/*! Weekday parser - 10/26/2014 (v2.18.0) * Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/Mottie/abkNM/4169/ */ /*jshint jquery:true */ ;(function($){ "use strict"; var ts = $.tablesorter; ts.dates = $.extend({}, ts.dates, { // *** modify this array to change match the language *** weekdayCased : [ 'Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat' ] }); ts.dates.weekdayLower = ts.dates.weekdayCased.join(',').toLocaleLowerCase().split(','); ts.addParser({ id: "weekday", is: function(){ return false; }, format: function(s, table) { if (s) { var j = -1, c = table.config; s = c.ignoreCase ? s.toLocaleLowerCase() : s; $.each(ts.dates[ 'weekday' + (c.ignoreCase ? 'Lower' : 'Cased') ], function(i,v){ if (j < 0 && s.match(v)) { j = i; return false; } }); // return s (original string) if there isn't a match // (non-weekdays will sort separately and empty cells will sort as expected) return j < 0 ? s : j; } return s; }, type: "numeric" }); })(jQuery);