indx >= 1 && cur + indx <= max) { pageArray.push(cur + indx); } } if (pageArray.length) { // include first and last pages (ends) in the pagination for (indx = 0; indx < options.ends; indx++) { if ((indx + 1 <= max) && $.inArray(indx + 1, pageArray) === -1) { pageArray.push(indx + 1); } if ((max - indx > 0) && $.inArray(max - indx, pageArray) === -1) { pageArray.push(max - indx); } } // sort the list pageArray = pageArray.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); // only include unique pages pageArray = $.grep(pageArray, function(value, key) { return $.inArray(value, pageArray) === key; }); // make links and spacers if (pageArray.length) { max = pageArray.length - 1; $.each(pageArray, function(indx, value) { pages .append( $(options.link.replace(/\{page\}/g, value)) .toggleClass(options.currentClass, value === cur) .attr('data-page', value) ) .append((indx < max && (pageArray[ indx + 1 ] - 1 !== value) ? options.distanceSpacer : (indx >= max ? '' : options.adjacentSpacer) )); }); } } $pager .find('.pagecount') .html(pages.html()) .find('.' + options.currentClass) .focus(); }); // set up pager controls $pager .find(options.pageSize) .on('click', function () { $(this) .addClass(options.currentClass) .siblings() .removeClass(options.currentClass); $table.trigger('pageSize', $(this).html()); return false; }) .end() .on('click', options.currentPage, function() { var $el = $(this); $el .addClass(options.currentClass) .siblings() .removeClass(options.currentClass); $table.trigger('pageSet', $el.attr('data-page')); return false; }); // make right/left arrow keys work if (options.addKeyboard) { $(document).on('keydown', function(events) { // ignore arrows inside form elements if (/input|select|textarea/i.test(events.target.nodeName) || !(events.which > 32 && events.which < 41)) { return; } // only allow keyboard use if element inside of pager is focused if ($(document.activeElement).closest(options.pager).is($pager)) { events.preventDefault(); var key = events.which, max = $table[0].config.totalRows, $el = $pager.find(options.currentPage).filter('.' + options.currentClass), page = $el.length ? parseInt($el.attr('data-page'), 10) : null; if (page) { if (key === 33) { page -= options.pageKeyStep; } // pageUp if (key === 34) { page += options.pageKeyStep; } // pageDown if (key === 35) { page = max; } // end if (key === 36) { page = 1; } // home if (key === 37 || key === 38) { page -= 1; } // left/up if (key === 39 || key === 40) { page += 1; } // right/down $table.trigger('pageSet', page); } } }); } }; })(jQuery);