/* TableSorter 2.1 Widgets - updated 3/8/2012 * * jQuery UI Theme * Column Styles * Column Filters * Sticky Header * Column Resizing * Save Sort * */ (function($){ // *** Store data in local storage, with a cookie fallback *** /* IE7 needs JSON library for JSON.stringify - (http://caniuse.com/#search=json) if you need it, then include https://github.com/douglascrockford/JSON-js // *** Save data (JSON format only) *** // val must be valid JSON... use http://jsonlint.com/ to ensure it is valid var val = { "mywidget" : "data1" }; // valid JSON uses double quotes // $.tablesorter.storage(table, key, val); $.tablesorter.storage(table, 'tablesorter-mywidget', val); // *** Get data: $.tablesorter.storage(table, key); *** v = $.tablesorter.storage(table, 'tablesorter-mywidget'); // val may be empty, so also check for your data val = (v && v.hasOwnProperty('mywidget')) ? v.mywidget : ''; alert(val); // "data1" if saved, or "" if not */ $.tablesorter.storage = function(table, key, val){ var d, k, ls = false, v = {}, id = table.id || $('.tablesorter').index( $(table) ), url = window.location.pathname; try { ls = !!(localStorage.getItem); } catch(e) {} if (val) { // add unique identifiers = url pathname > table ID/index on page > data v[url] = {}; v[url][id]= {}; v[url][id] = val; // *** set val *** if (ls) { localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(v); } else { d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime()+(31536e+6)); // 365 days document.cookie = key + '=' + (JSON.stringify(v)).replace(/\"/g,'\"') + '; expires=' + d.toGMTString() + '; path=/'; } } else { // *** get val *** if (ls) { v = $.parseJSON(localStorage[key]) || {}; } else { k = document.cookie.split(/[;\s|=]/); // cookie d = $.inArray(key, k) + 1; // add one to get from the key to the value v = (d !== 0) ? $.parseJSON(k[d]) || {} : {}; } } return ( v && v.hasOwnProperty(url) && v[url].hasOwnProperty(id)) ? v[url][id] : {}; }; // Widget: jQuery UI theme // "uitheme" option in "widgetOptions" // ************************** $.tablesorter.addWidget({ id: "uitheme", format: function(table) { var time, klass, rmv, $t, t, $table = $(table), c = table.config, wo = c.widgetOptions, // ["up/down arrow (cssHeaders, unsorted)", "down arrow (cssDesc, descending)", "up arrow (cssAsc, ascending)" ] icons = ["ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s", "ui-icon-arrowthick-1-s", "ui-icon-arrowthick-1-n"]; // keep backwards compatibility, for now icons = (c.widgetUitheme && c.widgetUitheme.hasOwnProperty('css')) ? c.widgetUitheme.css || icons : (wo && wo.hasOwnProperty('uitheme')) ? wo.uitheme : icons; rmv = icons.join(' '); if (c.debug) { time = new Date(); } if (!$table.hasClass('ui-theme')) { $table.addClass('ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-theme'); $.each(c.headerList, function(){ $(this) // using "ui-theme" class in case the user adds their own ui-icon using onRenderHeader .addClass('ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-state-default') .append('') .wrapInner('
') .hover(function(){ $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); }, function(){ $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }); }); } $.each(c.headerList, function(i){ $t = $(this); if (this.sortDisabled) { // no sort arrows for disabled columns! $t.find('span.ui-icon').removeClass(rmv + ' ui-icon'); } else { klass = ($t.hasClass(c.cssAsc)) ? icons[1] : ($t.hasClass(c.cssDesc)) ? icons[2] : $t.hasClass(c.cssHeader) ? icons[0] : ''; t = ($table.hasClass('hasStickyHeaders')) ? $table.find('tr.' + wo.stickyHeaders || 'tablesorter-stickyheader').find('th').eq(i).add($t) : $t; t[klass === icons[0] ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('ui-state-active') .find('span.ui-icon').removeClass(rmv).addClass(klass); } }); if (c.debug) { $.tablesorter.benchmark("Applying uitheme widget", time); } } }); // Widget: Column styles // "columns" option in "widgetOptions" // ************************** $.tablesorter.addWidget({ id: "columns", format: function(table) { var $td, time, i, last, rmv, c = table.config, list = c.sortList, len = list.length, css = [ "primary", "secondary", "tertiary" ]; // default options // keep backwards compatibility, for now css = (c.widgetColumns && c.widgetColumns.hasOwnProperty('css')) ? c.widgetColumns.css || css : (c.widgetOptions && c.widgetOptions.hasOwnProperty('columns')) ? c.widgetOptions.columns || css : css; last = css.length-1; rmv = css.join(' '); if (c.debug) { time = new Date(); } // check if there is a sort (on initialization there may not be one) if (list && list[0]) { // loop through the visible rows $("tr:visible", table.tBodies[0]).each(function (i) { $td = $(this).children().removeClass(rmv); // primary sort column class $td.eq(list[0][0]).addClass(css[0]); if (len > 1) { for (i=1; i', time; if (c.debug) { time = new Date(); } for (i=0; i < cols; i++){ fr += '= 0) || (wo.filter_startsWith && x === 0) ) ) { r = (r) ? true : false; } else if (v[i] !== '') { r = false; } } $(this)[r ? 'show' : 'hide'](); if (cr.length) { cr[r ? 'show' : 'hide'](); } }); } $t.trigger('applyWidgets'); // make sure zebra widget is applied }); if (c.debug) { $.tablesorter.benchmark("Applying Filter widget", time); } } } }); // Widget: Sticky headers // based on this awesome article: // http://css-tricks.com/13465-persistent-headers/ // ************************** $.tablesorter.addWidget({ id: "stickyHeaders", format: function(table) { if ($(table).hasClass('hasStickyHeaders')) { return; } var $table = $(table).addClass('hasStickyHeaders'), wo = table.config.widgetOptions, win = $(window), header = $(table).find('thead'), hdrCells = header.find('tr').children(), css = wo.stickyHeaders || 'tablesorter-stickyheader', firstCell = hdrCells.eq(0), brdr = parseInt(hdrCells.eq(0).css('border-left-width'),10), sticky = header.find('tr.tablesorter-header').clone() .removeClass('tablesorter-header') .addClass(css) .css({ width : header.outerWidth() + brdr * 2, position : 'fixed', left : firstCell.offset().left, marginLeft : -brdr, top : 0, visibility : 'hidden', zIndex : 10 }), stkyCells = sticky.children(), laststate; // update sticky header class names to match real header after sorting $table.bind('sortEnd', function(e,t){ var th = $(t).find('thead tr'), sh = th.filter('.' + css).children(); th.filter(':not(.' + css + ')').children().each(function(i){ sh.eq(i).attr('class', $(this).attr('class')); }); }).bind('pagerComplete', function(){ win.resize(); // trigger window resize to make sure column widths & position are correct }); // set sticky header cell width and link clicks to real header hdrCells.each(function(i){ var t = $(this), s = stkyCells.eq(i) // set cell widths .width( t.width() ) // clicking on sticky will trigger sort .bind('click', function(e){ t.trigger(e); }) // prevent sticky header text selection .bind('mousedown', function(){ this.onselectstart = function(){ return false; }; return false; }); }); header.prepend( sticky ); // make it sticky! win .scroll(function(){ var offset = firstCell.offset(), sTop = win.scrollTop(), vis = ((sTop > offset.top) && (sTop < offset.top + $table.find('tbody').height())) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; sticky.css({ left : offset.left - win.scrollLeft(), visibility : vis }); if (vis !== laststate) { // trigger resize to make sure the column widths match win.resize(); laststate = vis; } }) .resize(function(){ sticky.css({ left : firstCell.offset().left - win.scrollLeft(), width: header.outerWidth() + brdr * 2 }); stkyCells.each(function(i){ $(this).width( hdrCells.eq(i).width() ); }); }); } }); // Add Column resizing widget // this widget saves the column widths if // $.tablesorter.storage function is included // ************************** $.tablesorter.addWidget({ id: "resizable", format: function(table) { if ($(table).hasClass('hasResizable')) { return; } $(table).addClass('hasResizable'); var i, j, w, s, c = table.config, $cols = $(c.headerList).filter(':gt(0)'), position = 0, $target = null, $prev = null, len = $cols.length, stopResize = function(){ position = 0; $target = $prev = null; $(window).trigger('resize'); // will update stickyHeaders, just in case }; s = ($.tablesorter.storage) ? $.tablesorter.storage(table, 'tablesorter-resizable') : ''; // process only if table ID or url match if (s) { for (j in s) { if (!isNaN(j) && j < c.headerList.length) { $(c.headerList[j]).width(s[j]); // set saved resizable widths } } } $cols .each(function(){ $(this) .append('
') .wrapInner('
'); }) .bind('mousemove', function(e){ // ignore mousemove if no mousedown if (position === 0 || !$target) { return; } var w = e.pageX - position, n = $prev; // make sure if ( $target.width() < -w || ( $prev && $prev.width() <= w )) { return; } // resize current column $prev.width( $prev.width() + w ); position = e.pageX; }) .bind('mouseup', function(){ if (s && $.tablesorter.storage && $target) { s[$prev.index()] = $prev.width(); $.tablesorter.storage(table, 'tablesorter-resizable', s); } stopResize(); return false; }) .find('.tablesorter-resizer') .bind('mousedown', function(e){ // save header cell and mouse position $target = $(e.target).closest('th'); $prev = $target.prev(); position = e.pageX; }); $(table).find('thead').bind('mouseup mouseleave', function(){ stopResize(); }); } }); // Save table sort widget // this widget saves the last sort only if the // $.tablesorter.storage function is included // ************************** $.tablesorter.addWidget({ id: 'saveSort', init: function(table, allWidgets, thisWidget){ // run widget format before all other widgets are applied to the table thisWidget.format(table, true); }, format: function(table, init) { var n, d, k, sl, time, c = table.config, sortList = { "sortList" : c.sortList }; if (c.debug) { time = new Date(); } if ($(table).hasClass('hasSaveSort')) { if (table.hasInitialized && $.tablesorter.storage) { $.tablesorter.storage( table, 'tablesorter-savesort', sortList ); if (c.debug) { $.tablesorter.benchmark('saveSort widget: Saving last sort: ' + c.sortList, time); } } } else { // set table sort on initial run of the widget $(table).addClass('hasSaveSort'); sortList = ''; // get data if ($.tablesorter.storage) { sl = $.tablesorter.storage( table, 'tablesorter-savesort' ); sortList = (sl && sl.hasOwnProperty('sortList') && $.isArray(sl.sortList)) ? sl.sortList : ''; if (c.debug) { $.tablesorter.benchmark('saveSort: Last sort loaded: ' + sortList, time); } } // init is true when widget init is run, this will run this widget before all other widgets have initialized // this method allows using this widget in the original tablesorter plugin; but then it will run all widgets twice. if (init && sortList && sortList.length > 0) { c.sortList = sortList; } else if (table.hasInitialized && sortList && sortList.length > 0) { // update sort change $(table).trigger('sorton', [sortList]); } } } }); })(jQuery);